ASP/PerlScript And Reading And Writing Files

In ASP, using PerlScript, how do you read and write to files?

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Ideas For Reading/writing .ini Files

I'm planning a little asp prog that will allow me to read&write .ini files.

meaning, read lines that are:

and maybe even read from groups (optional):
[group 1]

[group 2]

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Reading/writing Binary Data

I Would like to know the code for reading/writng binary data.

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Problem With Writing/reading Text File

Here is what I have setup:

- a form that updates a text file.
- for example, in the form I have two fields, title and story. then, this write to a textfile (i.e. theinfo.asp). the update.asp file looks like this:

TSO.write "<%" & vbCrLf
TSO.write "title = """
TSO.write Request.Form("title")
TSO.write """" & vbCrLf
TSO.write "story = """
TSO.write Request.Form("story")
TSO.write """" & vbCrLf

- so, essentially it is creating an asp file with two variables.
- this works fine, it updates the file and i can call these variables in other pages. however, when i call these variables into a form : old versions of the variables populate the form: Code:

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Reading And Writing Text File Using Vbscript

i had a vbscript that will read the text file from the bottom to the top, and after reading the file, it will be displayed in the screen, and the code look like this:
PHP Code: Code:

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Reading And Writing To Miscrosoft Word File

I have prepared a mail merge application in VB. Now i want the same to convert to ASP. how to go about it. I mean what class need to be used for that.

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Reading POP3 And Writing To SQL Server+uploading Attachements

I am looking for a system that will:

1. Read a message from a POP3 mailbox
2. Parse the message into its parts
3. Create a record in an SQL server table with selected fields of the message
4. Upload the attachements to the filesystem
5. Write the path of the attachements to the SQL server record

For security reasons, I want the process to be initiated and approved
by a user.

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Writing ASP Files Using ASP

I have been playing with an idea that generates ASP files using an asp document and the file system object, so far it is doing great except one thing, when I have a chunk of text and I need to include an asp bracket ("<%" or "%>") regardless of being within the "quotation" marks the active asp document assumes it is a part of its own code and the script errors.

To get around this currently I am writing brackets like this "[<]" or "[>]" and then swapping them out of the generated ASP page using dreamweaver after creation.

The question is: Does anyone know how to represent asp brackets within a string being processed using asp??? Code:

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Reading Doc Files

Is it possible to display a doc file within an ASP page and have it show the header and footer of the page?For example,in ColdFusion you can use cfcontent to display doc files, however any html on the containing page doesn't show.I was hoping that with ASP, it would show the HTML of the page that reads the doc file.

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Writing Into Text Files

I'm writing a script lately to write some records into a text file for backup purpose. But may i know do asp allow update for the text file? Cause i dun want it to overwrite my previous records.

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Writing Files To A Database

Does anyone know the ASP code for taking a PDF file and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and inserting them into an Oracle database?

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Reading Files And Directories

I have several files and directories and I want to read the contents, seperate them into fields and INSERT them into a database.

The structure is as follows:

D:DISCSSC8849SC8849-01 Artistname -
D:DISCSSC8849SC8849-02 Artistname -
D:DISCSLG114LG114-01 Artistname -

I want to read every file in D:DISCS, seperate the filenames into: Disk Number, Track Number, Artist and Title - drop the .zip and the hyphens entirely and insert the data as a record in a database.

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Reading Text Files

I was under the impression if I had a page with several database queries to 3 different databases, it would be faster if I just had the queries cached to text files since the query result won't change that often and I build the cache manually when needed.

So my question is would it be faster to just include text files instead of doing multiple Access and SQL queries on a web page?

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Linking Reading Files

Assume that there are 100 flash files in a directory and i want to load 4 flash. files for every page and list of links in a row previousPage.page1.page1.page3.........page10.Nex tPage) How can i divide
100 files into pages and 4 filash files on every page. is it possible to use files systemobject to createpages or sholud i record content of directory of files to a database and then use recordset to create pages.

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Reading Server Files

I have files on a server. I want to read the SERVER's File system and write out the filenames to the page. how can i do this?

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Problems Writing Files To Database

I'm having some problems writing files to my Access database using ASP. I have a table with a couple of fields, one being of OLE datatype, that holds the file. I'm able to write and read small images, but I'm getting corrupted files when I try Word files, and my code is erroring out when I try to writing pdf files.

I think I've found the problem with the uploading of the pdf file (I think I need to adjust some IIS setting to allow larger file uploads), but I don't know what's going on with the word documents. They are small, so upload fine. Does anyone have any experience writing files to Access?

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Writing To DB

Ok, for my company, we have two current webpages, one for general company info and one specific to a product that we market. On the 2nd page, there is a form that allows users to request a consultation from the company. When it is sent, the information is stored in an Access DB for tracking purposes.

