ASP Statement Drops Leading Zero In Int Field

I have a form that pulls a zip code and insterts it into a access database via ADO/ASP. When the data is inserted with a 0 in the front (ex: 03490) the leading zero is dropped.

Anyone know a quick solution for this problem, without having to add validation to the database (zerofill, etc) ie; some ASP function...

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Captcha Form Field Drops

I have an asp submission form using Web Wiz Captcha. When the form submits, it seems to occasionally drop the last value from the captcha field.

The field size is 12, as is the maxlength. The values placed into the field don't get to more than 6 or 7 letters.

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Leading Space Being Inserted Into Db Field?

I'm UPDATING a value into an Access text field from a page but I can't get it to do the UPDATE without adding a leading space to the value??

This is a problem because I have another page where a user can search the entries, but when they do a search by this particular criteria, it returns no entries (ie. Search good_bad by "Positive" returns no results, but Search good_bad by " Positive" will return the proper results).

The value is coming from a option select box. It seems to only be a problem doing an UPDATE using a value from a select box as I'm using the EXACT same code to do an INSERT where the value comes from an INPUT box and it inserts with no leading space?? Code:

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ASP File Changes - Drops ASP Code

I have written a classic ASP calendar that has been on my organization's website for a couple of years now, and it has worked fine.

I do all of my writing to files on my hard drive, then when the files are working properly, I upload the files to the server. Therefore, the files on my hard drive should be identical to the ones on the server. This has worked fine in the past - I have had two fully functional calendars, one on my hard drive, the other online. Until now, they both looked and worked identically.

Now, I'm trying to modify the main file, "calendar.asp". It no longer works, and the online copy still works flawlessly. When I looked at the local file (calendar.asp), all of the ASP code had been stripped from the file. Of course, the online copy is still intact and working.

The only editor I have used on these files is Notepad (actually, Notepad ++, an enhanced Notepad). I would understand if I had tried to edit the files with Frontpage (I'm using Frontpage to upload files to the server, but that's all I use it for), but these local files haven't been touched by Frontpage.

What Gives? How can a file selectively remove it's own code and disable itself??!!!

I try exporting the files from the server, and though the server files still have their ASP code, the browser can't find one of the include files, which is plainly in the same folder as the calendar.asp file. The file "" is no longer reachable from my hard drive, even if I export ALL of the files in the "calendar" folder to my hard drive.

What can be hoseing up my local files, and how can I prevent it? Although I have downloaded ALL of the files from the online copy to my hard drive, why do the files behave differently than they do online? What kind of trickery is this?

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VarUser Drops First Character

I have come across an interesting problem. Let me first state that I am not a fluent ASP programmer. I am a network engineering trying to port an existing app. The app in question is currently running on IIS 5.0 (2Kserver) in a NT 4.0 domain. I am moving it to an IIS 6.0 server in a 2003 Active Directory domain.

My app calls this variable <%= varUser %> and brings the users login name to the web page as well as using it to pull data specfic to that user in other parts of the web page. When logging in as a NT 4.0 domain user all is fine. When logging as an Active Directory user is drops the first character of the user name example "ser" instead of "user". Any ideas?

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Conditional Statement On DB Currency Field

Given a value in a database (Access) of type Currency how do I write a conditional statement such as the following:

if rs("price") > "$1,000,000" Then
Response.Write " Luxury Home"
End If

When I try this it writes out Luxury Home for every record, regardless of the value in Price.

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SELECT Statement Pulls Field Names - How To Avoid?

I do a SELECT * from table command in an ASP page to build a text file
out on our server, but the export is not to allow a field name rows of
records. The first thing I get is a row with all the field names. Why
do these come in if they are not part of the table records? How do I
eliminate this from being produced? Code:

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Leading Zero

I need to display the leading zero on dates and times for all dates and times e.g 02/02 for February 2. I only get 2/2 or 08:00 for 8 o'clock in the morning.The code I'm using Code:


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Leading Zeros

I need to display the time in military form. I came up with the following:Code:

<%= (hour(now)) & ":" & Minute(now()) & ":" & Second(now()) %>

And this works pretty well, except I get things like this:

8:5:2 for 08:05:02
14:2:17 for 14:02:17 (2:02:17 PM)

How do I get the leading zeros before the number if it is less than 10?

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Trim Leading

I have a textarea, that when you insert your cursor into it anywhere except for in the very first line, the cursor falls into the second line. When the form is submitted there is a carriage return at the beginning of the text that I'm having trouble getting rid of.

