ASP / Outlook Interface To Expose

how to access Outlook methods to generate an "add contact" event on the local user's machine. Most of the info I'm finding relates to Exchange server, not the local instance of OUtlook.

This event will be spawned from an intranet-based ASP page. The online contacts list will have a button to add the contact. On click, the default contact form will be displayed, with the primary fields pre-populated from the recordset selected. I'm sure this is a no-brainer, but haven't done this before.

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User Interface

i would like some assistance in creating a user interface that reads from a database.

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Port Interface

Is asp/ able to interface with the PC's I/O ports? I'm currently doing a program on VB using the SDK from the vendor to interface my biometric scanner to my PC using usb port. Can this same thing be done using asp?

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Interface For Import Data

i have a website and i use do import data , but with diffrent types(*.xls,*.xml...)
how can i concept a inteface to read all this files
i now my question is not clear but iit's freindly to answer me

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Application Variable Interface

I made this little application-variable interface to help me see what application variables/values I currently have on the server and it lets me easily add or remove single variables, remove all the variables, or re-create the variables I declare in an ASP file called "CreateVariables.asp". Code:

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Poll Interface Creation

i'm getting a bit cought up with the ASP for a poll creation page i am trying to do.

i am trying to get it so that it will display a varying number of boxes depending on how many options there will be - have it so that it displays the first 2 (the minimum options) and then the other input form elements will be added as needed i'm also having a bit of trouble trying to get the numbers to update with the onchange but that part doesnt feel like its the most challenging - heres what i have so far: Code:

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Interface Web Application To Hardware

Is it possible that my asp web application can interface with the hardware? like the PIC or the microcontroller? and if it is possible, what im gonna do?

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Interface For Editing SQL DB Tables

I'm moving away from Access db's to MS SQL Server databases for storing form records.
While the MS SQL Server provides all the tools I need to edit/delete/add records, I need to provide an interface for non-technical people for obvious reasons.

I have a halfway decent one for manipulating Access databases but it doesn't seem to translate over to SQL Server too well. Obviously I'm fairly new to ASP and SQL but I've tried everything to make this editor work for SQL server.

So, I would like to just start from scratch and ask if anyone has an asp script that acts as a front-end to edit/delete/add records - nothing too fancy.

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Member And Staff Interface

We got two interface. Staff and member. When member login, they are brought to member's page. However, when staff login, they are also brought to member's page. This is because at Dreamweaver 8, we have specified that if login succeeds, go to member.asp.

So how do I make sure that when staff login, they go to their staff.asp.? Is it by command procedures or SQL or some kind of other function? Much help needed! Project deadline is just around the corner!!!

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ScriptingContext :: Function Of Interface Marked As Restricted

I'm having a problems when trying to make a DLL in VB6. The code is using ScriptingContext to access the Cookies-collection from the asp-pages, but when I try making the DLL I get the following error-message:

Compile error:
Function of interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an
Automation type not supported in Visual Basic.

When I click OK, ScriptingContext.Request.Cookies is marked. Could anyone please help me with this problem? I'm more of a .NET guy but some of the applications that I'm in charge of are still using ASP and COM+ so unfortunately I'm not too familiar with these techniques.

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QUERY: Multiple Document Interface (MDI) In Webpages...

I am wondering if it's possible to simulate the Multiple Document Interface
in ASP/ASP.NET webpages? Maybe using DIV layers? I am trying to create the
little document windows in an application, but in a webpage. I need
dragging, overlap, focusing, resizing capabilites. Also must be able to
encapsulate another DIV layer within this DIV layer. Is this possible?
Does anyone know a library (already-made) div/layer MDI windows for

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Interface In Access For Data Entry Using Grid View

i often to make a user interface in access for data entry using Grid view. is there a possibility to make Data Entry user interface using Grid in ASP?

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MS Outlook

I have searched far and wide, and have NOT found a way to do this.
I would like to add a link on an ASP page that I created that adds an appointment to Microsoft Outlook.
I think that Automation is the way to go, but have NOT figured it out. Any help would be great. I have seen it done on another site using javascript. I would be willing to do it that way too.

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IE6 Or Outlook?

So I'm writing an ASP 3.0 script on an intranet which users have access to from IE 6, or within Outlook. Due to the pop-ups it uses, it doesn't work so well in Outlook, so I want to know whether the user is running the website from within Outlook or IE.

How can I do this if Outlook is returning "IE" as its browser information?

This script:

Dim objBrowsType
Set objBrowsType = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")
response.write("Browser Name: " & objBrowsType.Browser)

returns "Browser Name: IE" in both IE and Outlook.

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Outlook Mail From ASP

I Need to send mail to Outlook mail (Work group mail) From ASP. Ho do I do it?

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Outlook Template

Is it possible to open a Outlook Template via ASP? The template will be housed on the webserver itself.

