ASP Pages Don't Work On W2003 Server

I have a Windows 2003 server running IIS6.0. It has a number of ASP.NET sites running on it.

I'm trying to instal a legacy classic ASP site, but trying to access and
pages with the .asp suffix produces a "The system cannot find the file
specified." page, or when run locally a 404.

Interesting to note that when I make default.asp my default content page and
browse to /mydomain/ rather then /mydomain/default.asp, this page works

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ASP Not Work In W2003

I've just moved all asp file from IIS4/5 to IIS6(2003), but they don't work.It there any trick?

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Join Query DONT WORK

am using a join query below to get multiple results from different related tables to form one. e.g

SELECT DISTINCT dbo.e_Wallet.subscriptions, dbo.e_Wallet.username, dbo.e_Wallet.status, dbo.e_Wallet.suspension,, dbo.ewalletx_yr_registratn.Fiscal_Yr, dbo.ewalletx_yr_registratn.end_date, dbo.e_walletpurse.purse
FROM dbo.e_Wallet INNER JOIN dbo.ewalletx_yr_registratn ON dbo.e_Wallet.registrationID = dbo.ewalletx_yr_registratn.registrationID AND = LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.e_walletpurse ON = AND dbo.e_Wallet.registrationID = dbo.e_walletpurse.regID
WHERE username = 'variable'

however it dosent seem to work or show any results on my asp page. What is wrong here ?

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Crystal Web ASP Hangs On W2003 Server, But Had Worked Before

I am using an asp script that uses rptserver.asp to display some reports over http. It worked fine previously but now the webpages with the report display just hang. I tried switching from the activex viewer to java viewer and still the same. I don't know what changed, except I do the Windows updates. Can anyone tell me the best way to trouble ASP
problems. The page just stays blank forever and that status bar slowly progresses. No errors in the event log on the server. The HTTPerr log has the following errors:

2006-09-14 19:13:14 x.x.x.133 30531 x.x.x.5 80 HTTP/1.1 GET
/webreport/reports.asp?Report=Project%20List%20Detailed%20w%2 0Client(P).rpt
- 1 Connection_Dropped ReportsPool

No entries for this in the W3SVC log.

This started hanging my other web app on the server, until I put it in
a separate Application pool.

Here is the reports.asp code: .....

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Page 2 - ASP Pages Wont Work On Iis Xp Pro

1 - Yes, Norton Internet Security 2003
2 - NTFS
3 -
Radio button selected = "A directory located on this computer"

Checked = "read", "log visits", "Index this resource"

Execute permissions drop down = "Scripts only"

Application protection drop down = "Medium (Pooled)"

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E-Mail Servers That Work With ASP Pages...

Does anyone know of any free POP3 email servers that would work with ASP pages?

I am running win2000 and have given up on getting my SMTP server to work.

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Wont Work On Server

i have made a script and it worls no the local host on my pc but does not work on the server.all of my other asp scripts on the server work any ideas y this would work on the local server and not on the internet?

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CR Doesn't Work With SQL Server

I get the error Error Occured Reading Records: Server has not yet been opened. when I am trying to view a report using the asp pages for crystal reports. It works fine for access files. Can someone help me on it?

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Server.MapPath() Doesn't Work

I have to upload my senior project to the school's sytem. My asp pages are all in one directory so there is no directory structure. At home I just reference my database file as Code:


But it won't work on the school's system saying it can't find the database file. I've tried "mydb.mdb" and ".mydb.mdb", but it still won't find it. I'm just wanting to make sure that, those are the only ways you can reference your db. I've sent and email to the admin, but he doesn't answer his emails. (What an admin!) I'll have to talk to him in person about it then. Suggestions till then?

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How To Get DB Connection Using Server.MapPath To Work Everywhere?

I have a site with the directory structure like this:

wwwroot (where the default.asp and other pages sit)inc (where the includes are)login (where login pages are)otherDirs (where other pages are)datafiles (where database is)

I usually hard code the db connection path but want to use the MapPath now in case in the future my site moves servers (have been though that and having to manually change all db connection strings - Not Fun ) Code:

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Script Works On W2000, But Not On W2003?

I'm an ASP beginner and did an application here locally on my IIS under W2000 Prof (SP4). Runs here completely great.