I tried to Trim() the string both before inserting it into the database and when writing it to the page, but apparently that doesn't strip off carriage returns (even though I've read it does.)

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Leading 0 Being Removed

I am inserting a telephone number into an Access db. The field is set to a number, with no input mask or formatting. Whenever I insert a number beginning with a 0 as most telephone numbers do, it removes the leading 0.

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Leading Zeros Being Chopped

im inserting some data into a number field but when i have something like 0000006 it chops it to 6 in the database. and not always are the same number of zeros present. why im not sure just what i have to work with.

I understand that i could make the db value varchar and just validate it by doing something like Isnumeric. But is there a way to keep my zeros but leave it a number field.

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Leading Zero Is Removed Upon Insert

How do I go about inserting a number into a varchar column without it being stripped of the leading zero? IE. I'm trying to insert 012345 into a varchar column, but what gets inserted is 12345.

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ASP Access Stored Procedure Doesn't Accept Leading Zero

I'm pasing a zip code as a prameter to an Access stored procedure. In
Access the parameter is a text data type. It works for non-leading zero
zip codes but, apparently access (or ASP) is converting it to a value
first (dropping the zero) then sending that to my SP.

Even if I use cStr() to be sure the parameter is sent a string it still seems to drop
the leading zero. Any thoughts? Note: It needs to be a string for canadian zip

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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LEFT JOIN On A Date Field And A Numerical Field - Using WHERE Clause

I am using a Relational database for my site and i have the following tables:


the fields in FIXTURES are:


(All of the above are numerical fields)

the fields in GAMEDATES are:

GameDate(#Date Field#)

What i have done is in the GAMEDATE field in the FIXTURES table i have used the ID number of the date that i wish to assign to that record - using a LEFT JOIN to display the actual date that is pulled from the GAMEDATES table (That which corresponds to the relevant id used in Fixtures)

The problem is that in some of my code i want to display records using sql and sometimes in the where clause i use the following:

WHERE Fixtures.GameDate<=(Date())

obviously meaning WHERE GAMEDATE is LESS THAN or EQUAL to TODAY.

The thing is when i use the join it does not use the where clause and displays all of the records in the FIXTURES table.

Does any one know how to get around this, i have not received any error messages it just isnt displaying the right data

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Comparing Field Data From Previous Field

Im comparing values in a field while doing a loop if sAct<>myData(5,i) then At the end of the loop I make the value of sAct equal the current myData

This will work when comparing other fields withing my recordset (so I know the statement works) but it will not work for the field I want to compare. The only difference with this field is that it has null values. Could this be the problem? if so, how do I deal with nulls?

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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Pass Hidden Form Field Value To Another Form Field To Insert In Db

I am trying to pass a hidden field value on a form into another field on the
form so that it can then be inserted in the database, to enable me then to
reference that number at a later date.

(The hidden value (1 for example) would then automatically get passed to the
other input field.)

The code for the text field that allows users to type an number into it for
submission to the db is below, but what code do i need within the hidden
field to populate this text field below so that users do not have to type the
number in? Code:

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How Can I Change One Line Input Field Into Larger Input Field

I have being working with making an edit field over the past few days. The edit function is now working fine. The edit fields that i have are for id, subject, notes, timedate.

All of the edit screens are one line text screens. What I want to do now is increase the size of the notes box to a larger textarea type box to make it easier to edit notes. The notes field in the db is a textarea field. Code:

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Automated "state" Field From "Country" Field

When you select the "Country" field in a Hotmail "get new account" link, the field "State" changes automatically, giving you the correct States that belongs to the chosen Country.

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Request.Form("Field Name") Versus Request.QueryString("Field Name")

I want to know what's the differences between

Request.Form("Field Name") and
Request.QueryString("Field Name")

OR they function exactly the same, which is to return the value of the

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If Statement

If a user enters in this to search a db

"Jon Doe" James Doh

return all of the exact matches Jon Doe (user uses quotes to clarify an exact search)
along with that: return all of the James and all of the Doh as well
qry to look like this as soon as I am able to divide up the string entered in by the user
select * from table where (NAME LIKE '%Jon Doe%') or
(NAME LIKE '%James%') or (NAME LIKE '%Doh%')

Thinking of using the instr to find the " but then what do I do to find the string inside of the two quotes, One quote would be easy. there is a couple of checks to preform:anyone run into this before or have any ideas/samples, etc

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Sql Statement ?

I have created a query wizard page with ddl as your choice to find info. now each ddl has a default of a dash.

