ASP Page Challenges For User Cerdentials When Large Output Return

I have an ASP page which users can call with various parameters to generate
data for reports.

However, some users who specifiy very few parameters and so generate a large
result page are geting challenged for their network credentials after approx
30 seconds.

When they enter their credentials for the third time the page returns with a
401 "You are not authorized to use this page"

Yet if they specify more parameters (and so get a smaller result page) then
the page returns normally.

If checked the query in the database and it runs fine with no errors, so I
ssupect I'm hitting some sort of buffer limit within IIS? Code:

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Faster Return Of Large Recordset

I remember reading somewhere that there is a faster way to retrieve a large recordset to display it in a table, could anyone point me in the right direction.

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Carriage Return In Output

how can i get this to work? trying to get carridge returns display in the output:

strBody = strBody & "<td width=550><font class='data3'>" & Request.Form("subject"),VBCrLf, "<br />"

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Carriage Return And Response.Write Output Issue

I have a field in a SQL Server table named DetailedDescription that is
a varchar. If the user adds/edits a detailed description, they do so
in a MulltiLine TextBox control. Therefore, they are able to click
enter on their keyboard and have multiple carriage returns inside the
DetaildDescription. Code:

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Output Dynamic User Information Into Word Document

I need to output dynamic user information into Word document
from Access database. Can I automatically output information of 100 users in the table into different word documents for each user and then print all of them just by pressing a button in ASP?

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Printing - Large Image Starts To Print On Second Page

I have an ASP page with a header (title) and a long image. I get the image name from the database and write out the image's "src" attribute using response.write. Easy stuff. But when I print the page using Internet Explorer, the header prints on the first page, but the image shows up on the second page. (the image is too large to print on one page) Is there any way to force the image to start printing right underneath the header and not go to the second page? I've looked into CSS to see if I can force this somehow. No luck. If I make the image smaller, it prints on first page. But I don't want to do that.

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Return To The Previous Page?

How do you do something like the user pressed the "back" button in the browser? Currently, I have a redirection after a pause working
with the line,

Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""3; URL=http://localhost/MyWeb/CompsOut.asp"">")

I am doing a check on wether or not all of the inputs were filled in on a form. If not, I want it to basically just go back and not reload the previous page and resend the data and such. Just go back, fill in the field, and re-submit.

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Return Specific Page

If Request.ServerVariables("URL") renders


How can I just return mywebpage.asp?

I can use the RIGHT function, but I'd like for it to work on any page,
regardless of the length of the page name. I'm looking for a good example of
using a combination of MID, LEFT, RIGHT, etc to get certain parts of

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AUTOREFRESH Of Page On Return?

I have a system where a user views info on a screen, then optionally goes into other screens where the database is altered -- user the returns to original screen.

The original screen is html/javascript - this calls ASP pages (no .Net).

Problem is when the user changes the data in the database and return to the original page that data should display the changes made.


The database update form could then conditionally close, focus would fall back to the original calling form that would then automatically refresh itself.

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Saving .asp Page's Output As .htm

I need to publish and save the output of my .asp page as .htm

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Framed Page Output

I have an ASP page split up with three different frames. One of the frames takes long time to load (due to long running function) and the first two are loaded before the most important one - loaded about 5 seconds later. Is there a way to synchronize the output so that the other frames wait for the last one to load?

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Input And Output On Same Page

how you would go about having an input and output on the same page. Like say if the page starts out with a form then you submit and the output is displayed below the input form so that the user can just enter another date and a different output is displayed?

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Page And Subpage Output

i have been able to get the data to output like copy.asp?page=about which is what the code below does but i need to get the subpage if there is on like:copy.asp?


page = request.querystring("Page")

SQLTemp = "SELECT * FROM Content_tbl WHERE Page='" & Request.QueryString("Page") & "'"

set rstemp=Conn.execute(SQLTemp)

Do While Not rstemp.EOF

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Emailing Output Of An Asp Page

I need the ability to email the output of an asp page to someone. I've seen it around enough that I'm guessing it's pretty basic, but I haven't come up with the google search that'll get me what I need.

I know how to send an html email, but I can't figure out how to get the contents of that page into a variable. The pages I want to send are like this one: Code:

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How To Store Output Of An ASP Page On Server...

The result of my asp page will not change for a week. So instead of querying
the database every time a user visits this page, an HTML page is sent to the
browser. How can I accomplish this?

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Getting Html Output Of A Asp Page To A String

I wish to catch the output of an asp page after it is executed into a
string I.e.

Dim htmlOutput
htmlOutput = someobject.execute("nameoffile.asp")

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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Document.formulier.submit On Return False "page Cannot Be Displayed"

I'm having in my asp page a java script with function. It checks the form, see the code below:

When I click on my submit button is has onClick="invalid();"
If a field is indeed not filled in, it gives the alert message.

My problem is, when the alert apears and I click on OK it gives an errorpage, I won't that it returns to the form. Code:

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One User One Page

I have a login page. and more users. Let's call them users A, users B and Users C. Users A can only access page A, users B page B, ... All the pages uses the same DB, but different tables (table A, table B, table C).

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Take User To Different Page

Based on users selection from two drop-down lists I want to take them to a page specific to that combination when they click a button. For example, In the first drop-down, the user selects from a list of colors (red, blue, or green).

In the second drop-down, they choose the type (car, van, truck). When they click a button, I want to take them to page specific to what they selected - say a red truck (redtruck.htm). I am not sure how to combine IF or CASE statements with button action.

