'File Not Found' Error

I am getting an error:-
File 'C:Pathfile1.txt' does not exist

I am selecting a text file from the previous page to put into the database. When I hard code the file path it works fine. Any ideas?

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File Not Found 404 Error

There is an ASP page in my site which sometimes gives file not found error. This page which is suppossedly missing exists on the server and available most of the time. But
sometimes out of the blue, we get this message. When we restart IIS, the page works fine.

The rest of the site is usually fine. This one page gives the 404 error consistently. Obviously anything after this page could not be accessed. There are some other ASP pages as well which become unavailable (giving file not found errors) from time to time.

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ASP Error: HTTP 404 - File Not Found

I am encountering an error HTTP 404 - File not found. It seems that
when I upload a file with a symbol # in the filename, this error
occurs (e.g. case#2.pdf). I cannot access the file I uploaded. But
when I upload the same file with a different filename or just without
the symbol # (e.g. case2.pdf) , it works I can access the file. Why is
this the case?

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Accessing ASP Files Gives 404 'File Not Found' Error

I have a virtual directory which I can access as Directory
Browing has been enabled. Now if in Internet Explorer I
open any Static content like HTMLs/SWF's they work fine.
But when I try to open an ASP page it gives me a 404 'File
not Found' Error. ASPX pages work fine though they are in
a different sub folder.

I have checked the security settings and they are not
hidden. Any ideas?

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File Not Found 404

i got an error saying file not found 404 when redirect to html page
and i ensure that the file is found in the same directory and in the database :
response.redirect results("Url")
where Url is the column name in the database that contain the page name

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File Not Found - 404

How to find the File not found error in Javascript. My problem is When click the help image button, i want to display the help popup window to the corresponding page, if it is available.

If the help page is not available for the particular page, common 'No help' page should be displayed in popup window. How can i find the file not found error in javascript.

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File Not Found

I have moved an asp application from one IIS server to another and now having problems with the app on the second server. All I did was to move the folder as it is.

Here is the error:

AnnuityRate-Annuity.CalcAnnuityCommonCode E:InetpubwwwrootpensionchoiceForms-Annuity.APIAnnuityCalculationASP error '800a0035'

File not found: AnnQ32.DLL

/pensionchoice/forms/include/commonRosDLL.inc, line 134

My knowledge in ASP is very low - so please suggest. I tried to do a REGSVR32 on the dll with no luck.

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HTTP 404 File Not Found

Do anyone has got any idea about how to deal in ASP page when any link in asp page contains other URL that does not exist or open.

Basically I want to trap this kind of error when user is redirected to other site in a new window and it can't display that page may be due to non existent of that URL or page removed.

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Error: Item Cannot Be Found...

I am receiving the following error when I try calling a variable back from SQL Server 2005.

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/etms/WorkFlow/ProductWF/Components.asp, line 193

The query works fine when i execute it from SQL server but when I integrate it into ASP it doesn't work. Can anyone please shed some light on this. Code:

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Page Error (Can't Be Found)

I am trying to send two values to a page, this is very similar to a previous post that I saw on this newsgroup, not sure if it was resolved or not.

"Results.ASP" exists, I am thinking there is something wrong with my syntax.


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Object Not Found Error

I am getting this error when I am trying to calling another asp page via verify email link...not sure what is it.
HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found

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Not Found Error"

I have an exe that is programmed to enter itself in the registry so that whenever the user logs into the machine the exe starts executing. This exe reads data from a text file. whenever the user logs in he gets "file not found" messagebox (the application is in VB) even though the file that it reads from exists.

If we kill the process from the task manager and run it again there is no such error. Its only when the user logs in that he gets this error. The process has to be killed and restarted for it to work.

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Error - Item Cannot Be Found...

the query works sometimes, but then after a few it wont work. Its a DB2 database, just creating a report page.

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

Code: error is on line 93 which reads: Code:

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Error: SlDispatch.dll Not Found

when ever i try to access asp files from the web server i get this error message:
Error: slDispatch.dll not found.

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Error :: Path Not Found Error

i get this error

Error Report: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A004C)
Path not found line 236

IF objFso.FolderExists(strPath) AND Request.QueryString("delete_file") = "y" THEN
objFso.DeleteFolder(strPath) ---------------> line 236

But if the path is not found line 236 shouldnot execute right?

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Missing DLL File :: SlASP3.dll Not Found

when I try to access an ASP page from the server I get the following error message

Error: slASP3.dll not found

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File Or Assembly Name Or One Of Its Dependencies, Was Not Found...

we have some web solutions still running on old ASP 3.0 Platform. So I
created .NET component in c# with COM interoperability and registered it on
server. But when i try to create a new instance in asp page, server show
following message: Code:

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File Name Or Class Name Not Found During Automation Operation

Could someone point me in the right direction? I've
migrated three FrontPage 2002 websites to a new web
server. Each web site has a Access 2000 database on the
data server.

