ASP IIS 5.0 Mapping An FTP Share To The Physical Directory

I've setup several FTP shares on IIS 5, where some of the shares are
located on another computer, while other directories are on the local

Is there a function similar to server.mappath that I can use to return
the physical path of a FTP virtual directory using ASP?

For example, I have a virtual directory called TestA located at
C:TestA on the local computer running IIS 5. I have another virtual
directory called TestB located at DevserverTestB where Devserver is
another machine on the network.

In my ASP code, I need to be able to access the physical directories
directly and I would like to avoid having additional code to deal with
hard coded directory paths.

Is there something similar to the command server.mappath("TestB") which
would return "DevserverTestB"? This way, the physical path is
transparent and I can treat local and network shares in the same way.

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Cannot Open File In Virtual Directory Defined Via Share

I have 2 web servers both running win server 2003 with iis 6.0. On my
PROD server I have a virtual directory called CONV. It points to a
folder on the C drive of this PROD server.

On my TEST server, I defined a virtual directory called CONV. It points
to a share called prodservernameCONV. Note that the share name is
the same name as that of the virtual directory.

Using IIS on the TEST server, I can navigate to this CONV virtual
directory and via right mouse, click EXPLORE. I see all the content I
should but when I try to doubleclick on a file I get a message saying
"Security alert" - "your current security settings do not allow you to
perform system commands on this item".

I've tried everything I can think of on the security settings for the
physical folder on the PROD server. I extended EVERYONE from READ, etc.
to FULL CONTROL. I added the user called INTERACTIVE and gave it full
control. In short, I am stumped and guessing now.

Basically, I just want to avoid duplicating all the data files on my
PROD server over to my TEST server.

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What is it about mapping that's fixing my problem, b/c the UNC will not work?
I would prefer to use the UNC if possible in my current situation.

Here's my code:
Map - ImagePath = "v:" - this one works but UNC doesn't
UNC - ImagePath = "srv-file-bLic Pic"
Response.write "<img src=" & ImagePath & RTrim(LastName) & Left(LTrim(FirstInitial),1) & Right(SocSecNum, 4) & ".jpg width ='100' height ='100'>"

testimage = ImagePath & RTrim(LastName) & Left(LTrim(FirstInitial),1) & Right(SocSecNum, 4) & ".jpg"
Response.write testimage

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Mapping Path In Asp

I have created my asp pages in "D:/test" . This i have created as a virtual directory.
i am having some files in "D:/download/cont/somename" From the asp page i want to access the files in the d:/download/cont/somename folder. Here somename changes according to username. i.e first i want to check whether this path is valid and then get all the files from it but its giving me the following error

Server.MapPath(), ASP 0174 (0x80004005)
An invalid '/' or '' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
/test/contractsfile.asp, line 11

somename = Request.cookies("username")
source = ".. est" & "/download/cont/" & somename
if fs.folderexists(server.MapPath(source)) ---------------------------> line 11

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Mapping Software

Is there some good mapping software out there that integrates well
with ASP apps? I need to be able to pass in several addresses, and
display a route on a map with driving directions.

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Field Mapping

Does anyone have an example of field mapping? I am trying to write an app that reads a .csv file and then allows a user to map those .csv fields to existing SQL fields.

I have the reading of the .csv & writing to SQL, but hit the wall trying to get a mapping process to work. Ideally, I would check off a field from the csv and check off a corresponding field in the sql field then hit a map button and it would set the fields in the sql statement according also removing those two selections.

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Mapping Remote Machine

I was susseesful in mapping remote machine with vbscript. Now I am building the same tool with ASP .I am using the same code but its not working. Below is the portion where I am mapping the drive: Code:

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Website Mapping Tool

I am thinking of mapping out a website. The website is very large and the reason I am doing this is to find out which files are redundant and how I can go about tidying up and simplifying the code.

Can anyone recommend any good mapping tools? I am working for a company which gets all the Microsoft development tools. If anyone can recommend a Microsoft tool that would be better as I would already have access to it.

