ASP Function To Provide Stock Quotes?

Anyone know of an ASP application that will provide me with stock data for a
specific ticker symbol? Of course, a free app would be nice, but I'd
consider something I have to pay for.

I'd prefer something that is not an installed component (not a DLL or COM).

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Stock Quotes

I'm currently writing a custom financial app that tracks stock purchases and
values. however, I need help in retrieving stock quotes from the internet. A
20 minute delayed quote is fine. I do not want to revert to "page or screen

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Stock Quotes

Does anyone know how to implement a stock quote using ASP on a website? Any sample code or components, etc.

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Provide Spell Checking

How can you provide spell checking ability for user input on an ASP page?

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Most Secure Way To Provide Log-in Area

I've got a CMS, which currently requests that you provide your username and password to gain entry. Upon submitting this form, your username and password are checked and a session is set if they match:

<%if request("strUserName") = "bob" and request("strPassword") = "bobspassword" then

session("Login") = true


Each page in the CMS then checks for the session to be set to true before rendering the page.

People say that I should check these values in a database rather than on the page itself, but I don't see why? Can anyone recommend a more secure way of doing this, or is this secure anyway?

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Provide Spell Checking Ability

How can you provide spell checking ability for user input on an ASP page?

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Stock Quote

Is it possible to grab stock quotes (with of course the 15min delay!!) and place within an ASP page?written in is possible to read HTML content on webpages without outputting them and then using the values etc

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Cart And Stock

I have built a site with a cart which works fine but the client now wants stock to be deducted when the items is added to the cart. I have added 3 fields to the products table Stock, inBasket and Sold. The issue is that when they add to their Cart I deduct from Stock and add to inBasket.

If the user never completes the purchase then the stock level is always too low and inbasket too high.

If the users sales is completed in PayPal they are returned to the site and their Order is marked as paid or cancelled.

What I'd like if it is possible is a way set a timer on an order so that if it didn't complete the stock is reinstated.

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Updating Stock

I have made a type of system for stock where there is a page that displays all the stock on hand. This is pulling data from a table in the database. There is another page for taking stock.

So, you click on an item from the dropdown list and then type in the quantity you are taking. This info is inserted into a different table. How do I do an update so that if someone takes 20 of an item, it deducts 20 from the stock on hand column in the other table?

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Show Stock Price From A URL

Using classic ASP, are there any examples which I can use to show a stock price of a particular stock.The URL I am looking at is:

Is there a way that the page will directly update the intranet page with the stock price of the indicated stock?

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Different Messages Displayed Depending On Stock Level

I want to display a different message deppending on the amount of stock left. For example if there is no stock i would like to display "out of stock", if the item is in stock display "in stock". Code:

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ASP "Control Stock Level" Calculation

I am developing a simple ASP-Access system for invoicing purpose, and the system is in 98% progress. What I want to do now is to add some sort of "control stock levels".

Let say I have set the quantity of an item/product (eg, pencil=100) in my database (in my database it refer to the table tblProducts with the field called PStockLevel) When one customer want to buy 10 pencil, the system will automatically set the PStockLevel to 90. All the calculation will be done in the page called tasks.asp.

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Can someone help me my quotes in LISTING 2 below? LISTING 1 works fine in
HTML, but I'm having trouble with quotes in LISTING 2 near the javascript
code when trying to response write the entire button code.

<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="<< Previous <%=iMaxRecords%> Records"

Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=<< Previous" & iMaxRecords &
"Records ONCLICK="document.location.href=""paging.asp?iPage=" & (iPage -1) &

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Quotes In SQL DB

I have a product description in an sql database.which looks like this Do's and Dont's.When i pull it to look at it on the screen it displays fine.But now when i go to move that into another database for the order it only displays Do in the other table. Which means its cutting everything off from the ' forward.Ive tried just about everythign to my knowledge adn i still cannot get this to work.

