12 Hours Format Into 24 Hours

i'm importing a date ( 13/2/2005 1:20:22 PM) from SQL server
to informix.
The problem now is informix doesnt accept alphabet in datetime format,
so i plan to convert it before the date insert into informix db.
But the problem is i dont know any function that can convert the date time
from 12 hours format to 24 hours format.

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Date, 12 & 24 Hours Clock Format

I have two Win2K machines. Both "appear" to have been set up identically.

They both reckon that they're using UK date format.

However, if I create the following ASP code:

Response.Write Now

One returns
16/01/2004 17:12:19

Which is what I want, whilst the other returns:

1/16/2004 5:15:21 PM

Here, the day and month have been transposed and the time appears in the 12 hour clock format.

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Number Into Hours

I need to convert number into hours..Example: 12.60 should be 13 hrs,etc.

My variables
Total = oRs0("Tot") + oRs1("Tot1")

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Average Of The Hours

I need to get average of the hours after (start_date - end_date). *start_date and end_date is in format 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss am' . Is there any function in oracle that i can use so that i can directly get the average of the hours in SQL statement?

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Subtracting Hours From 'Now()'

How can I subtract hours from 'Now()'?

I can subtract a day, but that's by only having ONE integer...what do I do for hours? (i need this because our server uses EST and clients need their TimeZone)

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Add Hours To The Current Time

how you convert an integer such as 5 into an hour string so the system identifies it as an hour instead of just the number 5 and then once you do that ("if you need to do that at all") add 5 hours to the current time...

Also is there a way way to add lets say 50 hours to our current time and date so when it is calculated it shows 2 days and 2 hours away from now... If you cant do that it would be nice to know how to change 7.85 into just 7... or 8.94 into just 8... no rounding up or down just the first number before the decimal.

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Total Weekly Hours

I am using a select sum(tot_daily) as total hours ...it calculates the time incorretly...
ID | Tot_hrs | Person
1 5.45 A
2 5.45 A
3 5.45 A

The total hours should be 17 hours 15 mins...but the result comes as 16.35.... Is there a way to calculate it as 17.15 in db level in a select statement

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ASP DATE Between NOW And 24 HOURS Earlier.

How would I write in SQL or ASP the following?:

Count number of Database Records between NOW and 24 HOURS EARLIER? I know
how to retrieve recordsets etc - its just the date thing I cant grasp. I am
stuck getting the 24 hours earlier data capture.

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Obtaining Work Hours

I have a request from the boss to make a report that will require me to display how many hours something has been in a particular state. (As in status). Hard to explain. Anyway, I need to go to the table in the db, find all rows for a particular trouble ticket, find when they were put into one of our 7 statuses, when they were put into another status (this info is already in those rows), then determine how many hours they spent there in
each status.

So a ticket report will say that ticket 1000 spent 4 hours in customer research, 5 hrs in our company coding. 3 in our company testing, 4 in customer testing, etc.

The thing is, It has to assume an 8-5 workday, and leave out any hours which don't fall in between 8 am to 5 pm, and also rule out any weekends.

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If The DateDiff Is 24 Hours, Delete Record

I just need to know the DateDiff function for what I need to do...

I will store the date of the database record in a variable called 'sDate' what now? (Also, the format is xx/xx/xx 2:4:56 PM/AM)

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Writing Code To Countdown Hours

I'm trying to write a script to countdown the number of hours and minutes until tomorrow. So far, this is what I have:

response.write(dateDiff("h",now(),date+1)) & " hours and " & dateDiff("m",Time(),date+1) & " Minutes "
The code above correctly displays the hours until tomorrow. but it's not displaying the minutes correctly. It's displaying the total minutes until tomorrow. If there at 4 hours left until tomorrow it's saying "4 Hours and 240 minutes."

I need it to display "4 hours and 0 minutes."

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Years, Months, Days, Hours, Seconds

Been playing with the function DateDiff, and with it it's easy to calculate the difference in years/months/days between two dates. However, if i wanted to calculate the difference in Years, Months, Days, Hours, Seconds (a la Ebay bids) how can I do this? Is it easy or complicated?