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Mapping Network Drives Through Asp

I was wondering is there a way to map a network drive a on persons machine with a online gui interface?

Is there a way user 1 can map drives on THEIR computer using an online interface?

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Physical Database

I'm using Crystal Reports 8.0 and Asp. When i try to see my reports it show me an error "Physical Databse Not Found". Whether u run the repprt on server or on clent.

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Dropdown Mapping Doesn't Work

I try to use the below code to do mapping but, i saw no value in my dropdown. I'm using classic ASP, with MS SQL Server 2005. I have check, There are value in rs("statusid") and status table. Anyone can detect the problem here?

<select name="status" class="FormTextField" id="status">
SQL = "SELECT (CASE WHEN statusid='" & RS("StatusID") & "' " & _
" THEN '<option selected>' " & _
" ELSE '<option>' " & _
" END) + statusid " & _
" FROM Status ORDER BY statusid "

Set RSTypes = MM_cSupport_STRING.Execute(SQL)
Response.Write RSTypes.GetString()

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Field Mapping Sample - CSV To Sql Serverusing Asp Or VB

Does anyone have an example of field mapping?

I am trying to write an app that reads a .csv file and then allows a user to map those .csv fields to existing SQL fields...

I have the reading of the .csv & writing to SQL, but hit the wall trying to get a mapping process to work...

Ideally, I would check off a field from the csv and check off a corresponding field in the sql field then hit a map button and it would set the fields in the sql statement according - also removing those two selections.

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Physical Path To Database

I am getting the following error from the following code:

Server.MapPath(), ASP 0172 (0x80004005)
The Path parameter for the MapPath method must be a virtual path. A physical path was used.

/html/objconn.asp, line 11

The code is as follows....

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Web Site Physical Path

How can I get the physical path of a web site from an EXE application? The Web Site is on the same server as the application.

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Physical Pages Categories

I want to put my existing review books webpage in Asp/Database because I have more than 5000 of them and its now too complicated to keep tracks of it all in HTML only. My database is ready, I know how to connect to it, how to list records and how to select in them, I know how to pass a variable from a page to another, I know how to add, modify and delete records... yeah its about that so far.

Here is how I want my website to look like. I want to have physical pages categories, like all the science fiction books should be listed in sf pages separated alphabetically Ex reviews of Lord of the ring will be in sciencefictionT.asp and so on for each categories. I want too that a page with all the reviews listed linking to the right place. In my database I have already categories for each books.So is it possible to do or I complicate my life too much?

I know that it would be much more easier just to make a review.asp and have the review one at the time there, but I like the way my website is already is, that make it different from others.

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How To Give Physical Path

Please let me know how to avoid giving physical path & line number in the
error messages of web applications. Instead i would like to replace it with
general error message to the user.

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Virtual Path And Physical Root

Is it possible to include my remote web server path eg: m:/html/root/site1
| m:/html/root/site2 etc virtual includes....

Thus eliminating the need to create duplicate INC files in each sub-domain on my remote web server host domain IP. eg: (;

I would like to be able to use a UNIVERSAL INC file in the root of my web IP for the benefit of all my sub domains.

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Share Global.asa

Can more than one application (on the same server) share the same Global.asa file? If not, then why?

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Share Sessions ASP To ASP.NET

I have an intranet application in ASP running on Win2003(IIS6). Users log in on ASP pages. If I create an ASP.NET application to run on this intranet will the Session variables from the ASP session be carried over to the ASP.NET application or would I have to create another log in screen in the ASP.NET application to authenticate to the same database?

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Folder Share

I really need a coding help regarding sharing Folder Module to specific members through giving them rights for access while using Classic ASP.

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Skip Out The Name Of The Page From The Physical PATH String ..

If the physical path of a page is : " e:facecgi_bindetails\_Nviews.asp "

and i want to remove "\_Nviews.asp" portion from this path ...means whenever the page refreshes,no matter what the name of the page is ....the last portion of the name of the page with slash must skip out from this path string can i do this while using VBscript using Split(),RIGHT(),LEN(),LEFT()...etc..

