Does anyone know of a product that would allow me to create a PDF from an ASP page on the fly, but instead of displaying the PDF to the user, simply write the PDF to a file?
(My goal is to subsequently pick up the PDF and attach it to an e-mail to the user.)
I�ve been unable to find a product that can achieve this.
I'm using ASP to generate an e-mail with attached files and send them out to clients. Typically, when we send out e-mail through our mail server, there is a disclaimer that is auto appended to the end of our e-mails. I don't know how this is set up (not a network guy and a relatively new employee). For some reason, this disclaimer is attached as a text file to any e-mails that I send programmatically. Any idea what's causing this or how to solve this problem?
I want to create a form with Fields of Name/ Email ID/ Comments/ and Attachment.I want to receive mail with single attachment through that form.Is anybody have an idea how to create such ASP code form.
Im using CDO to send a message. This message includes an attachment file which the user locates on their system system using a browse button. The location of this file is then stored in a variable which is later called upon when it comes to sending the email.
The problem is that instead of trying of attaching the file from the clients computer, it checks for the file on the server........ I was wondering if there was an equiv to the server.mappath which i could use in this instance? Code:
I attach files from the folder uploads which r uploaded there by the user. The problem is that when i recieve the attachment i get a .dat extension with it for eg ;if i attach a.txt i recieve a.txt.dat....
I just need a form that sends to an email address and sends an attachment.
1. I have tried php: matt wrights script and jacks form mail. (set to multipart form data: they send the mail, but still dont send the form attachment.)
2. I have tried using pure asp upload and the cdont mail object. and that wont work with the imail smtp. ( i think I need to use cdo's or .net?)
If anyone has a form with attachment script that works with iis and imail email server.
How I send e-mail with attachment image. I have made 2 file test.asp and test1.asp test.asp called test1.asp en attachement 2 images. It does not work because the attachment image.
How I can solve this problem. herewith my code (test.asp and test1.asp) ....
I need some help: with cdosys i'm able to send e-mail from asp using the local exchange server. Now I also have to save the sent mail into the user's mailbox for future reference: how to?
I'm using CDO to send mail to the site owner from ASP pages with forms. Recently one of my forms is occasionally sending email with what seems to be an insertion which is replacing the plain text part of the email with something else. Looking at the server sent email source, the hacked emails have the following:
Here's the scenario. I'm currently using cdosys/asp to send mail to our SMTP server. We use a product called MailFilter to check for SPAM. It doesn't work very well. If MailFilter isn't working cdosys also has problems and emails don't get sent. As these email are confirmations for customer's bookings this means lots of customers calling to see where their confirmation emails have gone. The root of the problem is MailFilter but that here to stay. So I had this thought of sending the message to a queue of some sort so at least they will get to the customer eventually rather than being lost for good. So here's the question:
Can I/How do I send messages to a mailbox on our exchange server using cdo.message?
I'm using CDO from my vb component to fire email. The problem is whenever one of the email addresses in to, or cc is wrong then none of the mails are fired even to the correct addresses. It gives an error like
The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 Relaying denied for <>
My code goes like this. Why is the mail server trying to look for the validation of email ids??I want that atleast the mail should be fired to the correct email addresses rather than no email fire. Can i achieve that.
Dim iMsg As New CDO.Message Dim iConf As New CDO.Configuration
Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf With iMsg .To = strToEmail .From = strFromEmail .CC = strCCEmail .BCC = strBCCEmail .Subject = strMailSubject If strMailFormat = "TEXT" Then .TextBody = strMailBody Else .HTMLBody = strMailBody End If If strAttachment <> "" Then .AddAttachment strAttachment End If If intPriority = 2 Then .Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Priority") = cdoHigh .Fields.Update End If
I wonder if you can help me. I want the functionality to Automatically get attachment from email and upload it to server for viewing. So when someone sends in an email to a specificied address, it get the file from the email and uploads it somewhere. How can this be done?I would think that you would have an automated email address. It would proabably be running on a windows server.
