ASP - First Time Onload

Im trying to redirect the first time visitors to my homepage to a different page other than the homepage. Is this possible?

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I have a small problem with Javascript in my ASP page. The script works fine when placed in an HTML page, and everything happens as expected. But when I have the suffix .asp, the onLoad event doesn't work. Is there a reason for this? Do these events not work in ASP?

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Onload Redirect

I have an asp page that looks like the following (simplified):

<BODY onLoad="javascript:document.frmSub.submit();">
<FORM NAME="frmSub" action="" METHOD="post">
<INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="OrderNumber" VALUE="0">

I am just trying to automatically redirect to another page and post some
form data. This worked fine on a Windows 2000 server. We recently upgraded
to Windows Server 2003. The page works fine when it is accessed via
"http://" but not via "https://". The browser just shows a blank page and
hangs. If I do a "View Source", the code above shows up, but it just doesn't
redirect like it's supposed to.
Is there some security issue on Windows Server 2003 that is causing this to
fail? Is there some setting I can change to fix it?

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ASP Onload Code?

I am implementing global redirection code to redirect my customers to different parts of my site based on their country ip. The code I've bought is active target ( which uses asp and an iptocountry database.

What i need to do is only have the code work if the user has opened the page externally such as from a search engine or another site but if the user has selected a particular part of our site from our home page i don't want them to be redirected to another part every time they try to click on a page.

This is because some customers would be from Europe but on a US network so their ip would have them redirected to the US site which we don't want.

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i've been using body onload()for ages but since i changed my internet explorer (to 6.02) and OS (XP), i started to get this IE script error and i don't know how to get rid of it.

I read somewhere that if I put the onload event in an inline script tag at the bottom of the my form body, it all works fine, but this doesn't work either.what i should do?

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Onload Or OnUnload

I have a Vbscript that will execute on the <body onUnLoad> event, however, because the page refreshes all the time, it will execute the code every single time. I only want the code to execute when the window is either just opened or just closed.

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Onload And Onunoad Events

Trying to implement a list of online users in my application. I have SQL Server database, table Users with a column called Status, that is set to 1 if the user is online or to 0 if the user is offline.

I wrote a VBScript sub for database update, but the problem is when I try to execute it on page onLoad event or onUnload event, the onUnload event overwrites the onLoad one right away. I suspect it has something to do with server-side vs. client-side scripting.

This is the BODY tag: Code:

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Page Onload/refresh

Is there a way to determine if a page was refreshed? I have a function that is called when the page loads, but when the user refreshes the page it calls the function again. Is there a way to call the function only when the page initially loads? I don't want it to load when the user clicks the refresh button.

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Onload Resolution Problem

What I'm trying to do is, after a user has been validated, I want the form to load to the appropriate resolution for the user. Code:

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How To Specify The Page Looks In Window Onload?

I have a page1.asp that opens a window called page2.asp. I want page2.asp doesn't have title bar, tool bar, address bar. Is it possible to specify in javascript function window_onload() in page2.asp? I don't want to specify in in page1.asp when it loads page2.asp. Code:

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Back Button Or Refresh Page OnLoad

how to detect when the user click on the back button to go back to the previous page? Or a way to refresh a ASP page whenever it's loaded?

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Server.Execute Command Disables Body OnLoad

i have this web page which on loading shows + hides a selection of div's using the command : Code:

<body onLoad="showHide()">

i wanted to include a standard banner by adding the command : Code:

Session("titleString") = "some title"
Server.Execute "index.asp"

but this seems to disable the onLoad command, presumably because there is already a full header and body in the "index.asp" file

the reason why i didn't use the "include file" command here was because the latter won't allow the title string to be fed through

the question is : is there an alternative way to execute either the "Server.Execute" or the "body onLoad" command that will allow the function showHide() to work ?

the same function is also called from a "select" form element Code:

<select onChange="showHide()">

and that works fine, so the problem definitely lies with the onLoad command, not the showHide() function.

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Time Calculation :: Difference Between Login And Current Time

I would like to display the difference between the logging time
[Session("start"] and the current time [now]. In hours minutes and seconds,
I have tried a couple of things but all I see is gobbledy gook.

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ASP To Re-load Page From Time To Time To Reset Varaibles

I have a website that I subscribe to that allows me to track tasks. I have an extra computer with a big monitor that i want to always display the task list. the problem is after so many hours I get logged out.

I need to need to reload that sign in url every few hours Code:

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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Time/Date Format And Changing Time To GMT

Currently working on a ASP for a friend, which requires the date and
time on it. It pulls in entries from an Access Database with dates and
times in the format of:

"Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003"
However my date and time on the ASP page is displayed as:
"Friday, October 17, 2003 18:02:46"
using the script:
"<%Session.LCID = 1033%>
<%=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbLongDate)%>
<%Session.LCID = 2057%>

Anyone know how to change this script, fully or partly to produce the
date and time on the format that's in the access database i.e. "Fri Oct 17
18:02:46 2003" Code:

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Time Convert String To OdbcType.Time

I am working on a database that collects information about incidents. One of the fields that people enter is the time of the incident. I am trying to convert that string that people enter into a OdbcType.Time and I am at a lost.

