2 Textbox Into 1 Message Area

how to concatenate 2 textbox into 1 message area?


NAME2= Arman



how to do this? and creating another line for the other entry?

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Hiding Area

I have a page and dependant on what is passed via the url ie page.asp?area=xyz

If the QueryString("area")=xzy then part of the page is hidden. How would I go about this?

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Text Area

I have a database on a website, and a table in this db contains two fields,PCode, and Verified. I have to add new records to this in batches, and these batches are generated on a local PC.

Is it possible to paste the contents of a text file into a text area form field, and then run an asp/vbscript routine to update the database.

The text file contents to be pasted would be in the format:

1234, Y
1235, N
1236, Y

I am ok with updating the database,what I would like to know is how to split the text into individual items - is there some kind of read line function.

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Hide Area

I am trying to hide an area if the value in a record is true, can anyone tell me why what I have below won't work?

<% if (String(rsAccount.Fields.Item("Suspend").Value) = false) { %>
<form name="SuspendArea" method="POST" action="<%=MM_editAction%>">
<input name="Suspend" type="hidden" id="Suspend" value="True">
<input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Suspend">
<input type="hidden" name="MM_update" value="SuspendArea">
<input type="hidden" name="MM_recordId" value="<%= rsAccount.Fields.Item("ActivationCode").Value %>">
<% } // end %> </td>

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Member Area

I am trying to do is make a member area. I am setup for asp and others but what I want is it to show how many points they have in there account when they enter and then when they use some of there points it will deduct there points from there account any help on this would be great Ie: websites code or any tips.

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Formatting Text Area With ASP

Can anyone help me format text in a text area using ASP? I am bringing in data from a database and need to format headers for the data. Is there anyway to format this in a text area using ASP?

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Display Text Area

when I´m typing a text data in to the form and I press Enter to go
to a new line and after when the data is submited in the DB I go to PHPMyAdmin and the field looks like this:
line1: text
line2: text2

But in ASP it looks like this:
line1: text1 text2

What the hell is this now

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Info On Customer Only Area

does anyone know of a site that takes you through a walkthrough on how to set up a client only area, but in javascript to use on an asp server?

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Dynamic Text Area

I'm having a complete brain cramp today. I've written a form that displays information based on content in a database. Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code to display the data in a textarea?

<textarea name="AdditionalInformation" cols="32" rows="10" wrap="VIRTUAL"><%=(UpdateRecruiting.Fields.Item("cs_additionalinformation").Value)%></textarea>

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Max Length Of Text Area

How do I set the max length of a text area. Say, only 200 char.

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ASP - Members Area Via Paypal?

I would like to create a member's area on my ASP/Access web site but members must pay an annual subscription fee via Paypal to access this member's area.

Unfortunately, the Hosting provider does not support a Unix system, so i cant store all my members area information in a password protected folder.

Please could anyone advise me the best way to do this?

I already have a merchant account set up with Paypal.

I need to give every member an individual UserID and Password, and restict access to the members files, so visitors cant access them directly via the Browser Bar and by-pass the Paypal fee.

I would also like an automated service, so if a member does not renew their subscription, they will not be able to access the member's area once a year has passed.

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Connection, Possible Variable Area?

Alright i'm trying to open the table, which is determined by a querystring variable console and from there I'm trying to select the field game which isn't a variable and I'm trying to choose the name of the field by the specified title which is also a query string variable Code:

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Text Area Formatting

I have an from that emails @ the mo But I have to insert e variables into the <boby>.

useing asp this works fine but the formatting is all over the shop I have looked on the net and can't seem to find anything that formats a textarea any ideas????

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Most Secure Way To Provide Log-in Area

I've got a CMS, which currently requests that you provide your username and password to gain entry. Upon submitting this form, your username and password are checked and a session is set if they match:

<%if request("strUserName") = "bob" and request("strPassword") = "bobspassword" then

session("Login") = true


Each page in the CMS then checks for the session to be set to true before rendering the page.

People say that I should check these values in a database rather than on the page itself, but I don't see why? Can anyone recommend a more secure way of doing this, or is this secure anyway?

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Password Protected Area

I have created a password protected area on my website using session variable. I used a pre-programmed package on the internet using ASPLogin not the very expensive company software- another more basic type from another company! A user can log in OK for the first time, however, when he/she next visits within a couple of days or more the login screen says that they are already logged in., and because of this, they cannot log in and have to wait for the session variable to expire.

I am using both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer and both are having the same problem. I am not too sure of what is going wrong here, as ideally, each time they have logged out I would like them to log back in OK again.

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Redesign Employment Area

I'm wanting to use asp to redesign my employment area on my website. I wish to have searchable databases for my 80+ resume's and job postings we currently host.

I would also like to consider making the posting of jobs and resume's something the customers can do themselves.

