ASP To EXCEL In Office 97

Im creating an Excel file using ASP
Versions : Office 97

The formattting is not working properly in Excel 97, but the same works fine
in Office XP & 2000

Is there any additional code has to be added in my code to get a formatted
output in Excel 97 version?

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Office 2000 SP3 Excel Page Break

Since I updated Office 2000 to SP3, my ASP code has failed when executing this function:

(the HPageBreaks.Add line fails)
function insertPageBreak ( xlsObject, strLocation )
with xlsObject
.Range( strLocation ).Select
.ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add .Range( strLocation )
end with
end function

xlsObject is a valid object of excel created with:
Set xls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

strLocation is a string in the form "Axx" where xx is the current row number, e.g. "A54"

I had to uninstall and reinstall Office 2000 without service pack 3 in order for it to work....

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Office Web Components :: Save Changes In Excel File Via Web

In office web components u can use Excel through web with almost the same functionality. I have an emergency in finding out if it is possible in asp to save the changes u make to the spreadsheet though web to the original file in the web server.

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Office Web Components :: Excel :: Unable To Create Merged Cells

One of my programmers is using Office Web Components in classic ASP to create, fill and format an Excel spreadsheet. Everything is fine except when he creates Merged cells the performance drops dramatically. He has investigated the 'Center Across Cells' alternative but cannot get it working
using Office Web Comonents.

Has anyone come across this problem or even better has a solution?

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ASP Working With MS Office

I want to read the MS Word and XLS documents with ASP code for searching. Is
there are any solution for me or any reference?

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Office Web Component

Using OWC version 2000 I am trying to input a recordset
into an OWC Spreadsheet. I can pass the variables and
create the SQL fine in the ASP page, but I need to pass
the SQL to a vbscript function outside of the <% asp code %[color=blue]
>. Is there any way to call the function? ASP doens't seem[/color]
to recognize the function.

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Office Page

Does anyone now were I can get a script for an out of office page for an intranet. A very basic one would do, something that displays when they leave and other basic details,for a company of about 40. All staff would be using it.

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Saving .Doc (office) File

I have to allow users to download files after checking users validity and I
cannot give full URL of file to download e.g

I have seen ASP code some where in MSDN where users has to enter URL like and this will download the doc file.

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Graphs And Office Web Component (OWC)

I'm trying to use Activer Server Pages (ASP) to display a graph based on user's selection criteria. To achieve this, I would like to use Office Web Components (OWC 9 or 10), a Microsoft ActiveX component. My questions are:

* Can you use it with NT operating systems or Must it be in Windows 2000/XP?
* Do anyone has experience in using it? and if yes, Are they easy and reliable to use?
* Are there any other free components out there?

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Office Chart Component

any decent resources for using the Office Chart components? I've had a look around the MSDN but it's not very comprehensive and doesn't actually have any reference guides. Most resources say to refer to the help file that comes with the package but I can't find any versions of this.

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Office Web Components Documentation?

some good detailed documentation (with examples) on programing OWC (Spreadsheet, Pivot Table and Chart controls) using ASP 3.0?

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(OWC) Office Web Component Paremeters

I am using OWC to resize images on the fly, it works a treat only issue is poor quality images with lots of artifact due to high compression.

I have searched the web high and low for a list of parameters but I cant find any useful information on the object.

I was hoping someone has used it before and can tell me where I can get the right info on export quality using the .ExportPicture command. Code:

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Accesing Office Document Properties With ASP

Does anyone know of a way to access the document properties of an office
document using ASP? I need to be able to read things like the Title,
Author, and Comments fields and pull that information into a web page.

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Connnect ASP Page To Office Thesaurus

Is it possible to connect and asp page to the Microsoft Office Thesaurus? I would like to be able to pass a word to it and get back all of the synonyms as either a string, array, or collection.

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Generating Charts Dynamically Using A MS Office DLL In ASP

I have found a Help and Support for How To Use Server-Side Charting to Generate Charts Dynamically in MSDN;;en-us;244049

I have generated Bar, Line and Pie charts using the MSOWC.DLL and its fantastic.

The ONLY problem I have encountered is when generating Pie charts it shows the quntities of each piece inside the Pie chart and its very hard to read. But in Excel it shows outside the Pie chart. So, I want to find out a solution for this.

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View MS Office Files Online

Are there any asp scripts that I can use to allow people to view my powerpoint, excel, and word files over the internet without having to download then? The must run from the server.

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Server-Side Automation Of Office

I am facing some problems with generating the word documents usin ASP pages. This is the automated process and it is breaking often Since Microsoft is not providing any support for this issue, I though using WordPerfect 12 for the automated document generation would hel me a lot. Is there any possibility of facing the same problem with wor
perfect too?

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Access Metadata From Office Files

How easy is it to access the metadata from office files and PDF's? That is, Author, Title, Keywords, Comments etc...

I want to be able to scan a directory and provide links with descriptions (ie Comments field) for each file within. I can use automation to open and read the office files, but I imagine this would produce too big a load on the webserver. Is there a simple and slick way of doing this?

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Killing Winword.exe Process And Office 2003

I'm having difficulty getting winword.exe processes to die on our
development server when using

SET objWord = CreateObject("word.application") from an .ASP page.

This problem exists on our development server only as we are still
using Office 2000 components in production. No probs in production with
the current code which has been in use for a couple of years now.

