ASP Refresh Debug Assistance

I am having a problem which thus far only seems to be fixed when I refresh the page. The basic process is as folllows:

1. Select details from the DB and display on screen.

2. Click a link 'Generate Docs'.

3. This then goes to a page which first selects from the DB using information passed through the URL from the above link to identify the correct records. We then create a PDF file based on the data from the DB and display the link to the newly created PDF. The problem, is that at step 3 the PDF does not get generated on the first pass, only if you click the refresh button on the browser.

I have checked all the obvious items, ensuring variables are assigned correctly and called correctly, I have tried implementing a number of 'must revalidate' style tags in both ASP and HTML, I have checked through all of the queries to ensure they are being processed and the data is returned on the first pass and they are and nothing thus far has worked.

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Dim Assistance

Can someone tell me where ive gone wrong here, this my first attempt at writing a dim myself...

Dim trades
if t_plaster,t_hs,t_plumb = Yes
Response.Write ("<img src=""/images/yes.png""/>")
response.Write("<img src=""/images/no.png""/>")
end if

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ASP Assistance

I am authoring a dynamic web-based project managment system, and I was wondering if anybody could help me with this situation. As of right now the database connection strings are located in each and every page.

I was pondering if there was a way to make a configuration file (similar to phpBB2 setup pages) where all of the data such as: database strings, settings, and variables are stored.

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Suggestion Assistance

I have my webserver and a database. Things started to slowdown a ton with
access, permissions denied (it is on a Windows XP machine, 10 session limit,

I moved my database off the webserver to a faster and more secure location.
I can't access the database through the webserver anymore.

I am using Windows Authentication. I understand that the webserver will be
using the IUSR_xxxx account to access the database. I am at a loss on how
to access the database.

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If Statement Assistance

i have an SQL field search with start and end dates (first five lines code below) this works fine.

have added radio button "SignOff" so user can search fields where case has been signed off, not signed off or both (normal return). The sign off date (date_closed) is either a date or NULL, where radio button choice 'two' is NOT NULL ie there is a closed/sign off date, and 'three' is NULL.

as mentioned the first if statement works fine but when i introduce the SignOff statement below, the wheels fall off. I have forced through the SQL statements used and these seem to work so I am presuming my if statement format is faulty. oh, and if it hasnt come across already, I am a VBA/asp beginner. Code:

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Seeking Assistance With Currency Display

I am having a problem getting some data fields to display in currency. Below is how I am getting the currency fields calculated - this works fine, no problems here, they do display. Code:

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Frame Doesn't Refresh Properly When Manually Refresh Page

I have a page with 2 frames. The first one has a link that loads a page in the second frame. This page has a button on it. When the button is hit, the page does some processing and loads another page in the same frame (the second).

I use ASP and response.redirect or javascript in the onclick event of the button to do the redirection. When I refresh the page by clicking the button on the browser (IE), the second frame becomes empty. Please note that the src attribute of the frame is not set.

If I set the src attribute of the second frame to some asp page and then navigate to another page inside the same frame, when I refresh the page, the initial asp page is loaded in the frame regardless of the asp page currently loaded into the frame.

It seems that when you refresh the page, the frames are reinitialized no matter what pages are currently loaded in the frames.

I solved the problem by redirecting to the main page in the top frame, passing some parameters and resetting the src of the frame to the desired asp page. Thus, when the page is refreshed, all the frames are properly refreshed too.

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Using Refresh Button On The Menu Bar To Refresh Two Frames.

I have an ASP site that uses frames two frames. (yes I
should be using include files, but we started ou using
frames so we have been stuck with frames.)

When I get a page expired warning (I am not caching pages)
and a user clicks refresh from the menu bar the user is
taken back to the home page! The home page is a frame with
a top frame that is repeated on each subsequent asp pages

The lower half of the home page is a login screen.

After login the next page is shown in the lower half of
the frame. Refreshing within the individual frames is ok.

