ASP - Launching Executables

I have an Executable which I want to run from an ASP page on the server. I have the following code in place:

strcommand = "C:UsersSSR_BWUpload

strcommand = "cmd.exe" & " /C " & Chr(34) & strcommand & Chr(34)

set ws = server.createobject("WScript.Shell")
ws.Run strcommand

The exectuable gets launched but does not complete as the control is passed back to the ASP page. How do I wait for the Executable to finish before getting back to the user.

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Uploading Executables

Is there any way I could upload a certain file whether it is contained as an executable such that when I do a form submit, it can perform the same task that CDO, CDONTS, or JMail could do but without requiring the web hoster to register the dll files to their servers

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Running Executables

does anybody know how to run an executable using asp?

I don't want to use aspexec because i'm not allowed install anything
onto the server. i have been using this code but its not running anything:

Set WshShell = server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "C:Inetpubwwwroot rip_report rip_report.exe "
response.write "this has completed"

it writes this has completed but never runs the executable!

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Running Executables From ASP Page

if it's possible to run an .exe or other command line utility form an .asp page? What I am trying to do is have a report request page where the user would supply a few details, and then submit. At this point I am hoping to pass the data to an .exe. This .exe will write its output to a text file which will be read and displayed on the page. Is this
easily accomplished?

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Launching A Sql Server Job

I am executing a stored proc that starts a sql server 2000 job and everytime I call the proc from my 2.0 page it gives me the error message that this particular job id does not exists, any suggestions?

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Launching Word From ASP

I have followed the steps in the MS article 288367 to enable Word to run from a web page. I have done this several times and it has worked OK. However, at a customer site I am getting the following error: Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server. The server is {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}.

This AppId is the Word.Application object which the article does not mention, it only talks about the Word.Document object. You have to create the Application object before you can create the Document object, so does the Application need the same DCOM
settings to be applied to it?

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Launching MS Word

I have the path generated from asp variables. I have the following code:

<a href="file:<%=sPath & sYear & "" & sFileName%>" TARGET="_blank">Open Generated File</a>

This will launch the file in an IE window. I was wondering if it would be possible to have the same link above but have word open the file instead of IE? Have something like a jscript function that does onclick...blah..blah. Is this possible? If so, any sample coding or where to get more information.

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Launching MSN Messenger

Is it possible to open a new MSN Messenger window from a link on a site using ASP? I want to try and use it like a live chat link, but want to use the audio and webcam facilities MSN provides.

Haven't managed to find much on search engines and not sure where to start. I notice that this forum provides a link to send an MSN message to members, but it didn't seem to work when I clicked one(it just opened up a new window and then redirected to the home page).

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Launching Word From An Asp Page

I am trying to launch word from an asp page. I need to pass data picked up from a recordset into a word template and then email the resulting merged word doc to the user.
I keep getting the error:

Microsoft Word (0x800A1772)
Word could not fire the event.

It appears the problem lies with the path. As I am only running this locally on my pc at present the code path I have is:

set MyWord = createobject("Word.Application")
MyWord.Documents.Open "D:sitewebprojsummariesEnvUtil.doc"

This is where the Word Doc is located. Am I missing something?

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Launching A POP Up In A Responce.write

I have a asp page which need to launch lets say x.asp in a pop up window the asp page itself has a bag load of responce.write's within and i was wondering if i could lanch x.asp in a pop up window 100 x 100px etc etc.

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Launching Notepad.exe Client Side

I have written an ASP application using our IIS server which retrieves data and displays them in a nice grid. My boss wants the application to create a .txt file of this data when a button is clicked and then open Notepad with this new file so that it can be saved locally on a user's harddrive.

I can create the file itself fine, but trying to launch Notepad client-side with this new .txt file has proven to be an absolute nightmare. It is a nightmare because I've gotten errors such as from "Automation server can't create object" to others that are a constant, annoying road-block to what seems to me ought to be a simple trick.

Bottom line, how do I do the above without getting errors (opening Notepad with the file created)? Again, Notepad is what my boss wants used, so with that I need to know the solution with ASP (not ASP .NET).

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Sending Launching Email With HTML Attachment

Can anyone get me started or point me to a resource for some help?

I have an ASP page that displays various boxes, tables, and information. I want to be able to click an "Email" button and have the asp page save the page as an attachment (html?) and then launch Outlook and automatically attach the page to it and enter the email address of the person I want to send it to.

I can't just send a link because the page is generated on an Intranet and I need to send it to people outside the network. So, I need to save a print screen of the page and then have Outlook grab that and the recipient's email address and put those into Outlook so the sender can review and send out.

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SPLIT FROM Launching MS Word To Open File From A Hyperlink?

How would this be done for something like a text editor?

For example, say I wanted to launch a text editor from a hyperlink AND also the file I wanted to open with the editor as as well?

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