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Updating A User Page

I am trying to create a page where a registed user can save a search to their member page. So if they see a cottage they like they can save it to their member page.

This is what i have so far This is what passes username and prop_no over to my userupdate page:

<A HREF="Userupdate.asp?UD=<%=session("username")%>&NO=<%=objRs5("fldProp_NO")%>">Save Cottage </A

The uodate page then looks like this Code:

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Redirect User To Another Web Page

Is it possible to redirect a user to another web page using ASP code located in page body?

I have some ASP code that runs after generating some output to the browser.It checks for a condition that can only be calculated using the values produced in the output, so redirecting the user before the <html> tag isn't possible without running the code RESPONSE.REDIRECT "url" won't work.

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User Add Printers Via Web Page

I have VBS code that will Enumerate all the Printers in the AD and Add the Printer Connection to the client... I'm just not a web developer so I need some example code or hand-holding on the web integration portion.

"" <> wrote in message
> Does anyone know of an ASP page that will query the AD and list all the > printers so the users can "click to add" printer mappings to their[/color] profile?[color=blue]

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Running Asp Page As Particular User

I have this situation where I have one shared folder on particular server
and this folder is shared for just one user to access it. I wrote an asp page
wich should open a file from that shared folder. However because the folder
is shared for just one user I have somehow to run the asp page as this user.

The same way like in ASP.NET application where I can use impersonation in
web.config file. Is this possible?

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User Closing ASP Page Before Completion

I have an ASP page that runs for at least 2 mins. What the user sees is a progress bar as the page is completing execution of scripts so they know that something is being processed.

The ASP page can be quite CPU intensive and I've found that if the user decides to close the page the CPU usage does not appear to drop back to its normal levels whereas on sucessful completion of the page the CUP usage does drop to normal levels.

Now I know that after a while the CPU usage does drop to its normal levels, however, I'm weary that this could be a long time if there are simultaneous access to the same page.

My question is, is there a way of controlling this via scripts? ie. can I force the webserver(iis) to timeout the script sooner or is there a way i can kill the instruction been sent...

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Login Page & User Details

I am creating my student website. I have completed with student registration parts (student enrolment form, personal details) but now my client requirement is that if any student come to my website , he/she needs to register first so if they log on next time , screen will comes up with their all details.
I tried to create login page and if they are not in database , they can register on my website. But I could not able to create in my website. There might be more users so need to have loop in my code.
Once user log in their name and password , it will search in database and if database found that record in it , that page will redirect to my website page which will comes up with perticular student information.
project details : XHTML (Front End), Java Script (Validation), ASP (Connectivity), MS ACCESS (DATABASE).

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Getting To A User Page By URL E.g.

i would like to manage to do the following:

in my website there r registered users.
each user has a profile.

i would realy like to help the other users access a certain user profile by:
rather then

i'v seen that made on serveral websites, how can i do it?

i geuss thats involving giving the server default asp page for parameters or somthing like that...(I am using IIS 5)

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Secure Page By Remembering User

After a number of wrong turns and experiments I need advice on login management system to secure our web pages without inconveniencing our visitors or our internal staff.

i need A system whereby the user only has to register ONCE and he will have automatic entry to ANY page without havinto to RE-LOGIN even if he comes in two weeks later or comes directly to that page via an email link. This scenario seems built on the Amazon model of the 'gold box' which automatically remembers you through cookies.

If the user does not have cookies he has to re-login. help me identify a 3rd party product that does this or a route to achieve this in my code.

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How To Get Data From The User In One Page And Display Related Data In A New Page

how do i get data from a user on one page and display the result on the other page
actually i have written a prgoram that displays a set of checkboxes and based on the checkboxes selected the related data is displayed .but the problem is the data is displayed on the same page below the list of check boxes. Code:

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Adding IM Link To An ASP Page From User Information

I have a user based service where each user has their own information, user settings, etc. I want to be able to add tables in my user settings and allow the users to enter in their IM Service (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc) and their screen name/user name.

That is the easy part.

What I do not understand or cannot figure out is how to link this information to the icons for each service they enter that will open up the appropriate service with their correct IM name, etc.

Basically I want to provide a way for my members to IM another member when they pull up that users information, or associated information, etc. Basically I need the script to make the Icon execute the correct IM service if the user clicking on it has the service installed as well. The majority of my members use AIM.

Where can I find information on how to install this kind of script and associate it with the users information and an icon?

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Add New Objects To The Page When User Clicks On A Button

Is there a way to dynamically add drill down lists and input boxes to the HTML page. For example if the user clicks in a button it adds a new line contains one drilldown list + two input text boxes?

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How To Redirect The User To New Page After Downloading An Mp3 File

I have set of mp3 files as a list (DownloadFiles.asp). The user can click on any of the mp3 files to download(Download_Porcess.asp).After downloading the file the user has to redirect to the DownloadFiles.asp.

For this i used:


In Download_Process.asp to force the save dialog box. This works fine. This allows the user to download the file. After downloading this mp3 file, this file should not be displayed in the list ie in (DownloadFiles.asp).

How can i do this?

I am not able to redirect from Download_Process.asp to DownloadFiles.asp, b'coz I used response.binarywrite.

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ASP Page - Alerting User That They Have An Email On Our Exchange Server?

Is it possible to create an ASP page that can notify the user that they have an email on our Exchange server? And that will list the number of unread emails they have waiting in their inbox.

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