I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to replace multiple items in ASP in a single execution of the function?
Consider this issue:
mytext = "this is not it"
mytext = Replace(mytext, "s", "<strong>s</strong>)
mytext = Replace(mytext, "n", "<strong>n</strong>)
This would produce:
thi<stro<strong>n<s/trong>g>s</stro<strong>n</strong>g> i<stro<strong>n</strong>g>s</stro<strong>n</strong>g> <strong>n</strong>ot it
I am trying to display records in the following way but i cant get it to work:
Table structure i am trying to achieve
User 1 User2 User3 User4 Car Model Carmodel Carmodel Carmodel Car Spec Car Spec Car Spec Car spec
Once it has displayed 4 complete records with the data i want it to go to the next table row down and display the rest of the users ie... User 5 User6 User7
And eventuall i will display so many records per page but i will get to that later
I want an ASP page with a dropdown and a simple button. Every time the user chooses an item from the dropdown and clicks on the button i want that value written below in list and allow user to select more.
Also how can these choices be saved somehow so tha when the user goes to the next page the choices he made can be written to the database. For example
The choices in the dropdown may be:
London Dublin Paris New York
When the user chooses Dublin I want ti written below the dropdown. Then when he chooses New York. I want it added to london. so that it displays
Dublin London
Then when he click next button these two choices are taken over to the next page where an insert query can be used to insert them into the db.
I have a form with two multiple select control (I named the first as cbo_source and the second as cbo_target). Once the form is loaded, the cbo_source loads all items from an MS Access database. Once i click the button >>, all the selected fields from the cbo_source should be transferred on the cbo_target control.
Well, I'm done with that using javascript, my problem is how am i going to get all the items from the cbo_target control once i submitted the form to an asp page(add_new_sched.asp)? I can only get items that are selected on the cbo_target, but what i need is to get all items from the cbo_target regardless if it's selected or not. Code:
I have a client that wants all his products on one screen, where people can enter the quantities of every item they want and only have to hit one "Add to Cart" button.
So I have an array of results for each products ID number, and quantity amount for each product. How do I loop through those results and add multiple rows to the database?
If I have 30 of the same cmpycd in the column, it brings it all up. I think this is one of those IF/THEN things, but not sure how to impliment it in the code.
All I want to do is show one instance of each unique item that exists in the cmpycd column. If it exists 300 times, I just want to show it once. Then also show the compFN that is also in the same row.
I can make it count and show how many are of each, but I cannot seem to get it to display just one of each. Code:
I am struggling with how to allow users to modify the quantity of items in their cart. Right now they can only add 1 of each item. To add 2 of the same item they have to add it again which then just makes it so there are 2 seperate instances of that item in the cookie/cart. My hope is to show a text box with the value for each ID so they can modify that qty ID that way......
I have a query on a page that displays the results of a recordset. Each row has a check box that has the table ID associated with the row of data.
I am trying to figure out how do I send every row checked to another page and have that page know the ID's that were checked so the next page can query the table for those ID's and fill out a submission form. I know the form fields I can write so it dynamically names the value based on the script, that part is easy, but trying to figure out how to have the script accept multiple ID's so it can go through each and display the results is not.
Now this is simple if I am just sending one ID to the next page, I can just use a "Post" and append a ?id=xxx to the URL and then do a request.querystring for the ID. Where I am confused is trying to send multiple ID = 's to the next page so it reads more then one ID if more then one was checked on the previous page which 99% of the time it will be.
What should I look up to point me in the right direction to create a classic VBScript/ASP code to parse through the ID's that were checked on the previous page and have the next page query each ID for the data?
I can pretty much figure out how if I know what I am looking to do. I was just looking for some sort of direction that I can pursue to understand how do do this task. What is it I am trying to do? IS there a term or set of terms I need to consider looking up to get examples so I can tweak and write it from there?
I have a lil text box,or I guess you can call it an upload form. I just want it to get the text and not the actual file and insert it into a column in the database.This is a local server. When i click on browse and select an item I get for example:
When this inserts into the database I want it to change to
So what I plan to have in my insert statement is '"&REPLACE(imglink,"W:/","/images/")&"'... I don't know how to get the other "" to change to "/".How would I do this? Also, would that particular replace statement work correctly?
If I replace "a" with "b", and then I replace "b" with "a", shouldn't I get the same result? That is what I am trying to encode and decode with Replace() function, but it is giving me different things when I replace and replace again. Here is what I am talking about: Code:
I have got a problem executing a query. The driver indicates an error in Internet Explorer : No value given for one or more required parameters It refers to the recordset definition. I have tested the query in my DBMS, it works.
Dim objConn Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source= " & server.mappath (BDname) "
I currently have an asp page that ask for an email address and then with selection values runs a stored procedure.
Everything runs fine but the concern is that with enough records the processing limit will be exceeded by the web server and it will cause the page to crash.
Is there a way with ASP and MSSQL to send a request to process a stored procedure but have the processing of the asp continue while the sql runs its cousre? My sp will already email the user when processing is complete I just need the asp to send the request for it to be run but not try and run it while the next page loads.
I was reading a book about access databases and sql, when i came upon the time execution part it simply said it could be done but did not go into details as to how. Does anyone out there know of a way to produce a time execution with a access database?
ex: ability to set an email to be sent out on the 1st of january at 5pm, and on that date/time it would send it out. I know that you can simply have a asp page check the time when opened and if it's the correct time use a function to send it, BUT is there a way to do it with out having to go to the page on that time???
Is there a way to execute sql queries besides using recordset? If so, can someone provide me with links to materials i can read online or post an example?
How do I execute a users program from a web page? When a user goes to a webpage - I want a link on that page that will execute a program on the users local hard drive - like say...notepad.exe . Everything I have tried will only execute it on the server.
I have a problem: I have an ASP page who takes a lot of time in execution, but I want to "abort" it when the user make click in a link. I have heard I can use the Response.IsClientConnected, but I am not sure if this will work.
I am doing a search application in ASP with SQL Server 2000. I am using a third party DLL to fetch the matched records in 1 sec, it’s working fine in the local machine.
I tried it in following OS
Windows 2000 Sever Windows 2000 Professional Windows 2003 Sever Standard Edition
But my client server is Windows 2003 for Small Business Server. My code is not working in this server. I don’t think this may be an OS issue This is the code I have used for search:
SELECT {score},* FROM tbl_customers_detail WHERE {udv001_index=0 order by f_order.FakturaNr desc,score}
Here score is the option given in the tool (Third party tool). This score is used to arrange the matched records in either ascending or descending order.
tbl_customers_detail – Table (It contains around 6 lakhs records)
f_order – is the order created for the field FakturaNr (This order is used to pass the particular filed as an argument for the dll.)
but I am receiving the following error
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'TBL_CUSTOMERS_DETAIL'. /admin/searchmore.asp, line 136
I have connected with the exact DB contains the table tbl_customers_detail.
Basicly, when the page is in bad performance, the user will feedback to me, and later I tune it for better performance.
Is there any way or software to trace all the ASP pages' execution time in my site, so that I can tune it before user's feedback and have an overview of all my pages execution?
I'm using Asp 3.0 and windows 2000 and SQl server 2000 as back end My problem is every day morning 8 i want to take some data from the data base and send a mail to some mail ids which i retrieve from the database.
I want this to be executed at 8 Am every morning automatically. Is there any way to schedule the execution of the asp page at a particular time. Or any other ways r there like using vb script?