3.0 Moved From Win2000 To Win2003 (convert Problem)

I got a new server with Windows 2003 on. I moved a site that works fine from a Windows 2000 server. On many pages i get a convertion like this:

|Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
|Type mismatch
|/test/test.asp, line 3

This is the code that i run to get the error:

| a = 1
| if a = 1 then response.write("a = 1")

It does work if i add "if cint(a) = 1 then...." but is it a way to make IIS6/ASP don't check the code so critical?

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My win 2000 server is connected with MS SQL server 2000
There are around 10 applications on this server. Some webpage will be
refereshed itself within 20 seconds to retrieve update data in sql server
This server run 2 years till now.
Recently we face the problems. When refershing the page, it show 503 and 504
error sometimes

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Moved From MDB To SQL DB

I have been tasked to manage an internal support web based system currently connecting to a local web server based MDB. I want to move this backend to a SQL DB on another server and use that instead as i plan on this support system growing fairly large, also trying to standardise on DB locations. Code:

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Any Difference Between Win2000 Server And WinXP?

I have the following codes working fine on one PC running Win2000 Server, but fails on another PC running WinXP. When I check the system log, it tells me the problem is on line 8, that is :-

cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:DevelopmentFamilyTestingElouiseAccess oryProductList.mdb;"

Is there any difference between Win2000 Server and WinXP? Code:

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Get System User Name At WINNT And WIN2000

I am writing a web application to get System user name. By reading the previous post, it seems that this method works

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim user, pword
user = Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")
Response.Write user

but I want to ask is it only work at WINNT? How about WIN2000 Server, I can get nothing when use this statement on WIN2000 Server.

Besides, If I want to use Jsp, is there any methods to achieve the same thing?

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Db Moved Now Query Not Operational

I am loading up a site for my boss to look through, I want to put it in my templates folder so they can surf it just like they would if it was loaded in the www page. The problem I am having is with my asp pages interaction with my database. I put my database in a folder called test in my templates folder (/templates/test/db)Now when I run the query I get this back:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
Operation must use an updateable query.

/templates/insertit.asp, line 22

I checked the folder and it is rw-rw-rw.
If I load this page is the www folder and adjust the map path it works excellent. Does anyone know what could be wrong? Here is my code:

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Moved Database To A Different Server

I suspect this is a rather easy one however. I recently moved a web site developed by MS Front Page and a SQL Server database to a different computer. Now when I "Submit" field data, it no longer populates the database.

I've checked the main index.asp file and the global.asa file to find out how to repoint the form to the database and I can't figure it out. Can anyone give me any pointers?

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Directory Security Via ASP / Or Adding User To Win2000 Users

I am working on a document management system for a client. I am planning to
set up the system so that documents are protected, sort of.. A user has an
access level and based on that access level, a list of available documents
will display as an HTML page and the user can click a hyperlink to download
or view the selected document.

I am planning to handle this all through a SQL database and ASP..

What I would REALLY like to do, though, is protect a set of directories so
that a user could not just enter a URL and download a document without being
prompted for a username and password if he/she hasn't already logged in.

I have done something like this using AuthnetiX from Flicks Software, but
this current client is trying to create a solution "on the cheap", and so
I'd like to see if I can build the solution using the secuirty mechanisms
built into the O/S.

What I'm thinking is that I'll set up the directories and assign a group
access to each directory.. My question then is, can I add users to the
"Local Users and Groups" for Windows 2000 via ASP?

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Check Box Equal To A Variable (moved From Html)

I Have a form, and in that form I have a check box, I wish to say " If Checkbox is checked Then variable = true Else Variable = false". Here is what I have as far as code goes...

Thus far the variable is always false, leading me to believe that my syntax is wrong. All the SQL part of this is tested as working (Included to give a perspective on what I am trying to do) so you can for the most part ignore it. It is the form part that has a problem. Code:

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Run On Win2003

I have some ASP pages(called dlls) running well on Win2000, but not Win2003.
Got "Permission deny" when called Server.CreateObject

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Response.Redirect Giving 'Object Moved' Error!

I'm having a problem whenever i enter 2 response.redirects() in one funcion.. it's weird. What i'm trying to do is to display a simple error message underneath a login. But i'm trying to do it by sending the user back to the SAME page (not sure if that's even possible!) and passing a variable, notLogged, to test against. I hope this makes sense! Code:

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Cookies Problem On Win2003 Eng + IIS 6.0

The first page create a cookies. The second read the contet. If I browse the pages via IE6.0 the pages does not work. If I browse the pages via FireFox the pages work fine....

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Win2003 Operation Updateable

I have moved an ASP application to Windows 2003 and I have problems as I am currently using an Access Database until I upgrade it.
However, I am getting the error:
Operation must use an updateable query.

I have had this before so this didn't bother me too much. I added my IUSR_WINSERVER2003 to the security tab of the folder containing the database and gave read/write permissions.
However, I am still getting the updateable query errors!
I even added the Everyone account temporarily to see if it made a difference - and I still get the error.
Is there something new in Win 2003 ? Can anyone help me?

