A Trappable Error (E06D7363) Occurred In An External Object

I'm trying to fix an ASP error we're getting in one of our products. The error is:

Error: File /broker.asp Unexpected error. A trappable error (E06D7363) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running..

I found a KB article on it:

It says the solution is to Create the first expiration policy using the Microsoft Management Console.

Anyone know how to create the first expiration policy?

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'ASP 0115' A Trappable Error (E06D7363) Occurred In An External Object

I have hosted a asp application on a NT 4 server with IIS 4 web server. I often get ASP 115 error for this application.

error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot
continue running.

After I restart the server the error doesn't appear for some time, but crops up once again after servicing a few requests of the users.

I checked up MS support site to find a solution. I executed a few relevant workarounds/solutions given there but the problem still persists.

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A Trappable Error (C0000006) Occurred In An External Object.

I got these error when I try to open an excel file on a Windows 2003 server,
It works perfect on XP, 2000 and on my Windows 2003 server (test server) but
not on my online Windows 2003 server. I have tried "on error resume next" but
I got the same error!

Any suggestions? Code:

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Error (C0000005) Occurred In An External Object

This is from Event Viewer. What is it?

Error: Script Engine Exception. A ScriptEngine threw expection 'C0000005'

in 'IActiveScript::SetScriptState()' from


For additional information specific to this message please visit the

Microsoft Online Support sitelocated at:


Error: File /eXSign-Demo/VerifyOnServer.asp Unexpected error. A trappable

error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot

continue running..

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Error: File /trxweb/trxweb.asp Unexpected Error.(E06D7363)

Past few days I see following errors in Event Log after which few ASP scripts stopped working (or part of it's functionality - not very sure which one).

"Error: File /trxweb/trxweb.asp Unexpected error. A trappable error
(E06D7363) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue
Source : Active Server Pages
Event ID : 5

What could have caused this error ? We are using IIS 6.0. This happens between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm. User not is on an avg < 40.

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Exception Occurred Strange Error

Im writing a script that has a lot of "nested" IF statements - it breaks a complicated situation down through a sort of logic system, and when it reaches the end of the tree it performs a certain task - in this case, it writes a row of data into a table.

Its very annoying that the IF statements work exactly as I want/expect them to...but when it gets to the end of the tree of IF's I get the following error: Code:

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A File Permissions Error Has Occurred ...

i seem to to be getting this error on my website for any pgae which ends in asp/php. any page will work fine in html format Code:

A file permissions error has occurred. Please check the permissions on the script and the directory it is in and try again.

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Error Type: (0x80020009) Exception Occurred.

I get the following error from the code below:

Error Type: (0x80020009)
Exception occurred.
/diary.asp, line 53

The specific part that causes the exception is when I try to access
rsAppsTemp("AppointmentDate") in the While loop. For some reason it works
fine in the If statement above it, but not in the While loop.

Any ideas?

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Error 70 With External Account

We have a simple asp page that query LDAP attribrute. Everithing is working fine using a native domain account. but when using an external account we have an error 70, acces denie.

Here's some basic info on our structure.

- Domain/Forest A with Exchange
- Domain/Forest B with external accounts.
- Forest A Trus Forest B and "Vice Versa"
- asp page on a Exchange FrontEnd server on default web site (same as

- asp page is using basic authentification.
- Authentification work fine using native domain account or External
domain Account.

- Getting native Windows attributes work fine with External account
but the attributes starting with "ms-Exch" do not come out.(Exchange
Attribute). Code:

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Error :: Response Object Error 'ASP 0101 : 80070057'

I have created an update image field which almost works perfectly. When you select an image and click on the update button it works just fine.

If you dont select and image and click on the update button you get the following error.

Response object error 'ASP 0101 : 80070057'
Unexpected error
/html/advertiser-premier-main.asp, line 0
The function returned |.

I know it seems pointless to worry about this as you would not expect people to press the update buttin unless they insert an immage, but im sure people will try.

Code: ....

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Error :: Server Object Error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

i had done your web page with feedback form. In that i had used ASP to email the users feedback. but when the user sends feedback. the asp email scripts return error as

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/TSendMail.asp, line 4


how to resolve it?

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Error :: Server Object Error 'ASP 0228 : 80004005'

I'm hoping someone can help me, I've searched the posts with limited results. I'm migrating an app to a win 2003 boxwith sp-1 and I get:

Server object error 'ASP 0228 : 80004005'
Server.Execute Error
/rock/userlogin.asp, line 60
The call to Server.Execute failed while loading the page.

