ASP, Dates & Languages

We have a few English websites running on a single server and are in the process of adding a Spanish website to the same server. I am trying to determine how one would set the language for a particular website. For example, instead of ASP generating a date like "Monday, July 19, 2004" .

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ASP Scripting Languages?

I was reading up on ASP for a report and it talked about scripting languages. It also talked about using VBScript or Javascript as a scripting language? What exaclty is a scripting language and why do you have to use it?

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Programming Languages

Can any one tell me how many programming languages are there in the world? I tried to google it but could not really get an exact or complete list of them all.cheers.

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VS2005 Languages Available

Can C++/CLR be used for web development? Among C++/VB/C# does any language have an advantage over another for Web/ASP.NET development?

I use C++ for native devlopment and I am considering using VB for all .NET develpment whether it be Windows or Web. I like VB's syntax.

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ASP-to-RTF - Mixed Languages

I've been fighting this for a couple of weeks:

My ASP/Access app'n uses UTF-8 data in mixed languages/scripts successfully. That is, it takes input, stores and retrieves stuff OK browser-wise. The app also writes an RTF file and downloads that to the client (for display by Word) fine, but ONLY English; Cyrillic and the CJK group gets the trash display - and it's not a font pblm, cuz the browser display is good.

I've tried a number of charset directives in the RTF-writer, including CP-1251, UTF-8, Unicode, etc. None works. I don't know whether I need an explicit code-set translator or not, and am working with ChilKat's Charset product without any improvement so far.

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Coding For Different Languages

I am now creating a website which have 3 languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese). The server has installed English version Window 2000 (Server Version, Default Codepage is Traditional Chinese) and MSSQL 2000 (English). I have created a database which use the codepage "chinese_PRC".

However, when I created an testing asp pages ( 1 textbox and it will insert the content into the table), it cannot store the chars in correct coding. I would like to know whether asp or MSSQL has something wrong in my setting?

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Languages For Programming ASP In

Just started learning ASP, seems like lots of people use VBScript to program with. Though, I have spent the last year learning Java. Just wondering if I can use this to program with? along with its API's ?

Also, is it worth while to learn VBScript ? Is it industry standard or needed? Im guessing it is from the way its the language used in most ASP books. Any insight would be great.

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ACCESS & Different Languages

This is a first for all help much appreciated.

I am trying to create a survey form which retrieves all its questions form
an ACCESS database.. (I know ACCESS isn't the best option, it just not my

This database is to be multi lingual and my current survey is to be in THAI...

So in creating the survey, I copy the thai text into the ACCESS table from a
WORD document and all looks good. ACCESS seems to understand the THAI.

When I retrieve these Questions from the Database, loading them into a
recordset however, I get '????'s' in the output instead of the thai text .

I have set the charset of the HTML document as charset=TIS-620..

Can anyone tell me what i am missing? What needs to be done to display thai text in my ASP App?

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Unicode For Multiple Languages

I have an ASP page that I want to support multiple languages. If I set the
<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%>

and adds a
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

meta tag it seems to work OK. Now instead of setting the codepage in every
page I tried adding a global.asa (Session_onStart) file and add
session.codepage=65001 and also tried to add response.charset="utf-8" (I was
not allowed to set <%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%> inside
global.asa). This does not seems to work though.
Is it possible to set a codepage in some event in a global.asa to make it
global for the entire application? Is it possible to add a directive in
global.asa that works like setting a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=utf-8">. If this is possible I don't have to
recomplie my business logic that creates the html.

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Support Multiple Languages

how ASP (not ASP.Net) to do the following things:
1) Get real-time information from other web site such as tracking via
2) Real-time credit card charging via a payment gateway such as WorldPay;
3) How to support multiple languages.

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Advice For Adding Languages

Ive done quite a few sites now that involve different languages using different strategies and I would like to hear some different opinions on which is the most efficient.

