ASP Behavior Changes On Different Client Machine

I know this is actually impossible, but didn't know how else to describe it:
I have created a Content Management System for a client using ASP connecting
to a Access database. It doesn't do any fancy things: INSERT, UPDATE, etc. I
also use ASPUpload to upload images onto the server.

When I test my CMS from my own machine and others, it all works fine.
However, testing it from my client's machine, the Updating or Inserting of
data ends up returning a 'page not available' error (the asp page calls
itself when the form is submitted) and the changes to the database are not
being executed.

I really can't figure out why this is happening. Could it be a setting on
the client's browser?

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Read From Client Machine

To secure my web site i need to read client Machien's MAC Address with

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Date From Client Machine

how to get the date from client machine?

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FileExists On Client Machine NOT Server

The jist of what i want is the obj.FileExists (how it checks for a file on the server) for the client machine.

The client will be scanning something that will put a pdf file into a shared folder on their machine (it will be the same path for all clients). I need to get the code* to pull that file so that i can take the data on the pdf.

*Code doesn't have to be ASP. i'm up for ASP, VBScript, Javascript.

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How To Detect That File Has Been Downloaded On Client Machine

I am working on a web application where i allow users to download text file , the content for this file will be retreived from the database and is passed to the and is read into Response.binarywrite

I am using the following code which i have got from a forum Code:

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How Do I Install A MSI File From Webserver On The Client Machine.

I have a web server running on a machine. When the users
connect to that machine, it loads the ASP page. The ASP
page has a ActiveX control on it and it gets downloaded to
the client's machine. I have made the control as a signed
control so there is no problem in download.

Likewise, in the virtual directory path on the server, I
have one clientsettings.MSI and that needs to be run on
the server. Whenever the user tries to connect to the web
page, in onload event of the web page, the .MSI file
should be installed on the clients machine. For this to
happen what all needs to be done ?

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Reading Registry Settings From The Client Machine

1. I need to read the registry settings from the client machine using an ASP file running on the server.

2. Also I need to create an XML file at the client machine and the ASP file running on the server should read the data from this clent XML file.

If anyone could give me some suggestions on how to proceed this I would be very much glad.

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Delete File On Client Side Machine

Is it possible to delete a file on a client side machine using VB/JAVA script?

My website allows the user to upload a file to the website and after that I would like to delete the file on their machine tried this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

But it is always looking to the server machine? How do I say delete file XYZ on client machine. Is this even possible with the security issues?

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Copy Files From IIS Image Path To Local Client's Machine

explain abt copy files from IIS image path to local client's machine.

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Enter Key Behavior

When the cursor is in an INPUT TEXT control and the Enter key is hit,
what it's happen. I mean what is the chain of actions starting from that

I have an ASP application that save modifications (qty chang in an input
text) when the user navigate from page to page. For doing so I check if
the value of the TEXT control differ from the value in the table. If so,
I insert or update the table. But, when I hit Enter it is exactly the
same as if I moved to another page. I would like to know exactly what's
happen, in order to take advantage of this behavior.

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ASP Strange Behavior

I'm running ASP under IIS 6 with Tomcat. During the process, Tomcat will
forward to an ASP page with some data and those data will be written to MS
SQL and display some information in that particular ASP page. The Servlet
has no unsafe code. The strange thing is that all the data is written
correctly in the MS SQL with correct user and related information but the
data might become blank or send to different users in that ASP page.

Does anyone know what might cause this strange behavior ?

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String Behavior

I'm passing a string (the file name of a photo) from a database, into a
hidden form field, and then posted from that form into the HTML code of
a multipart e-mail being sent by CDONTS.

The weird thing is that right before this string is inserted in the
<IMG> tag of the e-mail, the file name is altering slightly, but enough,
of course, to break the link. I can even take that same variable to
which the string is assigned and write it in the text of the e-mail
message and it comes through fine. Code:

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Global.asa - Different Behavior On Local And Remote Server?

On a remote server running W2K and thus IIS 5 I have session variables declared in a global.asa file in the root of the application which are passed and visible on all pages with no problem. This was also the case on my localhost before (, also on W2K / IIS 5. But now for some reason one variable doesn't pass through at all and the other is taken as a String on the localhost.

The problem area in question in my Global.asa file (which is identical on the remote and local servers)

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">

Sub Session_OnStart
End Sub

When I view the values locally with:

pprice = Request.QueryString("fpPrice")
Session("total") = Session("total") + pprice
Response.Write "Index: " & Session("indx")
Response.Write "Total: " & Session("total")

I get (for example - pprice = 45, and after 3 attempts):

Total: 454545

Whereas on the remote server I get:

Index: 3
Total: 135

Has anyone else experienced this?

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64 Bit Machine

Can I run my asp applications on a 64 bit machine?

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Passing Machine

I have a request from a fellow conrtractor (differnt company) to have a form pass the users IP and machine name upon submission. I know that request.serverVariables("remote_addr") and request.serverVariables("remote_host") will yield the users IP but do not know of anything that will pony up the machine name.
I contend that under normal circumstances a browser doesn't have access to the machine name for user security reasons but my friend doesn't agree and insists it is "somewhere in the envirnment information." He may know something I don't but he doesn't know enough to show me how to extract what he wants in the form.
Further information: we are working on a Microsoft Active Directory network. This may provide some mechanism to pass that information.

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Why I Can't See Mtx.exe In The Romote Machine?

