ASPEmail Attaching Files

I am building a simple incident recording system using ASP.

The form has Name, email address, telno, incident description and records the data to an access db and send an email to the user with an incident ticket number.

The client has asked for an extra feature to be able to attach documents such as Word documents.

Has anyone got a sample script where on the form the user clicks a button where he/she can browse for the file to be attached and ASPEmail can than send the mail with attachment.

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Attaching Files In ASP

I would like mu users to be able to attach files using an interface deveolped in ASP. The files should then be saved in a database. How do I go about it?

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Attaching To A Form

I need to attach a file to a form and after i hit the attach button i need to diplay another button saying view attachment in the same form and want the browse and attach buttons to disappear.

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ASP Attaching File With Email

I am using ASP 3.0 for sending emails through my website. It is correctly working and I also successfully attached server reside files via email attachment. I wish to send files from client's computer. Such as if I used input type "file" then I can get the file name with its path at client side but how can I tell the script to deal this path as client side path??? As I have used Server.MapPath but as it is work-full for server reside files. If user’s input file name is "c:documentmyfile.txt" then how can I work with it as my script will treat it as web server hard drive path.

My script can attach files but I do not know how can understand client side path.

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Jmail - Attaching A Picture

I am trying to send email with Jmail component i am attaching a picture with it and its not working and giving me an error which is as follows

jmail.SMTPMail error '8000ffff' Cannot open file C:InetPubDevSecureBelord
hino_small.jpg ....

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Msg.AddAttachment Not Attaching File To Email?

I am using Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") to create a CSV file.

'create file
Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if fs.FileExists(server.MapPath("/temp/data.csv")) then
set myfile = fs.GetFile(server.MapPath("/temp/data.csv"))
set myfile = nothing
end if

The CSV file is then attached to an email and sent.


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Attaching Excel File Using ObjMail

I am using the following code to attach an excel file to email.. but a funny thing happens, the excel file comes in with no data, and the uploaded file DOES have data... is there a filesize limit using objMail.AttachFile ??

Set objMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.From = "sales@???.com"
Objmail.BodyFormat = 0
ObjMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.To = email
objMail.Subject = "File attached"
objMail.AttachFile Server.MapPath("/download/file.xls")
objMail.Body= mbody
'response.write("Mail send")
Set objMail = Nothing ....

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Problem Attaching Excel File

I am using the following code to attach an excel file to email.. but a funny thing happens, the excel file comes in with no data, and the uploaded file DOES have data.. Code:

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Problem Attaching Script Debugger To ASP Under IIS6

I've got a problem attaching the Script Debugger to ASP pages under IIS6. Set up everything following IIS6 documentation: turned on ASP debug in IIS Manager; edited
permissions for Machine Debug Manager in the DCOM configuration, giving Launch and Activate permissions to Network Service (which is the account for the corresponding process pool).

IIS is in WP isolation mode. ASP is activated. Sending detailed error info to the browser is activated and works fine. No errors in event log about DCOM app attach permission denials.

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ASPEmail And AOL

I am having problems sending html emails to our customers using ASPemail. It looks like AOL is blocking these emails with their SPAM filter....

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Cdonts To Aspemail

Been struggling with this for a week to no avail. I have run simple test mail scripts and they work fine, but when I try to modify the existing formmail.asp it doesnt seem to work......

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Error Using ASPEmail.dll

I am using Persits.MailSender object of ASPEmail.dll to send an email. I am getting the following error message 'Software caused connect abort'

Can any one tell what the problem could be?

NOTE : SMTP port 25 is open, as i can connect to the SMTP server with telnet <server name> 25

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ASPEmail Script

Need help with the CC object of ASPEmail script, how can I make it dynamic so that a varible can be inserted in this obj instead a static email address

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ASPemail Question

When I submit my form, it works fine, and it comes into my MS Outlook. But for some odd reason, after line 8, it stops creating the output on a new line. Now this is no problem for me, but this will be going to someone else, and they'll get confused. Does anyone know why it stops line-breaking? Code:

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AspEmail Vs CDO :: (sendque) Which Is Better?

If you are sending out bulk emails in the range of 800 to 1000 per day
which component is better:

1. ASPEmail
2. CDO

....and further, do they also BOTH use a SEND TO QUEUE option.

I wish to progress according to the best one for the job...which do you

My current host only allow 800 emails per day - grrrrr -so I
am now forced to consider the painful sendqueue route which could result in
my outgoing emails sitting on the server for hours if others are doing the
same thing.

List server is too expensive complex; Cannot find a suitable local bulk
emailer program except Access Mailer from FMS which is single threaded and
does not auto-detect html or text mime in recipient email.

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Strange ASPEmail Problem

Not sure if anybody has run into this problem. I'm using ASPEmail from Persits to generate an email and send it. The problem is that when I check the email that the asp code sent using Outlook Express or Outlook the email gets cut off 3/4 of the way. If I check the email on hotmail, yahoo mail, any other email program....the email comes in full. Any ideas why this might be?

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Form ASPEMAIL Does Not Function.

I am having a problem and I do not know as to decide. I had a form that he used another jmail component, something thus... and I modified the code to use aspemail, but t� not giving certain, only is giving errors of this, that and etc...

I would like well very to ask for to the voc�s aid this form to function. My server only accepted ASPEMAIL. Somebody has a form I to use of model ASPEMAIL. Well if somebody that understands well to be able to look at the code below and to see the errors, and if will be able to fix, Code:

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Converting From ASPMail To ASPEmail

Has anyone converted from ASPMail to ASPEmail...?

