Access Database Path To A Network Drive

Database path works on drive c:, but it doesn't work on a mapped network drive while i move the database to the mapped network drive it stops working.

Can anybody help how can I write Access Database Path to a mapped Network drive in my vb script?

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Writing Text File To A Mapped Drive Or Network Drive

how to write a text file to a mapped drive or network drive. In my script, I’m currently writing the text file to a local folder on the server temporarily until I can figure this out.

So far I have tried to use the mapped drive letter, network path, etc. to get this working. I believe all the permissions are in order (I hope) as well. No matter what I have tried, I just get a Path Not Found script error. I know this has to be possible, just I’m missing something … probably something right under my nose but I just can’t figure it out.

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Network Drive

<i><b>Originally posted by : Augusto (</b></i><br />Hi<br />I've got a problem that I´ve been trying to solve but there is no way I can find the solution.<br /><br />I am mapping a network (intranet) drive in my computer (winNT 4.0), but when I try to "see" this drive (or a directory of this drive) from an asp page, it is impossible! What I mean is that the drive is mapped and accessible in my windows explorer, but my asp code says "Path Not Found". And I have no problem when I "see" a local drive, it locates without no problem.<br />Does anyone know if this is a problem with the server??A configuration problem, for example?!<br />

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Network Drive

I am trying to write a file of emails to my mail server for a newsletter.The emails come from a form on a website and append the file.However I can not accomplish this.I have tried mapping the a network drive.Then writing to the file with the path

"U://subscrib.txt" using the filesys obj.

This did not work and I am unsure why.I could not add the internet user to the permissions on the mail server because its not the same machine.

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FSO Network Drive

I have a mapped drive on my intranet web server to my internet web server. When I iterate through the drives collection on my intranet site, my mapped drive does not show up. Is there anyway I can get to this drive to read a small set of known files? I don't really want to have to create a virtual folder on the internet web server and move the files in question to it so that my intranet server can get to them.

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Map Network Drive

i would map a network drive from a share on another server. it works fine with the net use command under user login but it do not work from an asp script or dll.

is this that i have to add the iuser_<computer_name> profile into network computer that share it resources?

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Map To Network Drive

i want to map to other drive/folder in other machine is possible to do ? i am just handling some file management through web(intranet). my asp files are on my webserver, i do have an file server as well.

want i want is map to my file server so that user can handle their files (of course they are restricted to some extend). some sample code on this.

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Map Network Drive

I'm trying to create an admin page that can run miscellaneous scripts for our IT department. Currently, I'm trying to create a script that can map a network drive for a user (e.g. a form where I can input pathfolder, drive letter, and domainuser). Is this possible? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?

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Reading File On Network Drive

I am trying to read a file which resides on FILESERVERMYFOLDERmyfile.txt.I can not map this server on the webserver. I need to access it through UNC.I have a domain account which when used with ASP.NET works fine through impersonation. I use it for ASPUpload and it works fine to save files on FILESERVERMYFOLDER

I want to read the file through FILESYSTEMOBJECT. I don't know if I can impersonate using FILE SYSTEM OJBECT.How can I read the file.

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Check Network Drive Exists

Need to knnow how to check if a given network drive and folder exists.

i understand the File io system and how to check if a folder or a file exists.

PS. This would be a maped network drive.. i.e. 23232.23.4556 ( z: ) or enginering on 'werserverde' ( Y: )

Just some more to maybe help answer my question What I need it to beable to enter this "" into my serch box and have it check if it is valid or not. Code:

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Cannot Access Remote File From Mapped Drive

I want to access files from a remote server so I mapped it in my
server under z: for myserverwebmysiteimages

I added this UNC path to my IIS virtual directory and name it as
"upload" but I still cannot use any FSO to read it. Here is my code:

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FileSystem Access To Network

I want to write a script that can read and write files to a place on a network file-server. Since the machine-local IUSR is not a domain user, it cannot access the resource.I want to provide IUSR limited access to a particular place on the file server.

Can anyone help me think of a reasonably secure work-around to this issue. We tried creating a virtual directory that points to the share(using a domain account), but even then, site users can see the files (no security), but the fso (IUSR) cannot (no
functionality). There must be a way.

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Access File Path Question

I usually use SQL Server, but have occasionally had to use Access. This is
such an occasion. My research, mainly at, has been that you need
to put the file path in your connection string, like this (watch out for the

strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=c:mydirectorynamedbname.mdb;User Id=xxxxx;Password=xxxxxxx;"

Well, the host of this new site I am working on is asking me if a relative
path will work. I don't think it will, but thought I should ask.

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Path/File Access Error

I have one COM (.dll) for uploading files to server. Its working fine on server A but same code and file not working on server B giving error Path/File access error .

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Database Path

if you need to place the path to your database, what path do you place when you are having you site hosted by a web hosting company. For example my database is in a folder called "db" and its called "company.mdb"

the path I'm using is: "Data Source=c:dbcompanx.mdb"

but I keep getting a "database can't be found error" what path am I to assume they used. I mean its probably not a "C" drive so what do I place? I tried it without placing the drive but it doesn't work it seems to want only the direct path.

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Change Database Path

I downloaded the below code to add my project, but I would like to know how can I change the path of my database to /db/forumMDB? , and why ForumMDB instead forum.mdb?

Dim rsForums
Set rsForums = Connect (ForumMDB).Execute ("SELECT * FROM Forums ORDER BY Forum ASC")

structure of my folders:

/forum -------here I want to put my forum code
/db------------here I want my db of my forum

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Physical Path To Database

I am getting the following error from the following code:

Server.MapPath(), ASP 0172 (0x80004005)
The Path parameter for the MapPath method must be a virtual path. A physical path was used.