I've set up remote debugging following every step in the manu from
microsoft. However, I can't see mtx.exe process in romote machine,
instead I only see inetinfo.exe. I attached to it and it seem works OK
except that I can't set up any break point in any inc file(include
file). I can use the command stepinto from an asp page to get to inc
code, but I the process never stop at the break point I "set up" before
I start the debugger or in the debugging process.

Can anyone help me what went wrong? or just tell me that is about what
interdev debugger can do.

By the way, I use NT on server and client is a window 2000

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Using ASP On IIS (Local Machine)

I would like to evaluate some shopping cart software to use on my next project. I am new to asp and as yet my hosting does not support it. Before I go ahead and upgrade my hosting I wanted to see how the various packages work.

I am running XP Pro SP2 and have installed IIS. The folders seem to be where they should be and I have access to the settings through the Administrative Tools.

When I put a htm file in the wwwroot folder it loads fine if I type http://localhost but the asp files are either downloaded or opened in dreamweaver.

Do I need to do something special to enable asp files to open on my local machine??

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On My Local Machine.

I'm not a networking/IT guy, but I was put in charge of figuring out how to use ASP to tap into an Oracle db for my office. I am using a windows 2000 laptop, and I want to be able to run ASP code on my local desktop (without being plugged into a network).

I need a lot of help here. I know I have to turn my computer into a webserver, but I'm not certain what I need to do with the IIS. What do I need to do in general to make my computer a webserver? In addition, I will be using a local Oracle database. So I wasn't sure what I would need to do to make that db available for querying with ASP. What is the best way to make that connection?

Anyone who can point me to useful documentation.

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Username And Machine Name

how to insert the current user's username and machine name into a couple of textboxes to be inserted into a form. I'm creating a work order system and I would like the form to be prepopulated with this information.

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have an SQL DB which clients access via asp pages through the internet, in the case of a power outage I need to write that data automatically in the background to a txt file on their local machine, I would imagine it would involve a script of some kind.

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Post From Machine

Here's my dilema. I have a Classic ASP site and I need to receive transactions from a little card reader over the Internet. The reader willbe sending:

MERCHANT_ID=(max seven digits)
TERMINAL_ID=(max twelve digits)
CUSTOMER_ID=(max seven digits)
TX_TYPE=(max 3 digits)
TX_AMOUNT=(max 7 digits) decimal (2 digits)
DATETIME=(14 digits)
MD5=(32 hex alpha numeric A-F, 0-9)

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Mapping Remote Machine

I was susseesful in mapping remote machine with vbscript. Now I am building the same tool with ASP .I am using the same code but its not working. Below is the portion where I am mapping the drive: Code:

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How Do I Differ Between Machine Behind A Router?

Is this possible or should I set a cookie with md5 session id and login time and date.

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Displaying .asp On Local Machine

Am I now setup to view .asp on my local machine, or do I have to "upload" the pages to IIS? If the latter, how do I do this?

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Can't Run Website On Local Machine

I copied one of our websites to a CD and wanted to run the website off of the CD. However, it won't run the index.asp on Windows XP machine. Do I need to install some dll's or something?

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MySQL On A Windows Machine

how MySQL goes with ASP (or any other language) on a Windows machine, production wise. Our website contains static pages and we're planning on making them dynamic. Cost is an issue. If anyone knows how well MySQL performs on WinNT or knows of issues I should be concerned about, I'd appreciate hearing from you.

I've already had experience with MySQL on a Linux environment and wondering if its Windows brother is on the same level. I know MySQL doesn't compare with SQL Server or Oracle when it comes to features, but it's something we're willing to give up because of cost.

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Viewing One Page From Another Machine

Can I make somebody else view my webpage, that i made in asp-mysql on anohter machine? I tried to give my ip address to another person to view my page. But it doesnt work. i tried as : http:ip-addresslogindb.asp?

To run ASP on my machine i had to change my port for localhost to 8888 from the original. Before changing it to 8888 it was giving 'in use...' error. I got asp functioning when i changes my port to 8888. Now when i want to make others view my page can I do it?

If yes, then i was wondering why would we need space to host a website (small scall). I can always make my machine as the host machine and no need to buy space and all? do i need to make any changes to my IIS setting for any 2nd person to view my login page?

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Get List Of Users On A Machine

I need to get list of users on a machine (can be from exchange or a domain controller). I'm not even sure where to begin. I need this so I can populate a dropdown list of all users of our network for a helpdesk system.

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Folder On Remote Machine

I am having problems creating a folder on a remote machine. I keep getting a error 70 Permission denied. Of all the samples I have seen, I can't see what I am doing wrong.


dim dirName
dim machIP
dim folderPath

dirName = "myDir"
machIP = ""
folderPath = "" & machIP & "c$" & dirName

Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not fs.FolderExists(folderPath) = true Then
end if

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Submitting Form To A Fax Machine

I am trying to send information that I collect using an ASP form to a fax
number that I specify somewhere. Can someone please tell me whether I can do
that using ASP code and if so, how can I do it and what kind of applications
I need to have if any.

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How To Detect User Name & Machine Name

I'm developing a web page in ASP that can detect client's machine name & windows user name, but can't been able to do so.I'm using VBScript as scripting language. I've used ServerVariables(LOGON_USER) & REMOTE_HOST Also but of no use. Can ny one tell me how to do it. Code:

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Access Machine.Config

How do i access user defined section in machine.config file? Is there any runtime api that I can use.

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Develop On Remote Machine

I've got .Net 2003 installed on my XP Home machine. Since don't(can't) have IIS installed, I've heard you can use a remote machine that has IIS and ..Net to develop an ASP.Net solution on my XP Home machine. What do I have to do to make this happen?

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