I need to be able to have various lists with values assigned. and an onchange event to occur for me to make some calculations then display the total value. I need to have some lists
the isp i'm using has authorized ssl on my site but i dont know how to tell a particular page that it can only be run as a secure page... Where at the moment u can view the page as https or http.
I'm assuming i need some code to detect whether its being run as a https and if not redirect it to https.
I have an ASP page, on the Window_OnLoad event I use VbScript to popup an Inputbox to accept a value from the user and put it into a string called strValue. I then want to be able to go (in asp)
<%Response.Write(strValue)%[color=blue] > - but if I do that nothing happens.[/color]
How can I access the Vbscript variable in the ASP part of the page?
I tried using some code examples from (URL address blocked: See forum rules) into my defualt.aspx page (in VS2005). I had some errors with this. I thought this might be cause the tutorial at w3schools.com said it was for *.asp files.
For example I had an error ("Statement cannot appear within a method body. End of method assumed) when I tried putting a SUB in the <head>. Like this
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "(URL address blocked: See forum rules)">
<html xmlns="(URL address blocked: See forum rules)" > <head runat="server">
<% sub vbproc(num1,num2) response.write(num1*num2) end sub %>
<title>Untitled Page</title> </head>
By the way if anybody will be available to answer basic questions like this every so often throughout the day (ie: check your email or this forum every couple of hours, until midnight California time December 8), I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount. I just need help with some of the technical details like this + finding source code
I manipulate MSAgent AcitiveX object using VBScript at client side, I met a wierd problem when I debugged my ASPX page. when msagent recognize a phrase and fire event, my vbscript capture the event and do something, including make the agent do some animation and speech, then open a browser window using 'window.open "www.google.com", "Google" '. the code works fine when I view the ASPX page with browser inside VS.NET, when browse this page in web browser from the localhost, the agent works fine, but the new window did open up. why?
I have COM+ component installed on my XP. I have problem to create instance of it inside vbscript. How can I do it? The error I get is : ActiveX component can't create object.
I'm trying to create a simple recordset, and would like to include an and/or option. to do this i set up an option on the previous page,and then sent the selection through to the next page. i was then hoping to simply insert the variable i had created into the code so that whichever of and/or is selected is used in the code. i.e.
where and_or is the variable from the previous page.
Search.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee_List where First_Name='"&firstname&"' '"and_or"' Last_Name='" &lastname&"'"
so basically whenever someoned chooses an option its automatically filled in at the indicated location in the code. is it possible to do this and if so what is the correct syntax for using variables within this code?the full search function will have numerous fields so i'd like to avoid using if statements.
I'am running window server 2000 and MS frontpage on my computer. I created ASP page with the frontpage editor. The asp code are not running when I am trying to view the page with my browser (Explorer 5.0). Could you please help me
I have an ASP.NET solution,and the ASPX page I have a form ,I want to copy some of the data from that form to the clipboard,I am using the below script the script works fine when I use a normal anchor tag with the onclick event,but I want to be able to use an actual asp control like the hylperlink or linkbutton.
I have tried the link button but it gives an error saying Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'VBScript' is not a member of 'ASP.sr_aspx'.
And the hyperlink control doesn't seem to have an option for the onclick. The code is located in the .aspx not in the .vb.
I have absolutely NO knowledge about ASP. Though I've been working with PHP for almost 2 years and decided that I need to take the next step and learn some more languages both to keep me busy and to expand my skills.
Like I said...I have no knowledge or experience with this. From what I read, there are two ways of coding ASP. First using VBScript and then C#. I'm really confused, because for one, I don't know what the difference is, and secondly I'm ot sure which is the best.
