Access 2K Search

I have two ASP pages. One to make a booking and the other one to search for bookings in Access 2K db.

The booking number is text+numbers: BLAH1234. Here is the problem. The search does not work, no errors - it returns an empty page, with BLAH1234 (field is Text) but works with just 1234 (field is Number).

I need help to figure out how to be able to search for BLAH1234 . In other words how do I convert BLAH1234 into Test string or Number string? I am an amature so any critisism and pointers are welcome.

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ASP Search (Access DB)

my entire website is driven by an Access database. I've successfully setup a search function - which works beautifully until I include an Access table where at least one of the searched fields is empty.

I have manually created a SQL query using UNION in my database: "searchSQL".

I assume I adjust my SQL statement on my ASP page to ignore blanks? Eg: "WHERE title<>"" and LIKE..." but I'm obvsiouly using incorrect syntax.

How do I say - "only if FIELD is NOT BLANK check if LIKE"; or should I be doing this within the Access SQL statement? Code:

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Access Database Search With ASP

I have built a small cms driven website using asp and access database. There is nothing special about it, it has about 5 tables each containing unique data.

I want to add a search field on all pages which will search the entire database and present the results.

I have been searching for hours now and cant find a script that suits my needs. Can anyone point me in the right direction or reccomend a script?

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Date Search In Asp And Access Db

i am trying to do a search on a database within a date range but the query pulls in details from before the time submitted.

For example :

records : 01/05/2006 Test
06/06/2006 Test 2
06/06/2006 Test 2

If i do a search between 06/06/2006 and 06/06/2006 i will get the 01/05/2006 record as well as the 06/06/2006 records, my code is as follows. Code:

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ASP Access Database Search

I'm having trouble figuring out how to do a freetext search in my ms access db table. Code:

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Search All Tables In An Access Db

how do you search all the tables in an access db with different field names? i would like to place a textfield and a dropdown of the different tables of the db. i cant figure it out. im using asp and dreamweaver.

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Access Search Function

I have a neat database running and im trying to place a search engine thro it. I have quite a few tables, BUT i can only get the query in one table. ie Code:

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ASP Search W/ Access Database

I would like to get asp code for searching database.I have data in Ms Access. I want to search by catagories. A dropdown list to choose to narrowdown search. If keyword found, create a hyperlink of the location so that easy to view.

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ASP Search Using Query In Access Database

I have an Access database that I created a query in. The query brings fields from related tables and prompts users to perform a search based on 3 criterias.

NOTE: the prompts can be bypassed by just leaving it blank and selecting OK. So in other words, the user does not need to fill in each prompt for the search to work, it just give them a more narrowed down search if they fill more in...

Now for the ASP part... I want to create an ASP page where the use selects from 3 drop downs. These drop downs are named the same as the field names in my query. How do I get this to work??

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Asp Search Returns No Results From Access Query

here's what i want to do. from an asp page, perform a search on a
table in access. i have used sql code in the asp page itself, but i'd
rather execute a query in access. i have success in running any query
(basic SELECT, SELECT with conditions _other_ than LIKE, etc..) for
some reason, when i execute the query below from the asp page, i get
no results.

the search.asp page just has a text box in a form that submits the
srchBOX field to the results.asp page.

here's the asp code from the results.asp page: Code:

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Search Access Database Using Short Date

I have a database and i want to work out the sum of the discount field where the id is lets say 1 and the date is greater than 01/02/2006

The database hase records older than 01/02/2006 but I dont want them just the 1s dated 01/02/2006 to now

set RS3 = conn3.execute("select SUM(discount) from restaurantaccounts WHERE restaurantid=1 AND datepaid >=01/02/2006").

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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Search Within Search Results

I am trying to create a parametric search within a table (in the column headings). My first page (search.asp) allows you to choose parameters from a dropdown box, such as package and volts. You click "search" and it reads the Access dbase to yield the results.

The results page (results.asp) displays the information based on the parameters. Under the package column heading, I have the same drop down box, and I am able to once again choose the package I want and the table will refresh. Code:

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ASP Attempting To Access MS Access 2000 On File Share

I have a Development server that is running Win2k, IIS 5.0, and ASP enabled. I am trying to gain access to an Access 2000 DB located on a file server within my domain. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct permissions set, but I am having problems when trying to access the DB.

The error is similar to:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file '******'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I'm looking for ways to fix this... Microsoft suggests turning off the ability for IIS to sync passwords. Unfortunately, this is not a viable solution for me.

Is it possible to create a new virtual server that is a share to my file server? Put my ASP and MDB file in there and have it work? Anyone have any other ideas?

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ASP + Access Question (Determining The Last Id Generated By Access)

I'm working on a site that inserts records into an Access database and Access assigns an auto-incrementing id for the record. How can I quickly figure out what id that was just created? I seem to remember there being a function for this....

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Access A MS Access Database Using ASP But On A Linux Box

I want to move my only window shosted client to linux. The site they have access a Microsoft Access database with the below code but i can't get it to work under Linux.