The thing is I want to do is have the sql statement to look through the database even when some of the ddl have a dash on them. or just ignore the ones with a dash and look for the ones that are selected. Is there any suggestions for this.

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ASP If Statement

Below is my code for a question system i have created. However, i need to insert an if statement that redirects the user to test.asp if the value of q_id is not in my database, but i dont know how to do it?

q_id = request("q_id")

sql = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE PARENT_ID = 1"
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS2.Open sql, objConn

sql_sql = "SELECT * FROM questions WHERE PARENT_ID = " & q_id
Set objRS3 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS3.Open sql_sql, objConn


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AND Statement

my AND statement is not working and I dont know why????

sql = "SELECT * FROM calls WHERE tech=" & userID "AND status = Open"

tech and status are the DB fields

userID is a variable

Open is just a word

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If..Else Statement

i make a form with an AccountId box on it , when u enter the accountid in the box , and submit it will send u to a page that show u all the data for this accountid(retreive data)

until here everything is ok , and when i enter for ex. accountid : 5 , all the aacountid fiel data will be show to me , but the problem when i enter am unvalid accountid , it will give the error page that

what iwant to do that i want when i enter an unvaildaccountid an error text show to me like

response.write("The Id that u entered is unvaild , Try Again")

and this is the code , if u can change on it Code:

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IF Statement

I am trying to use the following IF statement, and whenever I use a
single or double quote, I receive a syntax error. When using no
quotes, the syntax is accepted, but the statement does not perform

***The problem line***
<% if violation_type=''Tardy'' THEN %>
***rest of the statement***
<% if rs2.Fields(0) = 0 THEN %>
This is the first unexcused Tardy violation for this employee. A
coaching is required. Click <A HREF=blah>HERE</Ato issue the
<% ELSE %>
This employee has <%response.write(rs2.Fields(0))%previous
<% END IF %>
<% ELSE %>
The <%response.write(violation_type)%violation has been recorded.
<% END IF %>

Variables defined:
violation_type = request.form("violation_type")

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If/Then Statement

On a page with a form (post method) and a hidden field "Process value = true", why would this statement not work:

if request.Form("Process") = "true" THEN
The code in here sends an email to the user via CDOSYS
End IF

This is what I have going on and it does not send the emal when the form is posted. Removing the If statement obviously sends the email the moment the form page is accessed, but thats not right.

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Statement Not Following

i have a couple of if statements and it goes something like this, the user will try entering their username and password in the login page then they will be taken to a verify page, then it will decided if the user can be send to the login page again or to the invalid page. The problem is that after 3 times the user is still send to the login page and not the invalid page My verify page code is :-
session("try") = try
if try = "" then
try = 0
try = try + 1
end if
if try <> 3 then
end if

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My Sql Statement

Recordset1.Source = "SELECT `bestsellerslists`.`itemnumber`, `bestsellerslists`.`list`, `products`.`Product_ID`, `products`.`Product_Name`, `products`.`Price`, `products`.`Sale_Price`, `products`.`Smallpic` FROM `bestsellerslists` INNER JOIN `products` ON (`bestsellerslists`.`itemnumber` = `products`.`Product_ID`) WHERE (`bestsellerslists`.`list` = "girlinfant")"

In Macromedia, the recordset tests fine. When I start the page, I get an error. Do you see anything wrong with this? If I delete the WHERE clause it works.

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If Statement

I'm having a problem with my variables. They print to screen fine, but when I try comparing them, they don't work. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

If Category <> CurrentCategory then
response.write "<tr><td>Category:" & Category & "</td></tr>"
response.write "<tr><td>CurCategory:" & CurrentCategory & "</td></tr>"
response.write "<tr><td>hello</td></tr>"
End If


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If Statement

I am passing in values either customer id (key) or their names (name) from a form .
You don't have to use both the id and the name to search for the customer however I don't know how to do this!
If the keyform = "" then , use the name to find the customer
can't find it! this is what I have at the moment :

keyForm = Trim(request("key"))
name Form = Trim(request("name "))
Dim name , cyfeiriad, tref, sir, codpost, ebost, ffon, cyfrif, dyddiad
Set dnsSQL = g_con.Execute("SELECT key_user_accounts,name ,cyfeiriad,tref,sir,codpost,ebost,ffon,cyfrif,dydd iadcreucyfrif from cwsmeriaid Where key_user_accounts = " & keyForm & "
if not name = "" then and name = '" & nameForm & "'")
else ")
end if

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