But when the Refresh from the menu bar is used the home
page is returned any ideas why?

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Debug VB DLL

I need to debug a COM component written in VB 6.
The .DLL is called from asp.
All runs well under Windows 2000 (I remember, I had to ad
a lot of rights to the user doing the debugging)
I just run the dll (F5) in VB, the browser opens the .asp-
page where the DLL is called and I see the request in the
VB-Debugger. Very nice!
It does not run under Windows 2003.
Any Ideas?
I tried to give the Application pool running the
application admin rights. but it does not work.
I can not find any errormessage in the event log.

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Debug Into VB COM From ASP

I am using IIS 6.0, VB6 SP6, and Windows Server 2003. The COM are created using VB and being called by some of the ASP pages.

I was tryng to debug the COM in the VB COM project (which is already in debug mode), breakpoints are set at the specific functions. But, I found that the COM component does not jump into the COM project and thus does not stop at the breakpoints I set. FYI, the COM works fine.

Anyone know how this happen and how to solve it?

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Where can one get documents on how to debug asp code?

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Best Way To Debug ASP Pages

I want to know what's the best way to debug ASP pages? Now, I just put the
following code when I got run-time error, but sounds like not efficient.

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ASP Debug In COM (vb) Best Practices

I typically use a VB com component for handling business logic and data processing in my ASP projects.

In the past, if I wanted to get a forms contents into my VB layer I would simply pass it in the call and accept it in VB as a string which I could put into an xmldom object.

I am now experimenting with passing the entire form along as a form object (to be accessed as such in VB as a ASPTypeLibrary.Request type.

I have found two ways to do this.
1. pass the form as above using the listed request type in VB. This works great.
2. Dim up a ASPTypeLibrary.Request object in VB and assign it

Using GetObjectContext is much more difficult to implement if you want to have debugging ability in VB (there are numerous security considerations).

My question is (and thank you for reading this far), do any of you know what the best practices is for a production environment? Can anyone think of any reason why I shouldnt just use the easy method (pass the form and define its type in the argument list for the sub or function)?

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Debug AS{ Referral

How to do debug in visual studio a connection that comes in from a url

I cannot get visual studio to "boot" on the referral. IIS just runs the ASP

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Configuring IE To Debug Better

I've found that, when debugging scripts on my computer, IE will give me an Error 500 message if something is wrong with the script, whereas IE on my co-worker's actually prints the line and points at the exact character that's amiss, and says what kind of error it is.

This is incredibly useful for someone who is learning like me, but we can't figure out how to make mine work that way (it's the same version on the same OS and everything).

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Debug Component

I built an MTA which is used from an ASA and ASP pages. The MTA was
developed in VC++ 6.0.How would I go about debugging into the C++ code?

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Debug Error

when i try to debug/run the SQL statement in TOAD, it come out with the error "insufficient privileges". below is my sql statement :

VALUES ('huiy','uiu','ui','uy','uiy','iyiu','yi','yi','yi ','y','y','A','i','i','utytu','4646','rty','797',' tyf','hfgh')

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Debug Code In ASP 3.0

I need to debug the code and get the value of variables in an asp 3.0 page
where the javascript is being processed on the server side (i.e. within <%
%. I can use Response.Write("window.alert(".etc")"); for text messages to
tell me where i am in the code, but I cannot seem to figure out how to
display values of the variables...

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Debug And Critique

I just got the programming down for a new site i've been working on. I am curious if anyone out there wants to just browse through the site as a normal customer and tell me if they recieve any errors or problems.. Any suggestions, or critiquing remarks would be helpful. The more people the better! I greatly apprecaite everyone's time.

The url is:
The Login is: test
the Password is: test

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Debug Asp And Javascript

What's a good tool to use for debugging ASP pages which contain bunch of javascripts?

