I have an HTML web form that triggers an ASP script when submitted. This sounds easy enough...

However, one of the form elements, a select box, needs to be ran separately from the rest of the form. Code:

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Can ASP load pages into IFRAMES?

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i was trying to assign value retrieved from database to an IFRAME. can it be possible?

<IFRAME ID="iframe" name="iframe" width="80%" height="300" value=<%=Rsa.fields("student_name")%>></IFRAME>

bec i am not getting any error and also there i am not able to see any value in the IFRAME.

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Multiple IFrames

We have a Web page that at load time will execute and build: a DHTML Menu/Data Driven, an Iframe with Detail Data, an Iframe to display Progress Information and another iframe with totals information of the previous iframe with Detail Data. Everything works fine except during the initial load. If we click on any place of the page during the above loading schema, the process stops
and we end-up with Iframes with incomplete information and empty calculations. We need to refresh and avoid using the mouse and keyboard during the load time to get a decent start.Is anyone familiar with this behavior? Any ideas to solve
this issue without disable the mouse?

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Redirect And IFrames

I have a webaccount to which I have pointed two domain names. Since I have two different sites on the same webaccount I want to redirect the browser to the correct starting page given a specific domain name. Code:

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Arrays, Iframes And Images

I need to take a set number of images, and have them display in a iframe on my page. I want to be able to have a Previous and Next button at the bottom of the iframe that will take my users to the corrisponding page of the document. I was told that an Array would be the best route to take for this. Here is what I have so far... and as you can guess there is something wrong with the code:

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Pages Breaking Out Of Iframes

I would like to prevent a page from breaking out of it's iframe when indexed by a search engine. I would like to use asp (which I am just starting out in) and I know it is somewhere along the lines of "yourframespage.asp?id=pageid".

Can anyone give me a rundown of how I do this exactly because I cannot seem to work out how to do it.

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Iframes Form Submission

Big.asp includes an iframe called small.asp. Small.asp has a form. How can i make that form to be submitted to big.asp? Because if I simpli point the form to big.asp, it would open a big.asp into the original big.asp .

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Jumping To The Top Of Parent Using Iframes?

I have a parent window (default.asp) and on this page I have an IFrame that displays the rest of the menu requests for the site. The url always shows the base url, never other pages because they appear in the IFrame - this is by design.

The content in the IFrame is dynamic and may scroll forever depending on how much data is retrieved from the db. If the user scrolls down the IFrame to view to contents, the top of the default.asp page scrolls with it until it reaches the top of the IFrame.

The problem is that when navigating through the site I can't seem to figure out how to get it to jump to the top of the default.asp page when the page in the IFrame changes. This causes the user to have to scroll up and down throughout the site making it unappealing for navigation reasons.

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Hidden Values And IFrames

My form, "Form1.asp" includes an "email" input box. Upon submit the user is redirected to "Form2.asp" which includes an iFrame called "formFrame.asp".

How do I entrap the "email form" value

'extrap fields from URL on prev. page
ea = request.form("email")

and apply it INTO a iFrame form input box using <%=email%>

I am not able to establish connection to the hidden value from the iFrame.

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Performance Of IFRAMES Versus Includes

The default ASP generates the HTML response including several IFRAMES. It takes a long time to load this page. I believe a lot of it is round trips to load the IFRAMES. Couldn't include files be used to increase this performance, so everything is done in the initial call instead of multiple round trips?

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