Access Record From Link In An Email

Ok.. I have a form the user fills out. An email is sent to them and one to our office with a link to the DB so they can view all the info. My form works fine, my emails work fine. The info gets inserted in to the DB fine.

What I would like to do is:
When the link is sent to our office, I would like it so when they click the link it opens the DB right to the info from the link. You know, like when you get an email from here saying someone posted your link has it set so when you click it, it will go right to that post.

So there you have it, any takers.. I sure could use this, otherwise they open the DB and have to search for the info and they do not like having to do much work..

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Record Navigation Link

how can i create a NEXT, PREVIOUS record navigation link; such that when i retrieve from the database and click NEXT it will display the next set of records, or when i click on PREVIUOS, it will display previous set of records from the database.

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Creating A Link For The URL That Is Inside Record Set

How can i make the URL to be a link that is in record set (coming from the database)? Along with URL this field might alo contain some text message.

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Asp Email Verification Check Valid Email Thru Mx Record

how to write to check verification valid email thru nslookup or mx record or dns record. Is it possible to do that. Is there any tutorial from sitepoint, previously found it but i lost the link.

example to check assume is not a real email, is real email
how do u check it.

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Access An Access Link Table

I have an Access DB which contains couple of link tables. All these tables are from different databases. So each one has it's own database password. Since there is no way to save the password during the DSN creation. Then you need to manually type in the password each first time when open the table.

This causes the problem in ASP code during run a query. Since the table cannot be accessed due to the password protection. Is there any statement than can open a table and meanwhile pass the password in? Does anyone experienced with the similar situation?

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Email To Link

I am using this code

<table border="1">
Do While Not rstSimple.EOF
<td><%= rstSimple.Fields("username").Value %></td>
<td><%= rstSimple.Fields("password").Value %></td>
<td><%= rstSimple.Fields("email").Value %></td>

How can I make the email field a hyper link?

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Send A Link In An Email With CDO

I have tried a simple asp page which send out an email with a message:"This is a testing". This has been done in CDO and it works fine. However, when I tried with:

objmail.htmlbody = "<a href="""">Hotmail</a>"

it doesn't work pretty well. The following was the output:


How can I make it to display only the word "Hotmail" that links to Could anyone help me please?

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Unsubscribe Link In Email?

I have an embedded piece of flash in a page, sending an email variable out to an asp page which is inturn sending an email out to subscriber email addy, and inserting into database, this worx fine.

in the email sent out I have included a link to the delete.asp page so they unsubscribe,carrying the email variable on the end, however i think my syntax is slightly out with the quotes and double quotes and although with the email recieved in my inbox and then view source, the correct email is there, BUT when you click the link, it is not appearing after the .asp?email2=. and then obviously my delete is returning not found in database.

If i have the asp running in DreamW on the live mode and put the email in it recognises and deletes fine, so i'm guessing it is my syntax in the body/asp before sending the email. Code:

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I have an Access table field that contains email data. I can display the contents of that field to a page, using, <%= (objRS("email")) %>, but I don't know how to make it a hyperlink when it's written to the to display the data as a link on the page, instead of simple text? Do I have to modify the Db record, the page or both?

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Email Confirmation Link

I'm using CDO mail in my asp scripts, and I need to find a script that whereas a user signs up for your website.

when he hits submit,an email goes to his email box with a confirmation link for him to click so to ensure he has a valid email address. Does anyone know of a package or series of scripts that works with this?

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Sending An Email On Click Of A Link

What is the best way to be able to add a function to my advert at the bottom of a clients site, so that when clicked an email is sent to me, without having to refresh the page to do so.

Its so that I can do a survey on the amount of clicks my links are getting in the footer depending on the message i put there.

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Email A Link Of A Website To A Friend

I am just wondering how the function that we see on website that says "email this page to a friend" work.

I know that all the info is passed on via an email, but how is it actually code in asp?

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Email Address Link Question

I can't remember the code for email address link. The program will open up default email service when the user click on an email. Do you know what I'm talking about?

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Email Link In Message Through Msgbox

I am trying to include an email link in the message displayed through a msgbox function. How can I do that? or can I?

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Link Access DB

Does anybody know if it is possible with asp to link a txt file to an access database?

Now I have linked the file using Access and uploaded the database back to my webserver, so I have a 'link specification'. I'm not sure how this is called in English since I'm using MS Access in Dutch , but a don't have any idea how to use this specification (where is it stored in Access? to link a txt file to the database.

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Send Email With Link To Current Page

How would I send an email to someone from a webpage with a link to the
current page? I've seen this where you can put in your email, the person's
email that you are sending teh page to, a subject for the email, and a
message along with the link.

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Link Access Form To Web?

Is it possible to link forms developed using Access 2K
with an asp page? I want to be able to pass on the order
no. by clicking to an access form and display results.

Is it possible? If yes, can you give me some leads how
to do?

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Link Access Database

Can anyone tell me or guide me (in details) on how to link Access Database in ASP, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE issues.Is there any sites offering this resource?