The previous sites with languages that I have done have not been majorly big or would involve vast amounts of traffic so using included language file have been ok. I am about to do a site in 4 - 6 different languages that will have quite a lot of traffic. I have also used application variables in some cases but not sure if that is the best way.

So if anyone has any ideas on a better way and also one that is easy on server resources I'd love to hear them (and maybe a link to some code would be koool)..

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Multiple Languages In A Site

I want to create some pages using .net, and have others using regular asp with vb. Just wondering? I know you can have Java within the same pages, but didn't know if using asp, and then wanted to do some .net things if the site would have problems.

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i have an admin page where i have to enter dates.

I enter them in french format : month/day/year, i save, when the page is reloaded, they appear in french format, "day/month/year"... if i save again, they will ve swapped again.. and so on....

what i'd like to know, is how to know the database supported format, the server date format and how to correct this little problem in my task management system i am developing.

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GMT Dates

lately i just migrate my website to a US webhosting (i am from malaysia) and since then the date is 13 hrs behind.

Understand that to solve this problem i will just need:

DateAdd("h", +13, now())

and the output will be:

4/16/2006 12:30:03 AM

The question is how do i just get 4/16/2006 (without the time)?

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Using Dates Between

I have this query:

SELECT COUNT(appold.reason) AS Insufficient_Information
FROM appold
WHERE appold.reason LIKE 'Insufficient Information' AND (appold.`date out`
BETWEEN MMColParam1 AND MMColParam2)

MMColParam1 #01/01/2003# Request.QueryString("date1")
MMColParam2 #20/01/2003# Request.QueryString("date2")

and using this link to set the values:


When I test this in the recordset dialog it shows up with the correct count but when I use the link as above I get a 0 count, what am I doing wrong?

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I am writing an app that uses ..Now()...
How do I allow for time zone differences?
If I understand, Now() pulls the server time.

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ASP And Dates

I have a form with 2 fields: Beginning Month and Ending Month. I want to be able to allow the user to select a beginning month and ending month and when they hit submit, it will retreive all records in the table where the month field is equal to or inbetween the months the user selected.

For arguements sake lets set:
strBDate = Request.Form("txtBeginDate")
strEDate = Request.Form("txtEndDate")

SQL: SELECT tb_admin.[Session#], tb_admin.Date_from, tb_admin.Date_to FROM tb_admin WHERE ????????? ;

I know how to connect to the database and pull the data using SQL and WHERE statements but im not sure how to form this WHERE statement.

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When I try to select records which have a date greater than todays date it brings back the incorrect records. I think I'v tried everything to get it working and may have missed something. Basically here's what happens.

Todays date is 04/05/2005, but the sql will return records which have a date of 05/04/2005 or greater. Heres the sql:

Select * From trainingCalendar2 where startDate > #04/05/2005# Order By startDate;

And Returns:

2 Course Test 4 07/04/2005 Mandatory Training

10 SAP Training 29/04/2005 External Course

12 Create Course 2 17/05/2005 Internal/Upskilling

I have checked the regional settings and they are correct. When I open the database and look at the records they are of the correct format.

Even when I look at the records in the site that are the correct format. I think it's access but I thought that access was supposed to have the same regional settings as the computer.

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ASP Dates

Ive got a variable in my code which is used to calculate the age of an entry in the database. The runtime value for the variable is set to Now-14 which checks to see if the article is more than two weeks old. I can change the value to Now()-21 and it still works (flagging all items 3 weeks or newer, but if I increase this to 28, 30 or anything above,

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im using date()to return the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy is there any way of changing this to yyyy/mm/dd and the next question is what is the correct delimiter for date in sql statment is this correct?

sSQLinsert into productioninfo where Entry_date = #" & mydate &"#"

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How can i add "0" on Months and Days in ASP...What I want to happen is when it saves
to the database it saves 09/01.. this is my sample code:

Day(Request("DateReceived")) & "/" & Month(Request("DateReceived"))

On the code it only return the value 9/1.