I have created on form where i have field like Job title, Company name, Job Discription and Apply button. Also i have one hidden input for email address. When any one click on Apply button there one form will open for mail his resume. In that form i have Name, Mail address of applier, Cover letter(textarea), and select box and Attachment textbox and Send button. At backend this programe mail me his information through mail with his keyed info with attachment of his CV. In CC he takes hiden value of email which i maintion in hidden text.
i have some problem in ASP. actually i am developing a web site using ASP,Sql server. i want to give the opportunity to the users to download a file from the webpage. i created power point slide show. i want to give the link to download that slide show.
I have a web page coded in ASP VBScript which sends a html email using the Jmail.SMTPMail object.
I am trying to attach a .csv file to the mail but when i get the mail through it won't display. It just shows this in the mail body...
This is a multipart message in MIME format. ----NEXT_BM_46A46859F09247848CB1A7C3EBE06AC2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable
I am sending email using CDO. I want to send attachment through email.For that I have to send my file to webserver first then have to write path of file in CDO code.what is the best method developer's using for the same?Would you please send some component so that from local m/c I can upload desire file to webserver and consequently can attach that file into email.
Does anyone know how to create an attachment using a stream in classic ASP.I can see that it can be done in ASP.Net as per the article below: Initializes a new instance of the Attachment class with the specified stream and name.
When a user posts a HTML Form in an ASP page, the values entered by the user in the Form are mailed to the website owner. Users can also attach a file before posting the Form.
To send the e-mail, I am using CDO.MESSAGE. When I tested the app in my local intranet IIS5.1 server, the e-mail part worked fine & even the attachment was sent along with the mail but after deploying the site at, when I try to send a file from my local hard disk as an attachment, I get the following error:
It's pretty obvious what's causing the error - the ASP file resides onthe server whereas the file to be attached exists in the users local hard drive but the question is how do I resolve this error?
I am sending email using CDO. I want to send attachment through email.For that I have to send my file to webserver first then have to write path of file in CDO code.what is the best method developer's using for the same?Would you please send some component so that from local m/c I can upload desire file to webserver and consequently can attach that file into email.
I want the users to be able to send an email with an attachment from my web page. The problem is that the file ".DOC" resides on the client machine and not the server. It would be ideal if the user could browse for the file.
Can someone tell me if this is possible and how? Do I have to first upload the document before adding it to the email as an attachment.
i have pbm, all the values from first form is passed to the asp form including the path of the file attachment, through local host it is well running if i upload files in remote server and process then error is generated could anybody help this out Code: ... stratt = Request.QueryString("f_path")
With objCDOMail Set .Configuration = objConfig .From = strFromEmailAddress .To = strToEmailAddress '.Cc = strCcEmailAddress '.Bcc = strBccEmailAddress .Subject = "Enquiry sent from enquiry form on website" '.HTMLBody = strHTML .TextBody = strBody .AddAttachment stratt (path) .Send End With
Where do you think I can get just this feature alone in ASP?I just need this feature and not this whole forum. Any other similar product I can use or try?
I'm using godaddy ASP hosting and i have no permission to create files on disk from asp script.I need to generate excel file and send it via email in asp page.I'm sending email using CDONTS
All examples,i've found in internet, show how to attach to the email file from disk.In documentation for CDONTS told, that there is possibility to attach to the email data from IStream can i implement this?
If the user doesn't attach a file I get an error that path is not found. how can I check if a file is attached or not so that the code can just skip the upload function?
when i was sent out the mail using CDONTS with the attachment file, for example : jpg, txt, pdf and doc. I can not display the file in my email. But the file attached, so it is the CDONTS only can send jpeg?
I need to send the purchase order form (pdf or doc) but can not see the file details, and the output are totally different with the original one, which is different jargon. Any one know that?
i am trying to create a simple page where a users can browse a file and send it through CDO. I can get the email to send fine with the body and subject but when it comes to figuring out the attachment bit, I'm lost! Here is the code i am using, please can someone point me in the write direction. Code:
i was trying to send multiple attachments using the CDO in ASP. but it seems like when the file attachments total is greater than 90KB, i get an unspecified error. Can anyone advise me on this?