I have to get these ASP pages working with word 2003 to avoid a rewrite
of a few applications.

I've tried using objWord.Quit and setting the object to "Nothing" but
it has no effect on the running process on the server.

Both development and prod servers are Win 2003 Server.

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Copy/Paste From Office Web Components Object In Web Page?

I have a dynamically-generated asp web page which uses Office Web Components
to display an Excel bar chart of the user-selected data. The page works
fine, but the users would like to copy-n-paste the displayed bar chart from
the web page and insert it into an email (MS Outlook) or report (MS Word or
MS PowerPoint).

Is there any way of supporting this copy/paste functionality? When you
right-click on the chart in the displayed web page (viewed with MSIE6), you
are only given the pop-up button [About...] which displays the "About
Microsoft Office Web Components" splash window ("Version SP-3"

Currently, the only work-around is to "Print-Screen", trim using Paint, and
then paste into the destination. This is too tedious and beyond the
capabilities of some of the users.

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ASP Excel

I want to give Excel facility into the the Browser for the user and after that I need to insert all the Excel data into the SQL Database table.

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Asp Excel

i have a project i am currently working on, basically what i am doing is i have an excel spreadsheet with 2 fields a number that coordinates with another field which is a url, currently i have to copy paste the url in my browser to get what i want, which is a picture, each url is a picture and picture only, what im trying to do is create an asp web app that i can use that spreadsheet connect using asp and automatically download every url in the spreadsheet to a directory, while also renaming all the pics as the first field.jpg,so basically an asp downloader that downloads contents of url and renames it a certain number

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Asp & Excel

I've an asp page which brings back a query and displays it in a table. The
query takes around 30 seconds. Once the page displays they will have an
option to send it to excel.

From the examples I've seen they all require the
query to be re-ran again in asp (i.e. server side scripting) and as it takes
30 seconds to start with I want to try and take out the repeat of the query.
Does anyone know of any way you can do this in asp by passing the already
executed table to asp or via any other method?

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How I Can Get Value From Ms Excel

I want to access the data contained in the MS excel by giving a field value that has to be got from one HTML file including a textbox and one button -SUBMIT to submit the required field value. Finally i want to display the details of that particular field value which is recieved from the first file in HTML. Is it possible ?

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I have an ASP file which is opened in MS Excel.
I have used the "formatNumber" function to set the number
of decimals for variables which are displayed.
however Excel cuts off any zeros at the end.
e.g 4.650 displays as 4.65

the number of decimals I want to display to varies across
the page, e.g. I cant say "display the whole with 3
decimal places"
Is there any code I can put in my ASP page to stop Excel
truncating zeros at the end?

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Ms Excel

i have a Print button to allow user to save reservation detail in ms excel. currently, when user clicks Print, a Save menu which allow user to open and save will appear. how can i skip this window? i want my system automatically open ms excel and at the same time open the Print window in ms excel and user also cannot modify any detail in ms excel. is it posible to that?

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ASP -> Excel

I'm working on some reports, and have added the ability to
"download" the reports to excel. Not a big deal, fairly straight forward.
However, PHB wants to be able to create some pivot tables from said reports
(again.. no biggie) and when he goes to save the file, Excel wants to save
the file as a web page instead of and Excel spreadsheet.

Now.. I know the simple thing here is to just pick Excel from the drop down
box in the save as dialog.. but.. PHB would "prefer" to not have to do that.

Has anyone been able to jump this hurdle before? My good friend google
hasn't turned anything up. My preference is to give PHB the middle finger..
but alas.. the paycheck is keeping me from doing that.

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is there somewhere a file that holds constants for Excel Automation
ActiveX objects, such as for ADO constants?

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Asp To Excel And Pdf.

I have an asp, sql business application. Want to give export option of all
reports to excel and pdf. Can I get that code which can embedd in the asp
pages to create this function?

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I need on-site manager's to be able to view a list of records on our website
(which they already can do). They need to be able to select any/all fields
and then export these items to an excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will
have dynamically created columns/rows to append and life is good.

What's the best way to go about this? I've used DTS to do this before, but
it's been a long time and I can't remember if there's a way to handle this
kind of stuff on a dynamic basis.

I guess my real question is: Is there a way to do this via ASP or should I
stick with a more SQL based approach?

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Is it possible to copy all info on a page into excel so that it can be sorted?? I know how to get the page to load automatically into excel, using the -:

response.contentType = "application/"

however I lose some functionality if I do this, i know i could add a button that just re-runs the pages to load the info into excel, however some of the pages may take a while and I want to reduce time and load on the server. So I justed would like to know if it is possible using a script of somesort so that clicking a button will copy the whole page and then paste it into excel??

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Excel Fi

I need to write an ASP page that will allow users to upload an Excel file,
the contents of which should then be imported into an SQL database.
Problem I am facing is how to do this efficiently. So far I have a page
will accept an upload, then display the data from the Excel file, my first
thought was to loop each row, then run an update/insert based on the data
found...Obviously this is not going to be very efficient, I'd exepect time
outs often
Has anyone got any ideas to get round this?

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Asp Excel

I try to use asp to extract excel data. if the item field in excel is empty,
can I use "" to represent empty ?

will this (" ") work ?
rs("Item") = "" "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", oConn
do until rs.EOF
if rs("Item") = "" then
emptyfield = true
emptyfield = FALSE
end if

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