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Fix Quotes

help with the fix quotes? For example, I have persons name as Jo'Mario entered as text in a text box, I need to text to go clean without any error because I am generating an error as follows:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

And I think it is due to single quote I am using in the text box.I know there is a coding to fix this problem but not sure of it.

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Quotes 2

Below in GOOD CODE, I have a mix of ASP/HTML that works. I'm trying to convert the code into all ASP, but I'm failing in BAD CODE. The single quotes are very hard to master.


sHTML=sHTML & "bgcolor=" & tblcolor & style=""cursor:default;""
onMouseOver="this.bgColor=""'#e6e6e6'"" onMouseOut="this.bgColor='" &
tblcolor & "'"


If sPageType = "forum" Then %>

bgcolor="<%= tblcolor %>" style="cursor:default;"
onMouseOver="this.bgColor='#e6e6e6'" onMouseOut="this.bgColor='<%= tblcolor

<% End If %>>

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Removing Quotes

I have successfully taken over a number of variables from a .csv file and put them into an .asp page. Unfortunately the .csv file has all these variables enclosed in double quotes i.e "Hello" and appear this way on the .asp page. Is there anyway of removing the double quotes (") from the beginning and end of the variables?
I have tried splitting the individual variables on the " with this
sSeg2 = Split( var1, """ )

but this brings an error..

Unterminated string constant
/iq/groupama/chamber/test3.asp, line 74, column 26
sSeg2 = Split( var1, """ )

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Need Double Quotes

I am pulling data from a table to create a <select> list. I need to wrap the value= in double quotes. Code:

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Stripping Out Quotes

My ASP page allows user to enter comments into a form. To avoid
errors I'm having to strip out double quotes before saving to the
database. Is there anyway to encode these so that I can store them
instead, in the way was an URLEncode works?

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Strings With Quotes In

< input type=text name="PageTitle" id="PageTitle"
value="<%=strPageTitle%>" >

How do I "escape" any quotes, accidental carriage returns etc that are
contained within strPageTitle? Do I have to use a series of replace()
functions, or is there a cunning way that makes it OK?

(Using escape(strPageTitle) fills the box with % signs...)

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Double Quotes Tag

I have an asp page.I have all the form tags, javascripts etc in that. For e.g In my asp page I have mentioned my form tag as

<form name=frmupdateskill method=post>

and javascript as

<script language=javascript>
some code...

I send this asp page to my onsite person. When he replaces the old asp page with the one I sent the following are the things I come across. Code:

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Quotes With Textbox

First Question:

When I try the fallowing I get an error message:

Field1 = Replace(Field1, """, "& quote")

Second Question:

I have some info stored on Access DB, when i pull it for updates I should print the data as fallow:

<input type="text" name="Field1" value="<%= RS ("Field1") %>" size="20">
All that well and good but the problem occur when "RS ("Field1")" contain a double quote!

Let's say I have:

RS ("Field1") = Hi "guys"....

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Single Quotes

I've got an HTML page with a series of links that are intended to search a category listing in a database.

for example

link 1 has a querystring of "?subid=Boats"
link 2 has a querystring of "?subid=Cars & Trucks"
link 3 has a querystring of "?subid=Men's & Women's Outerwear"

As long as the subid doesn't contain any single quotes or any special characters such as the "&", my SQL works ok and the records are retrieved. 'm using Request("subid") to get my querystring value.Is there any way I can escape the single quotes or other special characters in the Request("subid") so it won't break the SQL?

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Quotes In Forms

What is the best way to deal with quotes inside form data that a user is submitting to my page?It screws up my editing feature,in which I'm using a SQL string to edit the data.Adding works with the quotes,as I'm using .addnew for new records.

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Quotes In A Hyperlink

I just want to write a hyperlink in ASP. getting many errors . can anyone please help me with this.

