ASP Download To Excel Error

I am trying to download a table of data from an ASP page into Excel. The link opens Excel OK and creates a worksheet with the name of the ASP page, but no data is transferred.

If I remove (comment out) the Response.ContentType line from my code, then the table appears on the asp page.

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Excel Download

I am in need of allowing permissioned users of a particular web app using ASP to query a table and then allow them to download an excel formatted version of the data they can use offline.

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Excel Download Format

i have a excel download which works fine, but the format is incorrect if i need to re-upload the worksheet to the database via a file upload.

so i think the problem is that in the download i am using a table format with <tr><td> etc. how can i change these to just be cell entries?

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File Download Error

I am getting one error while downloading a file (DBF file) through aps page. the error is: "Can not access file because the file is being used by another process". First My asp page creates a DBF file programmatically using OLEDB provider and saves that file at a particular location. In the same asp page I have given link to download the file on client machine.

above operation will be performed based on the flag set in my code. if flag is 'Save' it will create the DBF if flag is 'Download' it will download the DBF. I am using ASPSmartUpload component to download the file. and i am calling DownloadFile method of this component. But it is giving me error as mentioned above. I have closed the recordset and connection object and set it to Nothing. but still it is giving this error. This works fine for the first time and after that it gives this error.

please tell me what could be the reason for this and how i can handle this programmatically. is there a way to find out whether the file is in use or not and if yes then how to stop that process?

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"Cannot Download" An Excel File From An ASP Page

I am having trouble downloading an excel report generated from our AS
pages. We presumed it was something to do with the SSL certificate w
just installed, so loaded the script from Microsoft an
changed the cache settings by changing this code in our

Response.AddHeader "pragma","cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private"
Response.CacheControl = "private"

Now we are having trouble with downloading about ten of the twent
five reports that we have. Does anyone have any ideas?

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Getting Error Trying To Download URL Containing Chinese Characters

I have the following URL that was HTML encoded in my web page:

<a HREF="transfer/rad0/﨨.jpg" TARGET="_blank">﨨.jpg</a>

I am attempting to download this file which is simply one chinese character followed by .jpg. For IE, Netscape, Safari I right click on this URL and attempt to download the file. If the name contains only ASCII characters it works. I also cannot cut and paste this URL directly into IE and retrieve my image either. What do I need to do to be able to use Chinese (unicode) characters in URL's?

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Download Word Document Error

I created this script so that once the form has been created, they can print the information on a word document. When I run the script locally, I get the Word document without a problem. When I place the file on the website to create the document I get the following error:

Cannot copy file: Cannot read from the file or disk

I have never seen this error even on the server. The script has been written as an ASP application. But this is the first time I come accross this error. If you need me to post the script let me know. But I don't think this is a script error.

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Forced Download Error With MP3 File

I have an asp code snippet which i've been using to force a download which works absolutely fine with .jpg, .gif and .pdf files, but for some reason will not work when i try and use it with a .mp3 file. In firefox it creates an empty file on your desktop but in explorer it causes a browser error. Code:

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Asp To Excel Error

I am getting an error on a page that uses asp to query a db then opens the
page on the client in excel. The error is only occuring on XP boxes only.
If I comment out the cache killers it opens fine but I want to make sure a
user gets the most up to date data so I need some cache control in there.
What can I do to fix this? Code:

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Excel Error On XP Client

I have an asp page that queries a db and displays the data in an html table. This page has a hyperlink that goes to another asp page that is meant to load the same data table in Excel. This all works fine on windows 2000. This app has been running now for close to a year.

On XP however I get an error message ststing that the Temporary file whatever.xls could not be found. Check the spelling and verify if the file location is correct. This has happened on all XP boxes. I can save the file and then open but users don't want that extra click.

The code in the asp file that is meant to spawn Excel looks like this: ...

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Got Error In Dll While Opening The Excel File.

I have created one dynamic chart creation application using vb dll. If I call this function from vb it is working fine. But If i call this function from ASP i got error while opening the excel file line. I have windows 2000 server. Do i need to give any permission for this? The same coding is working fine in NT server.

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ASP To Excel Gives #VALUE! Error. Character Limitation?

I have an ASP page that loops through a SQL Server 2000 table, then
downloads an Excel sheet the users can save, etc. Works fine, except, I
see that in one particular "comments" field the Excel sheet returns a
#VALUE! error in the cell when there is a large amount of text. I've
looked through the MSKB, MSDN and many ng posts to see if there is a
workaround or solution to this, including looking at the xlWorksheet
properties. Is there a limitation of 255 chars that can be tranferred?
When I copy and paste the text it copies into the cell fine.

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ASP.NET Exporting To Excel - Basic Error

The code below (partial) should export a file as Excel when the button near the bottom is clicked. The example I pulled the concept from uses a GridView for binding. I don't need to display it, just export it, so I created ExcelGrid visible=false at the bottom. The Response.Write(strQuery); is never getting executed. I get:

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Control 'ExcelGrid' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

I'm almost positive (from what you see below) that my ExcelGrid is inside the form tag, which contains the runat=server.

Any ideas? It works when you pull that code and just run the rest of the form so the runat=server is working for all of the other controls! Code:

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Error When Createobject Excel.application

i trying to use Server.CreateObject("excel.application"), but get an error message:

Server objecterror 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' . Server.CreateObject Failed. Invalid ProgID.

i can use Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") successfully, why this excel.application cannot work?is there any other way to read data from an excel file?

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Microsoft Excel Driver Error

I am using an ASP script on my site that reads a microsoft excel file and adds the values to the database (MS SQL Server). The script works completely fine on my LOCAL server, but it shows me the following error when I upload it to the server and try to run it.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1128 Thread 0x2268 DBC 0xd2d0fec Excel'.