<code>Dim MM_connPang_STRING
'MM_connPang_STRING = "dsn=pangDSN"
MM_connPang_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:clientdatabasepangDB.mdb"</code>

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MS Access - Table Access Problem

I'm trying to access a table in a MS Access database using ASP but the name of the table is causing me some trouble. The problem is the table name has a space in it eg, "My Table".

If i try and access it using a query "SELECT * FROM My News", it says i cant find table "My". If i remove the space from the name (to MyTable) it works fine. But the trouble is its a customers database and i cant easily rename it because its linked to other tables and db's.

How can i access a table with a space in its name? I've tried "SELECT * FROM My_News" but that doesnt work either.

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Access Remote Access Database From ASP

I have an ASP page needs to access a remote MS Access2000 database, I got error "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'F:Collect.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. ".

The 'F:' is a mapped drive from remote machine where the access database loactes. If I copy the database back to local box, no problem.

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How Many People Can Access The Same Access Database

I'm looking to make an online multiplayer game which will utilize Access Database... basically I require thousands of people writing and reading from the same database... I was wondering if this is possible for that... or is mdb file restricted to 1 person at a time...

If it is limited what would you suggest as the best way to control an interactive online environment? .txt files possibly?

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Query Works In Access But Not In Asp->access

What is this all about? Generally I run against SQL Server but now I have to use access. The query I want to run is a simple double join

SELECT tblArtists.*, AS genreName,tblPages.pageId
FROM (tblArtists
INNER JOIN tblGenres ON tblArtists.genreId = tblGenres.genreId)
LEFT JOIN tblPages ON tblArtists.artistId = tblPages.artistId
ORDER BY surName ASC, firstName ASC

Now If I run this question in access against the database it accurateley returns two posts. BUT When I paste the same query into an asp document and runs it with a fileDSN against the same database it returns nothing!? Is this some kind of joke from Microsoft?

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Access An Access Link Table

I have an Access DB which contains couple of link tables. All these tables are from different databases. So each one has it's own database password. Since there is no way to save the password during the DSN creation. Then you need to manually type in the password each first time when open the table.

This causes the problem in ASP code during run a query. Since the table cannot be accessed due to the password protection. Is there any statement than can open a table and meanwhile pass the password in? Does anyone experienced with the similar situation?

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Write Access To MS-Access

I generate my codes using a generator. My problem is that I can not write into my Access database. I had gone to tools to allow access permission . still nothing.

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Search Box

I have list of songs in table in asp page. I would like to put a link to each song so when user click on one I can search database for it's data. How to do that?

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i have a database with 5 tables,
on my web site i have a search bar..
i wana link that search bar to my tables so..
when ever some 1 searchs for a product, the search bar shows that all the simmuler products to what they searchd for..

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ASP Search Using Asp

I was wondering if there was a way to search pages using ASP or ASP.NET.

I have roughly 5000 static html pages (an online library of sorts) and wants a serch feature. Is there any way to do this?

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how to search within the selected category?? Example : Search "bubble clock" in category,Clock and watches.

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I have a search page that has ms frontpage database wizard results showing. The thing is, is that I want to have the search form on other pages besides my search.asp page. Does anybody know how to make a search form on a seperate page that submits the search to the database and displays the wizard results on the search page.

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Search When EOF And Not EOF

Need help here~ =) ..For -> while not rsConfiguration1.EOF ... blah blah blah

How to write my code so that even if its not End of record, it will still search my db?

In short : I want the db to be able to search under 2 circumstances : EOF and not EOF

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How could I try and make the most important result from a search show up on top?
I was thinking of having a result where the strSearch is the most to the left come up on top but else then that vague and not necessarly effective option I have no idea on how to do this.

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Intranet tech support system using ASP/VBScript running on W2000 Server,
IIS, and using SQL Server 2000. I need to add a search engine. The problem
with using a regular SQL query is that if you put a phrase, say "red car" in
the text box, to hit submit, my SQL qurey would only look for that phrase,
and would leave out other items where the words red and car appeared
separately. I guess what I am saying is that I would like something like
Google or other search engines, which would find results which seem to fit
the criteria typed into the box, and rank them and highlight key words.
My research so far has shown me that SQL Server has something called
Full-Text searching, and I have tried to read up on that in BOL, but not
really seeing how I can apply it. I wonder if there's already some tutorials
or sample code out there. I have done some looking on the Web, but still
haven't found much.

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ASP Search

I have created an asp server page as described in the
Microsoft Article 318387 HOW TO: Query Index Server Data
by Using ASP in FrontPage 2002

It is running off my IIS server for the search results.
However, the results return only file locations; I would
like it to return a link to the hits. How would I do this?

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im now doin a search function... but my problem is... if i didn't enter any data in the textbox and then click search button, it will appear all list from database instead of display "please key in data".

I just want to display "please key in data" but not display all records. Code:

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I'm make a search and I want to limt the results to 10 and have a next button.

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