ASP Onload Code?

I am implementing global redirection code to redirect my customers to different parts of my site based on their country ip. The code I've bought is active target ( which uses asp and an iptocountry database.

What i need to do is only have the code work if the user has opened the page externally such as from a search engine or another site but if the user has selected a particular part of our site from our home page i don't want them to be redirected to another part every time they try to click on a page.

This is because some customers would be from Europe but on a US network so their ip would have them redirected to the US site which we don't want.

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I have a small problem with Javascript in my ASP page. The script works fine when placed in an HTML page, and everything happens as expected. But when I have the suffix .asp, the onLoad event doesn't work. Is there a reason for this? Do these events not work in ASP?

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Onload Redirect

I have an asp page that looks like the following (simplified):

<BODY onLoad="javascript:document.frmSub.submit();">
<FORM NAME="frmSub" action="" METHOD="post">
<INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="OrderNumber" VALUE="0">

I am just trying to automatically redirect to another page and post some
form data. This worked fine on a Windows 2000 server. We recently upgraded
to Windows Server 2003. The page works fine when it is accessed via
"http://" but not via "https://". The browser just shows a blank page and
hangs. If I do a "View Source", the code above shows up, but it just doesn't
redirect like it's supposed to.
Is there some security issue on Windows Server 2003 that is causing this to
fail? Is there some setting I can change to fix it?

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ASP - First Time Onload

Im trying to redirect the first time visitors to my homepage to a different page other than the homepage. Is this possible?

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i've been using body onload()for ages but since i changed my internet explorer (to 6.02) and OS (XP), i started to get this IE script error and i don't know how to get rid of it.

I read somewhere that if I put the onload event in an inline script tag at the bottom of the my form body, it all works fine, but this doesn't work either.what i should do?

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Onload Or OnUnload

I have a Vbscript that will execute on the <body onUnLoad> event, however, because the page refreshes all the time, it will execute the code every single time. I only want the code to execute when the window is either just opened or just closed.

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Onload And Onunoad Events

Trying to implement a list of online users in my application. I have SQL Server database, table Users with a column called Status, that is set to 1 if the user is online or to 0 if the user is offline.

I wrote a VBScript sub for database update, but the problem is when I try to execute it on page onLoad event or onUnload event, the onUnload event overwrites the onLoad one right away. I suspect it has something to do with server-side vs. client-side scripting.

This is the BODY tag: Code:

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Page Onload/refresh

Is there a way to determine if a page was refreshed? I have a function that is called when the page loads, but when the user refreshes the page it calls the function again. Is there a way to call the function only when the page initially loads? I don't want it to load when the user clicks the refresh button.

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Onload Resolution Problem

What I'm trying to do is, after a user has been validated, I want the form to load to the appropriate resolution for the user. Code:

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How To Specify The Page Looks In Window Onload?

I have a page1.asp that opens a window called page2.asp. I want page2.asp doesn't have title bar, tool bar, address bar. Is it possible to specify in javascript function window_onload() in page2.asp? I don't want to specify in in page1.asp when it loads page2.asp. Code:

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Back Button Or Refresh Page OnLoad

how to detect when the user click on the back button to go back to the previous page? Or a way to refresh a ASP page whenever it's loaded?

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Server.Execute Command Disables Body OnLoad

i have this web page which on loading shows + hides a selection of div's using the command : Code:

<body onLoad="showHide()">

i wanted to include a standard banner by adding the command : Code:

Session("titleString") = "some title"
Server.Execute "index.asp"

but this seems to disable the onLoad command, presumably because there is already a full header and body in the "index.asp" file

the reason why i didn't use the "include file" command here was because the latter won't allow the title string to be fed through

the question is : is there an alternative way to execute either the "Server.Execute" or the "body onLoad" command that will allow the function showHide() to work ?

the same function is also called from a "select" form element Code:

<select onChange="showHide()">

and that works fine, so the problem definitely lies with the onLoad command, not the showHide() function.

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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Pdf On The Fly Any Asp Code

do you know of any asp code that makes a pdf on the fly.

if there's none do you know of a good, not-so-expensive and easy-to-implement component?

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ASP Code

Is there any way that I can store my ASP code in an Access DB and have it display that way? Ideally, I would like to make a page with a text area that I can write and edit code in, and then when I submit it, I would like to view the page that the code creates. The code in the DB would include code that selects from and updates the DB.
I would like to do this because I can't work remotely now.

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SQ L Code

What is wrong with my code?

This is the error.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'CLASSDATE >= 6/23/2004 ORDERBY CLASSDATE'.

This is the code.