Now, I have been requested to put this same form on the general company website. All works fine, but I can't save to the db that is stroing the info once it is submitted. Boith sites are hosted by the smae company, but they do not have (as far as I know), a shared repository for files where I could put the db.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get around this issue? What I want to do is to have the form on both sites and have the submitted data saved into the one database.

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Not Writing To My DB

I'm not getting error messages on this one so I don't know where to start looking. I type in my data in my form and this page should check it, add it then set a flag. Code:

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Writing Out XML With ASP

I have to perform a database query and write the results to an XML

I also need to form this XML file with a DTD file.

I'd like to hear some opinions on the best way to do this.

I figured out how to write out just raw XML using adPersistXML. But
that doesn't really help as the XML needs to conform to the DTD.

I also found a way to write out the XML file line by line
using .createNode and .appendChild...but that would take forever as
the database query returns 72 columns.

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Writing Xml To Asp

i need have a problem on line 86 of this code. Could anyone suggest problmes.

The bit in red is where i think the problem is, but may be wrong. it is where it says the problem is in the browser when i go to run it Code:

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Reading XML With ASP

Could somebody please help me out with this? I have been researching it all day and can't figure it out.

All I want to do is put some info from this XML file (staff.xml):

<employee id="1">
<employee id="2">

into an ASP page. I already started an ASP page:

Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXMLDoc.async = False



That's all I have in the ASP page because I am having trouble with it. Could somebody please help with it real quick? I'm sure it's very simple, but I am having trouble learning the XMLDOM thingy.

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Reading RSS/XML

anyone know a simple to use RSS/XML feed getter so i can add external news
to my site?

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Reading Xml

I got a little piece of ASP code to read from a remote url, which is expected to be an xml, like a RSS feed, and echo the content out to be processed by downstream xml processor. The code is like this:

Response.Buffer = false
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml, url, text
Set xml = Server.CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
url = Request.QueryString("url")
xml.Open "GET", url, false
text = xml.ResponseText
Set xml = Nothing

Using firefox, I get the request.responseXML object back from the code above, works fine. But in IE, the request.responseXML is returned null, but request.responseText did show the entire xml file.

My question is how should I make change to the above code to let IE honor the request.responseXML object? I gues the xml is somewhat ill formatted and IE can not recognize it as an xml.

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Reading XML

I have an ASP classic site that needs to add the option of reading an XML file send back from another web site and parsing it into a multi-column HTML table. The server is Windows Server 2003. Can anyone direct me to where I might find more info on this?

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Cd Reading

I have just created a cd based demo web with FP2000 under XP pro. The disc plays back fine on the XP machine, but when tried on a WIN 98 machine it doesnt play, and I get " G: is not accessible Device not ready" when I try to read it in Win Explorer. The disc is a 48x speed 700mb CD-R. Is it too fast for the older machine?

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Writing Few Messages

I have the following code as a part of authenticating a system.
If Rs.eof Then
Session("Authenticated") = 0
Response.Write "Sorry, your userid or password did not match"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "or you have not registered yet. Please register"
Session("Authenticated") = 1
Response.Redirect ("Welcome.asp")
End If
In the first if statement, I would like to display the above messages
before forcing the login.asp page to display. Is is possible to do both
message and contents of login.asp in the same page? Thanks

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Writing PDF Docs From ASP

how to write PDF documents from inside
of my ASP application. I understand that there are commerical APIs , SDKs that
I can use. eg. cutePDF.

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Writing To A Database

i am having problems figuring out the syntax used when writing information to a database thru a dropdown.
i have a dropdown w/ all the months listed and i need this recorded into a database where i have already set up a column named "month".
right now all i have is html that says:


<select name="month">
<option value="January">January</option>
<option value="March">March</option>
<option value="April">April</option>
....... and so on.......

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Writing To Excel

I have an asp page that queries a database and displays a report. There is a
button on this page that I would like to dump the report into Excel. The
code behind the button:

var xl ="/reportexport.asp", "_blank");

and a new window is displayed with excel. Now the problem is how do I get
the report html into this new window?
xl.document.write(window.document.body.innerHTML); is obviously not the way
since it doesn't work.

reportexport.asp contains only two lines:
Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=report.xls;"

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Writing Cookie

I've been having problem writing a cookie. Everything goes ok but when I
supply the .Path property to "/" It just write the cookie when there is no
cookie present, but when I try to update the cookie (or overwrite the cookie)
it doesnt change it.My requirement to supply the path to "/" because ASP.NET reads it. If I write the cookie without supplying the path, the ASP.NET pages are unable to
read the cookie.

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Writing To The File

I have written a program where according to my query all the ouput is written to the text file. I want to add 3 lines to my text file which are needed so that it can be exported into outlook. Code:

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How Can I Writing To A File

how can i write to a file and save to it by coding.

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