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Outlook Calendar

Anyone aware of a method or script that will allow me to add an event to a client's outlook or lotusnotes calendar? For instance, eBay has this set up for their auctions - will the click of a button on the web page the auction pops into your calendar and gives you a warning just before it's scheduled to end.

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Outlook Contacts And ASP

I need to access a user's outlook "contacts" using ASP. They are stored within the user's "contacts" folder inside their mailbox on the Exchange server (Exchange 2003). Script will need to log in to user's Exchange mailbox, access their "contacts" folder and parse them to display on page.

Put simply, all im trying to do is a Phone-book style app that pulls data from two different sources. The first source (Active Directory) I can do, its the second source (Exchange mailbox) that im having trouble with. I can pull data from Active Directory / Exchange GAL for display on the pages just cant find a way to get stuff from the mailstore. If it can't be done without an Active X component, then fair enough, just thought i'd ask out here.

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Web Access To Outlook.

I've just discussed this with my IT manager and he reckons you need to activate Outlook Web Services for this to be any use to you and he says that ain't gonna happen. What I want to know is:

a) is he right?
b) if he is, is there a way to access Outlook stuff WITHOUT turning on Outlook Web Services.

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Outlook Available Time

Does anyone have any sample code (or could you point me in a direction) that
will allow me to display the available time a users has in their Outlook
Schedule? Similar to when you set up a meeting and you can show the
avialable time for all meeting attendees in a horizontal bar chart?

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Href + Outlook

Is it possible to create a link to open outlook (Client side) to open a particular folder
here is the code i am trying to use unsuccessfully :

<a href="outlook://Public%20Folders/All%20Public%20Folders/P/W/C/Conf
%20Room/~S%20C%20R">Conference Room 1</a>

Basically what i want to happen is that when a user clicks on the web link that it opens the meeting room which is in a public folder in outlook application (not the web interface outlook.

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Email Generation Through Outlook

How do I generate an email through outlook? My program now needs to send out an email to an outlook distribution list. Unfortunately, I neither know how to send an email through ASP let alone sending it via Outlook.

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Save Contact To Outlook With Asp?

Where can I find docs or help on how to do this?

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Outlook Mobile Access

I keep getting this message when logging on OMA

Server Error in '/OMA' Application.

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a
configuration file required to service this request.
Please review the specific error details below and modify
your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unable to read the security policy
file for trust level 'WSS_Minimal'.

Source Error:

Line 62: <compilation batch="false" debug="false" />
Line 63: <pages enableSessionState="false".....

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Outlook Calendar On Web Page

i'm trying to display my Outlook Calendar on web page. I made script to display calendar in Excel - works perfectly, but i don't know how to make it in ASP.... Is anybody who know how to change this code? Code:

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Editing Outlook Web Access

Has anyone had any luck editing the Microsoft Outlook Web Access pages? I am setting up my company's new OWA 2003 server. Now here's the problem, I had to create new logon pages because we authenticate to a different domain then the server is on (stupid mergers).

Now when the logout button is clicked on the page, it takes you back to the default logon page. Were a user to try and log back in from here it wouldn't work. Now simply adding a "response.redirect" to that page seems to break their code completely. So has anyone managed to do this and could let me know how?

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Opening Microsoft Outlook

I have a Windows 2003 server running IIS 6. On the server I have about 100 websites. I want to place a file on the server and have ALL sites include it on a web page(s). I tried this

<!-- #include file="C:" --> but it comes back File can't be found.

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How To Use ASP To Connect Microsoft Outlook

I am working on a ASP project which synchronizes Microsoft Outlook's Emails, Contact, Tasks and etc. by using ASP. I am struck as I don't know what functions should I use?

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Connection With Outlook Schedule From Asp

I am in a Intranet project for Global telehone Directory for my company.Is there is a solution in which we can connect to the microsoft mail exchange server and get a details of a employee through Outlook schedulewhether he/she is available or not.

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MailTo With Microdoft Outlook

I am using
<a href="mailto:....@....."> it opens the Outlook express but I want it to open the Microsoft Outlook how can I do this

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Outlook Exchange Server

I have a form with a input text box where a user has to enter a work email address.Is there anyway that he or she can click a link which will open Microsoft Outlook and list all the work email addresses, thereby selecting an email address which will be automatically inoutted into the input text box?

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Adding A Microsoft Outlook

I visited a site to sign up for an upcoming event. When I was done, the site offered me the option to create an Outlook appointment for the item. When I clicked the button, the site created a new appointment item which It saved in my Outlook Calendar.

I would like to implement something similar using ASP, however when I search for example code can only find references to ASP.NET. Is it possible to do this in ASP .

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Outlook Mail Encoding

im sending a mail with CDONTS now if im combining 2 languages in the same mail, i have a problem (languages are hebrew and english) if im using dir=rtl the words in english appear backwards (the letters order is reversed) if im using dir=lrt the hebrew is reversed . how can i fix this thing.

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