2 Decimal Space For Price

how i can have a fixed 2 decimal space for price of an item.i have the code shown below but the result shows more than 2 decimal space or even 1 space. Code:

<%=formatnumber(rsProdInfo("Unit_Price"))*(GST)+ formatnumber(rsProdInfo("Unit_Price"))%> ...

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Getting Total Price

I am trying to add the price and shipping to equal the total price and display it in a table(receipt) I am able to get the price and shipping and handling to write to the page, but not sure how to add them together to get the total price:

The below code gives me $40.00$ 3.00 I want it to show as $43.00 ($40 + $3.00)if they ordered 500 business cards or $75.00 ($72 + $3.00)if they ordered 100 business cards.

quantity = Request.QueryString("quantity")
If (quantity = "500") Then
price = "$40.00"
price = "$72.00"
End If
shipping = "$ 3.00"
total = (price + shipping)

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Get Sub Price Automatically.

i have 3 textfields: txtPrice, txtQty and txtSubPrice.

price for an item will be fetched from db at display in the txtPrice (i can do this). then, user just key-in the quantity for the item and automatically the sub price will appear in the txtSubPrice.

i have coded a function name CalculateSub() using javascript and tried to do the automatically calculation using onClick and onFocus at the txtSubPrice but failed. seems like textfield cannot has this function.

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Search A Price Over The Value Spicified

I have a search form which has a price drop down menu with diferent values.

In this list there is an option "Any price" its value is "%" and the results page its retrivig a full list of items with any price.

Waht I want to do is that if you select 150.000 from the list, the results page should retrive items from 150.000.

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Share Price Streaming

Does anyone know of a quick and easy way to stream a particular share price
eg: msft into one's website....I have done a google search but I am not
finding anthing specific...is there an asp solution?

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Show Stock Price From A URL

Using classic ASP, are there any examples which I can use to show a stock price of a particular stock.The URL I am looking at is:


Is there a way that the page will directly update the intranet page with the stock price of the indicated stock?

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Excel Price Function

I need to use excel price function in asp.How can I use below formula ina asp.

PRICE(settlement,maturity,rate,yld,redemption,freq uency,basis)

Pls check the attachment below.I don't know how to apply this kind of formula in vbscript.

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Price Comparison Script/Code

I have looked all over the net and even down the back of the sofa but I've been unable to find any scripts that allow me to add price comparison functionality to my shopping cart. where a script might be or even offer some pointers as to how I might go about doing this.

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Realtime Gold Price On Website

Does anyone know an easy way to put a current gold price on your own website? I've seen the graphic methods that Kitco.com offers, but I'd rather have it pull the value from some gold market system in text format. Code:

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Total Price In Other Currency (Real Time Rate)

I've just launched a web site that sells collectibles. To do this I've got a ASP shopping cart with a checkout process.

As all the prices on my site are in Australian Dollars, I' trying my very best to find a way to display the total price in USD as well....

Total Price : $ AUD 100.00
Total Price : $ USD 79.00 (real time rates)

I need to do this because I also want to Accept PAYPAL account payments which cannot be made in AUD.

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if there is an easy way to convert hex to decimal with asp, the hex() function is there to get the decimal to hex, but i haven't been able to find a way to go back.

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Decimal Value

I want to convert a number to percentage or decimal,is there any built-in function for this?

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Decimal Value

i want to do the calculation like

value=int(basic) * int(excise) / 100

the both value come from the form. so when the data of excise field is like decimal 16.32 then i get the error data type mismatch.because the excise is 16.32 it is a decimal value. i have used CDbl(excise) but still it gives error.

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Decimal Value

My ASP driven site has always used MySQL as the DB backbone, mainly as the hosting costs of MySQL are far cheaper than SQL Server at the mo, and it has worked fine until my ISP thought that they were doing everybody a favour by upgrading to v5 from v4.

What happens now is that any ASP query that I do that involves any of my MySQL Decimal data type fields goes belly up. It will not work. Looks to be an issue with ASP, MyODBC and MySQL, but I just wanted to check if there was a better/more reliable data type than Decimal (which obviously performs the same numerical functions) and if there was a quick way to convert all of my Decimal fields to this new type.

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Decimal Value

Testing a ASP page using an Access db and I have a field in the DB defined as a 'number' with a precision of 3. Upon submitting the test data, I get this error message.

Microsoft JET Database Engineerror '80040e21'Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation. Can anyone tell me what's going on? The test value I used was "2.5".