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Custom Form--upload Area

I am wondering if it is possible to make an area on a cusomt form were a user can upload a document and be able to email the form along with the document as an attachment. I alreay have the form developmed and it emails to the appropriate people, but now they want to be able to upload a document and receive it as an attachment in their email.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Disable A Text Area Element

How to disable a select element via vbscript from another element in the same form. I want to disable a text area element named xptoTextArea if and only if a certain option value is selected.

If this option is selected then disable this text area element.

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Fill Text Area With Variable

I have a text area in my asp page:

<textarea name="content" rows=10 cols=60>
"end of code"

Is there any way to fill the text area with the value of a variable?]

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In HTML , I need textarea box with 4 rows & 5 cols . But if I enter the 4 th row, it shouldnt allow 5 th row. Only 4 rows should be accepted, can anyone tell me hw to creat text box?

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Inserting An Image Into A Text Area

I am working on a asp and sql website that I did not make. It runs an asp based content management system, where users can enter news articles. They enter the "body" into a text box/area and can add images separatly. The image will show up to the to left of the article.

This goes into a SQL database, and gets pulled out by asp for the webpage. I want to make it so a user can add in an image into the body of the article ( like in a word document ) and have it show up where they put it. What is the easiest way to do this. Both easy on me and the user.

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Admin Area, Deactivate/reactivate Account?

When making an admin area i have always just allowed 'delete the user', but is it possible to deactivate and reactivate a username and password.

I can picture it in my noggin. when viewing all the users there is the ability to check a box selecting deactive or reactivate depending on the state of the username at the time.

What do you think, is it more hassle than its worth to allow this?

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Diff Colors In Text Area Of HTML

Is it possible to have, first n number of charectors in a text area in one
colour and the remaining in a different colour? If so how can it be done?

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Pop Up Text Area After Click Yes From Drop Down List

I want to write a asp script, basically, that has drop down box in the form, if user select Yes, on the same page, a hidden textarea will show up, if user select No,
then nothing happen.

so far, my code is unsuccessful, in addition, I also got syntax error on the response.write line anyone has idea. Code:

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Setting Carriage Returns In A Text Area

I have a form which contains a textarea input, when I request the value of this and display the contents in HTML the carriage returns are gone, so I am trying to find a way to re-insert any carrigage returns.

I have tried using a regular expression with the replace() method to search for a carriage return in a javascript string and replace it with a <br> - but no joy

I thought the following would work (code is in Javascript by the way): Code:

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Securing A Directory Of Files In A Password Protected Area

I have a client who has a password protected page (via session) that lists a bunch of pdf's. They are a little worried that you are able to browse and see the pdf's via the url without being logged in.

I'm not sure if it's possible or not but is there a way after their username and passord is verified to automatically grant them permisson to view the contents of the pdf directory?

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Restrict Non ASCII Character In Text Area On Postback

Am trying to restrict user from entering non ASCII character in the text area. Say if the user entered non ASCII character then on the form post back it should show them the message like:

"non ASCII character between the word1+word2"

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Text Area Carriage Returns Don't Work With Sendmail Script.

I am using the asp sendmail script from brainjar. But I'm using a text area instead of input field for comments. Is there a function that I should run this thru in order to get it to recoginize carriage returns. Currently it won't send anything after the first carriage return.

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Radio Button, Check Box, Text Area Values In Sessi

I have a radio button, a check box and a text box in a web page. From this page, I go to a series of other pages. In one of the following webpages I am providing an option to come back to the first page which has the radio button, check box and the text box.

When doing so, I need to retain the values I originally checked in teh radio button and the text box, and also the text in the text box. I understand that I need to carry it through a session variable, but I dont know how I can do it.

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I have a text box but I want to insert the max number in a text box. Here's the code I have for selecting the max record:

objconn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("calibration2.mdb")
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open objconn
set rsEmps = conn.Execute("select Max(recordNumber) from CalibrationRecord")

How do I put it into a textbox? Here's the code for the textbox:

<td width="34%"><INPUT NAME="RefNum" TYPE="text" id="RefNum" VALUE="<% response.write RSEmp("recordNumber") %>" SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=50 ></td>

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Textbox Value

textfield from form1 is called SID
primary key in database is called "School ID"
i tried

SELECT * FROM Schools WHERE "School ID" IS form1.SID
but errors out
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/tp/display.asp, line 37

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I am using a textbox with in a forloop, for each time when i click a button
it genarates a new textbox, so for example for first time there will be 1
textbox, i will enter some value into that textbox and i click the button
which adds another textbox and i enter someother value and i go on clicking
for to add a new textbox and enters some value. after creating 5 textboxes i
want to know the index of the textbox, basing on thet index i will find the
value and do some calculations and some more. so i must compulsorily need
index of the textbox.
SO can any one help me.
when i see in the view source i am seeing that 5 textboxes names are same.

<input type="text" name="txtStores" id="txtStores" value="0" size="4"/>
<input type="text" name="txtStores" id="txtStores" value="0" size="4"/>

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Value Of Textbox

I've got a textbox (within a form) which is blank. How can I program a button that will make a value appear in the textbox without refreshing the page??

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