Front End

iis runs on win2k3. i need to have a web-based app that among others does something like this:

1. login - validate against the local user database.
2. user must belong to a certain group (say backup operators group).
3. create a web-based front end to the task scheduler. create, modify, delete schedules.
i dont have a starting point with regards to the three requirements.

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Front Page/Asp/IIS

Currently working on transferring site to a new host. Site uploaded, but we are unable to browse asp pages ?

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SQL Server W/ASP Front-End

We've recently rebuilt our entire website with a normalized database
structure (previous structure was horrific). The structure is great now,
but we also recoded approximately 5000 ASP pages. Site went up today with
minimal difficulty (probably 10 minor problems). Then, at about 4pm, the
entire web server locked up and we weren't able to access it. I couldn't
get into it via remote desktop, explorer or any other means and the site
locked up entirely. Any idea what could be causing this (outside of a

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IIS ASP Is Front End Or Back End?

I always heard people saying IIS ASP front end, and MS-SQL back end. ASP is
for server side programming and dynamic content generation, how could it is
called front end? Because I thought it is executed in the server, which is
back end? I think I am confused with the term front end and back end here.

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Web Based Front End

iis runs on win2k3.i need to have a web-based app that among others does something like this:

1. login - validate against the local user database.
2. user must belong to a certain group (say backup operators group).
3. create a web-based front end to the task scheduler. create, modify, delete schedules.

i dont have a starting point with regards to the three requirements

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Front Page

I have a website using ASP. All the codes are written in Front Page (Microsoft Office for Windows XP).

I want to use Front Page 2003 and Microsoft Office 2003.The website codes are going to transfer to the Front Page 2003.

Would it going to be a problem since all the codes were originally created in Office for windows XP?

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Front End To Convert To XML

I've been charged with coming up with an application that would allow a user to type in a social security number, have a page retrieve the person's information from a SQL Server DB and then convert that information to an XML file. Has anyone had any kind of experience.

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Creating The Front End

I have my database created and i need to do the front end of it on the website but i have no idea how to get the information from the database to the website.

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Updating Values On ASP Front End

I am trying to run an update statement to show a value on a front end ASP page. What I would like to see is if the value from the update statement in null I want to display a zero on the front end.

I wrote this statement and thought it would do that but it still doesnt appear as a zero it just shows nothing because null cannot be displayed. Code:

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Inserting A 0 In Front Of A Number

inserting a 0 in front of a number? i dont think i can do it with data type "int" so i changed to "nvarchar" and for some reason upon inserting it still takes the 0 away

inserting - "0600" for example.. only 600 is inserted.. but if i manually input it it works.. errrr

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From Front Page Form

I have created a workorder form on Front Page that employees use to send in computer and other maintenance problems. In the form properties, I can choose to send the data to a database OR send it in an email, but can not choose both. We have it going to a database so we can better manage the data. But we would also like to send an email notification when a new record is added to the database.

I've tried this in Access on the database end but came up emptyhanded. The Access gurus have suggested it's something I need to do in html on the form. My html is very limited so I'm hoping someone can tell me if this is possible, and how I would go about doing it. The HTML gurus suggested it was an ASP issue.

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Dates Back To Front

Why is it when I enter a date in a date field and update, sometimes it will be displayed in US format (month, day) and sometimes in English (day, month) and is there any way around this?

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How Do I Command A Browser Screen To Front From Asp?

Our application launches a webbrowser window with a command to (more than
one) asp's on the host. The window is reused for subsequent commands.
Unfortunately, the old window is usually underneath some other window and
unaccessable from the application.

Is there (preferably) a browser-independant method to command the window to
front from the asp?

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3 Sections & Dynamic Front Page.

my site (which I am currently redeveloping) has 3 different sections to the site. All which well contain different information.

What I want to know is how can I make the starting page of the site display information which the users is looking for.

eg. if the user always go to one section of the site the main page well show information relevant to that section. (I hope you know what I mean)

So I was thinking about how to do this and this is what I came up with.

Set a cookie for the site and each section has there own number value (eg. 1 to 10)
When the user hits the main page it gets the values of all 3 sections from the cookies and checks which has the most value (eg 3, 5, 10).

Based upon the highest value each section has there own .asp include which is shown to the user.

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Front Page Connect With Database

i wanna connect front page forms with the database for searching and updation .. how can i do it.. in asp it ask to host the web it doesn't works on disk drive..any one help to solve this proplem..any alternative

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Logon_user Blank In Front Page Web Only

I have 2 webs under my default web running win2003

1. A front-page intranet
2. A asp (not .net) web is fine

Both allow anonomous access. My front page web always gets a BLANK Request.ServerVariables("Logon_User"). The asp web gets the logon_user OK. Both webs have a global.asa that has Code:

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Testing ASP Pages With Windows Front Page

I have FrontPage 2003 on my XP laptop. I need to test some web pages with *.asp codes which worked perfectly well with my old Win95 computer in the past. Of course I had to install Personal Web Server to it in order to do the job.

The help files of FP, gives the clue that it has the facilities to behave like a server and test interactive web pages. But I haven't seen the use of ASP pages with it. I do not wish to install a server on my XP just to test ASP pages.

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Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Enter Table In Front Page Say The Logic

I'm trying to put the 4 latest(by publication date) articles published in my press table on the front page of my site. What's the logic here:

Show only the 4 latest articles

and if there is no addition to the article db:

Show latest articles for 1 month.

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Front Page Server Extention Problem

I have installed Front page server Extention on IIS 5.0 it was working fine.
I was able to load project from Visual Interdav and doing well. Yesterday I
installed a security update from Microsoft and after that every thing stop
working and I am getting the error below when ever I am trying to connect to
server using V Interdev. Error Shows that FP Server Extention is not
installed but its there even I removed it and installed it back error is
still there.

"An HHTP error occured. The server could not complete your request. Contact
your Internet Service Provider or Web Server administrator to make sure that
the server has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed, and that the Web
application exists on that server" Code:

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Problem In Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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