/Bacardi/bblcontest/readexcel.asp, line 5

FYI, I am using the following connection string:

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Error "Internet Explorer Cannot Download <asp Page> From <server>"

When one of my users are navigating my ASP website, and click on submit type
button to move from Page1.asp to another ASP page, Page2.asp, they are
getting message like

"Internet explorer cannot download <asp pagefrom <server>. Internet
Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is
either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

But other users are not experiencing this.

I also have seen but it doesnot help

Can you please tell me what should be done to avoid this error. Do I need
to check any web browser settings?

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ASP To Download

I am trying to download files from one website to another for purposes
of caching. In trying to do this, I created a VB dll component (using
VB6), that used URLDownloadToFile, to allow me to download the file
onto the receiving site. The sending site supports an ASP page that
allows the file to be downloaded.The component works fine when run in debugging mode, placing the file as expected. But when not debugging (but registered), it reports that
the file has been downloaded, but the file is not there.

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Pdf Download

I am looking for some VB Script tutorials possibly as a pdf file that one can download and take print out of as one single file. I can see a lot of VB Script tutorials on the net but not offered as a single PDF file all in html format and explained on different pages.

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Download PWS

where I can download PWS Personal Web Server,or IIS from,ideally for as little cost as possible?I have XP Pro, but I've tried typing "inetmgr" in the Run field in Start Menu but it says it can't find inetmgr,and there is no IIS or PWS in my Program menus or submenus on my machine that I can see.

I had heard my XP Pro may have come with IIS but this doesn't seem to be the case with my pc. I have IIS on my server at work which has Windows 2000.Is it possible to copy an .exe install application of somekind which would be used to install IIS on another machine? What would the .exe file be called and where would it be located?

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SDK Download

Is there a reference document for ASP (not ASP.NET) which can be downloaded? Perhaps an SDK? Where could I find this?

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CSV Download

I have created a script which connects to a SQL DB, runs a query, writes the results out to a file (Using FSO) then presents the user with a link to download the CSV. As the file contains sensitive data, I dont want to leave the file on the server, and I dont want to rely on the user to delete the file after every export.

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Looking for download asp script or java script for my zip files but without user know the location of the file/folder and can only log to this page from my authorized page.

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ASP Editor Download

Does any one know if there a ASP editor available that I can download as a trial version or free lisence?

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Download Image?

I have this javascript photo album i made. It is all working in tables and such. When you roll over a certain cell it will show that picture above, and turn the cell a different color. I also made the cell "clickable" when they are on it.

Is there anyway i can get it to when someone clicks that cell, that it will download that picture?? I have looked everywhere but i have not see anythign that will allow me to do that.

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Download Images

I'm using ADODB objects to download the images. Is there any way I can disable 'Save' option on a prompt. Also, when display the image (it could be any of the following files: .doc, xls, txt, pdf...), I need to disable 'Save' option or hide the toolbar.

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Download Time

I don't know if this is possible, but does anybody know whether you can determine how long a file took to download. I want to be able to log how long a download took.

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Download Under A Different Filename

My problem is: i need to write an ASP page which first checks whether
the user has permissions to download a ZIP file, and then streams the
file itself if the user is allowed to see it.

I have succeeded until
this point, but the client browser asks to save the file with the
original filename (and ASP extension). Obviously this would mean
making the downloaded file unusable at client side, unless I tell the
site user to manually rename it, but this is not a solution.

So I ask you: is there any way for an ASP page to stream data to the
browser and have it saved with a default file name and extension which
are different from the page's ones? Code:

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Download Script

I'm having a problem with a script that makes the browser download a PDF instead of opening it.But when the file is downloaded, it downloads nothing.

The code is:
Set FSO = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FileThere = FSO.FileExists(server.mapPath(request.querystring("f")))
If FileThere then
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" & request.querystring("f")
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
response.write("Sorry, file could not be found")
end if
Set FSO = nothing
let me know and I'll pm you the address for it.

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Download Times

I need to show how long a given file size will download.

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Download Data

We have to provide a facility on the client machines to download the data
visible on a ASP page into an excel sheet. We are using WIN2k clients
connected to WIN2k server with IE6.0 installed.
The way we plan to implement it is that :
a) provide a right click and download to excel button from the ASP page
visible in IE.
b) on click of download make a server call passing the appropriate command
to send back the data in excel format.
My questions are :
Q1) Is there anyway to avoid the server call? I am not looking for OCX
Q2) Are there any issues to do with memory leaks / deadlocks in case we use
such office automation to generate a report in excel? Is there a way around?

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How Do You Run Media Not Download It ?

I have an example running at the moment that shares some 15,000 MP3 files however to offer these as downloadable i would be breaking the law i think !

I would like to set it up so that i have a method where the user can build a play list by going through the files and selecting them and then they would would be played either through the clients own system applications or through media components i can build into the site.

Maybe i could have some controls on there.

also why does the script not like to display files with the .ISO file extention ?

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How To Download Files With ASP?

I want to make a support-page where people can download the latest help-files (these will be in a database) but I don't know how to do this (I only know the basics of ASP).
I don't mean that, for example a pdf, should open in another window. When you click on the filename it should give the standard downoad-box 'Open', 'Save', 'Cancel'.

Does anyone know how to do this? Or maybe there is some code on the net that explains it.

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File Download Box

Downloaded the sendMail.htm and sendMail.asp sample files
from technet onto my IIS 4.0 server. The first 2-3 times
I tested all went well. Subsequent tests, with no server
changes, gave/gives me the "File Download" dialogue box
when the sendMail.asp file should be executing. Why does
sendMail.asp give a "File Download" box instead of just

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