Access 2000 Mdb

Does anyone know of a simple (and I stress simple as I'm a beginner with this asp stuff!!) script to allow for basic functionality of Add/Edit/Update/Delete ASP page which works with an Access 200 mdb. Something I may easily adapt for what I have??
I'm running Windows 2000 Professional with IIS 5.0.

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Access 2000 Or SQL Server 2000

I am planning to design a database (destined for the web) that will have
between 20000 and 45000 records in it and will receive a lot of reads but
very very few writes (just from me).

Now the question is should I use:

1) The combination of Access 2000 (accessible through ASP or ASP.NET) using


2) SQL Server 2000 ?

Of course I know that the SQL Server option is a better one, especially
since it's said that an Access DB can have about 9 users or so accessing it
at the same time. But is that a general rule or is it about many people
writing to the DB? In other words, if an Access DB has hardly any writes
and 99.9% reads can it be used as efficiently as it would be used on SQL
Server 2000?

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ASP Attempting To Access MS Access 2000 On File Share

I have a Development server that is running Win2k, IIS 5.0, and ASP enabled. I am trying to gain access to an Access 2000 DB located on a file server within my domain. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct permissions set, but I am having problems when trying to access the DB.

The error is similar to:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file '******'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I'm looking for ways to fix this... Microsoft suggests turning off the ability for IIS to sync passwords. Unfortunately, this is not a viable solution for me.

Is it possible to create a new virtual server that is a share to my file server? Put my ASP and MDB file in there and have it work? Anyone have any other ideas?

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Going From Access 2000 To Ms Sql

What would I have to change in my code to make it work with sql, Just wanna see if its worth changeing to.

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Access 2000

I have created an Access database with an Autonumber field and set as promary Key. When I insert a record from my ASP web page it insists on making me add a value to this field.
Is there anyway to set this as an IDENTITY field.

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Importing XML Into Access 2000

I have an XML file that gets updated every 4 hours on a web server. I can check the XML modification time in ASP and compare to the databse. If it is newer, I need some ASP code to then import the XML into Access. Been trawling the net for an answer for a while .

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Appending Details To An Access 2000 DB

I have a database which inputs usernames, passwords, and email addresses into the database. I'm trying to create an asp page that lists the data for a specific user when they are logged in so that they can change details (password, email address etc) any ideas how i can retrieve the data and append the new data to the database???

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Problems Accessing An MS Access 2000 DB In ASP

Our graphic designer is developing our new company website. We have switched
providers and currently she is working on the new website which currently
ressides on the new providers server as they support the ASP development
environment. Their server is a Win2K3 server.

She is writing an ASP module to connect to an MS Access 2000 database and is
having problems connecting. In this database there is only one table.

She has tried many different connection strings all to no avail and then
found from investigating that the best and fastest method is to use the OLE
connection string. However, each time she runs the ASP code she gets the
following error... Code:

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Data From MS Access 2000 Into XML File

what I want to be able to do it take data from one of my Access 2000 queries and automatically export that to an XML file. then that XML file is going to be loaded with Google Maps API for use. What options do I have in exporting the data in access automatically? would it be just implemented everytime i call the function, lets say an ASP page?

to give a little more (hopefully helpful) information, I want users to go to my site which has the Google Maps API implemented, and it will show them the rainfall and lake level data in my area. I figured XML would be best as I have seen someone implement a similar design in Canada using an XML file, however, I need to be able to get the
information from the query in Access so it can be loaded onto the map for people to see recent data. Again, I'm guessing ASP would be the best bet in accessing the data from the database.

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Access SQL SERVER 2000 DB From An Asp Page

I'm using sql server 2000 database and trying to access it using asp. when i installed sql server, i selected the mixed mode of authentication(windows and sql server). Code:

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Alter/create Tables Through Web? Access 2000?

does anyone know of a free utility that allows you to alter/create tables through the web for access 2000. I'm talking about the table/db structure, not creating records.

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Pointers On 2000 To 2002 Conversion (Access)

Could someone highlight any known problems in converting an access 2000 to
access 2002 database....should I expect a painful transition or can I expect
a quick turnaround time to get my existing 2000 apps into 2002 format?

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Asp/access Sql Page Works In Xp But Not In Server 2000?

I have a page which works fine testing locally on my win XP PC, using an access database file. When I place it on the server (all code and database file being the same)... it gives an SQL error :

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2

The SQL statement is as follows: Code:

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Insert MEMO Field To Access 2000

I have been doing adodb connections and using Access2000 for several lightweight websites. I have never had any problem with any of the SQL commands to insert, update, delete, etc.

I can insert a record into a memo field just fine ... up to a certain number of characters (nowhere near the 65K limit). After several hundred characters, the insert fails ... nothing happens ... the execute just idles and no insert is done. Anyone help? I have read about data types, etc., but everything I read sounds as if ASP and Access 2000 are suppose to handle the type conversions. They have been doing it up to this certain size.

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How To Access An DSN In The Connection String To SQL Server 2000 Database?

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "DRIVER={SQL Server}; Server=;Database=pubs;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPasswor d;"

Instead of database, how can I set the DSN in this connection string?

DSN is DSNName. I am trying to connect to a SQL Server 2000 database.

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Error In COM+ While Migrating From 2000 Server To 2000 Advace Server

I have one 3 tier architecture application running on Windows 2000 Server.

I have created replica of same machine on another machine where OS is
Windows 2000 Advance Server.