The page code:

'Call procedure to display the page header

I've tried giving rights of the IUSR account to the system directory, no luck. What can be causing this?

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Exception Occurred

I am trying to do a real simple bit of code here but i cant see where i am going wrong. I am trying to pull some titles out of the database and when i have 5 i want it to stop.

Well it is giving me an Exception Occured error. I have checked that the query is valid SQL, and i have also restructured my Do While Loop so to test the data is being pulled from the db and it is fine.

Could some one please have a look at this for me as i don't really understand what is happening. The commented out part at the bottom is the code that i used to test that something could be extracted from the Database. Code:

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80020009 Exception Occurred

I'm getting an '80020009 exception occurred' error for some reason, even though I know that there is a corresponding record in the database. This happens on some records but not most. Any ideas? Code:

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Exception Occurred.(0x80020009)

In the SQL select statement I need to compare with another field. This, another, field is sitting in the stored procedure. I have to call to the stored procedure to get this field…So I can do the comparison.

Here is what I tried: ....

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Exception Occurred /deleteTitle.asp, Line 38

I have a table inside access DB built like a tree, every record(=node) is a "title" that has a 'name' and 'paret' fields (and some other fields that are not relevant). I'm simpley trying to print out all the tree's records but I keep getting only a path from the root record to the first leaf.

I have a recursive sub called 'deleteTitles' that needs to perform this task. The var 'currentTitle' is the root node.

On every iteration of the sub I print one son of the current node 'T'. I'll be glad to give more information... Code:

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Exception Occurred /deleteTitle.asp, Line 38

I'm trying to delete a tree in my DB using a recursive function. The tree nodes are "T" (titles) The tree root is currentT, on the first call to the function. I get the error above.

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Error Object

I'm reading 'ASP in a nutshell' and i'm trying out the error trapping
features. The book says that from ASP 3.0 on there is a server object method
called GetLastError. It also advocates this beiing the best way of analyzing
errors.I do not have this method on my IIS installation. (All the other ASP code I
run according to the book is ok).
I have Windows NT 4.00.1381 and IIS 4.0 (Is my IIS version to old?) If this
is the case what is the best approach in trapping errors?

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Error Object Required

I'm trying to write a Generic Form to Database Parser, basically this script should take the values of Form fields and write them into a Database Table with correspondingly named fields.

EG: The value contained in <input type="text" name="Email" > would be written to the database field "Email"

I ran into difficulty when I tried to differntiate between Numeric and Non-Numeric Data as non-numeric data values must appear in quotes in a SQL Statment whereas Numeric Data should not be placed in Quotes. So I'm testing my form values to see if they are numeric, so I can build my SQL Statement Accordingly. Code:

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Object Creation Error

I have an application I am working on that uses "compiled" asp pages. Once the asp pages are done, they are moved into a VB6 dll to be Response.Written from there. This work great, and results in keeping our code safe at client sites. Currently this works great here and at most client sites. I have one client who is having intermittent problems with this setup Code:

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Object Required Error

I am using upload code by Jacob "Beezle" Gilley.

The following code is returning an error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

/adddoc.asp, line 36

although I have used almost the same code in other programs and it worked.

Does anyone see what I am doing wrong? Code:

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Server Object Error 'ASP'

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/share_this_page/sendmail.inc, line 36


I'm using a simple form action="friend_form.asp"

This is from the "friend_form.asp" I'm using

<!--#include file="sendmail.inc"-->
'Setup the Email message
'Define who the message is to
MailTo = Request.Form("email")

'Define who the message is from
MailFrom = "me@myemail.com"

'Define the message subject
MailSubject = "Visit My Web Site"

strComments = Replace(Request.Form("comments"), vbcrlf, "<P>")

'Define the Message body

'Send the mail
sendmail MailFrom,MailTo,MailSubject,MessageBody

MessageBody = MessageBody & "<html body here>"

Response.Redirect "http://clients.ddasolutions.com/verb/cb_new/en/share_this_page/friend_thanks.asp"
sendmail.inc file

'begin Sendmail.inc
sub sendmail(mailsender,mailrec,mailsubject,mailmessage)
Dim objNewMail

