ASP Output Is Double Line Spacing And Single Column

I have a prebuild freeware script that is installed and working fine. I am not a programmer by any means, but can usually hack through it and figure out how to make the changes needed. I just can't seem to get this one figured out.

The output is double line spacing and only a single column. Can someone help me to make the changes required to have it just one breakrow (no line spacing), and if possible, to have 2 or three columns? Code:

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Line Spacing In MS SQL Server 7?

Am not sure about entering data into MS SQL Server 7.

Now, if I were to enter lines of text, with line spacing between each sentence, when I pull the data back out from the d/b into my ASP page, would the line spacing turn out, or would all the text be clumped together? Code:

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Double And Single Quotes

Could someone explain when to use double and single quotes? I'm having a problem with an insert statement and I think it may be the quotes. The error I get is a sql syntax error.

Here is the sql statement:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Members] (Website, email, category, phone_no, fax) " _
& "VALUES ('" & web & "','" & mail & "','" & cat & "','" & phone & "','" & fax & "')"

The values are variables. I checked the input statements first then assigned to variables. I hoped it would make the sql statement easier for me too read. Also does Access accept null?

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Output Double Qoute

I need to output a string with double qoute ex. "$5.24" using asp and vb script. Greatly appreciate for any assistant.

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Retrieving Array From Single Column In Database

I have about 26 checkboxes that place all of my contacts into categories so in my database for contacts i have a field called categories that contains all of the categeories that each contact belongs to seperated by a ",". 1,5,17 etc.

I need help getting these values out of the database so that when I user select category 17 they get all of the contacts that containg the 17 in their respective categories field.

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Add Line Numbers To Memo Box Output

I have a memo field being called from the DB that needs to be outputted on screen. Every line that prints needs to be numbered whether the new line is formed from a text wrap or from a CrLf.

I am currently counting characters, when I reach 95 I insert a CrLf, increment the linecount, write the new line number and continue outputting. If a CrLf occurs before the 95 it simply increments and continues.

I also restrict the linecount to 40 before inserting a page break in case the output needs to be printed out. Code:

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Getting Spacing In My Record

i use this set of codes,

arrModels = split(request("model"),",")
arrSerials = split(request("serialno"),",")
arrQty = split(request("qty"),",")

not sure why when i do this sql

for i = 0 to uBound(arrModels)

sql = "INSERT INTO TableInventory (SerialNumber, Qty, ModelId, Hostname, IPAddress, LocationId) VALUES ("
sql = sql & "'" & arrSerials(i) & "', " & arrQty(i) & ", " & arrModels(i) & ", '" & request("txtHostname") & "', '" & request("txtIPAddress") & "', " & request("Five") & ")"
response.write sql & "<br />"

i get the second serialnumber with a extra spacing infront.
can advise me? Code:

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Removal Of Spacing

Im trying to extract data from a website, however after removing all of what i no longer need, it is somehow, littered with tab'd spaces, like the length of | | sometimes appears as a small box on notepad.

i've tried removing it using replace, but it doesn't like what im doing. Anyone have advice on how to remove said spacing?

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Losing Formatting Spacing

I am working with an .asp page that creates an email using CDONTS. I need to be able to capture a text screenshot out of a mainframe session and send it in the email. When the email is sent, I am losing the spaces that align the screenshot. Ex.




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Maintaining Paragraphs & Spacing When Inserting

I'm inserting data into my SQL server database via an ASP/HTML form. I have a textarea in the form where the user can enter content and I want to maintain any new paragraphs entered - however, when i insert the content into the database and reproduce it on another page, the spacing is lost and all the content is displayed in one paragraph. Is there a simple way to get round this issue?

The column on the database is set up as Type - Text (size 16).

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Read Cell Data Line By Line From Excel

I had created a macro to read data from an excel sheet and write the values to a text file. I had used "ActiveSheet.Range("GB" & k).Value" command to read the values from the excel.some cells in the excel sheet is having two lines value and four lines data, the text file is generating that value in a single line. (Ex. the cell value in address column is in four lines and should display in four lines in the text file generated from the macro)

Can i do something in the excel sheet or in vb script to read the address value line by line and write line by line in text file?

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Read Txt File Line By Line

I have an encrypted .txt file created by asp. Its formatted with lines etc. Title followed by description underneath. I need to read this into ASP now, and parse it line by line. On each line read, run the function to unencrpt and add line to a new file.

Its the line by line Im having trouble with. If i do the full textstream no formatting takes place coz im adding the fulltextstream all in one addline call. How can I loop through lines ?

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How To Make Column Of Table 1 = To Column Of Table 2?

I want MS Access 2000 database column of table 1 = column of table 2. This is what I was doing: Code:

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Need Double Quotes

I am pulling data from a table to create a <select> list. I need to wrap the value= in double quotes. Code:

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Double Clicking

I have a form online, and I don't know if people are double clicking the submit button or what is happening really, but sometimes I will have two or more matching entries in a row. Is there any code I can use to filter out double clicks or tripple clicks even? These forms are done in asp and sent to sendcontactform.asp to process.

