ASP Date Handling

I’m trying to write a script that will select some records from an Access database within a certain date range one of the fields is a date. Code:

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Easy Date Handling

I'm working on a system that requires alot of date handling, and i'm getting pretty tired of doing custom calculating when modifying dates, so i hope someone would be able to help me. Is there any easy way to do re-calculating of dates? such as adding 2,11
or 36 months to a date, and have it automatically checking whether or not it should increase months or year, and by how much?

Like, if i have to add 11 months to the date right now, i have to check which month it's in to see whether or not i could just take one month lesser the next year and so on.

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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ASP Handling

I have been trying to find a script on the net that would allow me to handle directory listings through ASP. I'm basically looking to change the default generated pages when browsing directories. Eventually I would love to be able to change which directories/files show based on permissions and be able to allow uploads to current directory listings.

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URL Handling

I am attempting to use url's on a database driven webpage - the url's are really ugly (created by mapquest) - I have tried to put " quotes " around the urls in the database as well as without - but all i get is a blank about page, can anyone help.

Here is my code:
<td><a href="<%Response.Write(rs("Directions"))%>" target="_blank">Directions</a></td>

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Error Handling Using Asp

How do i do error handling using asp. Like taking an example i am getting this error on trying to save a record twice whihc has a primary key constraint:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.

how can i handle such cases and where do i place the code???

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Exception Handling

I have a piece of code which causes an exception. Now i don't know why that is. I would like to know the best way to debug the exception.

I know about try and catch statements. However with these you need to have a basic idea of the type of exceptions that could occur. Does someone have a better suggestion on how to debug an exception?

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Handling Dates

sql = "SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Date BETWEEN " &startdate& " AND " &enddate

Where did I go wrong?????????????

Ugly response:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

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Error Handling In ASP

I want to error handling in ASP. But i think that ASP is not enough for
error handling. I have got two chance.
1. I can prapare an error page and control throught IIS.
2. I can use on error resume next.
For 1. This is a general handling. I want to handle local error. Maybe i do
special thing when error occured.
For 2. I have to write alot of lines code. I have to control every line.

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String Handling

if I have two strings as follows :




The numbers represent a predefined access permission to a certain file.

I need a function to sift through the first string, and compare it to the second string. What numbers are located in the second string, which are are located in the first string need to be removed (from the second string) leaving only unmatched numbers beind.

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Array Handling

how use the array handling in asp

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Error Handling In Asp?

Is there a possiblity that, when an error comes in asp page in server, especially with sql script, to hide that error from user and display just Error, report to admin,

i just want to make a general case where when an error comes i should take the page to report to admin.

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String Handling

im following all single quotes as follows:

email = request.form.item("email")
email = Replace(email, " ' ", " ' ' ")

so as not to crash my database. Only problem is, when i take a value out of the database it now has two quotes instead of one (example Linda D'Agostini --> Linda D''Agostini)

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Handling A String

i want to create a long string and save it inside rs("history")
what is the best way to save texts every action. with comma(,) in the end?
and how when i want to view the list i will be able to add <br> after every comma in order to view this all list normaly?

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Event Handling,

Can you please help me with event handling (for eg: capture key press, mouse overs, mouse_over drop-down menu, on_click drop down box) in asp.

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Exception Handling

I am using global.asax to handle my web application exceptions and have
configured it to create event log entries for errors that occur and to
display an error page advising the user to contact the helpdesk.
I have an intermittent uninitialised object error that I am not able to
reproduce in test and for which I really need the source line number.
I believe this information is contained in the PDB but am not sure if one is
created if I set the debug="true" flag in the compilation part of the
system.web section of the web.config when the application is recompiled.

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ASP Event Handling

I want to handle events of the AO Connection object in my ASP page. How can I do it?

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Handling Spaces With Sql/asp In A Url

I have written some code to query a database and create a hyperlink based on a value, however, if the value comprises of more than one word, the hyperlink only references the first part of the value. e.g. For instance, if the value retrieved is "the strokes", the hyperlink will only contain the word "the".

Here is my code: ....

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Handling Questions

i have a scenario where i have to serve users of my site questions on daily basis,but before they can answer a question they must answer a previous question correctly served previously before the current day .

This means to me that i have to keep a log of each questions served each day and users response whether they attempt the questions or not .i am scared to keep a scenario of a million users each day,their actions on a particular questions.what is the smartest way to achieve this.