Now I wanted to place this application under a W2003 server online. Now always get the message:

Runtime error in Microsoft VBScript error '800a01a8'
object required: 'Application(...)'
/globalfunctions.asp, LINE 18

Funny, that line 18 in my globalfunctions.asp is empty. However I use the Application()-object in this file and the coputer seem not to find it. I read that it could have to do something with global.asa. I then created a global.asa and created the subs for the events but put no code inside. It changes however absolutely nothing.

What could I have still forgotten and why run it here locally? Possibly a rights problem?

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Display Chinese Character, Work In One Server But Not In Another

I have an asp to display data in database, the data is in big5 encoding
(chinese characters)

I haven't specify the codepage in the asp and placed the file into 2 machine.
When I browse the file in NT machine the chinese characters can display
correctly, but doesn't for the page in my winxp machine. Both OS is english
version. Since the file is actually the same (by copy and paste), so any
setting in the OS or IIS level cause the problem?

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Include Virtual Does Not Work On 2003-server?

I have 9 asp-sites on a Win2003 server, and would like to use the same
include file, but it does not work.

The path for the servers default website (which is not where the
problem is) is c:inetpubwwwroot and the rest of the sites are at
c:inetpubwwwrootwebsitesSite1 , ..Site2 etc.

I tried using the following on the secondary sites:
<!--#include virtual="Websites/Include.asp" -->
<!--#include virtual="/Websites/Include.asp" -->
<!--#include file="../Include.asp" -->

All works fine on my development machine (Win2k) and on the server
(Win2003) when it is accessed through the LAN, but when I cut the LAN
and access the server through www (e.g. it does
not work.

I suspect that the internet user does not have rights to the virtual
path, but how do I solve that?

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Dont Download A File

i have a file *.num and when i enter the full URL to download it he give my
a 404 error !

but when i rename the *.NUM by *.TXT everything coming ok !?
so how i can tell to IIS6 to accept *.num files ?

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Dont Do If Recordset Is Empty

Below is code to display in a drop down menu some addresses. There is two things i need to do. One is to not show if there are no records but also there could be duplicate records, How do i stop duplicates occuring...

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Html Email DONT Support

I dont have CDONTS support. i am using the following script. with this, even yahoo doesn't consider the email to be HTML and displays all the HTML tags and treats it as TEXT. here is the code i use! Please dont consider it abuse as i dont know how to encloase the code in TAGS!

mes = ""
IsSuccess = false

sTo = Trim(Request.Form("txtTo"))
sFrom = Trim(Request.Form("txtFrom"))
sSubject = Trim(Request.Form("txtSubject"))
sMailServer = ""
sBody = Trim(Request.Form("txtBody"))

if Request("__action")="TestEMail" then
end if

Sub TestEMail()

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objConf = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set objFields = objConf.Fields

With objFields
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = sMailServer
.Item("") = 10
.Item("") = 25
End With

With objMail
Set .Configuration = objConf
.From = sFrom
.To = sTo
.Subject = sSubject
.TextBody = sBody
End With

on error resume next

if len(Err.Description) = 0 then
mes = " Message sent to " + sTo
IsSuccess = true
mes = " " + Err.Description + " TESTS FAILED!"
end if
Set objFields = Nothing
Set objConf = Nothing
Set objMail = Nothing
End sub

Sub Alert(html)
if IsSuccess then
Response.Write "<div class='testRelults' id='testSuccessful'><span class='testResult'>Success:</span>" & html & "</div>"
Response.Write "<div class='testRelults' id='testFailed'><span class='testResult'>Fail:</span>" & html & "</div>"
end if
End Sub

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Script Dont Process My Email List!

Im working on an automated email sending script which work real fine. I have to send 2 different list of email ( contact1 and contact2) of an acces database file (.mdb).

The fact is that my script work well but for some reason it only send the second list of email (contact2).

The script process the list contact1 without any error but obviously it isnt sending mail to those email.

It seems to be an easy fix mistake but i cant figure out why the first contact list isnt sending. Must be a "If then" mistake or something with the loop i think.

Heres the code: ......

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Formview And Gridview Combo Issues (gv Dont Update But DB Does)

I have a formview which im using to ammed records in a DB via a gridview. When an item is selected on the gridview its details are shown in the formview. Ive wrote the update statement for the Insert button in the formviews edit mode.