/html/objconn.asp, line 11

The code is as follows....

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Setting Database Path

What is the best/common practice when configuring the database path?When the asp application is distributed to customers. How can I facilitate trouble-free installation?. In my applications I use servermappath to determine the position of my files, but databases (Access) are usually stored in different folder structures depending
on the servers.

What is usually done to configure an application?? Ask the administrator/customer to edit global.asa manually? Is there a way to make this task easier for non experienced customers? Is the connect string with the path usually stored in global.asa or in an include file?

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Inserting Image Path Into MySQL Database Using ASP

I am struggling to store an image path to a mysql database and in the process copy the image from one folder to the folder I would like it to be copied to.

My code for the inserting the image path and data into the mysql db is below: ....

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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Access A MS Access Database Using ASP But On A Linux Box

I want to move my only window shosted client to linux. The site they have access a Microsoft Access database with the below code but i can't get it to work under Linux.

<code>Dim MM_connPang_STRING
'MM_connPang_STRING = "dsn=pangDSN"
MM_connPang_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:clientdatabasepangDB.mdb"</code>

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Access Remote Access Database From ASP

I have an ASP page needs to access a remote MS Access2000 database, I got error "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'F:Collect.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. ".

The 'F:' is a mapped drive from remote machine where the access database loactes. If I copy the database back to local box, no problem.

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How Many People Can Access The Same Access Database

I'm looking to make an online multiplayer game which will utilize Access Database... basically I require thousands of people writing and reading from the same database... I was wondering if this is possible for that... or is mdb file restricted to 1 person at a time...

If it is limited what would you suggest as the best way to control an interactive online environment? .txt files possibly?

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Drive Space

I want to check the disk drive space on a small intranet. Like 30 computers. All have been partitioned and have a D: drive that is shared and is the drive I'm trying to check. This is basically what I have tried:

Dim fs, pcdrive, cdrive, n

Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set pcdrive = fs.GetDrive("xx.xx.xx.xxshare01-d")

Response.Write("Share01 Free Drive Space is:&nbsp;" & pcdrive & "<br>")

set pcdrive = nothing
set fs = nothing

Is there something wrong with the code or would it possibly have to do with permissions? When this script runs,I get a page cannot be displayed.

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Get UNC From Drive Letter

1. The file is on a map drive, which is mapped to a folder
on the same server. Example. The user's folder 'John'.
2. I am able to get the file information
("E:PhotosImage1.jpg") and can copy the file to the
folder. ONCE I KNOW THE UNC ("headoffice-
dellsystPhotosImage1.jpg" file to copy)
I would like to be able to get the UNC from the user's
system, by submitting the drive letter to a function.
This script is for an Intranet and should be in ASP or

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Listing Folders In C: Drive

I want to be able to list all my files in a folder on the hard drive... this will be listed on our local intranet site at work.

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Connect To Mapped Drive

I have mapped a drive in our IIS, but I don't know how to connect to it from
ASP. I would like to place files (like images files) to the mapped drive
T:XXXYYY and display files from there.

I've tried using Server.MapPath, but when I put T:XXXYYY as parameter, it
will say it requires virtual path but not physical path.

Then I tried using:

Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFolder=MyFileObject.GetFolder("T:XXXYYY")
but it will say Path not found.

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Get Folders In Mapped Drive

I mapped dirve in a another computer as K: and I need to listout folders in a asp page that mapped drive. So I was checked that drive is in ready state using IsReady property, but it will return false. But when I was tried in VB application using same code it work perfectly. So any one know what can be happned.

set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set d = fso.GetDrive("K:")

if d.IsReady Then
response.write " Drive " & d.driveletter & " is Ready "
response.write " Drive " & d.driveletter & " is not Ready "
end if

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Write A File To Someone's C Drive

if it's possible to save a file down to someone's C drive from an ASP page. I've left him fiddling around with the FileSystem object and TexStream object, but I don't fancy his chances.

I'm guessing this may not be possible, as people may not be overly happy with the concept of web pages writing files to their machines, but I thought I'd ask. And it's on an intranet if that helps.

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Saving Images To Hard Drive

How can i save an image that i have on display on a ASP page, to my hard drive?
I'd like to be able to save it to let's say "C:My Documents" or something like that...

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Remote Server Drive Space

I have wrote small script that can get local drive information (e.g. size). Is there anyway I can get disk information from server ?

'Get Drive's Free space
dim MyDriveC,MyObject, MySpace
set MyObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Set Object
set MyDrivec = MyObject.GetDrive("c:")

'Free Space
MySpace = MyDrivec.AvailableSpace

'Write msg
'Response.Write("Available space on Drive C: " & MySpace)

code is working fine but when I try to put other then "c:" it says path not found.

is there anyway I can get infromation from server or remote computer ?

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Copying Files Using Mapped Drive Error

im trying to create an online doc library for our intranet using a MS Access back end

a form allows the users to enter all the details of the doc and then select the file by using a file browser ( input="file" )

the asp script then copies the file from server A to the intranet

the problem is , is that if the user chooses a mapped drive ( e.g. the S drive ) then it fails - if they use the full drive map then it works fine


Fail : s:stu.txt
Works : stuscomputer estdocsstu.txt

is it becuse the intranet server doesnt know what drive S is ?

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Pulling Files From Local Hard Drive

I am using a file type input box in an HTML form. When a file is selected, the local pathname results. Is there a way to run this form online, and access a file on the visitor's PC from the web? What pathname needs to be used?

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