ASP & Microsoft Access Connection

I have an asp page with a form. I want the add the values to a Microsoft Access table. The name of the table is "seminars" and the fields are "company, phone, email, etc.". How i can create a connection from asp page to the Microsoft Access database?

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-o

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.

I keep getting this error message when im adding a new record to my database.

Here is my code: ....

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System Resource Exceeded.

i m trying to coneect to a access database Using DSN , but when i try to connect i get an error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

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Error:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too Few Parameters. Expected 2.

I am trying to peform a multiple deletion of records from a single table "Stockist"

I i keep getting the following Error and can't see where i am going wrong. Can anyone help?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e10'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2.
/RetailerStockProductRemove.asp, line 22

The code i have used is as follows:

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not A Valid Bookmark.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid bookmark.

has anybody seen such types of errors?

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Missing Semicolon ( ; )

this small bit of SQL:

SQL_EditNews = "INSERT INTO tblNews (newsBody) VALUES ('" & editedNews & "') WHERE newsID=63"

Is there something wrong with this statement? When i try to execute it, i get the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Missing semicolon ( ; ) at end of SQL statement.

/edit_news_03.asp, line 19

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General Error Unable To Open Registry

I am urgently finding a set of codes to write data into a form and the data will go to my database. However i have tried a lot of form but couldn't successfully process. Below is one of my problem...

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x9a8 Thread 0xa08 DBC 0x3041e1c Jet'.

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

I have this insert statement where instruction field in the DB is a memo field.

SQL="INSERT INTO int ([instruction]) VALUES " & _


Its giving me error:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

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Microsoft Text Driver Connection

I'm having trouble setting up my queries using microsoft text driver to pull from a TSV text file. When I do the query:

SELECT EntryDate, Lot, Batch, Product, Operation, Recipe, Route, Entity, TimeNum, Flag, Template, Seg, Diagnostic, Val FROM Excursion.txt

I pull everything fine with no issues, but when I try to add a condition as such:

SELECT EntryDate, Lot, Batch, Product, Operation, Recipe, Route, Entity, TimeNum, Flag, Template, Seg, Diagnostic, Val FROM Excursion.txt WHERE Flag= " & Flag1

I get: Code:

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Microsoft Access

i am trying to create a microsoft access based website. i have found that for simple access database, you can only view records with an asp page. but cannot insert.
is there any way about this?

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Microsoft Access Error Message

I am using a data entry program and when I enter records on a certain form,

I get the following error message when I enter data in to an Access 2000 database:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Cannot open any more tables.

/m3cat/metd_edit.asp, line 1911

Any suggestions on how I can solve this problem?

I have been told my the people that created this program that they don't know what the problem is and I am "on my own" for fixing it. I have no experience with ASP and need this problem fixed.

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Reserved Words In Microsoft Access

I've noticed several posts where people were having trouble accessing an Access Database. In the vast majority of these cases, the problem was the use of a Reserved Word as a database field name. The following are links to KB Articles listing Reserved Words for Access 97 and Access 2002:

Access 97:
Access 2002:

If you are having trouble with a SQL Statement, and you are fairly certain there is nothing wrong with your statement, check your field names against this list. Using Reserved Words as field names, while not prohibited, is never a good idea.

For example, if you have a field where you want to put someone's name, "Name" is a Reserved Word. A better choice would be something like "UserName" or "PatientsName"; something that identifies the field but doesn't use a Reserved Word.

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Unable To Download Microsoft Access Database From Server To My Machine

I recently built an application using an Access database. The application works fine, but for some reason I am unable to FTP the database file back to my machine from the server... the operation simply times out halfway into the transfer.

Has anyone ever encountered this issue? I don't know if maybe some renegade connection wasn't closed, but I kinda doubt that's the case.

Is there even a way I can check what connections to the DB are open?

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NO Access DB Connection

I am using ADODB.Connection to access an Access DB(mdb) on my website.
I switch from one webhosting company to another and not my website can not connect to my access db. I have provided the code for your review.. Where is the problem.. How can I get the code to find the (MDB) database?
Also I am connecting and testing is new web site via ip... His domain name is still pointing back to the old DNS address.. Code:

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Access DB Connection

I'm using ASP to connect to a simple Access DB, it works fine once but when I refresh it gives an
unspecified error from the line with the driver. I've had this happen before but not this often. Here
is my connection string etc...

Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MdbFilePath = Server.MapPath("/db/news.mdb")
MyConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & MdbFilePath & ";"

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Access And Asp Connection

I have an ASP script that opens an Access DB and tries to record an IP address if the user has never visited the site. However, when the script is run, I get an error saying the the DB is read-only. I checked to DB propoerties and it is notlisted as read-only, and when I run my Query on it, it does not open the recordset as a read-only connection. I can only assume that something else has the DB r the table open, but Ihave no idea where.

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MS Access Connection

i'm trying to edit this code so i can conenct to an ms access database. So far it's not working, and i'm unsure why. Code:

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Access DSN Connection With GoDaddy

I am using's hosting service. I am not sure if the problem is my code or their server. I use the following code as my connection to the Access Database: Code:

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Connection String Access

I really like this forum as I can usually find the answer to all my questions by searching, but I haven't been able to find a way to resolve this problem. This is my setup. We have 2 local servers. One running WinNT that handles all our internal databases in dbf formats. The other server is WinServer 2k3 and it handles all webstuff. The Win2k3 Server logs onto the WinNT Server and can see and open all the files. If I copy a file from the NT Server to the 2k3 server, I can utilize the database using the connect string:

DBConnect.Open "Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=;"

but, I cannot connect to it directly on the other server. I believe it is a permissions issue, but if I change the Annonomus Access user to one that can access the other server, it asks for a password. I have even tried a virtual server but cannot find a connection string that will allow me to access it.