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Database Current Time -(minus) 3 Hours

Ive got some code on my site that shows how current the database is. Basically it looks at fixed text file that I am basing the database on, checks to see iwhen it was created, then displays the time.

My webserver must be on the East Coast and I am on the West Coast, so the time the stamped file time is 3 hours ahead. Code:

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I Just Spent Several Hours Shaving A Total Of 250 Milliseconds Off My Application

building variable width/DB tables etc using getrows instead of movenext.
Performance is a major concern as this app requires SSL.

My question is, when does it become more about the challenge of building
faster apps vs. getting the job done??? If my calculations are correct, I
just added an extra 10,000+ possible hits within a 12 hour day or so.. an
extra 10,000 hits???!!! What percentage of applications do you think will
ever see this kind of traffic?

Is this insane? If this app ever gets maxed out, will my end users ever
realistically notice a difference?

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Script To Format Existing Access Table Into Wall Calendar Format?

I have the tables set up in Access, viewing in column format on ASP pages but now the company wants the schedule reports to be in a wall-calendar type format. I've searched and found calendar scripts but I need one that's creates a table resizable to a report size format. Using the existing MS Access db I've written is also a plus.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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Convert Any Audio Format Files To Vox Format

if there any asp or vb functions that can convert any audio format files to vox format.

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How To Format Date In MM/DD/YYYY Format

how to format date in MM/DD/YYYY format in ASP?

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Format A Name

I was wondering what would be the best function to format a name.
Say I have a function FormatName that takes in a string that is FRED SMITH and needs to return Fred Smith. The function basically needs to make sure the first character of each word is capitalized. What is the best way to do this?

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CDO Format

how do you format an email in asp. For example: i want my email to read, The following customer has requested two tables then on the next line, it should provide customer's name then next line address and on and on.
Quote: Originally Posted by nschafer Or if you want a button instead of a link:

<input type="button" value="Close" onclick="opener.location='yourhomepage.htm';window.close(); ">

This will redirect the page that opens the popup as well as closing the popup.

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Format Of URL

I must have the format of the below line wrong for IE:

click <a href="cal.asp?sdate=<% =strDate1 %>&location=<% =strLocation
%>&eTime=<% =strDate2 %>">here</a> to add this information to your

When I hover my mouse over the link, the status bar at the bottom of the
page for IE says: shortcut to 2006 11:00 AM
With Firefox I get: http://sd-school/forms/cal.asp?sdate=10/18/2006 10:00
AM&location=Library&eTime=10/18/2006 11:00 AM

The form works in Firefox, which is what I use for testing. So either the
format is wrong, or IE doesn't like the spaces or something. It doesn't
matter which dates I use, I get the same results.

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At the moment I'm entering a new record in my database for every pageview (the record holds several things like IP, useragent..etc). I think this is asking too much of my database, and I get a lot of errors all the time.
Perhaps I should switch to entering each 'record' into a XML-file, and use that for my statistics? Any disadvantages, performance issues?

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Saving CSV Format In Asp

i am encountering some problems in converting some data into CSV format..i have alreadi retrieve the data however i do not knoe of ani methods of converting to CSV...is there ani method to save the directory to .csv

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Format Date In Asp

Can someone help me with this request?

1. Data in my access database have the format "9/10 2005"

2. When I show all dates within an asp page I get the following format

The format I want to show in my asp page is the following format "9/10-05"

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UK & US Date Format

My database (access) has a date field.

When I display the date through a recordset, it comes back in US format (mm,dd,yyyy)

How do you make it appear in UK format (dd,mm,yyyy)?

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Email Format

I have a problem don't know how to write the attachment file frm mail....

