[ASP] Sequence Rows

In the table MYSQL I have this sequence of rows:


I like to see:


and query that counts for all rows like ASSI ...

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Collating Sequence

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system.

anyone knows wat's wrong with this?I am using asp, msaccess2003, using DSN, and winXP SP2

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Sequence Of Execution

In an asp file, the statements are like this,

1. HTML Tags
2. Javascript
3. VBScript
4. HTML Tags
5. asp coding
6. Javascript
7. VBScript
8. asp coding

tell me the sequece of execution in an asp file.

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More One Word In Sequence

I have an issue with the search functionality page, on my text search box, if I type "bought by" with quotes to search for these 2 words in sequence in my database for reports that contain these 2 words in sequence, I get an error on the results page.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-20000: Oracle Text error: DRG-51030: wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms

/basic_results.asp, line 289

and my basic_results page code is attached as a txt file.

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Write A Sequence To A Table

looking for code to write a seuqence of numbers to a table in access. user selects quantity to populate, lets say 50 . so the table would need to be populated with the first number of trackid0001 up to trackid0050 through the script

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Change The Loop Sequence

I have a website where I present the price of some products. The products and its prices are stored in a database. I want to loop through the products and order them by the price, starting with te cheapest.
This is easy if I could use the price in the database. But some of the products have discounted prices. The discount is given on the website, so therefore I cant order the recordset by the price column, I have to set the looping sequence of the recordset in another way.

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Validating Forms In Sequence?

I am trying to sort out validation for a form to display the error message in sequence.
ie; when you click continue with blank form fields the first message should read: "Please enter your previous address (Line 1)" but instead it starts with PostCode then time at the address then town? Code:

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Load Page Out Of Sequence

I have a "Digital Dashboard" that basically has 4 IFrame sections.
The page flows in the following order: Messages, Stocks, Weather, User
Links. Please note that this order needs to stay that way.
Everything but the Stocks section is pulled from our dB. I am using
the server control InetCtls.Inet to obtain the stock data from Yahoo

The question I have is can I load the page using the dB driven sources
first and then the external source (e.g., Messages, Weather, Links,
Stocks). In other words, I need to page to render the Stock portion
last. What currently happens is the page loads, then "pauses" while
loading the stock information, and then finally loads the remaining
content. The pause is caused by the "screen scraping." If I can give
the appearance that the page has fully loaded, and then load the
stocks last, that would be perfect. I tried looking at script defer,
but I don't think that is what I want.

In summary, I have 1 asp page that contains 4 IFrames. I need to load
the page out of sequence. Is this possible? Any help would be much
appreciated. We are running IIS 5.0 w/ asp 3.0.

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Function Sequence Error In ASP

In my application I get the error 'function sequence error' when i try to use RS.MoveFirst . This happens only in one screen but the same doesn't happen in another 2 screens where i am using RS.Movefirst. Code:

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Retrieving Sequence Numbers From Oracle

I seem to have a problem retrieving a sequence number from ASP using OO4O. Using ADODB, everything works correctly, however, using OO4O it seems to burn off an additional sequence number (ie it increments by 2 each time).

strSQL = "select sicontractnum.nextval as thenum from dual"
set rsContractNum = dbConn.CreateDynaset(strSQL,0)
response.write rsContractNum.Fields("thenum")
set rsContractNum = nothing

dbConn is a connection object created from the connection pool during session startup.

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Correct User, Password Sequence For DSN-Less DB Conn.?

I'm trying to access an access database by including the DB's password within the connection string. I try to connect to the DB, but I get and "Incorrect Password" error. What am I doing wrong?

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; uid=admin; pwd="pass"
set rsUpdateEntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")

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ODBC Error: Function Sequence Error When Using .MoveFirst

This is the stubborn error I'm getting in my ASP code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error

It points to the line: lrsQuery.MoveFirst, as below Code:

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Max Rows

Does any one know a good site where I can go to learn how to let the user determine how many rows they want to display?

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Add Rows On Form

My idea is to have a web form that a user can add extra fields if needed.
Example would be a form that a user would add ComputerName, IP, and at least
one row of data say Application, Vendor, Contact. Then they need to add two
more rows of the same data (App,Ven,Cont). So I guess some sort of
dynamically adding more fields for more data entry. The point being you
don't have an idea how may there really are to add. Then on the database
side I would guess one table to hold the IdentNumber,ComputerName, IP and
another table for the IdentNumber, App,Ven,Cont.

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Combining Rows

I have a database used by another application, i want to be able to manipulate the data stored in the database, the problem is that the way the information is stored its awkward(assume this is purposely so), but i cannot change the db structure at all, so heres my problem: Each Person in this database will have multiple comments stored against them:

ID | CommentCode | LineNum | ValueData
1234 COMM1 1 Something about thi
1234 COMM1 2 s person seperated ov
1234 COMM1 3 er multiple lines
1234 COMM2 1 Something else about
1234 COMM2 2 them

What i want to do is circle through the recordset and combine the multiple lines of the same comment, any ideas/examples?

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How Many Rows Returned?

