Access No Record Returned

I have this on my asp page SELECT * FROM company WHERE comName LIKE '*Tech*' If I run it against Access then it returns a few records but within my ASP page, no record is returned. Why and how to fix it?

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Record Set Problem When Nothing Returned From The Stored Procedure

I have a stored procedure, which receives 3 parameters and returns a record set. Now if i pass a wrong id, or different checks in the stored procedure fail my record set does not open Here is the code:

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Add A Record To An Access Database

I'm trying to add a record to an access database using asp.

I create the database, the input form where i put the information, the asp code where i process the information and last the asp code to view the record added but when i press the submit button it show me a Downloading box for a downloaing process.Does any tell me how can i fix this problem.

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Adding Record To Ms Access Database

i cant add a record to my access database! i think the code is right which i used asp script but then only blank record was added! It added a record but then no data in it! Code:

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Access Record From Link In An Email

Ok.. I have a form the user fills out. An email is sent to them and one to our office with a link to the DB so they can view all the info. My form works fine, my emails work fine. The info gets inserted in to the DB fine.

What I would like to do is:
When the link is sent to our office, I would like it so when they click the link it opens the DB right to the info from the link. You know, like when you get an email from here saying someone posted your link has it set so when you click it, it will go right to that post.

So there you have it, any takers.. I sure could use this, otherwise they open the DB and have to search for the info and they do not like having to do much work..

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Deactivate Record In Access Database

I am uploading records automatically from an access database to the asp pages, but I am looking for a way to deactivate the record in the database so that it is not loaded into the asp page.

Do you know the asp code for this event?

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SQL Randomly Select A Record Using Access

I want to select a random record from a table within my Access database, however I am running into problems. When the page is executed, it always shows the same record. Code:

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Adding A Record To A Access Database With Asp

I'm trying to add a record to an access database using asp. I create the database, the input form where i put the information, the asp code where i process the information and last the asp code to view the record added but when i press the submit button it show me a Downloading box for a downloaing process.

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Mail And Update MS Access Record At Same Time

I have a form on a website for logged-in customers to update their contact details, when the customer update their contact details it should update the record in the database and at the same time the updated contact details should be sent to me by email.

I'm not an expert in ASP 3.0 and therefor I'm using dreamweaver 8 to create asp pages(ASP 3.0 VB), but dreamweaver does not have such kind of fuction(server behavior) to do this and so I have to create this by hand.

Now I already have page with the form that updates the record in the database, and I also have another page that does the mailing(CDONTS), first it updates the record in the database and in dreamweaver I have set "after insert the record go to mail_processing.asp" , but this does not work.

I can only get one to work, either only update the record or only mail the form data.

How can I make it to update and mail at the same time?

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Creates Corrupt Record In Access Database

I have just created a register page for my site. I have had one running for years now, but I want to upgrade so it works a bit better.

Using the code below, the record that is entered into the database is corrupt. If i try and view the page with my admin page (works with records created with my old registration system), i get a 500 error, and if i view the database in access, the rows entered by thius code all show as hash symbols... any ideas? Code:

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Change Record In Access Database With Submit Button

I have a simple table "Line" with Columns Key, OrderNumb, Panels, Gates, Posts, Color, Memo, Comp. A user enters the information into the powder.asp page. It is then added to the database. The Comp Column is populated NO by a hidden input type. The data is then displayed on a page in a table and the last column has a submit button.

When the user Presses that button I would like it to update that record in the database to change Comp to YES. Some code snipits are below. The first is where the data is presented and where the submit button is. It then will go to the next snippet that hypotheticly will change just the Comp on that record to YES. I am not sure if I am not executing the SQL correctly or something but it will not change that order number row comp to 'yes'. Code:

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Populate A Popup Window With Clickable Records From An Access DB And Upon Clicking, Populate A Selectbox On The Original Webpage With The Clicked Record

We have an ASP site that hits up an Access database of categories of
products and products. (e.g. Categories = Napkins, Tablecloths;
Products = 20x20 Napkins, 21x21 Napkins, 54x54 Tablecloths, 60x60

We currently have select boxes that when you select a category, it
populates the next select box with the proper list of products (i.e. I
select Napkins as a category, I get a listing of the Napkins)

We would like to put a clickable link before each of these select
boxes that would pull up a pop up with links from the records from the
proper table.

(e.g. I click the categories link and a popup with html
anchor tags of Napkins and Tablecloths appear) I click on the Napkins
anchor and it populates the Categories Select box with Categories and
Napkins being selected.

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Run An Exe From Asp And Get Returned Values

How is it possible to execute an exe from asp and get a returned string (no http headers in exe) ?

To run exe I use :
cmdExe = sPath & "cgi-bin
Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sResult = WshShell.Run(cmdExe, 1, True)
Set WshShell = Nothing

Response.write sResult

sResult always content "0" and not the string returned by exe file (something like "!!-1!blabla!blablablabla!")

- How is it possible to get the exe returned value ?
- Is there a solution with ?

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How Many Rows Returned?

When I do a query that I know has 2 rows, I get rs.recordcount equals -1. Same thing when it's just one row. I need something that gives me the number of rows.

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Error Returned

I am trying to update a record but it returns this error :

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Function'.
/performaindia/security/functionssys.asp, line 210

Now at line 210, I have this function :

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Error Is Returned

I am getting this error on selecting an option :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'SystemUserOnly', table 'performaindia.dbo.SecurityTableFields'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

/performaindia/security/tablefields.asp, line 220

now the line 220 is an update statement :

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Returned Values

I have a bit of a situation here, I own a job board and have multi-posting comapnies posting jobs to our database and we have returned values going back to them to tell them if the job vacancy was posted succesfully or not.