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CreateObject Not Working In Win2003

We have a web application that calls a VB dll in one of the asp pages. It
works fine on the old NT server but does not display results on the Windows
2003 server (IIS 6?). Does anyone know where I might start trying to find
out why this is happening? We copied the web pages and registered the dll
on the new server. The call to the dll function returns a string and we
just display that string on the next asp page, but it does not show up. Is
this some sort of cache issue or ???

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CDONTS On WIN2003 Server,

I am moved to WIN2003 Server, and the server admin is saying CDONTS is no more supportable on Win2003 I don't like the CDOSYS

and tell me in detail what I need to do to get the CDONTS on my win2003

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It works perfect on my Win xp machine but when i upload the page into my server which is win2003 it returns 0 What is the possible cause of it ? Code:

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"HTTP/1.1 New Application Failed" Win2003

I'm getting this error where I hadn't had a problem before. Prior to getting the error, I did change settings on the default web site. Could that cause this problem? How do I fix it? I've stop and restarted the server and the computer. Still getting the error. Code:

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Server.createobject On Shared Win2003 Server

I've recently uploaded a site to a new ISP, which is on a Win2003 platform. I've had a problem in that the existing ASP scripts handling email form submissions all experience the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046' Permission denied

From what I can gather this is due to moving from Win2000 to Win2003, and specifically the problem lies in this line of code: ....

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Convert Asp.net

is it possible to convert asp.net coding into asp coding?i know out there, theres a software to convert asp code to asp.net.is there a software to convert asp.net code into asp code?

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Convert To Pdf

I have a client that wants to send an invoice when a user submits a certain form on their site. From this form it goes to an asp page that calculates amounts, and check for a voucher. It then enters data in database and emails invoice.

But they want it send as a pdf attachment. How do i go about doing something like that. Do i convert the htm / asp to pdf. and send it?

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How To Convert Dns To Dns Less

mysql="SELECT * from data"
Set rs = SERVER.CREATeOBJECT("ADODB.recordset")
con.open "DSN=database4atc"
rs.open mysql, con
'recordset.open sqlcommand, activeconnection

how to convert to dns less?

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Convert DNS To DNS Less

Not having luck in converting my DNS to a DNS less piece of code. This is what I have:

Sub Application_OnStart
Application("ConnectionString") = "DSN=DevDivision"
Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.open Application("ConnectionString")
SQL = " SELECT AdminEmail, title, footer, p_id from tblSiteOptions "
set rs = Conn.Execute(SQL)

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Convert ASP To JSP?

I'm looking for the best way to convert asp to jsp, ideally free software.

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Convert .xls To .csv Using Asp

I want to convert one .xls file to .csv file using ASP Is there any way to do this?

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Convert MS SQL 7

I have inherited an ASP application that used MS SQL 7 for a backend DB.The original developer did an excellent job of commenting his work and the applications works fine as is. However, due to licnsing costs,the company is considering moving the application backend to MySQL.

I have looked at the DB structure and it has nothing extreneous other than FOREIGN KEYS. I have heard that MySQL does not support FOREIGN KEYS or Stored procedures.How do I get around the FOREIGN KEY support issue in MySQL?Other than changing my connection strings, if and when I do get the DB end working,do I need to redo the codes?I would like to keep the codes as is and simply redo the interface.In general what should I expect?

The Application was at the initial stages when the company changed course,so they don't mind losing what little data they have in the existing MS SQL 7 db,BUT the table structure must be kept as designed in MS SQL.

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Convert Csv To Mdb

is there any way to do a cart blanch dump of a csv file into an MDB file? i.e. specify file, submit, done! that easy?

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Convert PHP To ASP

I have this one short section of code that I need to convert to ASP. Currently it's in PHP and our server does not support that. this code would be used to get someone's email address for a newsletter. Here is the code: PHP Code:

$var = ', '.$_GET['var'];

$fp = @fopen("file.txt", "a") or die("Couldn't open file.txt for writing! ". $var );
$numBytes = @fwrite($fp, $var) or die("Couldn't write values to file! " .$var );



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Convert .mdb Into .sql

what is the best way to convert an access .mdb into a mysql .sql file? I found a program but it costs 60$ and thats gay so is there a better way?

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Convert ASP To PHP

I have this code that I need to convert to php. I tried using the client-side online conversion but it didn't work to well. This is an easy script and I can mostly do it myself except the date functions. Code:

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Convert CSV To MDB

I'm in charge of setting up and tracking advertising for my company. Since Google can be set up to automatically mail out a report every day (I also use Overture) I would like to write a program that would automatically grab the .csv file from a specified location, grab the data and convert it to an Access .mdb file.

The idea is I'd like to automate the process of downloading reports from these two sources, transfering them to a database, and mailing the new db file out. I'm not really sure if this is possible or not, since I don't know how to grab a column from a .csv file and convert it into a field in a table.

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Convert Asp To DLL.files

i did a application here it works off line and for online also
when i sold it for offline there is a problem with ASP code

any idea for changing asp files to dll file

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Convert A String

i need to convert a string to hexadecimal prior to posting it onto the next page...how do i pass the field value to the function prior to posting ? Code:

Function StringToHex(str)
' conversion here
End Function

i hope my doubt is clear. i tried looking in the posted forums couldn't find anything . Anyone know how ?

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Convert Html To Rtf

Is there a way to convert a page of html to rtf ?

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