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i have a page which allows the user to enter an amount of holiday for a year. so i have a inputbox and a submit button. user details are kept in a sql server database in a table. and one of the fields is startdate.. which basically when the user starts using this system he has to enter his personal details and which one of them is the startdate field.

i need to create a function of something that allows me to add the number 5 to the amount which the user adds for a holiday year. This only done once therefor if the users start date exceeds 5 year i need to create a function to add the number 5 to it. the code which i have at the moment ... basically selects the user from a View which i have in my sql server database. obviously it retrieves the users.. record.. depending on what the user inputs as a holiday number in the input box and then it is updated into the table in my database.

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I have a problem I'm trying to find the difference between 2 dates in a form. I would like textfield3 the differnce between the dates.:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
function calc3() {
numtextfield3 = (document.Form1.textfield1.value -
document.Form1.textfield3.value = numtextfield3;
// End -->

I keep getting an error what I want is if:

textfield1 = 12/03/03 12:05 and
textfield2 = 12/03/03 11:10

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SQL Dates

I need help with selecting records between certain dates from an Access 2000 db. The dates are held date type in the short date format so they look like so 16/03/2004. I've done the following SQL statement as a test to try and pull out everything from today until a specified date. It does nothing at the moment, the page just renders with no results and no errors.

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE StartDate <= 16/04/2004"

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After moving a small web app to Win2k3 / IIS 6 the date is being displayed as DDMMYYYY, rather than MMDDYYYY. Can I change something in the regional settings to correct this? Or do I have to change the source?

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Dates, Dates, And More Dates

Basically I have a date that a person completed an exam. A retake date is set off of this completion date (I grab the date and add a certain number of months - i.e. 24, so a completion date of 01/01/2007 would have a retake date of 01/01/2009.)

I'm generating a report for supervisors to be able to look over the employees test history to make sure that the employee is up-to-date on testing.

I want to be able to compare Retake to the current date. If the retake date is in the future (or on the same day - if someone were to look on 01/01/2009) then the employee has a "satisfied" next to them. But if the retake date is in the past, then there is an "incomplete" next to their name.

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I am trying to put together a little code that will take the current date and add X number of weekdays to that date.

For instance, if it was a tuesday the 10th, the script would return Friday the 13th. If it was Friday the 13th then the result would be Wednesday the 18th. Basically I need to know where to start with offestting dates based on weekdays

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Dates In Asp And Sql Server

Which format does the IsDate function in asp checks for? I'm taking a date from a form and inserting it into a sql server database which stores the date in mm/dd/yyyy format. Does asp use the same format or do I need to convert it? If so, how do I convert it?

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Dates In Ranges

If I have a list with dates how can i seperate them in ranges?

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Relative Dates In ASP

I am editing a script that requires me to output:

Today's date
1 week from today's date
and 4 weeks from today's date.

I am quite new when it comes to ASP programming, could I get some assitance? I need it in MM/DD/YYYY format .

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While Loops And Dates

I want to find the next event in my sql database. To do this, I have a query in a while loop. I set a new DateTime variable to the current date and run the query, it checks to see if it found a suitable event, if not, I want to increase the day by one and loop again.

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Access And Dates

I have a form that lets the web admin add products to the DB, the DB is microsoft access. I know in access you need to use # #'s when dealing with dates, i did and I get the error message: Syntax error in date in query expression '##'

Here is the code thank-you for your time

SQLstmt = "Insert INTO Products(Region, Product_Name, Manf, Weight, Shipping_Cost, Dock_Number, Shipping_Date) values ( '" &_
Region & "', '" & Product_Name & "', '" & Manf& "', '" & Weight& "', '" & Shipping_Cost& "', '" & Dock_number & "', #"& dateValue & "#)"

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Handling Dates

sql = "SELECT * FROM Calls WHERE Date BETWEEN " &startdate& " AND " &enddate

Where did I go wrong?????????????

Ugly response:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

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