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Hex To Decimal

Is there a quick function to check if a passed value is a valid Hex Color? ie, if FD4323 was passed, it would return TRUE, and if FD94LR was returned it would return FALSE.

I'm finding conversion functions, but nothing that tests off hand.

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Two Decimal Places

I have searched the forum and found the answer to my problem but unfortunitly it didn't tell me how to implement the solution!
The code I have thanks to previous forums:


Basiclly I want to convert the seconds to minutes and round to two decimal places.

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Decimal Conversion

Anyone have any code handy to convert a binary number to decimal and a decimal to binary? I need server-side code to perform these calculations. For example, I'd like to be able to pass 129 to a function and it will return 10000001. Likewise, I'd like to pass 10000001 to a function and get 129.
I can do this on paper, just not sure where to start on how to pass these numbers into a function to perform the calculation.

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Decimal Problems

i have a script that calculates a value but when the value is for example 5.40 the textbox displays it as 5.4 because this is a money value it has to have the "0" at the end
how can i make the script so that it always has 2 decimals behind the comma or point. Code:

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My Decimal Is Being Rounded Up By SQL

I have a form in an ASP page that the user enters a price for. When I send the parameter to my SQL stored Proc and refresh the data, it gets rounded up to the nearest integer. I can change the data just fine in SQL but not by using my asp page. Can anyone point me in the correct direction?

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Decimal Numbers

i have the following equation:

avg_score = total / count_match

what can i do to restrict the result of avg_score to be of 2 decimal places?

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Set Decimal Places

I need to truncate a number to two decimal places without rounding. All the functions i;ve tried tend to round up the numbers. Also i cant use any string functions to limit the size because the size can vary. example, 34.56998 must be set to 34.56 .

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Is Decimal Number Between

How do I write? Code:

Dim johnson, jordan

decnum = Request.Form("decnum")
decnum = Cdbl(decnum)

If decnum is "a decimal number" between 4 AND 8 Then
jordan = 23.90
End If

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How To Limit A Decimal

I have some calculations in my query string. Is it possible somehow to get a results of those calculations not in decimals but in integer in the query itself.

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Different Decimal Symbol

I have ASP code displaying currency datatype data from Access database. I have copies of this asp code and tha database on two w2k/IIS5 computers, bothg having the decimal symbol set to "." in the Regional setting both for numbers and for currency. However on one PC it shows dots, while on the other - commas. What is actually controlling which decimal shows up?

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Decimal Validation

Trying to find a built in function or a neat custom for decimal validation, I assume there is no IsDecimal for ASP so somthing along the lines of the following function that wont round the number entered. Code:

Function validateInt (thisInt)
If IsNumeric(thisInt) Then
validateInt = Clng(thisInt)
validateInt = 0
End If
End Function ...

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Decimal Places

can anyone tell me the easiest way to make sure numbers get passed with 2
decimal places?

<select name="TagCost" id="TagCost">
<option value="25.00">1 @ 25.00</option>
<option value="50.00">2 @ 25.00</option>

fprice=request("TagCost") <------- need to make sure this is 25.00 not 25

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Decimal Numeric Values

Normally to declare a value as numeric I use Clng() HOWEVER I now have some Numeric values with decimal places, which I need to tell the page when they are picked up from the form that they are in fact numeric, but retaining the decimal places too, which would I use... as all the ones I have used previously Cint, Clng, Fix, etc. do not retain the decimal places.

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Convert Varchar To Decimal

I need to compare two values. one from a text field 'bid' and the other
from a field in an sql server database 'maxbid'.

The problem is the column in the database has decimal as its data type
and i'm getting a type mismatch. does anyone know how to convert 'bid'
into decimal from varchar? the field datatype doesnt necessarily have
to be decimal although i need two decimal places so it cant be an int.

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Decimal Places For Currency

I am trying to display a currency field from an access db on an ASP
page. The only problem i found is that if there is a 0 (zero) after
the decimal i.e. 79.60 it is not displayed.

I tried doing the whole var = CCur(TBL("Price")) thing but there is no

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Truncate Till Decimal

I have files names like bcd.jpg, 1234567.mpg etc in my DB. I need only the file names. I know the truncate method but it's no good here. How do I cut away the extension part?

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Decimal 160 Character In Browser

I have a input string I display. In the string, I have a character that's a part of ASCII chart 2 which doesn't display correctly. It displays as a ?. I tried different encoding to no avail.

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Remove Decimal From String

I currently have a variable that is pulled from a database for currency amount. Ex: 25.99 . I need to remove the decimal place so that the variable is like 2599 instead. How can I use ASP to remove this decimal place?

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