ASP Checkbox Default Checked From Access

I have a contact list in an Access database.

I have a table that contains contacts a table that contains categories and a third table that is a join table that assigns users to categories in a many-to-many relationship.

I have a script that creates a series of checkboxes from the categories table so when a new contact is added the user can select multiple checkboxes, categories, to place the user into.

I want to be able to edit a contact by clicking their name that takes them to a ContactUpdate.asp form that is already filled with all of the values for the contact. Their name, address, phone number etc. however I want the checkboxes,categories, that the contact is already in to be selected on the ContactUpdate.asp page.

I need the user to know what categories the contact is already in.

Here is the code I already have that creates the checkboxes. When a contact is added so I'm sure the contact update will be some variation: Code:

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Checkbox Checked

i m getting value of blnPermit is True .but still not show my checkbox as checked .alredy spent a hour for this. what i m missing? Code:

<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="blnPermit" name="blnPermit" onClick="ChangeStatus()" <%if blnPermit then %>checked<%end if%>>dd

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Show Checkbox As Checked

How can I show a checkbox as checked based off of the variable stored in a database?

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How To Get A Checkbox Checked When Loading The Page?

I have a input with type checkbox. I want it to be automatically checked if the value from the corresponding field in the database is also checked. I tried this: Code:

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Access Is Denied :: Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

We had a web site that works in windows NT very good with a DB in Access. Our clients migrate to Win 2000 and now the connection to the DB doesn't work ... the error is this:

Error: Access is Denied.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/directory/progs/, line 17 ...

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SQL Statement For Creating A Checkbox In Access

Can anyone tell me the SQL statement for creating a Yes/No checkbox column in Access.

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ASP, Access, Checkbox, Multiple Delete

I have to develop a page where, based on status some records are selected from the Access database and displayed. A checkbox is displayed beside every record.

Some checkboxes can be selected and the corresponding record should be deleted if the delete bottun is pressed.

I know how to select the records from the database and perform multiple delete. But do not know how to link the database and the checkboxes. Anybody has any ideas??

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Form Checkbox Access Yes/No Field Entry

i have a checkbox Code:

<input class="txtbox" type="checkbox" name="C1" value="ON">

it will correspond to a field in my ms access database that has a Yes/No data type. when the box is ticked, i would simply like the value Yes to be entered into the database..

i enter other elements of my form (a input text box for example) using Code:

rsAddComments.Fields("area") = Request.Form("area")

so what would the entry code look like similar to this.. and what would the for checkbox code look like?

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Value Of Checked Box!?

I've got the following problem:

I'm retrieving data from an SQL Server database. And I want my form to
display a checked box in the state corresponding to the value saved in
the DB. But somehow that doesn't work!?

SQL tells me the value is 1.
My ASP page tells me it's 'True'??

So I tried it like this:
<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value = 1 Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

and like this:

<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
cstr(rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value) = "True" Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

But neither works. The checkbox remains unchecked!?

What am I doing wrong?

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Value Of Checked Box

I'm retrieving data from an SQL Server database (the data itslef was
entered by an ASP form). And on an 'edit form' I want to display a
checked box in the state corresponding to the value saved in the DB. But
somehow that doesn't work!?
SQL tells me the value is 1.
My ASP page tells me it's 'True'??

So I tried it like this:
<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value = 1 Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

and like this:

<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
cstr(rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value) = "True" Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

But neither works. The checkbox remains unchecked!?

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Checked AND Unchecked

Within a submitted page that has mutilple checkboxes with
the same name, the request.form("mycheckboxes") has a
comma separated list of the values of all the ones

but I also need to know which ones are not checked... How
can I know that ?

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"OR" Access Query From ASP (via Checkbox)

The setup:
Access database of vendors. A vendor can offer one or more services.

ASP page provides user a checkbox of services. User clicks one or more options and submits. The database should return all vendors that match the services selected.

No dice. I can of course easily pull up vendors that match one service. But the multiple options are treated as an AND search. I don't want to find only vendors that provide all the services checked, but all the vendors that provide one or more of the services selected by the user.

I have tried stored procedures in Access and SQL statements. I either get data type errors or nothing found.

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Search Checked In For Loop

I have two columns in the database table where one is the "id" and the other "text_data".
I filled on a page checkboxes for the id and textareas for "text_data" per id. Code:

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Search Checked In For-next Loop

I have two columns in the database table where one is the "id" and the other "text_data".

I filled on a page checkboxes for the id and textareas for "text_data" per id.

<input type="submit" value=" Search " size="100" title="Search everything selected">

<input type="checkbox" value="<%=RS("id")%>" name="id"><br/>
Response.Write "<textarea "
response.write "name=""Keywordh"""
response.write "value=""Keywordh"""
response.write "rows=""3"" "
response.write "cols=""64"">"
response.write "</textarea>"

There must be something wrong right of the start because when press "search" without checking anything it searches every textarea within the for-next loop. My intention is to search ONLY the textareas that are checked.
But I'm also wondering if it is necessary to have a textarea to make these searches. Is it possible to simply slap the "text_data" alone in the for-next, check the ones I choose and search?

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Radio Button Is Checked

how can i check if the radio button is checked or not in Asp .