'Mark the body as a HTML formatted email.
Const CdoBodyFormatHTML = 0

'Mark the body as plain text (default value).
Const CdoBodyFormatText = 1

' Set the mail format 0in MIME format.
Const CdoMailFormatMime = 0

' Set the mail format as plain text (default value).
Const CdoMailFormatText= 1

' Importance Property
' Low importance
Const CdoLow = 0

' Normal importance (default)
Const CdoNormal =1

' High importance
Const CdoHigh = 2

' AttachFile and AttachURL Methods
' The attachment is to be in UUEncode format (default).
Const CdoEncodingUUencode = 0

' The attachment is to be in base 64 format.
Const CdoEncodingBase64 = 1

'Send the Mail Message
Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objNewMail.From = mailsender
objNewMail.To = mailrec
objNewMail.Subject = mailsubject
objNewMail.Body = mailmessage
objNewMail.BodyFormat = CdoBodyFormatHTML
objNewMail.MailFormat = CdoMailFormatMime
objNewMail.Importance = CdoNormal
Set objNewMail = Nothing
end sub
'end sendmail.inc

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Server Object Error ASp

My error is as follows:

Server objecterror 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/photos/likethis.asp, line 36 800401f3

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Error Object Required

I seem to run into this error alot and I cannot ever seem to figure out what is wrong:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

/cln/stage2.asp, line 11


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Object Required Error

At first I make a independend virtual directory wich I named app and I check
Directory Browsing in the Virtual Directory Properties. Then I create with
notepad global.asa and index.asp Code:

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Server Object Error

I am trying to upload files to a remote server with ASP.
I tried many scripts including the ShadowUploader which at first seemed to work for me (instead of the usual error, it told me that the image I was trying to download was too big) but at the end gave me the usual "Server.CreateObject Failed" error. The problem is always the line

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

What the problem with this FileSystemObject

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Response Object Error

I developed a site in ASP on my IIS server in a test location which we accessed via HTTP. After finishing the application, I created a new site in IIS and moved my scripts over to the new site which is access via HTTPS. I am now getting the following error and the code has not been changed.

Response object error 'ASP 0106 : 80020005'

Type Mismatch

/sign_up-proc.asp, line 0

An unhandled data type was encountered.

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Object Not Found Error

I am getting this error when I am trying to calling another asp page via verify email link...not sure what is it.
HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found

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Is Null Or Not An Object Error

I am working in html/asp within VisInterDev 6.0. Everything was working fine until I moved a text box from one page to another. I took it from within a form on one page to a form on another (and made the necessary changes in the two pages).

Here is the code that is generating the error:

<body onload="javascript:eventreg3.distance.focus();">

However I am using syntactically indentical code on other pages that work fine so I know the problem is not with that line.

It appears that it is not able to find the "distance" text box, but I have been over and over the html and can't find an issue. If I take that line out (keeping the <body> of course) it doesn't generate an error but my submit button doesn't work.

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Server Object Error

I am migrating my application to another identical h/W and os wink200 service pack-4 ,while try to view one page i am getting above error Code:

Dim objTools
Set objTools = Server.CreateObject("ASPFormat.Format") 'error line
Dim strResult
strResult = objTools.FormatString(now(), "dd-MMM-YYYY")

Set objTools = Nothing

if i remember i have not registered and dll or so during installation of current web server. The same page is running fine on current server.

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Error: Object Required

I'm trying to display a page in another window but I need to run a query against a database with one value to get the other value that will tell my code where to redirect the page. Every time I hit the "Select" button I get an error telling me that "Object REquired: 'Server' but I have code similiar to what is listed below working on my select boxes. Why would an input box be any different? Code:

<script Language="VBScript">
sub NewPage()
Set objRec = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL= "select id from oppprimary2 where stcc='1111111'"
objRec.Open strSQL, strconnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
Window.Open "OppTrackEdit.asp?id=1522", Edit
Set objRec = nothing

end sub

<input type="Button" Value="Select" name=button1 onclick="vbscript :NewPage()">

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Object Does Not Support Error

When trying to play Yahoo games, I can not get past the following error:

Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
Code: 0
URL: http://games.yahoo.com/games/login2?page=sp

I am running windows 98.2, IE 5.5., Ad-aware,Java 1.42_01

I also have problems clicking on any links, they say done, but go nowhere.

Any solution?

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[object Error] Encountered

I have a CFMX page calling an ASP page accessing a SQL Server2000. After updating & saving data in the ASP page, I get a message that the data is saved successfully, which is true after checking the tables.

however, a window pops up with an [objec error] message. I'd like to find more about this message and what is causing this error to trigger.

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