Response.Write("<font size=2 face=arial><A Class=TableLink href = "
link://" & "onMouseOver=" & """" & "window.status='Case';return true" & """" & "onMouseOut=" & """" & "window.status='';return true" & """" & ">Case:</A></font></td>")

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Escape Quotes

I'm still having trouble getting some of my data being returned properly when people use quotes. (ex ProjectName contents being - the "primary" project - The double quotes are the main issue. I am using a function for the single quote and it seems to have resolved the issue.


Term = trim (Term)
if Term <> "" then
Term = Replace (Term, chr (39), chr (39) & chr (39))
end if
If Term <> "" then

I use this just when passing strings from a form. I tried altering it and using chr (34) for a double quote but it didn't work.

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Quotes From Database

I have a form that asks for the size of a particular object. Sometimes the size is 4" X 8". The problem that arises is when the record is pulled back from a database to a textbox in a form; I get an error with HTML.

I try and place the 4" X 8" into a text box, like <input type="text" name="size" value="4" X 8""> Is there something I can do in ASP to keep this from happening after the client receives the data?

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Understand Quotes Better

As I get further and further into ASP/VBscript I realize I just don't undertstand how to properly use single/double quotes at the same time. This is really holding me back. If anyone can help me understand this better or know some good articles I would appreciate it. My current problem is adding a logo to my page from the database. What quotes are needed inside my <img> tag. Code:

<img src="/teams/logos/"'"<% response.Write rs("Logo")%>"'"> .

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Double Quotes

I'm trying to pass data from a <textarea> box to a confirmation page and then pass the same information from the confirmation page to a final page.

When the information gets passed to the final page it is truncating it where there are double quotes. I've tried to do a replace() function to try and escape the quotes out but it's not working.

confirmation page


<input type="hidden" name="results" value="<%=results%>" />

final page


results = request.form("results")
results = replace(results,""","""")
results = replace(results,vbcrlf,"<br />")

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Single Quotes ( ' )

Access 2000 doesn't allow single quote when updating records from the webpage. If the user need to insert for example the name O'neil in a field it will create this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''O'neil', r_add1 ='Auburn', r_add2 =' ', r_city ='AUBURN', r_state ='WA', r_zip ='98001' WHERE r_id =279'.

Is there a script I can use to accept the single quote as part of a string of characters?

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Converting Smart Quotes, Etc.

I've got a situation where I need to be able to replace "smart quotes" and similar characters that are created (presumably) by Microsoft Word. If you don't already know, smart quotes are those "curly quotes" that curl or angle in toward the text on each side. Here is an example, though I'm not sure how it will display in a browser: “

I thought I had just used a standard replace function in the past for these things, and that seemed to work when the text was coming from a form. However, now I am receiving them from a scraped web page, which I have retrieved using ServerXMLHTTP. In this case, a standard replace is not working.

I've noticed that when I use Server.HTMLEncode on the text, both left and right smart quotes, angled apostrophes, em dashes, etc. all get encoded as &#65535 which tells me something goofy is going on. I don't know if this is a character encoding issue or what. I could just HTMLEncode the string and do a replace on &#65535 but that also encodes other things that I don't want encoded, and there appears to be no such thing as Server.HTMLDecode in classic ASP.

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Passing Quotes In A URL Call

I want to dynamically build a call to another asp page and include some
parameters as part of the call. The basic format of the call is something

"<a href='mypage.asp?id=" & theid & "&location='" & thelocation &

where there is a single quote followed by a double quote following the
...location=... and vica-versa after the variable

My problem is that the variable thelocation can include a single quote or a
double quote. I tried Server.URLEncode and that didn't work. I got a string
that ended up causing a Page Not Found (it encoded the dot in the page name
and that didn't work)

How can I encode the data so that quotes will be accepted in this type of

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Replace Double Quotes

Got a stubborn problem with double quotes

i can replace two single quotes but how do i replace a quotation mark e.g. (") and not ('')

Replace(rstSimple3.Fields("Description"), "''", " ") works

Replace(rstSimple3.Fields("Description"), """, " ") cuases error!

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