I am currently learning ASP but have a small PHP background,
With PHP I used PHPMYADMIN to work with MYSQL
Is there a web based Alternative for
ASP and MSSQL that provides similair functionality?

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I have imported a list of links to MSSQL database with enterprise manager. I use ASP to show the list of links and it's description. Originally I had 8600 links in the database and I have imported 700 new one.
I have checked in table and all the links exist and the table is indexed on field linkID. My asp script has worked before and there is no problem with it.
I can still show all the links including the new links and it's descriptions but if I click on an old link, it goes to that site while with new imports, it just opens another example of my site (404 page set to open my index page).
The link is correct since if I copy it from screen and paste in browser, it opens the page correctly.I have removed the index from table and made it again but no difference. There is also an edit function in my script, if I click on it, I will get a message that filed linkID does not exits but it clearly exists in the table and the rest of script is using it.

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If I creat a ASP page, what do I need or how do I connect to a MSSQL database? Is it possible to connect to MySQL with an ASP page, or is it better to stick with MSSQL when creating an ASP page?

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OS Version

Is there a way to determine users OS version and servicepack level (when

(Browscap, broeserhawk,... ?)

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ASP Version IIS 6

I am trying to run vb6 webclasses from a NT IIS6 webserver. For a few years we have been running these successfully on IIS4. I'm having a little trouble getting the initial asp page to load. Is there anytning special that needs to be installed for webclasses or asp on IIS 6?

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ASP Version

I currently have an ASP website that utilizes an Access database,
which I administrate through the web via aspaccess. I really would
like to have a better database, but I can't afford to own SQL Server
or pay extra hosting fees from someone that has it. I would like to
keep ASP, but use mySQL. My dilemma is that, while I would like to add
mySQL, I don't want to create a mixed environment by using phpmyadmin
to administrate it. Does anyone know of an ASP-based administration
package for mySQL?

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Best Version

I see 2 versions. Visual Studio .net professional and Visual Studio .net Enterprise Developer. Can someone tell me which of these 2 is the best to buy.

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Call MSSQL Job Using ASP

Does anyone try before using ASP to execute JOB in MSSQL?

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ASP (Javascript) And MSSQL XML

I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers as to using ASP (Javascript, not VB) to get XML out of SQL.

I have my storedProc with the FOR XML AUTO on the end, and that is returning a recordset with XML fine in query analyzer.

I am lost as to how to output this as XML from an ASP page so I can transform it with XSL.
My transform would be something like: Code:

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Stable ASP/MSSQL CMS Out There

Looking for suggestions on any stable asp/MS SQL server content management systems in the market place. Any suggestions, or even places where I can look? I have quickly seen Rainbow and would like any comments from users of this CMS.

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I have a query to one table but one of the values in the table is referencing a record from another table... here is the sql Code:

strSql = "SELECT streetdate, barcode, itemname, descrip, vendor, sku, catlog, config, retail_cost, cost FROM blah WHERE (STREETDATE >='"& GSTARTDATE &"') AND (STREETDATE <='"& GENDDATE &"') ORDER BY STREETDATE, CATLOG DESC"

now I have 2 things going on here...
1. vendor is just a number... there is a tblvendor that matches the number with a name (that i need.. i coudl nest another db query but figured that would be more resource intensive as this returns 1000s of records)
2. itemname is also a number that references another tblItem the sam way, I woul dlike to sort alphabetical off this somehow (is it even possable)

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Update Mssql Using Csv Or Xml

Can't seem to find anything relating so forgive me if i've missed it.
I'm after a way to open either a csv or xml file, then cycle through each line to see if it's in mssql, if it is update it... otherwise add it and then if it's in mssql and not the csv, remove it.Is it possable?
Still learning and haven't dug into opening files, let alone this so any help would be grateful... oh and the fields are exactly the same in both

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Asp MSSql Hit Counter

Anyone know of a free advanced mssql hit counter?

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Connecting To MSSQL Db From Web

In our office we use RMS (Residential Management System) and they use an MSSQL database to store all the data. we can access this database using access and have made several...several queries to pull out info, save it to another access database, then upload it to the web and pull data from it.

the server that houses the MSSQL database is online and i was wondering if it is possible to connect to it and pull out information. we wouldnt want to change anything, just view.

so to connect to it, what all do i need to do?

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Access Vs. MSSQL In ASP

I'm just deciding whether to use Access or MS-SQL for a web-application

I'm predicting that my application will grow large enough to warrant use of MS-SQL, but I'm wondering how extensive the changes to my code that would make

...Specificially in ASP.Net, if I use ADO.Net, would I just need to modify my connection string or would it involve more extensive modifications?

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Stored In MSSQL

I am new to programming and I managed to store images in MSSQL.
The problem I have is that when I retrieve the image from the database
and display it in my browser it opens a new window. I would like to use
the image control, but it requires a url. Is there anyway of viewing that image
in the image control or keeping it in the same page where my information is
but displaying it where and when I want it

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Can Run MSSQL DB In Linux

I want an answer by tomorrow with examples and reference URLS if we can do this.There is a program written in ASP and the databse is MSSQL (Microsoft) hosted in Windows platform.
But they want this databse and ASP Program host on a UNLIX/LINUX server and use the same ASP program. Can thy do it/ and how?