<title>Thank you for reply with us.</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim strBody
Dim myElement

For Each myElement in Request.Form
Select Case Left(myElement ,3)
Case "txt","sel","rad":
strBody = strBody & Replace(Mid(myElement,4,len(myElement)),"."," ") & _
": "
if Len(Request.Form(myElement)) = 0 then
strBody = strBody & "UNANSWERED"
strBody = strBody & Request.Form(myElement)
end if

strBody = strBody & vbCrLf

Case "chk":
strBody = strBody & Replace(Mid(myElement,4,len(myElement)),"."," ") & _
": " & Request.Form(myElement) & vbCrLf
Case "are":
strBody = strBody & Replace(Mid(myElement,4,len(myElement)),"."," ") & _
": " & Request.Form(myElement) & vbCrLf
End Select

strBody = strBody & vbCrLf & strFooter

'Time to send the email
'Dim smtp
Set smtp = server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

' set the mail properties
smtp.Subject = "ApplicationForm"
smtp.From = "ApplicationForm"
smtp.To = "connie@auroraxsis.com"
smtp.Body = strBody

' fire off the email message
'Response.Redirect "thankyou.asp"

' check return value error code
'if objMail.errorCode = mmeNone then
' Response.Redirect "thankyou.htm"
' Response.Write ("Mail message was not delevered to the SMTP server." & "<br><br>")
' Response.Write ("Please try again later" & "<br><br>" )
' Response.Write ("The error code was :" & Cstr(objMail.ErrorCode) & "<br><br>" )
' Response.Redirect ""
'end if

' always destroy the object
' set smtp = Nothing

' Response.Write ("Thank you for advertising with us. We will revert to you soonest possible.")

' Response.Redirect strRedirectURL

<script language="JavaScript">
//set message:
msg = "Welcome To International Education Counsultancy";
timeID = 10;
stcnt = 16;
wmsg = new Array(33);
blnk = " ";
for (i=1; i<32; i++)
b = blnk.substring(0,i);
for (j=0; j<msg.length; j++) wmsg[i]=wmsg[i]+msg.charAt(j)+b;

function wiper()
if (stcnt > -1) str = wmsg[stcnt]; else str = wmsg[0];
if (stcnt-- < -40) stcnt=31;
status = str;
timeID = setTimeout("wiper()",100);

// -->
BODY { margin-top: 0.00in; margin-left: 0.0in;}

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<table width="75%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="40%" align="center">
<td valign="middle" width="25%" height="288">
<div align="center"><img src="http://www.iec.com.my/images/tk.jpg" width="576" height="198"></div>

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Format E-mail

I use an ASP mail object to send orders filled online to a recipient via an e-mail. I would like to know if it's possible to format the way the order looks in an e-mail? I tried the following, but see no change in the format:

H1 = "<b><font size=2 color=#ED171F face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif>Order Type:</font></b>"

StrBody = H1 + Request(OrderNum) + vbCrLf

Then I get Order Type: just as plain as it would come if it didn't have any formatting.

If I do the following:

StrBody = "<b>Order Type:</b> + Request(OrderNum) + vbCrLf

Then I get <b>OrderType:</b> as the heading.

Does anyone know if it's possible to format the way the text look in an e-mail that is sent using the ASP Mail Object? Is there a different way of controlling the format/appearance of the text that appears in an e-mail?

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Format Display Rss.xml With Asp

I've looked over the last 2000 posts for info on incorportating an RSS feed on a web page using ASP to control the display - especially which elements are shown and how many items are shown. I found a free ASP script that I hoped would do the job >>>

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Asp To Excel Format

<%Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"%>

which save my asp query to excel, but the TYPE of excel it saves as is WEB PAGE. is there a way to save as a excel workbook?

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Format Paragraph

I've had some excellent help before on this forum and hoping for some more.
This is probably very basicbut I'm kind of muddling along a bit and it's a miracle I got so far.I have a memo text field in a table form and I'm wanting to enter text into it but all a small amount of formatting. Just basic paragraph breaks would be a start. This is kind of following on from a previous post of mine where I was trying to include line breaks. This was the solution.

<textarea name=whatever WRAP="HARD">

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Date Format..

got anyone know wat is the code for
date format?i need to display the next 3 days's date as default value

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Format Of Google

I have some pictures in database.now i am printing it using response.write in one page.It is working properly.I want to print it in such away(it should follows google page)like every page it should print 2 and then another page.

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Format Currency In ASP?

Is there an easy way to format a number into a currency display style eg:

I have this set in my Access database on the field but my asp produces:

Is there perhaps a formatCurrency command or something like that in ASP?

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Html Format

can anybody help me out?what i need to do is -- upload a .doc file to an
html format so that the formatted text is not changed.

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