If i edit a record in the formview this updates the DB, but not the gridview striaght away. I have to click on one of the select buttons on the gridview to update this. I have gridview.databind() on the click event of the insert button of the formview and on pageload, if its a callback. Code:

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Using Active Server Pages

I'd like to use XMLHTTP to retrieve two .cav files, store them as arrays (or cursors), join them and execute an SQL query. Can this be done using script in an .asp page? What objects and procedures should I focus on?

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Active Server Pages

This error occurs while trying to execute a asp file which write content into a excel file. strangly it occurs once in a while. what could be the cause?

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Protecting Asp Pages From Working On A Different Server

I want to install asp and access on a server, is there way to password protect asp pages from being accessed directly?. I don't mean via web.But being accessed from the server directly?

Is there way to ensure that the asp pages works on the computer/server it has been installed on and not for any other comp?

So if some new admin tried to copy those asp pages to another computer,they would not work.

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Active Server Pages Service

Running W2k Server SP4, my application event viewer says that the Active Server Pages service is stopped.How and what do I need to do to start the service, and why does it stop?

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Aspx Pages Upload To Server

aspx page designed by contains text box, buttons, and labels viewed by browser in the localhost but when uploaded to the server only view the labels.

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Active Server Pages 500 Error

I just upgraded an NT IIS server to 2003 and IIS 6.0 now my Active Server Pages .asp pages do not load or open in the browser I get 500 Error Server Error. Yet and htm
page will open. What do I need to change? or configure?

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Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0115'

When i am accessing the website i am getting this error:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external
object. The script cannot continue running.

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Problems Running ASP Pages After Server Rebuild

Have MS 2003 server with IIS 6.0 installed. is also installed.

Had to re-install the server after initial configuration by someone who left
the company and now I cannot get the ASP pages to load.

The files all existed in a NON-INETPUB folder and accessed a SQL database to
pull information.

I get a 500 error when trying to access http://localhost.

I set the home directory to the default web site to point to my folder
contain my default.asp page, but it does not work. Code:

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Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0201'

i am gettin this error...which i never got. Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0201' Invalid Default Script Language The default script language specified for this application is invalid.

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Source Code For Professional Active Server Pages 3.0

I got this book for some time. I need to download the source code for this
book. However, Wrox, the publisher, does not have download code for this
book. Could anybody suggest any site from where I can get the download of
source code for this book?

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Server Side Jscript Asp Pages Using Visual Ide As Editor

I have visual and i use it to edit my asp pages.

And I use JScript as my server-side script.

On the page property, visual let me change the server script language to either VBScript or JScript.

I change it to JScript but afte I close the page and reopen it , the property goes back to VBScript.

and all the syntax coloring goes back to how VBScript color them.

where is this kept ? like in a .ini file somewhere ?

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Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0113' Script Timed Out

I have an ASP form that uploads files to our server.When I upload small files, it works great.But larger files like (2.5mb), I get:

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113' Script timed out

I have looked up the error, and added more time to the script (up to 10 minutes). Didn't help. We are using Microsoft Server 2000, IIS 5.0, and Microsoft ASP Upload.

My guess is that there is a file size limitation somewhere, but don't where.

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Error Type:Active Server Pages, ASP 0138 --- Multiple Scriptblocks?

The problem occured when I used FP2002 to create a page to search a database. The purpose was to see how it worked and the code behind it so I could start learning how to work it myself.

But before I got that far, I get an error message:

HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error

Error Type:

Active Server Pages, ASP 0138 (0x80004005)
A script block cannot be placed inside another script block.

Browser Type:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) (Mozilla/5.0 came back with the same message)

But unless I'm mistaken (and I probably am), the only scriptting on the page is this: Code:

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Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0234' :: Invalid Include Directive

I'm getting this erro.wht does it mean

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0234'

Invalid include directive

E:INETPUBESVC001320HTML../assets/lib/, line 2

Server side include directives may not be present in script blocks.Please use the SRC= attribute of the <SCRIPT> tag.

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Error :: Active Server Pages Error 'ASP 0126'

We have Windows 2003 Server as our SUS server. When we try to approve updates, etc., we receive the following error message. Has anyone experiences this before? If
so, can you tell us what needs to be fixed?

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'

Include file not found

/autoupdate/administration/shared/inc/, line 2

The include file '/shared/global.asp' was not found.

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