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Access DB Connection Problems.

I copied it to my dev PC and setup site in Dreamweaver. I have a local site, a testing server which points to a different location and I am using IIS5.1 virtual directory for connecting.

Strange thing is, I keep getting error "Provider (0x80004005)" after some usage.
Now it is on the .Open method of an ADO COMMAND. It looks like everytime I try a second .Open I get the error. for example the first access checks User/Pass and returns info.
2nd access tries to open list of all users for admin.

The database is not being locked for exclusive anywhere I can see.

The directory/database security is all setup for the IUSR account (and first connections work anyway) I would hazard it is a locking issue but not sure why.

As I said this site is suppose to be functional, loading in DWMX2004 and using a test server on my local machine however causes a problem.

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Access Database Connection

I am passing 3 hidden fields to another page using the method="post"
Here is the next page -
Dim fmMemberID, fmUsername, fmPassword
fmMemberID = request.Form("memberID")
fmUsername = request.Form("username")
fmPassword = request.Form("password")
Dim dbConn
set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=d:inetpubcredencia.netfpdbmembers.mdb"

Dim rsMember
Set rsMember = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsMember.Open "SELECT * FROM Members WHERE MemberID=179", dbConn,

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Connection To Access Database

I've got a question about connecting to a access database. I would like to "convert" the following code:Code:

' FileName="Connection_odbc_conn_dsn.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' HTTP="false"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
' MM_Test_STRING = "dsn=xxxx;uid=xxx;pwd=xx;"
MM_Test_STRING = "dsn=robertjandb;"

to code where a connection is being made without dsn. Could anybody help me?

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Connection String Asp+ms Access

Can anyone point me to a connection string for ASP to connect to an MS
Access database using a username and password?

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MS Access ODBC Connection

I am using WIN XP, IIS 5.1 and MS Access as database support. I set up the file security to include IUSR_MYNAME on the permissions list for all my web files, DB and scripts.
I set up and ODBC connection (system) and linked it to my Access database file.

I am however getting the same error when I try to load any ASP page on the line where I command the script to open the connection. Are there any local security issues I am forgetting?

Set conn= Server.Createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
Conn.Open "MyAlias"

that's where I get the error.
"Error type:
Unspecified Error"

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MS Access DB Connection Type

What is the best and most efficient connection type to connect to an access database (MDL, DSN, ODBC, OLE-DB, etc). Right now i'm using an OLE-DB connection which is the best according to one site, but I saw on another site that said DSN was the best.

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Connection With Access Problem

i make a connection with access as:

var Cn = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var Sc = "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" + Server.MapPath("guestbook.mdb");

the following error occurs:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

can anyone help me to find the solution.

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Access Database Connection Problem

Our hosting service migrated our web page from a Windows 2000 Server to Windows 2003. Our website is

I now intermittently receive error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e7d'
The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context.

/shopcart/shopdisplaycategories.asp, line 36

I believe line 36 is "rs.Close". I can include additional code or the code opening the file if you need it. I utilize Microsoft 97 Access Database.

The hosting service indicated the problem lies in that the current code was written for Windows 2000 server. Our original programmer is no longer with the company and I'm at a loss to determine how to address the issue.

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Got Problem With Connection To Access Database

i run asp in my standalone pc, using access2003 as the database, like this:

i hv 3 pages,
1st page, i open the database, extract data from database for display(closing the connection using "recordset.close" and "conn.close").... then i have form input for users to input some information...and post to 2nd page

2nd page, this page may load N times depending on the user input in first page...for each time loading, i hv form input for users to input the detailed information. and for 2nd to Nth loading, i will get previous page's form input information(request.form("xxx")), then insert into database ("conn.execute")and close it("conn.close")...

last page, this page get Nth loading user input information for the 2nd page, then open database, insert into database("conn.execute") and close it("conn.close")...

now the problem is like this...database can not store data correctly:
it did not insert N rows into database....maybe N+1 or N+M...randomly...because same data is insert more than once, so some rows are just seemes that the connection just can not be closed and do insertion more than once during each time the 2nd page is loading or during the last page is loading...

can anyone help me to find out the problem? any suggestion?

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MS Access DSN-Less Connection With UserName & Password

I receive error when connecting to MS access DB with password.

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Could not find installable ISAM.

/lpo/common/cnlocalpo.asp, line 4

Here is my string:

cst = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=C:AccessDBLocalPOData.mdb; UID=admin; PWD=hello;"

What went wrong?

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Access 2002 Connection String

whats the access 2002 connection string?

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Custom Connection To Access Database

I have an .ASP page with a form on it, which I want the info input into the form to be submitted to a database. I am trying to create a Custom Connection String in Dreamweaver but I am having a hard time. I set the path correctly, etc.

Is it not working because I am trying to run this with an Access database and it's on a Linux server? I thought i'd start out simple before I post a million pages of details.

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Access Table Links To SQL And Web Connection

I have an access database residing on one server that contains necessary data for this application, have sql database that also contains necessary data and resides on another server.

For two access databases I would just "link" the tables and be done with it, but when attempting to do this with ODBC connection to the SQL server I get

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

ODBC--connection to 'databasename' failed. Code:

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Error Establishing Connection With MS Access Database!!

I am not able to connect to a MS Access Database..,, I am using a DSN Connection,

The Error that the asp page(having Database code) is showing everytime is....///

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
/airtickets/scripts/dbconn.asp, line 4

i havent opened the database bfore, & no other app. is accessing it ..

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