I'll be primarily (if not only) be using ASP to build online applications, websites, etc.
a dictionary of terms with definitions, (in a database) how can i hyperlink(automatically) words within the definitions for which a definition also exists.
url structure is like this
Then - in the definition of "someword" there is a word that also has a definition in the database. I'd like to auto hyperlink it to that definition. Also since the data is all coming from a database, what if one of the words to be replaced has not yet come up in the loop? (...or would it be okay since EVERYTHING should be in the recordset?
usually do perl and php. However, I would like to backup my databases with a microsoft sql server and sometimes a simple access database. In other words I would have a perl or php script that would insert data into a mysql database and at the same time post to a vbscript that will deal with the microsoft sql server or access database. I choose not to use perl or php to do the latter because I would like to keep every aspect according to its environment.
Almost every vbscript I've looked at is embedded in the html page. Since I intend to send via a post from a different type script - my question is can you place vbscript on the server as a stand alone? If this is possible - Where can I find references to this?
I have a problem trying to run a vbscript on my desktop. The script runs fine on other desktops. Has it got to do with any security settings in my xp? and how do i enable it?
i have a powerpoint file "somefile.PPT" . now MS-Powerpoint when open allows the file to be saved in JPG format .. this option is present in the SAVE AS.. option .. by this what happens is that the file is stored as an JPG image ...
is it possible to convert a given valid PPT file to JPG file without opening powerpoint and using VBSCRIPT code ...
I have been asked to convert a system-by-system project creator program to a server-based web-interface site. It is currently written in VB 6 and I am going to need to have it in class vbscript.
Is there an easy way to do this? Or do I need to manual go through all the code? I've never programmed in VB but have done some vbscript. But I still don't know whats in VB that translates well into vbscript. Obviously, one is a programming language and the other is a stripped down version.
I had someone tell me that normal VBS is different from that found in ASP, however I cannot find any websites to back up that fact. Can any one tell me if normal VBScript progamming is different from that when used in ASP.
I made a regular expression to match Guitar Chords.
This pattern should find any of the following:
1) G 2) Gmaj 3) G7 4) G# 5) Gb 6) G#min
The pattern works for all of these except for #4. For some reason it will only return the 'G' instead of the full 'G#'. I find this very odd because if the chord is 'Gb', the regex will return the full 'Gb'.This pattern works fine in javascript. Is there anything special with the '#' character in RegEx for VBScript? I am using VBscript engine 5.6
I am new to ASPs and I have run into the following error message:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: '[number: 0]'
/development/index.asp, line 17
I know EXACTLY which line is causing it. The following line is the code the is causing the problem. set fileSystem = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Is there some setting that must be properly set in order to create a filesystem object? Is there a specific version that must be used?
I am trying to write an asp(vbscript) parser for wiki-style pseudo code, and can't get my head round regexp.
I am hoping if somebody could give me an example to work on for one, I could sort the others.
e.g. how do you turn (from within a large string, with varying occurences) .......[image:/mydir/pics/my portrait.jpg | A picture of me]...... into ......<img src="/mydir/pics/my%20portrait.jpg " alt="A picture of me">.....
I have just started using asp and was trying out a small file to see how response.buffer works. The problem is I can't seem to see it work. I have the following: Code:
Although InterDev syntax highlights GoTo as a keyword, it isn't supported in VBScript. I'm wondering if anyone has a clever workaround for this limitation?
I am trying to embed JavaScript to an ASP page which will be executed on the server side and will send a HTTP request from the ASP Web server another remote server. Then I need to capture the remote server's response and save it as a string.
I know java and C++ very well along with server side programming. Now I have to learn VBScript for administrative (windows) purposes. Would someone pls suggest me waht is the best books for VBScript along with some good VBScript tutorial links .
I have an ASP project where I have users select or input values into a criteria page and then once they press "Submit" the ActiveX viewer displays the crystal report. All works fine and the criteria can be somewhat dynamic because the variables are used to build a SQL statement that is passed to the crystal report as the dataset. What I would like to do is create a variable on the Crystal report that will display the SQL statement or at least an English translation. This variable will be used to display the criteria of the report so end-users can see what criteria was used to generate the output of the report.