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Local Machine Time To Eastern Time

How will we convert the system date & time to other timezone for eg: Eastern Time zone using ASP?

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Time Function Returns Wrong Time

When the Form is submitted I use the Date() and Time() functions to put the date and time into the Body part of the e-mail. The time reported is three hours earlier than the time at which the Form is actually submitted.

I understand these functions are evaluated on the server so the server must be in a time zone three hours earlier than where I am . Is there any way I can get the local time at the location where the user is actually located. ?

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How To Get Asp Execution Time And Database Connection Time ?

Any some tools or sample codes drop down asp script execute time and
database connection time ?

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Server Time Local Time Convert

I'm trying to do a very simple code that converts the server time into a time zone of your choice.

dim h 'Current Hour
dim i ' Time Zone Increase - add or subtract hours
dim r 'Result Here
h = Hour(Now)
i = + 2
r = h + i

but obvisouly i'm having trouble with the time zone convert.

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Compare The NOW Time With A Deadline Time

I am trying to compare the NOW time with a "deadline" time. Please help. Just not sure why this is not working. I need to be able to say IF IT'S BEFORE 9:30 TODAY, IT'S OKAY TO ADD SOMETHING. IF IT'S AFTER 9:30 TODAY, YOU MUST ADD IT TOMORROW.


deadlinetime=formatdatetime(now(),2) + " 8:30:00 AM"
response.write "NOW: " & nowtime & "<BR>"
response.write "Deadline: " & deadlinetime & "<BR>"
if nowtime<deadlinetime then response.write "can send out today" end if
if nowtime>deadlinetime then response.write "must send out tomorrow" end

NOW: 1/18/2007 8:51:43 AM
Deadline: 1/18/2007 8:30:00 AM
can send out today

As you can see, NOW is GREATER THAN Deadline, so it should must send out tomorrow.

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Time Calculation :: Between Two Dates And Time

i want to calculate the total time between to dates and time.

Example: Total time elapsed from date 1 time 1 to date 2 time 2.

27/09/2004 11:00 - 28/09/2004 10:30

The user enters a record and then later comes back and closes it. I need to know the time it took from when they entered the record until the time it was closed.

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i am trying to get a time variable which is 30 minutes before the current time to use in a calculation.
The code I am using is:

response.write ("<BR>")

but the response I get is incorrect along the lines of:
14/10/1891 12:05:18

What am I doing wrong, why is validation time also including a date

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Can someone tell me how i can use a if loop

its related with time I want to display a registration form on 29 Jan 2007

only between 10am pacific time to 1pm pacific time

so only between 10am - 1pm pacific time the registration form should appear

i live in the central time zone

can someone tell me how i can make this happen.

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Using Time

I am trying to use the time function to determine whether or not it is morning, afternoon or evening.

I wrote my code and then changed the values it is comparing with to see if would work and it doesn't, it just stays on the good morning.

<% if time > 0 then %>
Good Morning <b><%= Session("sessFirstName") %></b><br><br>
<a href="logout.asp">Log Out</a>
<% end if %>

<% if time > 12 then %>
Good Afternoon <b><%= Session("sessFirstName") %></b><br><br>
<a href="logout.asp">Log Out</a>
<% end if %>

<% if time > 18 then %>
Good Evening <b><%= Session("sessFirstName") %></b><br><br>
<a href="logout.asp">Log Out</a>
<% end if %>

Do i need to put quotes around the number i am checking with?

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how can i get this tag to adjust for time zones? This is probably simple, but i just can't think of how to do it. Code: <%=Time%>

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Time Out

I am writing an XML file with lots of Data and it takes time but before the operation can be finished I get this error


The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

How do I handle this?

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Specify Time

Would anyone know if there is an easy and clean way of presenting maybe a time control field in html in an .asp page that allows a user to specify a certain time of the day? Currently using an <input name="SpecifyTime" type="Text"field but was wondering if there was a better way of doing this as to where users won't mistype in entering non time related characters?

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UTC Time

Would it be a stupid idea to use the Log Util component to retrieve the UTC date/time? It appears that the DateTime property could be used for this, but I'm not really sure how it searches through the log file.

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Time In GMT

I've used this ASP funtion to display the time on my web page:

Date: <%= FormatDateTime(Date, 1)%>
Time: <%= FormatDateTime(now, 4)%>

THis was working fine until i moved my site to a server based in the states, not the time is 5hrs behind. help me resolve this?

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Time Out For ADO

I am using ADO to connect to SQL 7.0. At times the connection timeout expires. Is there any way to inrease the default time out? I think currently its 60 secs. Here is the code that I use to establish ADO connection.

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

sCon = "DRIVER={SQL Server};
SERVER=Indy2;DATABASE=ProdProtrans;UID=xx; PWD=xxxxxxx"

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GMT Time

How to find GMT time in ASP?

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