But when I port same running application on new machine i.e. Machine with OS
as Windows 2000 Advance Server, my middle tier (Active-X Dll, COM+
application) fails.

It throws common error
Invalid Procedure Call or argument

What could be the problem? Do I need to change any settings for running
application on Windows 2000 advance Server.

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If Condition Ans SQL 2000

i have got one field in sql server 2000 database. field1 char 50 in one record, i m storing value -1 but it doesnt satisfy following condition

if (rs("field1")) = cstr("-1") Then
response.write ("true")
end if

i already checked its value by response.write and
print -1 only..
then y its above condition is false?

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SQl Injection Through ASP And MS SQl 2000

I have heard a lot about SQL Injection. I was wondering how does an injector come to know about the table/column name when they cannot see the asp codes in a website?

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Win 2000 SP3iiss

In one Application (2) the client is redirected to a Logon ASP in a different Application (1). A Session Variable is made in Application 2 which needs to be recognized in Application 1. Can I do that in Windows 2000 SP3 IIS5 no .NET Framework?

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SQl Server 2000

i get this error

HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'IUSR_MOHD'.
/sql1/data.asp, line 16

when i try to add data to my sql server 2000 database throw asp?!? so whatz the problem , i try to connect it to access on the same lginuser and it works well

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ASP.NET On Windows 2000

Our current websites are hosted on Win2K Servers using classic ASP and IIS
5.0. We will be acquiring a 3rd party website that is written in ASP.NET.
Hate to sound stupid, but is it possible to run ASP.NET on Win2K or does it
need to be run under Win2003?

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SQl Injection Through ASP And MS SQl 2000

I have heard a lot about SQL Injection. I was wondering how does an injector come to know about the table/column name when they cannot see the asp codes in a website?

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New User In Win 2000 SRV

I would like to create, using ASP, a new user inside a "Group of User" that I prior have created, as Administrator (Eg. IUSRGroup), in order to use the internal Win 2000 SRV DB, Security and Permisions.

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Frontpage 2000

if is it possible to connect a database (access 2000) through frontpage? i try to do this and i got an error. in frontpage, there is a option to connect database. then we have to publish a web and after you can store your data through form. all these steps i have already clear. but i can't.

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PWS On Windows 2000

Overnight my work PC has been upgraded - I'm re-installing all my software, and PWS does not work

It may be that it's a permissions thing (I need to get this sorted, as it is stopping me from installing a few things) However, I also suspect that PWS for NT is no longer any good for W2K Is there a new version for W2K?

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ASP / SQL Server 2000

We are not using Active directory and as such do not have access to Kerberos authentication methods. What I need to do is connect to an SQL (2000) database using ASP 3.0 - I have setup an account on SQL Server with read access to two tables (and no password). Just to complicate the issue even further, the IIS server and the SQL server reside on different machines on the network. Code:

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Win 2000 Professional + IE6 Problem

I have a simple .asp page with a text field and submit
button. When it runs on a Win 2000 Professional + IE6
client machine, and the .asp page is set "anonymous
access" only on IIS, the contents I entered to the text
field did not get submitted when I click the submit
button. If the setting is "Integrated Windows
Authentication" everything is fine. Has anyone had
experienced this problem?

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Email Problem, Win Svr 2000

I have written some code that tries to send out an email, using CDONTS, in ASP. My problem is that the email just sits in the "Queue" folder in the Ipubnetmailroot directory. The server is Windows 2000.

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Configuring Win 2000 Server + ASP

I'm just after installing windows 2000 server. It seems to be running fine. I can log onto sites stored within etc. However I'm having major problems trying to sending email forms. I am using an asp form to send the details however I never receive them. After completing the form and submitting the user is brought to a confirmation window which displays all the form details. There are no errors howver the email is never recieved.

With the errors I cannot say if the email was sent or not. So i do not know if it is the server settings or the asp file.

Do I need to preform additional installation of configuration to get the smtp server up and running as I am only using the default settings.

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Multiple MS SQL 2000 Connections

I was wondering if it was possible to have multiple server connections in one asp application. Like if one connection to the main sql server failed, it would connect to the backup sql server.

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SQL Server 2000 Database

I just started learning ASP.NET and i need to learn to use the database for SQL Server 2000 quickly. First, (forgive me for my ignorance) what is a database? Do you guys know any good sites that teach you how to access the database for SQL Server 2000? and have tutorials, and sample code?

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Cannot Connect To MSDE 2000

I am trying to connect to a MSDE 2000 database located on a server on my network. I can connect to a SQL Server 2000 database; however, I cannot connect to this MSDE database.

This is the error I get: Code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

/attach2.asp, line 28

Here is my connection string: Code:

Set conn2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn2.Open "Driver={SQL Server};" & _
"Server=;" & _
"Database=Attachments721;" & _
"Uid=attach12usr;" & _

What am I doing wrong? I can't figure it out. The ASP page and the MSDE are on two different servers, if that makes any difference. I can add the MSDE server to Enterprise Manger using the same login information too.

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Logging Off Windows 2000 From IIS

I will be traveling and I will need to show someone a
secure folder in an IIS website and I will be on a public
computer. When we are done, I will need to be able to log
off so no one else using that computer will find
their way into that part of the website. The security is
Windows authentitication using Clear Text.

Can ASP log me off. If so I will need to code this before
I leave. Can anyone point me to where I can get some
examples of code to do this ?

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