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Connect To MSSQL

I had used ASP about a year ago, I had connected to a *.MDB database but not MSSQL,can someone please throw me the just of it

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MSSQL Connection

I am using a Windows 2000 Server and when i tried creating a simple asp application this error always appear everytime I access the database. Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E4D)
Login failed for user 'MYSERVERIUSR_MYSERVER'.
/o/faculty_evaluation/add_dean_db.asp, line 22

what kind of error is this?

is there something wrong with my connection string -> conn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=MYSERVER;Initial Catalog=dog_evaluation;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

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Connect To Mssql

any one have the connection string and included query on how to connect to the mssql server?

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ASP Connection To MSSQL

If I create an ASP page, what do I need or how do I connect to a MSSQL database. And, is it possible to connect to a MySQL with ASP, or is it better to use MSSQL when developing a ASP page?

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I am planning to convert an ASP/MS SQL based site into ASP/MySQL to save on monthly recurring fees. MSSQL costs additional $40 a month while MySQL is free. Are there any major technical issues?

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If you have a large traffic site, say over 30 current users accessing the database at once, can Access handle this. I know MSSQL can. Is there any other databases that can be used with asp other than Access and MSSQL and what would there benifits be?

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MSSQL Select

I'm writing a script to show a bithday list. I select the data from a MSSQL db. I want to only show the next seven days's birthdays in the result. Something's wrong with my script below and would appreciate it if somebody could just have a quick look and let me know. Everything works well, but at the end of the month the order by doesn't work 100%

Below is the code:

Function formStr(s)
if not isNull(s) then
formStr = UCase(Left(s,1)) & lCase(right(s, len(s)-1))
formStr = ""
end if
End Function

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Connecting To Mssql

i have a website on fast hosts and i have a mssql data base, i have set up the data base using enterprise manager. and i am now trying connect to it it via asp page but i am getting this message. is this wrong?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested in login ' lstudents'. Login fails.

/default.asp, line 14

here is the line of my code that connects to the database.

< "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=;UID=xxxxxx;PWD=xxxx xx;DATABASE= mytable"%>

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ASP.Net Version 2 - Worth It?

Is version 2 worth it, and is the only way to learn it the MS Visual Web Developer Free Download? It seems to have some really cool new features?

I am sick and tired of Macromedia and the rotten code that they generate with Dreamweaver, it's so bloated and falls apart in so many platforms.

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How Can I Know My IIS Version Number?

I am using w2000+sp4 server with IIS running, how can I know my IIS version
number, is it iis5.0 or 5.1 or 6.0?

I must know this, since I want to download patches from MS web site,

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File Version

I'm looking for an easy to use file version control system for all of our web development files.
We have been using Adobe’s Version Cue for our projects that utilize Adobe products and love it. The problem is that Version Cue only works with Adobe products.
In essence we are looking for a Version Cue for “everything else”.
We’ve tried tools like CVS and Subversion, but those are very difficult, seem to require a high degree of specialized knowledge and are not user friendly.
On the other hand Version cue offers most of the same features, but has a very simple yet powerful and feature rich GUI.
We need something that is usable by our programmers and designers alike

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VBScript Version

I think the ASP that I wish to run needs a later version of VBScript
than is installed.

How do you find the VBScript version (server of course)?

What needs to be done to update this on a win2000 box?

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IIS Is Not Running 1.1 Version

I have Xp prof, IIs 5.1, .NET2003 on my machine.

I had the error "Visual has detected that the
specified web server is not runnning ASP.Net version 1.1.
Yow will be unable to run ASP.Net web applications or
services." in .NET 2003.

I fixed it by running the IIS mappings for ASP.NET,
aspnet_regiis -r. But I figured that my IIS had some issue
and I had to register the dll for IIS.

After doing that my .net is throwing the same
error, "Visual has detected that the specified
web server is not runnning ASP.Net version 1.1. Yow will
be unable to run ASP.Net web applications or services."

I ran the aspnet_regiis -r again it is overwriting the
1.1 .net framework scripts but the error in .Net is not

I know my webserver is running Ok because I can develop
ASP pages using Visual Interdev and my default website is
running fine.

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IIS Version 5.0 Will Not Run ASP On LocalHost

I have a new ASP project that I need to desperately test on my Windows 2000
machine before posing to my Hosting Company. I am having problems getting
the ASP pages to run from LocalHost. I will attempt to give as much
information of what I have done to try to correct this without success.

First my setup. Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 2 installed.
IIS is installed. I have turned off the firewall just in case that was a
problem as the laptop is operating as a stand alone and not on a network at
this time. I also have VB6 with Service Pack 6 installed. I will explain
later why that my be pertinent.

The error that I am getting is:

The Page Cannot Be Displayed. with a HTTP 500 error. This occurs every time
I try to access a ASP page. HTML works fine from LocalHost. Code:

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Correct Version

can someone explain to me the diffrence between the 2 below and why one works and the other one doesnt.could you also explain what each part of the correct version is doing because i dont really no.


sql = "SELECT * FROM userlogon WHERE (username)=' "& (username) & "' AND (password)=' " & (password) & " ' "


sql = "SELECT * FROM [userlogon] WHERE [username]=' "& username & "' AND [password]=' " & password & " ' "

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ASP Version Upgraade In Xp

I have PWS/Windows 98 but how can upgrade to ASP 2.0 or 3.0? Should I download a package
from microsoft or Should I install a new version of the PWS?

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