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XML Code

I am trying to follow the W3Schools tutorial on the XMLDOM object, and it works fine in a regular HTML document inside <script> tags (vbscript), but I am trying to do it in the ASP tags (<% %>) and it does not work.
The error says:


Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required: '[object]'

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Asp Code

I am trying to do something with it and I can figure out what to do!I have created a database that lets realtors track clients, potential clients, and offers made. Here is a link to the database:(URL address blocked: See forum rules)
What I am trying to do is create a form that lets a user enter his first name, last name, email, and offer amount into textboxes. When they click send it adds their information to the Potential Buyer table (the primary key is an auto generated number.) The offer table is basically an associative table, containing the following information: buyer$buyerid, client$clientid, and amount. I would like the amount to be added to this table, and I would like it to also add the newly created buyerid. My problem is that well, I have no idea how to do this, as the buyerid is created only seconds before I need to post it in the offer table. Could anyone help me out with this? I'd really appreciate it.

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Im a novice with ASP and no idea of PHP, can Any one help me convert this to ASP...

$rss = $_GET['rss'];
if ($rss && $rss != ""){
if ((strpos($rss, "http://") === 0) || (strpos($rss, "https://") === 0)){

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ASP Nav Code

Here's the current code that I'm using for navigation through some pages. MY question is, I want the item "System-Add Ons" to still stay bolded if I'm on a page that's in a subset of "Products" Is this possible?

For example, if a user gets to the page "Monitors," (monitors.asp) I want System-Add Ons to stay bolded....

How can I set up subsets of the "Products" page? Do I have to make a directory and do a test if the page is in the directory "Products" and is affiliated with "Products?" Code:

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Asp Code

how to get the content or information of other web site using asp code.

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Pop Up Code

is there any way in asp to execute a pop-up window when a condition in an if statement is satisfied

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Better Code

I Wanna to know that which of below codes related to
ADO within ASP (VBscript) is better?

With rsEduCalender
if .State=1 then .Close
.Open SQLstr,cn,3,1
End With
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''
With rsEduCalender
if .State=1 then .Close
.Open SQLstr,cn,3,1
End With

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Asp Code

figure out what the ASP code is to email a form?

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My Code

i created ASP page for Online TEST
it Consist three pages
First Page is Selection of Topic and Number of Questions from List Box.
Second page is shows the Questions as per the Selection in previous page Datas from the Database.
Third Page is Result Page.
But My problem is in Second Page, because all the question are created dynamicaly so that how can i get the User answer
I get the question id and correct answer for all the questions.
but i need to get the user answer for Result.I attached my code for the second page.

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ASP Code

Is there a program or website that will validate my asp pages?Kind
of like how html pages can be validated on and on

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Zip Code

this is what i am doing for zip codes
i want user to enter zip codes like this


so if the user enters zip code like this 92274 then its right
but if he enters zip codes like this 922740965 then change it to 92274-0965
this is what i have done so far so i have got the values of first 5 i need to include a -and then the rest of the numbers any idea how to make this work

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Code Need

I need some code to test whether my connection is open in an asp page. Something like this:

IF NOT connection is open THEN

Connection string code here


I know how to write the connection string, it's the first part of testing whether it's closed or not that I don't know.

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I have two tables, raceresultsview and jockeyselections.
In jockeyselections, I have jockey names and stableid, for example Pat
Day, stableid 1000.In raceresultsview, I have jockey names, and placement.
I want to do something like this:
select * from raceresultsview where jockey in (select jockey from
jockeyselections). This works FINE, but I need to figure out how to grab
the stableid, too.Each time there is a match, I want to insert the stableid and placement
into the table named winnings.

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Vb Code

in 3 tier wed based application ..i want to run my vb code seprate for debug can i do this>

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For Next Code

Heres my for next loop. Basically it is pulling files from a folder. Now I want it so that if it reaches the end of all of the files, that it starts over at the beginning. Any ideas? Code:

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ASP Code

This what I am doing:

Moderator (from admin) will see a list of cities to approve/decline.

If approved, then the city will show up in the search and alert city list

If declined, then the moderator will be asked to pick an approved alternate
city and all postings containing the user-inputted city name will be changed
to the alternate approved city name.

The moderator will be notified via email when not listed is selected.

Any one have any ideas on how to build this in ASP? I'm kinda new to this
ASP programming thing.

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Zip Code

I'm looking for a script that will auto complete the state field when someone enters their zipcode.

I'm currently using but its kind of out dated and often returns null. Does anyone know of a more up-to-date version or one that is updated regularly? It doesn't have to be free.

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