When I do a query that I know has 2 rows, I get rs.recordcount equals -1. Same thing when it's just one row. I need something that gives me the number of rows.

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Returning Only 100 Rows

I was wondering if anybody could advise me how to return just 100 rows from a database query. In Cold Fusion I'd use the maxrows function, but not sure how to do in ASP (or can I do it in just SQL?). My code is thus :

' Retrieve last 100 records. Query then run through the query building a string
Set objRetrieve = objConn.Execute("SELECT Players_ID, Players_Name, Players_Score FROM Players ORDER BY Players_Score DESC")

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Editing Many Rows At Once

We've been asked to upgrade the system and one of the common complaints is that they often have to edit just one field, but for all the students. Currently you have a list of students and you have to click each one and go to their summary page before you can edit anything.

So they've asked if there is there any way of creating a 'spreadsheet like' view of my data and allowing the user to edit and either save everything, or save each row as they go (without causing a page refresh).

I managed to get a basic idea up and running, involving lots of wee forms or one big form... but my ASP ended up creating 266 SQL queries to do the saving (one for each pupil) ... and the script would just take forever. Code:

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Flashing Rows

Does anyone know how to make a table row flash in a certain colour,
depending on a DB value?

I have a helpdesk application listing statuses of Agents and the calls
queued on the system.

When a call is queued, I wish to make that Agent's Table row, flash.

Or even a cell flash.

Any ideas?

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Counting DB Rows

For example:
If I had a table with the headings
ID Colour Car
1 Blue Volvo
2 Red Fiesta
3 Green Mondeo
4 Red Volvo
5 Red Fiesta
6 Blue Fiesta

How could I use asp to count how many times say the colour red appeared in the table displayed in a numeric value, i.e There are 4 red cars in the able

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Counting Rows

i know that in sql you can output the amount of rows with COUNT(col_name), but what asp do i need to output this

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Get Total Rows

I have a list of data in a database(access). How can I get the total rows in the database?

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Put All Rows Into A String

I have a column called state with 50 rows as 50 US states. I want to display the rows as one string like TX, NY,How can I do this easily?

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Add Rows To Dimensioned

Is the following assumption correct?If I setup an array with 5 rows and 8 columns.

Private invoiceItemsArray
ReDim invoiceItemsArray(4,7)

Am I stuffed if I want to add a fifth row? From what I've read I will only be able to add more columns in this instance.Is this correct? And if so is there a work-a-round. Would I need to create a new array with one extra row, use the old one to populate it and then add my new row data?

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Sort Rows With SQL

When I try to sort rows of records in asp with sql I cant get them coming out right. The column I'm trying to sort has record values such as 63, 254, 98, 7 but when I try to sort them ascending I get 254, 63, 7, 98 but I want 7, 63, 98, 254. Please help because its been annoying me for ages.

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Dynamic Rows

I have a Javascript function which dynamically generates rows containing a List box having fixed options. Whenever i add a new row through my function the previously selected values in List box are not getting retained. This works fine in IE6 but not in FireFox 1.0 PR. This feature i am implementing using ASP and Javascript.

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Rows In Recordset

How can I determine the number of rows in a recordset? myRecordSet.Fields.Count returns only 1?

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Selecing Only Rows

Is it possible in a ASP page when querying a table to only pull out the rows with data in, and not display the rows with null values?

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Add Multiple Rows

I want a way to be able to add up to 99 new items into a table. I've search around but haven't found much. I think I am using the wrong word or function?

Entry page would look like:

1. var1, var2, var3,... var10
2. var1, var2, var3,... var10
3. var1, var2, var3,... var10
4. var1, var2, var3,... var10
5. var1, var2, var3,... var10
99. var1, var2, var3,... var10

I can't do a "INSERT INTO table_blah Values()" . Should I look towards an Array? I suck at those.

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How Many Rows Are There In Table

adoRS.Open "select * from table_name"

numField = adoRS.Fields.Count
response.write("Number of Filed of table_name = "&numFiled)

how will i know how many rows are there in table_name? is there a

numRows = adoRS.Rows.Count

any help with this?

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Repetition Of Rows

In the code below I have the problem that I get an error if rstal("talent") doesn't exist for that record. What I want to modify is that if in the record rstal("talent") is in bof or eof or doesnt exist then just show image add.jpg. Code:

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How To Delete Rows From Array?

How to delete an empty row in an multi dimenssional array? For example,

Array(1,?) LIT-361 1 3
Array(4,?) LIT-332 10 30

I want to delete row 2 and 3. How do I do it?

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Insert Dynamic Rows

I've made a form on a php page, where one of the fields is automatically filled in dynamically from the page it is referred from. That part is working find, it pulls up the product model number from the page it is referred from. Now, when it is submitted it runs an asp script to send a confirmation email to them, then sends an email to me with the information collected from the form. That still works as well. So, finally, here is my problem and question:

I cannot get the variable that the form pulls up automatically using php, to be passed into the asp script and sent through the email. All other variables work.

Is that because the script that is used to send the email is asp - yeet the variable is pulled from php? I would think because it puts a dynamic figure, and submits it, that it would becomes static. I'm not sure what the issue is here.

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