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Radio Button Can't Be Checked Although Value Get

this is the form that i use to retrive the data from the database to be updated.. the problem is with the gender field..

i have tested the objRS("gender ") which it really did get the value from the database eg male . but it just seems can't make the radio button to be checked.. Code:

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How To Write Value Of Checked List In Textbox

I have a list of checkboxes that when I check I want it to be written in the textbox. I need a space in between the writing of each checkbox checked. Code:

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How To Write Value Of Checked List In Textbox

I have a list of checkboxes that when I check I want it to be written in the textbox. I need a space in between the writing of each checkbox checked. Code:

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Want To Make A Particular Check Box Show Up When Another Is Checked

I hope that subject title made sense, but I am looking for a way, and I am not sure if it is ASP or Javascript, but I only want a particular check box to show up if another particular checkbox is checked.

So I have like 5 options, but a "hidden" 6th option. If option #1 is checked, I want option 6 to show up. But if option 2 - 5 is checked, I don't want option 6 to show.

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How To Check If A Specific Record Was Checked Off In A Form.

I have a server using a webapp built on classic ASP, and I use a library that creates/manipulates a datagrid-style display on the page.

I am displaying a large chart with sufficient data that it will likely be paged, and there are several columns that are toggles (using checkboxes for these, with the entire column having the same checkbox NAME, but different values depending on the record).

I have a piece of script that for loops through the records present on the page (determined by a collection of hidden form values), and then I need to check if the collection formed by a given column contains that value, something like the following (pseudo-code):

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Form Input (radio Button) Pre Checked...

I'm reading data from an XML form and prepopulating a FORM. For the text inputs I have no problem prepopulating the Values from the file...


But one of my fields is based on input from a radio input (three inputs with a value of 1,2,3). Since they all have the same name using the code above will not set they value for any of them. Anybody else run into this, or have a suggested way I should do this.

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Default Value

if for list box, check box or radio button. in asp. how can i write to make it a default value??

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IE's Default

I'm using a binary stream to send down a file from the web server. I've been having trouble with IE and getting it to recognize my file. I've added the filename as a paramater(?filename=file.jpgw) to handle IE's mime type mangling, but I'm still having trouble with IE's default Save As Type being HTML. When we send down a jpgw (geo-jpeg) file IE wants to save it as an HTML file. I've got the correct filename showing in the Filename box, and if I choose the All Files option from the Save As Type drop down then the file is saved with the correct extension. I'd like to have the All Files option choosen by default. I know it's just a couple of clicks but we have some noivce users that can't seem to get that

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I wrote an application that generates reports.It then presents a page where
I click a button [javascript:print()] to open the print page. However, I
have a fixed printer and would like to know how to print to the default
printer without me clicking anything. So the page will just load up and
print. Or when I click a button. I just don't want the select printer screen
to pop up. Much similar to clicking the print button on top of the address
bar in Internet Explorer.

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my new site uses default.asp, instead of using index.asp. this is how my old site was done. now i get error 500. is this because it is trying to find index.asp or because my database isn;t workjing properly? i'm tired and being stupid i think. it's reall probably the database, but i just want to make sure in my sleep deprived state.

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Specify Default Button

I want to make it so that when the user is looking at a rendered ASP page
and they hit the ENTER key, one of the buttons on the form gets "clicked".
In other words I want for the user to not have to click on the button, and
just hit ENTER instead. How do I specify the button?

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Combo Default Value

This is the code for a combo box, and I would like to make certain value the default value, so that appears unless users select somthing else.

call rs.Open("SELECT * FROM Trim.dbo.luDecisionMaker ORDER BY DecisionMakerName" _
, myCon)

do while not rs.EOF
Response.Write("<OPTION value=" & rs("DecisionMakerID"))
if rs("DecisionMakerID") = nDecisionMaker then
Response.Write(" selected")
end if
Response.Write(">" & _
rs("DecisionMakerName") & "</OPTION>" & Chr(10))


It comes from a table and has PropertyDetailsID(1,2,3,4) and PropertyDetailsname(Fee, 5,10,Other) and for example "Fee" needs to be the dafault value.

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New User In DB Default

If a new user is added to the database through a webform, and they would usually have immediate access to member only services, is there a way to make them nonactive in a MS access db until an admin activates them?

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Default Compenent

I am wanting to compress/zip a file up on the server and email it. Is there a default component that should be installed on the server that will compress/zip files? If not is there FREE ones that anyone would suggest?

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Default Value In Field

with "select @@IDENTITY" i get the value of the last field insered.. i would
like to get also the

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Default Include

Is it possible to add a default include file to every ASP-page servered on IIS? So I do not have to modify every page.

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Default Value For Combo Box

How do I make a value the default value for a combo box in ASP 3.0?

What I have below does NOT work, yet I've seen it in HTML file examples before (and works if I put it in a HTML file by itself, but not if I use it in a ASP 3.0 app.

<select name="cboCompany" style="text-align:right; font-size:8pt">
<option value="08">08</option>
<option value="09" selected="true">09</option>
<option value="33">33</option>
<option value="18">18</option>
<option value="17">17</option>

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Default Image

The following code works fine for PC but not for MAC. It won't select the default image from the DB. When I check the DB there looks like there is Binary information there but nothing is displayed ....

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