ASP Combox Box Colors From DB

I need to add to my application a ComboBox in whic the user selects color. The comboBox shows the name of the color and the background of the word is in the color that says the word. The names and values of the colors must be read from MSSQL database.

I'm trying to do it with this code but this one has the colors and values given and not read from DB. Code:

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Colors On Each Page

I'm creating team pages. One page will be used for all teams and I will pass the teamID through the page. I'm using ASP/Access. Each page has the same info.

My question is how to best handle color for each team page? Should I store the HEX # in the database and use them in the CSS. i.e. each team would have a Main color, 2nd color, etc. I have not done this but I'm assuming I can.

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Multiple Colors

Is it possible to make a select list item red based on a condition

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Formatting PDF Colors

I have a report that I render out as PDF. I have two sections in my Details section of the report.
I want to format the background of each section. so one half will be one colour and the other half will be a different colour.

Anyone know how I can do this?My Details section simply consists of labels and database

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Colors In Drop Down

In a regular drop down form element like below, is there a way to display
associated colors with each option? Basically, I'd like it to look like
Outlook's Label Control drop down that displays a small color block with
each choice.

<select name="sTime"><option selected>--Select Category--
<OPTION value="WORK">Work Schedule</OPTION>
<OPTION value="Meeting">Meetings</OPTION>
<OPTION value="Other">Other</OPTION></select>

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System COlors In ASP

I need to get in classical ASP page color of < Button Face object of
MS Windows. Is there any standard function in vbscript?

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Alternate Row Colors

Attached is my code. Its working fine and produces great results but all the rows are in the same color background (unless mouse-overed).

What would be interesting to see if I can get alternative colors working here...
Can anyone dig in the code (maybe re-juggle) and help me with alternate row colors?

First Row to be #FFFFCC
Second Row to be #CCCC99 when not mouseovered

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Alternate Colors In Tables

I am putting the results from a database in a table using ASP. How can I get alternate colors in each row. (i.e. first row white, second grey, third white, forth grey, etc.)

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Printing Background Colors

There is a setting in IE for "Print background colors and images."

I've noticed that without checking this option, a web page will print CSS
lines between table rows, but a background color of say the header won't.
The below style will display the borders in print preview, but won't display
the background color.

Does anyone know if it's possible to force background CSS or HTML colors to
print without having the user change the default in IE to not print
background colors? Code:

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More Font Colors To Word

I would like a bigger variety of colors to have for fonts in messenger. Anyone know where/how I can do this?,
ASP,ASP.NET,VB.NET,PHP,Java,and SQL Support, all in one place.

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Cell Background Colors

I have a table with coloured cells. I want to print out the table via IE with the coloured cells. But the outcome of the table does not have the cells coloured.

Are there ways to force out the colouring of the cells in the print outs?Either via php/asp/css or any means.

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Alternating Table Background Colors

I know how to alternate table row bgcolor by odd/even method but what I am
trying to acheive is alternate colors by the date value in the database so
that each row with the same date value has the same bgcolor. There maybe 3
red rows for 1st date, then 2 blue rows for 2nd date, then 6 red rows for
next date etc.

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Diff Colors In Text Area Of HTML

Is it possible to have, first n number of charectors in a text area in one
colour and the remaining in a different colour? If so how can it be done?

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