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Physical Path Of Any Page Hosted On Other Server

May i get the physical path of any page hosted on other server?

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Share Session Data

We have a web site where we have asp and
how can we share session data b/w the two environments.

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Window Share Same Session

I was using ASP and Javascript I have a problem with the Session in IE.
When a user opens a new browser window with the file->new window menu item or ctrl N, it shares the sessionid cookie with the original window. That mean both of the window share the same session.I want a new window created refer to diffirent session. How can we solve this problem?

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Share Session State

I'm looking for a working example on how to share session state between ASP
and ASP.NET.The solution of Y Yeung of Microsoft seemed to be a good solution but I did
not get the asp part working.Anybody tips, tricks, links ?

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Share Session Data Between Asp And

We have a web site where we have asp and
how can we share session data b/w the two environments.

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Share Price Streaming

Does anyone know of a quick and easy way to stream a particular share price
eg: msft into one's website....I have done a google search but I am not
finding anthing there an asp solution?

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Share Session Variables

My web host gives me two servers, one normal server and one that has SSL on it. When my web page goes to the SSL server I need to read the session variables from the original normal server.

Does anyone know how to go about doing this? The obvious way would be to send a variable with the url and get it with the queryString but I dont want to do that as the customer can see and change things I don't want them to.

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Convert A Physical File Path To A URL For Hypertext Links

I have a Physical path that I need to convert on the FLY I thought using Replace would be a good idea, and it almost works

function MapURL(path)

dim url2
'Convert a physical file path to a URL for hypertext links.
url2 = (path)
MapURL = Replace(url2, "", "/")
MapURL = Replace (url2,"E:","http://myscs/docLibraryDocs")
MapURL = Replace (url2, "IntranetLibrary", "")

end function %>

- Is it possible to have multiple replace on the same variable ?
- am I doing it the right way ? or is it possible to concatenate those replace in one go ?

Is there a limit on how many Replace one can use for one variable ?

The problem I have is that it takes the first two Replace in consideration but not the third one. If I remove or comment the second one then the First and the third one works fine. For some reason, it doesn't like to have the three in the same time.

by the way, the link I try to change is as follow: Code:

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Active Directory :: The Attribute Syntax Specified To The Directory Service Is Invalid

I have written a script to update user information in the Active Directory using ADSI. Here is part of it:

Set User = GetObject("LDAP://<GUID=" & GUID & ">")

User.Department = DepartmentName


Set User = Nothing

This works fine unless DepartmentName is an empty string ("").

Then I get error 0x8007200B: "The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid."
This happens with all the attributes I have tried, including TelephoneNumber
Do I need to delete the value of the attribute instead of setting it to an empty string? If so, how do I do it?

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Trying To Link To Server Share With Multiple Servers

I'm trying to figure out a quick script that will let me link to a server share where the server could be 1 of a couple of different ones. The share will always be the same, but the server could be any of a list of maybe 5 or so choices as such:


I'd basically like the script to check the different servers until it finds the one where the share exists, then redirect to it. The share will only exist on one server, but which one it is will change.

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Asp Copy File From Local To Remote Share Drive Disk

I have two machines, one generate files, and copy to the other.
I try in my program, but it dit not work.

The two machines are not in the same domain. I saw some people's
question but not suitable for me,their machine are in the same domain.
They can assign permission to do the job.

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ASP Attempting To Access MS Access 2000 On File Share

I have a Development server that is running Win2k, IIS 5.0, and ASP enabled. I am trying to gain access to an Access 2000 DB located on a file server within my domain. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct permissions set, but I am having problems when trying to access the DB.

The error is similar to:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file '******'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I'm looking for ways to fix this... Microsoft suggests turning off the ability for IIS to sync passwords. Unfortunately, this is not a viable solution for me.

Is it possible to create a new virtual server that is a share to my file server? Put my ASP and MDB file in there and have it work? Anyone have any other ideas?

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