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Need To Do 2 Tasks Based On User Click On Email Link

My app lists jobs for a recruiter. He wants to track members who have
replied directly to job postings. So instead of simply making the client's
email address an <a href="mailto:...> link, I need to do 2 things:

- add a record of their posting to a database table
- open the email client to the job

Howe do I do this? The first part is easy, but I don't know how to open the
email client in an ASP command (I don't really want to auto-sed email, just
open the client and let the user attach their resume and add their cover
latter). Do I have to get my Web Hosting company to install CDO, or is that
standard with all IIS? I get an error when I try to run 'Set MailObj =

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MySQL And Access Database Link

Is it possible to call fields from a MySQL Database and an Access Database on the same asp web page? If so, can someone please point me in the direction of a good guide/article/post on how to do this.

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Email Validation Of Email Address Within An Access Database

Im running a simple mail system program which emails newsletters to a database list of 3000+ users.

The program loops through a database containing the emails and sends them out using ASPEmail.

My question is, is there some way i can validate each email address so that if there are invalid characters e.g. the space in "blah"
it will skip the record and continue the loop.

At the moment i have a working program however, whenever the program comes across an invalid email address it stops at that record and prevents the program from emailing any further.

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Problem On Querying Access Link Table In ASP Page

I connected MS Exchange Server to MS Access database using Access link
table function. I can open the database table and see the fields and
data inside the link table. However, the table seems cannot be queried
by SQL statement.

My situation is:

I'm building an intranet. I have a ASP login page for all staff in the
company to login. Other people can't register or login the intranet.
That's the reason I use the company email address to verify username
login name.

After I made the link to the Global Address List (rename to
StaffList), I can see the Alias field. I wrote ASP code to use Alias
field to verify user login name. But, the ASP page seems experiencing
difficulties. I always got the "Connection Timeout" Error. Code:

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Add A Record To An Access Database

I'm trying to add a record to an access database using asp.

I create the database, the input form where i put the information, the asp code where i process the information and last the asp code to view the record added but when i press the submit button it show me a Downloading box for a downloaing process.Does any tell me how can i fix this problem.

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Access No Record Returned

I have this on my asp page SELECT * FROM company WHERE comName LIKE '*Tech*' If I run it against Access then it returns a few records but within my ASP page, no record is returned. Why and how to fix it?

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Adding Record To Ms Access Database

i cant add a record to my access database! i think the code is right which i used asp script but then only blank record was added! It added a record but then no data in it! Code:

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Deactivate Record In Access Database

I am uploading records automatically from an access database to the asp pages, but I am looking for a way to deactivate the record in the database so that it is not loaded into the asp page.

Do you know the asp code for this event?

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SQL Randomly Select A Record Using Access

I want to select a random record from a table within my Access database, however I am running into problems. When the page is executed, it always shows the same record. Code:

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Adding A Record To A Access Database With Asp

I'm trying to add a record to an access database using asp. I create the database, the input form where i put the information, the asp code where i process the information and last the asp code to view the record added but when i press the submit button it show me a Downloading box for a downloaing process.

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Mail And Update MS Access Record At Same Time

I have a form on a website for logged-in customers to update their contact details, when the customer update their contact details it should update the record in the database and at the same time the updated contact details should be sent to me by email.

I'm not an expert in ASP 3.0 and therefor I'm using dreamweaver 8 to create asp pages(ASP 3.0 VB), but dreamweaver does not have such kind of fuction(server behavior) to do this and so I have to create this by hand.

Now I already have page with the form that updates the record in the database, and I also have another page that does the mailing(CDONTS), first it updates the record in the database and in dreamweaver I have set "after insert the record go to mail_processing.asp" , but this does not work.

I can only get one to work, either only update the record or only mail the form data.

How can I make it to update and mail at the same time?

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Creates Corrupt Record In Access Database

I have just created a register page for my site. I have had one running for years now, but I want to upgrade so it works a bit better.

Using the code below, the record that is entered into the database is corrupt. If i try and view the page with my admin page (works with records created with my old registration system), i get a 500 error, and if i view the database in access, the rows entered by thius code all show as hash symbols... any ideas? Code:

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Change Record In Access Database With Submit Button

I have a simple table "Line" with Columns Key, OrderNumb, Panels, Gates, Posts, Color, Memo, Comp. A user enters the information into the powder.asp page. It is then added to the database. The Comp Column is populated NO by a hidden input type. The data is then displayed on a page in a table and the last column has a submit button.

When the user Presses that button I would like it to update that record in the database to change Comp to YES. Some code snipits are below. The first is where the data is presented and where the submit button is. It then will go to the next snippet that hypotheticly will change just the Comp on that record to YES. I am not sure if I am not executing the SQL correctly or something but it will not change that order number row comp to 'yes'. Code:

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Access DB And Email

Is it possible to send an email based on a query to an Access db? My intention is to send out an email based on say a drop down item the user selects. Does anyone know if I can use a SELECT statement to pull the record and format it into an email?

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ASP Pulling Email From Access

I have a database that has an email column that either contains an email address or a value "n/a" All I want to do is loop through the column in ASP by checking to see if the "@" is in the address and if it is feed the email address into a mailto: href tag . I think something is wrong with my code because it just returns the name but not the href.

<% IF InStr(1, contactObjRS("Email"), "@") = 1Then %>
<a href="<A href='mailto%=contactObjRS("Email'>mailto%=contactObjRS("Email") %>"><%=contactObjRS("FirstName") %>
<%Response.Write(" ") %>
<%=contactObjRS("LastName") %></a></font>
<% Else %>
<%=contactObjRS("FirstName") %>
<%Response.Write(" ") %>
<%=contactObjRS("LastName") %>
<% End If %>ted.

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