I have the global.asa on each site pointing
to a .udl file which is pointing to the appropriate access
DB on the data server. We're not allowed to use DSN's.
Front Page 2002 will not allow me to create a network
connection to an Access (only SQL). Only one of the three
web sites work. On the other two I keep getting the
following message when I open an ASP page: Code:

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Timeslots :: File Name Or Class Name Not Found During Automation Operation

I have a page in my website which display the weekly timeslots. The code that generates these slots is giving me the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b0'
File name or class name not found during Automation operation: 'regExp'

It used to work fine, I have no clue what has gone wrong.

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Deleting Specific Line From Text File FOUND!

After looking all over the place and finding codes in vb and in php I even had asked several people on other boards but none of them knew how to do it I say the best way to learn this .asp .aspx junk is to DO IT yourself although Ive scripted in the past with the mIRC client which is why I know programming and html but if anyone is looking for the code this is how its done Code:

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Error ASp .NET WEb Service : URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

i'm using windows XP, IIS 5.1, Visual .NET 2003 and SQL Server 2000.

When I open New Project - Visual C# Projects - ASP .NET Web Service -

Location : http://localhost/WebService1

After that i click OK, then it returns error

"The web server reported the following error when

attempting to create or open the web project

located at the following

URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

After that i try this : Code:

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Nothing Found

I am trying to put a search by product name function on the following page, i think i have everything write but for some reason the page always says product not found as if the query is not getting past Code:

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Item Cannot Be Found

in my asp file i get the following error

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/emirate/view.asp, line 175

my database is access,i checked both data base as well as the coding,both field names are correct

my sql is only this
sql= "select * from MasterEntry"

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Page Not Found - Sometimes

I have run into a peculiar problem and need a little shove to solve it.

I have an ASP app that tests to see if the browser allows cookies. Complains
if cookies are off, otherwise proceeds to a login page.

Using MS-IE 5 or higher - works fine
Using IE5 or Safari on a Macintosh (OS 9 or 10) gives a page not found error
when trying to detect the cookie setting.

The ASP code use Request.Redirect. I made some htm pages to allow debugging
of the redirect and get the same failure.

I could really use some suggestions for making the Mac machines work.

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Search Key Not Found?

I'm getting a truly odd error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The search key was not found in any record.

/admin/test/articles.asp, line 286


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Object Could Not Be Found

Why do I get 'object could not be found' or 'invalid object name'?somebody could explain and what the solution for this.

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Item Cannot Be Found

have a look at this code and see if they can spot the error. I've been looking for sometime but I'm blind to it - I have a feeling it might be something to do with the ID field? The connection appears fine so this is unlikely to be the cause .

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Item Cannot Be Found

I know what this error is, all fieldnames have been verified and reverified. Not sure why it is happening. Here is the SQL statement

strSQL = "SELECT Problems.TicketNumber, Activity, ActDate FROM Problems LEFT
JOIN Resolutions ON Problems.TicketNumber = Resolutions.TicketNumber WHERE
Problems.TicketNumber = " & Ticket & " ORDER BY ActDate DESC;"

<td><% = rs("Problems.TicketNumber") %></td>

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Item Cannot Be Found

I'm getting this error working on a RecordSet that is filled by a LEFT JOIN query. Everything works fine, until an attempt to access data from the child table in the RecordSet when it doesn't exist.

Which results in "Item cannot be found in the collection". Is there a check that I can perform to see if a RecordSet item exists before attempting to access it?

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Files Not Found

We have an application that uses WinInet and ASP to transfer files from an application server to a web server via an FTP component based on WinInet. An ASP page calls this component to transfer the requested file then opens the file and loads it into ADODB.Stream in order to download it to the user.

Things work fine up to the point where the Open|Save|Cancel dialog appears. If the user clicks Open or Save, a fair percentage of the time, they get a "File not found" error displaying the file name followed by a bracketed number, e.g. file[1].txt.

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Path Could Not Be Found

I have few asp pages, in each i connect to the DB, same con name in all of the pages.
one page return error, as above, I had these pages working allright before, but i had to
reinstall the IIS 5.1 because it was corrapted after installing SP2, and now rose this error, what could be the reason, do i have to change settings? of what? the wwwroot folder?

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The Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The search key was not found in any record.

/warcouncil/issue_update2.asp, line 99

i know for the fact that it is something to do with microsoft access 2000, long text in a field will eventually make the row uneditable and undeletable.

Is there a workaround for this?Or all i need is just to remake the database in a newer microsoft access version?

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Path Not Found Errror When Using FSO

i recently moved an intranet site from my test development desktop running IIS to a
Windows 2000 Server.

Part of my site requires admin users to write descriptions of books, leaflets etc. to text files stored in a specific directory in the Server.

I am using the exact same set up which worked great with IIS, the only change i have made is to the path for the file name, which i have now made relative. Code:

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