A Function In An Order By Statement

Can You Put A Function In An Order By Statement. Assume That The Outcome Of The Interest Function Is Always One.

"SELECT TOP "&quantity&" * FROM Content WHERE "& q &" ORDER BY Interest(Keyword)"

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SQL Order By Statement

Does anyone know how to organise data in alphabetical order when using a select statement???

When i use mine, i have been using ASC and it justs put the newest record added!

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Function Execution Order

when I create a function like this one :Code:

Function fctCheckEmail(conn, email)

Dim rsEmail : Set rsEmail = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsEmail.open "SELECT dbo.fctCheckEmail('" & email & "')", conn

fctCheckEmail = rsEmail(0)

Set rsEmail = Nothing

End Function

Im closing the rsEmail object at the end of the function, after returning the function value. Is the rsEmail Object will be actually close or the code will execute the return value and skip the rest of the code ?

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Multiple Dropdowns To Create An Arrary To Form ORDER BY Statement

Creating a form that allows people to search a ticket database. One criteria I would like to add is to give the people the option to sort the results by selecting criteria for a dropdown.

My first thought was to create 3 dropdowns with the same name, get the data and add it to the SQL string. It worked great except for when someone decided to leave anything blank.
Here are my dropdowns here: Code:

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Using The JOIN LEFT Function In A Statement

I am currently having a problem with one of my ASP pages; Currently, in the SELECT, I am using JOIN LEFT functions which work fine (see the code below). However, I have now created a new table which I have successfully linked to the other tables.
However, I am not sure how I would word the JOIN LEFT statement for the new table.

The new table is located at Report.Report I have tried to have a go, but am I missing something? I always get an error message saying, Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in JOIN operation. Code:

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"order By" Statement Gives An Error

this is my code for retrieving messages for a topic: Code:

' Find All Messages Posted In Topic
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & "SELECT * "
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & "FROM tblMessages "
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & "WHERE fldTopicID = "
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & strTopicID
objRSTopicMessages.PageSize = iPageSize
objRSTopicMessages.CacheSize = iPageSize
objRSTopicMessages.Open strSQLTopicMessages, objConn, adOpenStatic
' /Find All Messages Posted In Topic

I have tried to add an "order by" statement, but i gve syntax error. isn't it possible to use an "order by" in this case?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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I have a code looking like this, but i can't seem to get it to work:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE Subject = 1 ORDER BY ID DESC"

What am i doing wrong?

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Order By A-z

This is a follow up to a question I asked two weeks ago which I thought was solved but on further inspection I realised it wasn't working fully. I have an ORDER BY on my search results page, the search uses two dropdown menus, the first one is start character (A-Z), and the other is grade.

The problem I have is that the ORDER BY work perfectly when I leave the start character dropdown blank, and when I use the grade selection dropdown, but when I select a start character I get this error message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

Characters found after end of SQL statement.

/html/advanced_comic_search.asp, line 56

Can any one shed any light on this for me?

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SQL Order

I have records which I want to display a certain way, i.e. the records are in the database like this:


But I want to display them as:


Is it possible?

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SQL Order

I am using an sql inner join like below:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPage INNER JOIN tblNews ON tblNews.NewsID=tblPage.pageID ORDER BY newsDate DESC"

However this orders both by newsDate which causes problems with the ordering of the page, As I want the page not to be ordered just the news item.

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An ASP page outputs data from the query
"Select ThisAndThat from comments WHERE pageURL='" & pageURL & "' ORDER BY
threadID, datesent"
(Access mdb)
threadID is a string (OK, I know!), which means that 103 displays before 99.
Is there a way to write the SQL query to order them numerically? This would
be much easier for me than changing the data type and hunting down every
page that INSERTS or UPDATES the db.

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Going To The Next Order

I am extremely confused about how i should go about doing this:
I have puled out current orders and have displayed in a table .These orders have their own order numbers.

Once the person clicks on first order,the order is displayed in a form,where the user can edit the order details and hit submit.

Now when he hits submit ,I want his to go the previous page where the orders are displayed in table ,so that he can click on the next order and process it/OR may be whent he user hits submit ,i want the next order directly to be displayed in the form.

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Not Considering 0 (zero) Using Order By!

I have a table in my database with several numbers.(2, 5, 8, 0, 9, 0).Now i retrieve the numbers to my page using "order by numbers", and my page look like this.


I want the lowest number to be first, but if the number is 0 (zero) I want it to go to the bottom.Can that be done

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SQL Order By

At the moment I have:

SQL = "SELECT sample.* FROM sample WHERE (id = " & teamid & ") ORDER by pos"

Which orders my players like:
in alphabetical order.

Is there anyway to specify this order so that it still orders the players by "pos"(position) but in this order:


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Order By NUM

i want to order by NUMBERS:

BUS n 1
bus n 2
bus n 10 bus n 11

But the order goes like this:
bus n 1
bus n 10
bus n 11
bus n 2
how can i get right order:
bus n 1
bus n 2
bus n 10
bus n 11 ....

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Order By Where....

I am performing a basic sql query. select * from tablename order by featured asc, id asc

BUT...I want all those listings with FEATURED as a Y to show up first.
All other listings should show up afterwards.

How do I do this? I may be thinking too hard about it.

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SQL Order BY Question

I have one table wich has a unique ID feild for each record and other feilds, and another table that has one field that is a number that contains the an ID from the other table and another field that contains some text.

