ASPBufferingLimit Limited

We have a Windows 2003 Web Edition running IIS 6.0. For some reasons, using ADODB.Stream I can only download a maximum of 19994 KB of file. ADODB.Stream will fails on 19995KB size. No matter how high I set the ASPBufferingLimit, I am still being limited to 19994 KB.

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ASPBufferingLimit Limited To 19994 KB?

We have a Windows 2003 Web Edition running IIS 6.0. For
some reasons, using ADODB.Stream I can only download a
maximum of 19994 KB of file. ADODB.Stream will fails on
19995KB size.

No matter how high I set the ASPBufferingLimit, I am
still being limited to 19994 KB.

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Disabling ASPBufferingLimit For File Downloads

I have a website that (like many) allows users to download large files. Some are up to several hundred MB in size. The problem is that since switching to IIS 6.0, the size of the file is limited by the ASPBufferingLimit, and it's size seems to be limited to only 4294967295 bytes.

That's pretty big but it's not quite big enough and I need to disable it. Some people have recommended setting it to -1 via:

cd C:inetpubadminscripts
cscript adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/1/aspbufferinglimit -1

but the -1 doesn't really "take"...IIS keeps it at 4294967295.

Setting it to 0 does "take", but then IIS returns nothing (0 bytes).

How do I disable or workaround this security feature in IIS which is not allowing people to download large files?

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Limited Connections

I get somthing like "Max Connection limit is reached" error msg when trying to access a page. I wonder it is got to do with winxp pro sp2 patch which only limit 10 tcp connections? Running ms access as database and IIS 5.1.

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VB's Limited Number

I've got a string thats about to be entered into a bog standard Access 2000-type MDB .
Thing is, I want to maintain the purity of my code when it gets outputted (yes, I'm a web-standards freak, so what? ) Anyway, I want it to insert a CRLF and 4 tabs every 12 whole words (or 75 letters if you can't split a string by words) . how I can do this with VB's limited number of built-in functions (... face it, PHP's function list kinda dwarf's VBs) -1337_d00d .

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Time Limited Questionnaire

I'm making a multiple-choice questionnaire for a site which will have multiple sections/pages. All content for the questionnaire will be databased, as the user will be asked a random selection of these, and responses given will also be databased.

Although building the questionnaire itself should not be an issue, I have been asked to limit the time that the end-user has to complete it in its entirety to 30mins. Can anyone help me solve this issue so that assuming the questionnaire has not yet been completed, 30mins after the user has been shown the first question, the current page is submitted and the user is sent to the results page.

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Returning Limited Database Information

I am trying to setup a form in Dreamweaver where I have a list box (Car Batteries, Antifreeze, Paint, etc.)

How do I setup the page up so that when an item is selected and they hit the submit button it will send them to another page returns just the information from that item on the database and not the entire database?

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Retrieving Limited Words From Database

Just wondering. I am developing a blog. I would like to display the message post on the blog to be limited to, say, 100 words rather than the whole message itself as this will increase the page length.

I would like to know if there is a method to count the words from the record in database and display only 100 hundred words from the actual message..

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String Length And Limited Text Field

Three text fields on a PDF doc. These fields are limited - only 15 lines each.

Strings are separated by breaks and if a string is too long, it wraps to a new line, decreasing the number of items that can go into the field.

So, a for loop from 0 to 14 works only if a string in the array is not too long.

Then, and if and another for from 15 to Ubound -1

Another if and another for. Code:

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Auto Refresh Page After Limited Time

I have a clickable graph that resides on page 1. If user clicks a data point
on the graph, the page runs again yeilding a 2nd graph that shows a more
detailed graph.

Problem is, I have a recordset table on the 2nd graph page and because the
user gets to it by clicking the graph, the page doesn't properly post to
render the recordset table. I can click "Refresh" on 2nd page and table
displays fine.

Is there an ASP refresh command that I could possibly run to mimick a
"Refresh" or F5?

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Text Area Limited Text

I have a text area which I want to limit the number of words or number of text entered into it. Is this possible?

<textarea name="textarea" cols="35" rows="5"></textarea>

In the text area above, can I say limit the person filling in the text area to say 100 characters?

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