A Server Page Execution (hiding The Real URL)

I'm looking for a solution for the following problem:

I created ASP code to convert an URL such as:

into the following URL:


Now, the first URL is submitted by the user. The second one is the real URL,
but not visible for the user. This one should be handled by the web server

I thought I could accomplish this task with server.execute or
server.transfer, but none of them can handle querystrings. Is there another
way to do this?

Are there perhaps any COM objects? (This will be my last choice, because the
whole system should go running on an iASP (instant ASP) server too if

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Page Execution :: Page Interpreted By Web Server?

Is ASP page compiled or interpreted by the web Server and what about the internet explorer how it deal with HTML and other realted pages?

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Hiding Processing Page

I have a form that submits to as asp processing page and that processing page inserts the info into a database and sends me an email. <form action="process.asp" method="post">there are a few pranksters out there that like to open the process.asp page directly and send blank info to my database and email. Is there a way to have this page only work when the form submits to it but not work if you just go directly to the page. I tried changing the permission to write only, but then you are asked for a password.

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Classic ASP Schedule Execution On Server

I have a pure asp (Vbscript) page that manipulates data between MSAccess and
SQLServer2000. I'm trying to use the Scheduler app on the IIS server to run
this page nightly but there must be a better way of doing this.

How can I make my code in to an object and install it on the server and have
it schedule to run nightly?

Below is the code:

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Scheduling The Execution Of An Asp Page

I'm using Asp 3.0 and windows 2000 and SQl server 2000 as back end My problem is every day morning 8 i want to take some data from the data base and send a mail to some mail ids which i retrieve from the database.

I want this to be executed at 8 Am every morning automatically. Is there any way to schedule the execution of the asp page at a particular time. Or any other ways r there like using vb script?

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Sceduling Page Execution

I have a question about scheduling an ASP page to execute for example once a day. The page looks for any newly added images and creates resized images and stores them in a specific folder.

What I want is to be able to schedule this to run every day so that the resized images are automatically created, rather than having to run the page manually everyday.

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Real XML Values

I am new to ASP.I am retriving one table values from mysql database.
displying the values on the browser in XML Format.
now my problem is I want to read this XML Values but i Don't want to save

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Real Time

ow do i show real time on my page?
for example i have



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Real Quick

Im looking since the begining of the week about saving the enter(vbcrlf) from the html <textareato my MySql database, it save everything but it just loose everything when saving ot the database, do i need a special component to be able to save the enter and tabs etc. Im sure i was able to do it before and it was easy.

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Get Real Name After LDAP Authentication

I'm using the function copied below to authenticate users in LDAP before allowing them onto our intranet site. This works great! But what I'd like to do now is use the LDAP connection it creates to retreieve the users actual name.

I dont know how to do this so I've been looking for examples I can learn from on the net. I have found snipits of other people code but I've been tying myself in knots trying to fit them into my function and failing miserably.

Could anyone tell me what I need in the function below to get this information. From what I've seen I think I need to use some kind of filter on the LDAP object, but I dont know how to implement it. Code:

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Real Estate Calculaters

I am doing a RE site, and need a variety of RE calculators? Anyone know of a gud resoure free if possible.

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Getting The Real Authentication Type From AUTH_TYPE

I want to know what authentication type the IIS uses to authenticate
users, when i query the AUTH_TYPE i get "Negotiate"...
Is there a way to know for sure if it is Kerberos or NTLM?

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Real Time Site Monitoring

A client of us asked to write a script to View live visitors as they browse her website and to get the information such as, what page they are viewing, what browser type they are using, IP address/host name, visitor time on site and screen resolution.

Is this possible in ASP scripting without a server side or client side application? How to get the realtime stats of a visitor?

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ASP Script Running In Real Time

I want to be able to make a script which runs in real time. This is what it needs to do:
When a user clicks on a box, it starts the countdown, and changes a variable in the database (ie taking away 1000 from the 'money' column). The countdown is 20 minutes, and the user can see how long they have left to wait by refreshing the page. Once the 20 minutes is up, it changes another variable in the database (ie add 1 to the 'no of buildings' column).

I know this is possible, as i've seen it done before. I think you may have to use AJAX, but have no experience of that so could use some help.

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Replace Markup With Real Code

what I am trying to do is the following, its causing some probs though:

I have the following in a database:
[[imagediv 100.jpg This is the description text]]
This is just some dummy text. It doesn't mean anything and is for placeholding use only.

And want to change it to:
<div class="imagediv"><img src="/images/100.jpg" alt="100.jpg" width="200"
height="200" /><br />
This is the description text</div>

This is just some dummy text. It doesn't mean anything and is for placeholding use only. In the future I might want to use different codes ie [[imagediv 100.jpg This is the description text]] to reference a different DIV.

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GLOBAL.ASA Real Active User Count

I've searched over 1 hour on Google and elsewhere and haven't found

I'd like to find a way to get the real active user count on our website.
THe main problem I have is when a user quit with the "X" the counter will be
decremented of 1 only when the Session.Timeout will be expired.

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Total Price In Other Currency (Real Time Rate)

I've just launched a web site that sells collectibles. To do this I've got a ASP shopping cart with a checkout process.

As all the prices on my site are in Australian Dollars, I' trying my very best to find a way to display the total price in USD as well....