I want to open with sql the first table, but order its records alphabetically by the text in the second table. is it possible? Code:

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Changing Order

I have used ASP for years using MS Access and have used MSSQL quite a lot as
well. I have never came across something like this before.

MSSQL table names and types:

ProductName nvarchar
ShortDescription nText
ThumbNail nvarchar

When I have the recordset in the order as follows, all works well:

Though if I have the Thumbnail first the description does'nt show.

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Returning Order Id

I've got a site with PayPal and Google Checkout payment options. The checkout page formats two HTML forms, containing bespoke cart code - one posts to PayPal, the other to Google Checkout.When an order is placed, it needs to be updated back on my site, so that the order is marked as 'paid' in the database. When this is done with PayPal, I just provide a hidden field in the form called 'invoice' containing my id number for that transaction. This is returned in my IPN, and I update the database accordingly. However, I can't find a similar field in Google. Their example code all seems to be in XML and is WAAAAAAAAY more complicated than I need it to be. I just need to send a value with my cart code to Google Checkout, and have that value returned after the transaction has completed.
I've set up Google Callback, and the page is being called and the order is being written to my google log txt file, I just need this to contain my order id number for the transaction so I can just add the logic to update the database based on this id number.

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Processing Out Of Order

I've written the following piece of code which is embedded in HTML. For some reason when the script is processed the last response.write statment is displayed before the information in the while loop. I can't seem to figure out why this is happenming.

Any ideas? Code:

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Alphabetical Order

I'm working on a list of members.In my db I have two columns lastName and marriedName
lastName is the member name before they got married and legLastName is their lastname after they got married.

Now I need to display theese two columns in alphabetical order in one list.
If I for example have theese members:
lastName, marriedName
Anderson, Johnson
Petersson, Svensson
Nilsson, Persson
Lindgren, Johnson

I want this result:
Johnson (look for Andersson)
Johnson(look for Lindgren)
Persson(look for Nilsson)
Svensson(look for Petersson)

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I am processing the variables from a form submission with a for/next loop. The problem is that the order of the variables are NOT written IN ORDER.

Form field 1 prints fine but then it jumps to Form field 9 and then back to Form field 4 then to Form field 2, etc. IS there a way to process the form variables in a loop in ORDER? field 1, field 2, field 3, etc? Code:

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Sort Order?

I have a form that is created dynamically, and all is working fine. But I want users to add an sort order to help list phrases in a certain order.

<input type="text" name="AdvantSort" value="" size=1>
<input type="checkbox" name="Advantages" value="10">

<input type="text" name="AdvantSort" value="" size=1>
<input type="checkbox" name="Advantages" value="20">

so on, so forth...

And one clicks on the form, and a SQL statement is executed.
However, when I create the SQL statement,

VALUES (<call from form ID>,<advantages>,<advantsort>)

Then it loops to allow the next phrase to be entered. The statement also takes the value from every other sort order value including that ones that are in different lines. Which in result, gives me an error, saying the insert columns exceed that of the available columns in the table.

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Order By Two Fields

can i set a list of users to be ordered by two fields soo
user 1
user 2 Admin
user 3
user 4 Admin


User 2 Admin
User 4 Admin
User 1
User 3



strSQL = "SELECT [username], [ID], [email], [admin], [suspend], [Timestamp], [last_login] FROM tblUsers ORDER BY username"

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ORDER BY A Column?

If I have several fields:
a | b | c | d | e

and the original SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY a ASC ".

I want to place links to b, c, d, e to make the table of results to show by ascending order of b (or , c, d, e).

do I need to place an "if/ end if" in the sql or do I put some statement in the paging?

a (ORDER BY a ASC)| b | c | d | e
1 | 3 | z
2 | 2 | y
3 | 1 | x
4 | 5 | w
5 | 4 | v


a | b (ORDER BY b ASC)| c | d | e
3 | 1 | x
2 | 2 | y
1 | 3 | z
5 | 4 | v
4 | 5 | w

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ASP Order Sql Table

I'm using a simple query:

This is working ofcourse except for the PLAATSNAAM starting with a single quote like - 's Hertogenbosch..

This is first in order line but I would like it to be after PLAATSNAAM starting with G .

How can this be done?

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Order By Random

I'm not sure, but this might be a question not right for this group.


I have a sql statement that selects all rows with a sertain criteria, an display it on a page. What I need to do is to order these by random...

Is there any way to order by random?


SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [whatever] ORDER BY [random]

How do I do this?

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Order By Primary Key?

how to display search results on my web site in an order that I specify. at the moment there ordered by the primary key which means there all over the place.I know what the code is but I'm not sure how to use it, can anyone give me a quick lesson, does the code need to be on the search page or the results page?

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Order Of Menu

I have a small webadministration system that allow the users to create new menu items in the website´s menu.But when new record is inserted the new menu item allways comes first in the menu (becouse I sort it that way).How can I allow the users to change the menu item order like "home - about - contact". So when new record is created the user could add the new category between "about and contact"?I have Access database and the category table has sort field.

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Using Descending ORDER BY

I have a table that is comprised of numbers, and infinity is -1.How can I use descending ORDER BY with -1 coming first?For example, I'd like to have results like this:


Is this possible?

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MySQL Order

I am making my site using MySQL and asp scripting. I have a field in the database with Text as for property. It contains greek letters. My problem is that I cant ORDER them in the page. The ORDER is wrong.I have make this db using phpMyAdmin cp.Is there something I am doing wrong? I am using the statement as I did for Access.

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