1) I get the following error. Can you offer some insight?

2) Is there an equivalent to this line: Mail.ContentType = "text/html" ...? Code:

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ASPEmail Not Working In My Mail Script

I have a flash email contact form that uses ASP to execute the send mail. My sendmail component of choice is ASPEmail. The original script was CDONTS, but I needed it changed. I'm no programmer, but I got tired of posting for assistance in various forums only to receive plenty of looks but little help.

One person is offering to help me out, but I want to figure it out on my own until he gets some time to write up a script for me. Here is my script, which is sectioned out for easier reference. My form still doesn't send any mail and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I do not wish to rewrite the script because then I'd have to change the text input fields in my Flash contact form. I merely am seeking assistance on fixing my existing script in sections IV and V (toward the bottom of the script).

Would someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong, please? Oh, and before you ask, I did test my ASPEmail configuration and it is working fine via the test scripts that came with it.

When you fill out the form and click SUBMIT the acknowledgement (i.e Thank you very much...blah, blah, blah) appears and everything looks okay, but the mail never reaches my inbox, which to me means that it's not being sent.

So far, I haven't had much success with anyone tackling this, so I'm hoping that I can get some help here...I was able to get some really good and knowledgeable help a year ago...any takers?

Response.Buffer = True
Dim strBody
Dim objCDOMail
Dim strMyEmailAddress
Dim strCCEmailAddress
Dim strBCCEmailAddress
Dim strReturnEmailAddress
' END ....

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ASPEmail To Send To Multiple Recipients?

ASPEmail to send to multiple recipients? I tried to use comma and semicolon but all the time give this message error:

Error: 6 - 501 Bad address syntax

nor : email@dom,email@dom,email@dom
or: email@dom;email@dom;email@dom

what is the sintaxe for it? can I only send for one recipient by time?

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Newsletter Sending With Aspemail Or Jmail

Is there a way to send a newsletter to 14.000 addresses using an web-sending email aplication like Jmail, ASPemail or others? Ill tell you the whole problem, my friends. Im responsable of sending the newsletter, and my life is travelling from one city to another.

I dont have any notebook, so it would be very helpful if I could make (or use another's) aplication in where, using a user & pass, I could enter to a site and run "send" and then quit.

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Batching Emails :: AspEmail Vs CDO :; SendQueue Stability?

Database: Access 2000
Host: Maximum ASP

I am trying to work out the best way to send bulk email below the 1000 mark
(about 800).

I understand that I could either use ASPEmail or CDO although I believe that
ASPEmail may be superior in that it offers SENDQUEUE command which will
allow me to loop through my customer database and insert them into the TO

1. Could the above be confirmed?

2. I wish my mailing list to be invisible - I don't want the mailing list to
be evident in the recipients this just a question of looping them
into the BCC field?

3. I remember seeing some posts a while ago highlighting problems with the
SendQueue Method.... what are the curve balls with this approach.

My web host tells me I can send upto a 1000 per day yet says
about 800. How do I tackle this task correclty. I cannot move up to SQL
Server or MSDE yet and I do not have access to a mail server...

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Can Php Files Execute Inside Asp Files?

Can a php file be executed inside an asp file? I need to execute a php file in another asp file but i'm not so sure it's possible.
My server can run both asp and php and they run without any problems... I just need to find a way to include the execution results of the php file in the asp one.
Is it possible to use SSI and include the executed php file and then the executed asp file in a main ssi file?

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Convert ASP Files To Executable Files

I have installed PWS in windows 98 in each of the system at various places and put my Sales program files in the WWWROOT directory in all the branches. I'm afraid that the users may tamper my ASP files. Is there any way of converting .ASP files to .exe files so that the dont see my program.

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How To Use ASP But Produce HTM Files, Not ASP Files?

I was wondering how some sites let you search by using a form, then present the results as static .htm files.

The reason I ask is that I tend to use ASP to process form information, then give the user a list of results presented on an .asp page. The list is simply drawn from a database in real-time and formatted into a template page.

The problem with this is that search engines can't see any of the information in the database, since they can't do the form submission. Is there a way around this?

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.exp And .lib Files

When DLLs are compiled in VB, in addition to the dll, there are also
exp and .lib files created. Can somebody tell me what these are for?
Do I need to include them when I deploy my application?

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PHP Files

I want to include just the result of a PHP file within an ASP file. <--#include won't work, it just imports the text.Is there an alternate way to do this?

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IIS Log Files

Checking our IIS log files we often get the chinese bots probing our sites. My only concern at the moment is that when an item is called by ID (i.e. select category from table where categoryid = id) and the id is called from either a querystring or a form request, I use CLng (i.e. CLng(request.querystring("id")) to convert the id to a long int to prevent the bots injecting the variable with any non-numeric characters.

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Ftp Files

how can i do a ftp function to upload and downlaod file to the server without using a 3rd party component?

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Zip Files

can somebody advise me, how to put a few text files into zip archive on IIS5
on user request on some asp page?

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ASP Files

IYHO, if I have say 10 different product categories that extract their data
from say 10 text files or an Access DB, is it more efficient to have an ASP
for each product category to query each section or 1 which parses the lot??
The only reason I am asking is for multiple user access I have this strange
belief that if 1 page is getting requested and queried by 10 simultaneous
visitors then 'spreading the load' on different pages would help.
Is my logic correct or do the ISP fairies have this in hand??

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Pdf Files In ASP

when the user submit a form, all the form data's will be saved
as a pdf file
is it possible?
yes means. by what way we can get this..?
For doing this we have to use any third party tools..?

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