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Double Split

how can I double split this string and pu the values into an array?

string = 2_3, 4_5, 6_8;6_9, 4_6; 3_1

I need the split after "," and ";"

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Double Quotes Tag

I have an asp page.I have all the form tags, javascripts etc in that. For e.g In my asp page I have mentioned my form tag as

<form name=frmupdateskill method=post>

and javascript as

<script language=javascript>
some code...

I send this asp page to my onsite person. When he replaces the old asp page with the one I sent the following are the things I come across. Code:

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Double Postings

I am using an HTML form to post data to my database, but when a users enter contact info into my database I am getting the same info twice, although the user only submits once. Here is my code:

sSQL = "INSERT INTO Lead_Data (username)" & _
"VALUES ('" & User_Name & "')"

Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "DSN=", "", ""
Set objConn = Nothing

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Double Quotes

I'm trying to pass data from a <textarea> box to a confirmation page and then pass the same information from the confirmation page to a final page.

When the information gets passed to the final page it is truncating it where there are double quotes. I've tried to do a replace() function to try and escape the quotes out but it's not working.

confirmation page


<input type="hidden" name="results" value="<%=results%>" />

final page


results = request.form("results")
results = replace(results,""","""")
results = replace(results,vbcrlf,"<br />")

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Double Menu Box

What I would like to do is the following: Menu box 1 populates all 50 states from an SQL table. Use selects State. Menu box 2 gets populated from SQL table with Al counties in that State. User selects prefered county then hits submit The part I am having trouble with is populating the county menu box.

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Double Click Event

I have a active server page where records are displayed from a query. The
display right now is read only. However, with text box this display can also
be edited. The first column shows category while the second category shows
category total sales.

I would like to double click on category field to get
to another asp page that would show the details of sales for that category
value double clicked.

My question is: If there is any double click event that would allow me to
pass values to open another asp page.

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Double Insert/IE Problem

I have an order form that dynamically populates item names and item ids from my MS SQL database. These values get put into three arrays that are looped based on the qty selected for insert into a cart table. Everything works except that the values are inserted into the database twice. Here's the insert code:

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Replace Double Quotes

Got a stubborn problem with double quotes

i can replace two single quotes but how do i replace a quotation mark e.g. (") and not ('')

Replace(rstSimple3.Fields("Description"), "''", " ") works

Replace(rstSimple3.Fields("Description"), """, " ") cuases error!

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Include Double Quotes

i want to know how to include double quotes in " "
such as

somevariable=" "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("kb.mdb")" "

note this is example given by me.
i only want to know that
how to include double quotes within double quotes.

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Double Quotes Of Javascrpit

I got to place a loop to create a call to javascript with different ID' s generated by asp like in the following code ...

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Double Figure Of Day And Month

I am going to use the date as my filename. How can I convert date() ["5/18/04"] to "20040518"? Thanks a thousand.

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ICurrent To Double Digits

converting a single

digit (ie: 1, 2, 3, etc) to double digits (ie: 01, 02, 03, etc).

I am trying to convert the date in DD/MM/YYYY format so it is always displayed as 01/01/2004 instead of 1/1/2004.The script I am trying to embed this into has similar attributes to the Calendar on this site located at the objects that require to be double digits are iCurrent and Month(dDate).

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Double Quotes Issue

I have some data string like ~!@#$%'^&(*("}[;asd"> which contains double quote and greater then sign, first I need to insert this value into database, second this inserted value I have display in a textbox by retriving from database, as it has "> at end of the string values are getting discarded.

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Ouptutting A Double Quote

If rs("MyString") is Hello "Jim" Lad

<input type=text value="<%=rs("MyString")%>">

prints as <input type=text value=" Hello "Jim" Lad">

How can I get double quotes to display in a text box or textarea? Using a backslash or &Quot; (with Replace() e.g.) just prints out the backslash or &Quot;

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Double Opt In Mailing List

Here's an example of using ASP, CDO and a Microsoft Access database to create a double opt in mailing list for subscribers. It lets the user subscribe and then sends them a confirmation email with a random url that has to be clicked to confirm the subscription.
I had a hard time finding a free example so I threw this together for other's searching for something to start their own with.

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Refresh Causes Double Submit

If user refreshes the browser window, or if user clicks twice onto the submit button, SQL query is executed twice, the table gets two new rows.I found many possible solutions, but not the complete one - every solution has it's problems.

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Double Quotes Within A String

When you want to put double quotes inside a string, how do you verify that the double quotes are not the end to a string? For example, what if you want to write this. Code:

"Response.Write("The words "DEV SHED FORUMS" are in double quotes")

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ASP Double Quote Escape

Here's the line I need to insert into an ASP page.

<script Language="JavaScript" src="/blarg.js"></script></head>

Right now it throws off the asp include with the quotes.

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