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Debug Environment

I have an asp pages which uses ActibeX dll and Exe written in in VB and VC++. I want to debug the components from asp page. When the asp page is run I should be able to get the breakpoint in my VB & VC++ dll and exe.

what could be the setting to do that. I can debug those componnets from another VB/VC++ applications but I want to debug from asp page.

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How Can I View Debug.Write?

IIS5, on a Windows 2000 Server machine. Debeg.WriteLine "Hello, world!" How can i view it?

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Support Asp Debug In Vs 2005?

Is it possible to change the web.config or machine.config file to allow access to an .asp page? I'm new to .Net 2.0.

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In Debug Mode Page

I am running an ASP application from within VS .NET 2003. When I run, the files are put in readonly mode, even thought its only an ASP page. Is there a way to edit the ASP (not ASP.NET) page (not in the middle of debugging ofcourse) without quitting debug mode

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Multiple Debug Sessions

We have a development iis6.0 server. Multiple programmers are developing independent applications. Non are sitting on the machine they all develop on their own system. Regularly they try to debug and receive the following error.

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. A ebugger is already attached. Would you like to disable future attempts to debug ASP.NET pages for this project?Does this mean each developer must run IIS on their own computer?

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Memory Leak :: How To Debug?

Anyone have any insights on how to debug a memory leak with a classic asp application?

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Best IDE/tool To Code And Debug

what is the best IDE/tool to code and debug asp and scrips?

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Unable To Debug ASP.NET Project

i try to debug a simple ASP.NET project on a windows server2003 and i
receive a msg that saya's i dont have permissions and to check if i am in a
debugger group.

I following the IIS (version 6.0) with the "Manage your server" from the
administrative tools. i did the following:

1. make sure that the machine debug manager service running
2. the digest authentication is unCheck
3. add the IUSR_ to the debugger group in the AD (the computer is a domain
4. i gave the user a full control over the wwwroot library

i really dont know what else to check.

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Debug VB Based COM Object From ASP?

I'm trying to figure out how to debug a very simple COM object I developed
in VB. I'm very new to VB and ASP so I have a lot to learn.

That said, I found what I thought was perfect article which covers this:;en-us;299633#2

However, I'm running on Windows 2003 and at step 4c) I don't have an
"Internet Service Manager" but rather "Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager". OK, fine, I assume the name changed. Code:

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Ie Not Visible In Debug Mode

i have searched through a ton of past posts in an effort to find the
answer to my problem but so far have come up with nothing.
The problem I am experiencing is with VS6, visual interdev on windows
2000, with IIS.

When ever i attempt to debug my asp web app the debugger will step into
the code and will start an Iexplore.exe process, but not actually make
internet explorer visible.

Does anyone know any way round this I have spent loads of time trying
to sort it already.

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Can't Debug: Operation Must Use An Updateable Query

using Access, i'm trying to input form info into a database.
below is the part of the code that's giving me problems:

' Creating Connection Object and opening the database
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open data_source
con.Execute sql_insert

i get this error whenever i submit the form:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
Operation must use an updateable query.

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Debug With Microsoft Development Environment

Before I was able to use Microsoft Devleopment Environment to debug my asp code. I did that by going to Microsoft Development Environment 6.0, go to Debug menu -> Processes, and will see inetinfo.exe and then I can attach it. But lately, (and I don't know if it's got anything to do with the fact that I have recently installed Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti Virus) when I opened the Processes window, the list is blank, and the Machine drop down is also empty.

If I hit Properties or Refresh, I'll get the "Development Environment has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" error, and the app will close. If I hit the Machine button, even if I find the machine, it'll say "Unable to connect to the machine". Has anyone had similar problems before?

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How To Edit/debug An Existing Classic Asp Web Site Using Vs 2003?

I have an existing classic asp web site running under IIS ( on localhost) I
want to start using VS 2003 to edit/debug this project. How do I go about
opening this this existing web site with VS 2003?

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