The problem I have is that our main ASP guru is of sick and the other is off away on business. I have pretty good knowledge of ASP but not as much as these guys. So I need to know how to send a response back to the posting company whether it has been succesfull in posting the job vacancy instead of sending back a page back displaying whether it was successful.

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Pagesize Not Returned

I define a recordset with a pagesize of 100 in my COM object and return this recordset to ASP. When I check my pagesize at the ASP level,it is 10 I assume this is the default.

I can set my pagesize at the ASP level after the COM function is called, but I would prefer to have this encapsulated within the COM.

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Text Returned From Sql Db

I am not sure what way to do this, i want a specific row returned and displayed in asp but not in a text box, in acess and vb i ahve done this and its just a label but not sure in asp.

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Determine If More Than One Row Returned

I have an ASP/ADO application querying an SQL Server DB. I want know the most efficient way to determine if more than one row is returned from a query. If more than one row is returned, the user will be presented with a choice of which row to process. If only one row is returned, I want to skip this stage, and process that single row immediately.

I can think of a number of ways of acheiving this (eg. .recordcount) but I'm looking for the slickest and most efficient method.

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No Data Returned.

I have a simple VBS to return some unless data (as a test) and it works correctly. Code:

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Highlight Returned Words

wondering if its possible to have some kind of searched word highlight! IE. every thing it throws up in return of search it will highlight why it has brought it up! so if search "a" all "a" in return results would be highlighted.

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Change The Returned Rows

I've got a DropDownlist with predefined numbers(5,10,15,20 etc.) which I
want to do a postback to the GridView pagesize, so that the user manually can
change returned rows. Is there a way to do that in the properties of the
Designview or must there be a code behind. If so, what is the code for this?

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? Instead Of ' In Returned Data From Xmlhttp

I am retrieving a response from another site but certain special characters such as ' (single quote) or "(double quote) and £ (pound sign are being returned as ?. The code i am using to get the page is as follows:

Set objhttp= Server.createObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "POST","" & PrmRef & ".rsp",false
' objhttp.setrequestheader "Content-Type","text/plain"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "Accept-Charset","iso-8859-1"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "content-type","text/html","charset","iso-8859-1","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "content-type","text/html"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objhttp.send formData
prmResp = objhttp.responseText

I have tried setting various values for the requestheader as commented out above but with no success.

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Times Being Returned As Dates.

I'm currently developing on IIS 5, ASP 3 and MySQL 4.1 using the latest ODBC driver from MySQL.

Any time field I have return from the database is returned as the current date. I've tried every table which has a date, created tables which soley keep records on the date.

I've submitted the date from MySQL Query browser using CURRENT_TIME and from an ASP page. Both submit fine.

I've returned the record using a Recordset to move through each and filled an array using GetRows().

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Displaying # Records Returned

short n simple question: I want to display the number of records returned from a search. Code fragment as follows:

// d/b retrieval SQL code
SQLCode = SQLCode
Set objRS = objConn.Execute (SQLCode)

// displaying the returned results
Do While (Not objRS.EOF
<< spit out records >>

Now, is there an instance of objRS I can call that will just display how many records were returned? I tried objRS.Count on a longshot, but that didn't work

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Working With Values Returned Via SQL

I have an ASP report that returns values from a SQL database and
formats the data in an HTML table.

I am trying to figure out a good way of using CSS to highlight the
table row that contains the highest value returned.

I tried storing the values in an array, and then used a function to
find the highest value. This worked, but then I couldn't really
figure out how to "tell" the report to highlight that highest value.

Could anyone think of an easier way?

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Randomising The Returned Recordset

I need to be able to do a search (postcode) from a list of around 2500 addresses. I would like to create a temp table and for the returned recordset to be in a random order, until that is the user requests to sort by say Name, Address etc...

The order initially needs to be random because I do not want the same 'top' addresses appearing for the same postcodes...

I thought I could in the temp table assign a sort order column and then place a random number in it. If I choose a large random number range then the likelihood that the same record has the same number is low...

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BSTR String Returned

i have an asp page which creates a object using server.createobject and uses its method.i get some garbage value.


set obj1= server.createobject("test.test") ' test is a dll
tmp = obj1.method() ' it returns a BSTR string.

i want to display tmp in HTML. when i tried to print tmp like


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Count No Of Records Returned

I have created a simple search engine which retrieves records from an access database using sql and displays them using ASP.How do I go about counting the number of records that have been retrieved?

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Strange Value Returned From Recordcount

why a ADO recordset.recordcount would return a -1? I have confirmed that it has records in it by writing some values to the screen. Why can't I count the number of records returned though?

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Count Records Returned

I have been using the following code to count the number of rows returned from a query:

Alldata = rs.Getrows()
NumRows = Ubound(Alldata, 2)

The problem is I am now having to limit the number of rows that it returns:

Alldata = rs.Getrows(300)

Now my NumRows always equals 300 no matter how many matches are found so my counter doesn't work. Does anyone know a way around this?I know that I can use SELECT COUNT(*)..... instead in an SQL query but that means making two trips to the server which I don't really want to do.

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Limiting Characters Returned

I am looking for a simple way to limit the amount of letters/Characters returned so that it does not throw off my pages styling. Basically I have the following: Code:

Dim SomeVariable

If that SomeVariable has 300 characters in it it will create a very large table that it displays in so, what I want to do is limit it to say 25 or 50 Characters and simply put like .... after it. Any Ideas?

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