Total Price : $ AUD 100.00
Total Price : $ USD 79.00 (real time rates)

I need to do this because I also want to Accept PAYPAL account payments which cannot be made in AUD.

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How To Read An SQL Server Into A ASP Page And Then Change, Add, Delete And Write It Back To SQL Server

I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web
Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add
new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server
table back.

The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL
Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and
then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to
the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a

Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager
table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a
sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.

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Hiding Email

I'm searching of a way to send an email, and i don't want the user to know
where he send the email.

Let say i want to send a message to Bob001.
I will type Bob001 in the SendTo field.
When i type the Send Email button, i would like the web page to do this:
Get the username, Bob001.
Find his email in my database
Get the message in Message.
Create the email.
Send the email.

I don't want the user to be able to read the user email.

Every example show something like a "<a href" method. Which is not what i

Is there a way to do so?
1- I don't own the web server
2- Windows 2000
3- Asp install (Asp.net too)
4- Php is not available (so no mail object)

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Hiding Textbox

I would like to know if this is possible. I'm using ASP with JSCRIPT.
I have a dropdown box that when the use selects a particular value, I would
like the textbox to become visible.
also if they dont choose it, I would like the textbox to be hidden.
I have this web input form with many other fields. This dropdown box is in
the middle of these fields.I dont see any property to set. I see the disable property but I want it

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Hiding Area

I have a page and dependant on what is passed via the url ie page.asp?area=xyz

If the QueryString("area")=xzy then part of the page is hidden. How would I go about this?

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Hiding Our ASP Code

We have a customer that wants us to put our ASP application on their server, so they can have direct access to the database. However, we don't want to leave our code wide open for them to copy and/or modify.

I have heard that there are ways to protect our ASP code, but I don't know what they are.
Could someone please list several options for me, and preferably places where I can do a little more research?

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Hiding Url In Address Bar

I have http://localhost/myweb/login.asp and i clicked some link in this page navigates to http://localhost/myweb/welcome.asp?userid=2 but in the browser address bar, I wanted to display only http://localhost/myweb/ and I wanted to hide the asp page names & query strings in the address bar.

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Hiding Data

I have a table which displays data and now I would like to add some of that data together and just display it when the user clicks a button. I was just wondering if there is a way to do this on the same page such as hiding it without having to create another asp page? I was also wondering for output which is it best to use?

<%= output %>


<% response.write(output)%>

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Hiding Querystrings

I want to hide all my querystrings variables and filename when they executed how can i do this.

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Hiding Querystrings

I want to hide all my querystrings variables and filename when they executed how can i do this?

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Hiding A Text Box

can u use the If Not IsNull statement to do this? and if so how please? I have various text boxes, caught in a repeat statement, when the other feilds run out of info i dont want the text box to be displayed. can anyone see what i mean? Basically when the fields before the text box run out i want the text box not to display.

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Hiding Controls In Asp

I want to hide the form control on clicking the submit button on the same form.Tell me the solution.And also facing the problem while using the date time pickers in frontpage.

Actually by using asp value of date selected is being fethched in variable but on clicking the submit button again the datepicker shows the date before selecting the date.

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Hiding A Code

i have a problem with one of the ASP pages in the website i am doing. I can see the code literally on the page itself on IE browser( highlighted below in red). this happens when i highlighted the page I and can see the code (SQL statement appears).

As this is a potential problem, I want to hide it so that it wont be hacked by irresponsible hackers who may change it. Code:

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Execution Of CMD.EXE

An ASP script written in ASP.NET has worked fine on one computer, and since it has been moved to another, it doesn't.

The part that does not work deals with executing CMD.EXE. Here is a part of the code:

System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
psi.RedirectStandardInput = true;
psi.RedirectStandardError = true;
psi.WorkingDirectory = @"c:SOME PATH";

System.Diagnostics.Process proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi);
System.IO.StreamReader sOut = proc.StandardOutput;
System.IO.StreamWriter sIn = proc.StandardInput;


...and instead of executing like it did on the last server and displaying the output, it creates a web page with the following output:

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]~(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.~~c:SOME PATH>SOME COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS"~~SOME PATH>EXIT

...followed by the rest of the web page as it did before.

What I figured is that for some reason this script on the new server instead of executing the command, it just sends it as an output to HTML.

I have tried to readjust .NET security, then to adjust the folder permissions (I gave EVERYONE permissions to all the needed folders). Nothing helped.

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Execution Of SQL

I have got a problem executing a query. The driver indicates an error in Internet Explorer : No value given for one or more required parameters It refers to the recordset definition. I have tested the query in my DBMS, it works.


Dim objConn
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= " & server.mappath (BDname) "

Dim StrSQL

Dim rcdSet
rcdSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rcdSet.Open StrSQL, objConn , adOpenForwardOnly, adLockPessimistic

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Hiding Image Paths

Anyone know a useful way of hiding image paths so images on my site cant be directly linked to?

I've seen sites that use <img src="image.asp?/moo/fred/image01.jpg"> (where the path starts from www.domain.com/secretfolder/moo/fred/image01.jpg) but dont know how to set this up.

BTW am on a shared host so dont have the use of base level administration if it makes any difference?

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Hiding Parameters From The Address Bar

if i want to pass parameters between pages... e.g. a href="page2.asp?name=Brian"...

is there a way of hiding this so that the name=Brian part does not appear in the address bar... I would prefer not to have to use forms and buttons to do this...

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