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Handling Of COM Exceptions

We are interfacing an ASP page with a COM object. In the COM object, if there is a condition that makes it not possible to perform the requested action, an exception is raised that can be caught by the calling application.

When an exception is raised by the COM object during the processing in the ASP page, the processing seems to lock up on the ASP side on the line of the function call that raises the exception.Has anyone else ran into similar issues? If so, how can we work around them?

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Error Handling In ASP

How i can handle the errors in ASP. Please suggest something.

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Error Handling

how i can handle errors on ASP page. Actually i want to maintain a ErrorLog in Database and want to redirect the user on an Error.asp page where i can show him the error details(i-e error #,Description etc).

I have found "With Endwith" method to handle errors but the problem is that i can only write it with a record set and it will handle only record set related errors and also i have to write With EndWith with each recordSet but i want to handle any error on page at a single place.

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Handling HTTP 500

I have a dynamic asp page that takes input from a url. IE: parts.asp?sku=543 From there it looks up the sku in a database and outputs the part information. Currently if you put in an invalid sku that is not in my database, you just get a Internal server error.

Whats the correct way to give a 404? Do I just do a Response.Redirect to my 404.asp page if the recordset is empty?

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Handling Firebird

I'm using a Firebird database to store user comments using my web app that I wrote in ASP. Some fields are mandatory. some are not. Whenever I leave the textareas blank, Firebird stores them as empty text. Anyhoo, the blob fields are subtyped to text 80 segments wide.

I'm using reponse.binarywrite() to output the text into text areas. If there is something in those blob fields, all goes well. But if there isn't anything in the blob fields or I leave a couple of the blob fields blank, the program crashes. So I decided that I want to check if there is something in the blob field, before binarywriting it. I tried comparing it to the string "" and checking to see if it's null but to no avail. Something about a type mismatch error. The exact error message is:

Response object, ASP 0106 (0x80020005)
An unhandled data type was encountered.
/tracking/updateproject.asp, line 314

line 314 is where I'm binarywriting the blank data.

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Handling Checkboxes

I have an edit form for records that belong to numerous categories. Records are joined to categories with a join table in a many-to-many relationship.

When displaying a record for editing I loop through the category recordset, looping through the entire join-table recordset for each category, to tick (or not) each checkbox as it's displayed.

This seems like a costly way of populating checkboxes. Is there a more elegant solution?

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File Handling

Like File Uploading, Can I browse a file from local and when i click ok, The file should be read and update the DB. Code:

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Exception Handling

can anyone tell how to handle exceptions in ASP. please give me any link or explain me if possible.

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On Error Handling

what this code doesnt work?

on error goto errhand:

exit sub

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Error Handling

I have a script that takes gathered customer data, sends it to the gateway (ecommerce site), then takes the response from the gateway and redirects or prints out any errors (invalid CC number, declined etc.). Code:

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String Handling

I have MS Access DB which has a table called [schedule]and in the field [class_id], I have Lec1, Lec3, Tut1, Tut2, and so on.

I need to write VB script which will read the first 3 characters (i.e. Lec or Tut) and the 4th character (number 1 to 8) separately. So, the sample output from the data 'Lec3' in the DB will be something like:

TYPE: Lecture NUMBER: 3

Is there any string handling script I could use?

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Handling Concurrent Users

I have an issue with handling concurrent users in asp page.
The server is win 2003.

Asp page calls a dll developed in vc++ for displaying reports from oracle database.
Application works fine for less than 10 users .but it fails with object cannot be intialized for more users.

I tested the same application in my m/c for load testing it supports 50 users without problem.

Iam wondering any settings at IIS or OS needs to be checked for supporting more users.

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WDDX And Error Handling

I am am using WDDX.Deserializer.1 to parse some XML data to display on an ASP page. Occasionally, I get an error like this:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb'
An exception occurred: 'deserialize'
/includes/sidebar.asp, line 25

Line 25 is:

set MyRs = MyDeser.deserialize(content)

I would like to set up some error handling so that if this error occurs it will display a custom error message rather than this one. Right now this message occurs near the top of each page on the site, in effect crashing the whole site. How can I test this to see if an error will occur?

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Paging Error Handling

I inserted an error handling code for the code bellow. What happen is
the page is taking a long time to load. Upon loading it takes me to
"page not found" of microsoft internet explorer. How do I solve the
problem? Code:

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