Accessing Keys In The AppSection Of Web.Config

I am trying to store some information (like application paths) in the web.config file of my ASP C# project. To that end I did the following: Code:

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Difference Between Machine.config And Web.config

I want to know the difference between Machine.config and Web.config files in ASP.NET.

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Web.Config Value

I have an ASP site. Now we need to define some setting on config file.
on basis of that value asp page control will switch visible true or
false. everything is working if I hard coded the value but only need
to know how could I read the config file value in asp page.

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IIS 5.0 Config

I have followed knowledege base Article 301305. I am running 2000 adv, IIS 5.0 . I have the following settings to the folder that has the asp.

Application settings
application name: upload
Starting poing: <website>upload
Execute Permissions: Scripts Only
App Protection: High(isolated)

Is there anything else i need to do? I installed the lockdown awhile back...does that interfere?

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got things a litme more fixed here after spending another 4 hours figuring out things within the .net framework but ey it's all for the better. WHat if i wanted to start my web.config programaticly, how would i load it into my applicaion and maybe more important, where.

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Shortcut Keys

I am designing Admin pages for my web site.I am using HTML frames, VBscript, Javascript, ASP , Microsoft Access as database etc.

I want when any Administrator put focus on any perticular frame and press some shortcut keys (like CTRL+A) then in the same frame one link called 'Admin' should be visible and active which then drive Administrator in Admin area to make necessary changes.For the rest user this Admin section would not be visible at all.

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Primary Keys

Does anyone know how I can open up an entry in a microsoft access database table using its primary key through asp?

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Trapping F1, F2, F3, F4, Etc. Keys

Is there a way to trap F1, F2, F3, F4 etc. keys on ASP and have our own
codes to do whatever necessary for each of those keys ?

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Web.config Sections Replace

how to replace the system.web section using MSBUILD? I managed to change the appSettings and connectionStrings sections but when i tried to replace system.web i got an error message reporting missing system.web section.

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Cannot Run Any Project , Problem With Config ?

I'm using VS2003 and .net framework 1.1, everytime I create a new project and run (debug or release) I get this on my browser (in this case, my project is WebApplication5):

Access to the path "c:windowsmicrosoft.netframeworkv1.1.4322Temporary ASP.NET Fileswebapplication5

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Access Machine.Config

How do i access user defined section in machine.config file? Is there any runtime api that I can use.

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Ascertain Primary Keys

Is it possible to ascertain which fields are the primary keys from an Access table just using asp? If so how?

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Secure Session Keys

I would like to implement user authentication and session management for my
applications. I've been using solution 1 (below) for most of my
applications in the past since the target audience is mostly intranet based.

Now that I'm creating a more global application, I want to use a method that
does not require cookies, yet maintain a farily high level of security and
fault tolerance.

Is there a better way to handle this problem? What method does the big
Internet shopping companies use?


A user is authenticated and is given a session key. The session key is
passed to the user in an HTML page and returned to the server using a query
string. The user then copies the URL and gives it to his friend to see.
Since the URL now contains the session key, how does the server distinguish
between the authenticated user and his friend?

Solution 1:

Use an ASP session variable to store the session key between page requests.
This solution requires that the client have session cookies enabled. If the
session is not encrypted (i.e. SSL), the ASP session id is still passed via.
clear text, and is vulnerable.

Solution 2:

Use a session key that identifies the location (IP address) of the user. If
the submitted session key doesn't match the user's location, then the
session key is invalid. The session key can be passed as part of the URL
and does not require cookies. This method is vulnerable to IP spoofing, and
breaks if the user is behind a NAT server, or web caching server that masks
the true IP address.

Solution 3:

Have the session key returned to the server via an HTTP POST request. This
method does not require cookies, but is clear text and vulnerable if the
session is not encrypted. The session key is lost if the user navigates to
a page manually issuing an HTTP GET request.

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Randomize Array Keys

I want to do something that should be simple, it is in php, but i can't seem to find any array functions in asp to do this. I have an array with x number of items (the x may change, could be 10/50/etc.) that will start with 1 and end with x.

For example (excuse my poor syntax):
myArray[0] = 1
myArray[1] = 2
myArray[2] = 3
myArray[3] = 4

What I want is to call a function and randomize the array as a new array, so for example:
randArray[0] = 3
randArray[1] = 1
randArray[2] = 4
randArray[3] = 2

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Get Remote Registry Keys

Is it possible to get a key from the registry if a remote machine?We have three print servers (tin) serving an ERP application for different areas of the business.Currently someone has to logon and check to see if the servers are still running each morning.

However while they are running they increment a key in the registry once every second each time they poll. If I can get ASP to read this value, I should be able to setup a
webpage to monitor the situation.I've found RegObj.dll on the Microsoft site, but this
doesn't seem to work in ASP.

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Creating Primary Keys

creating a script that will create a primary key base on the date today and a number ( ex. 1124204-1, 112404-2) with the last number increasing by one. the script should automatically increase the number if the key has already been used.

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Working With INI Style Config Files

It there a standardized process of working with text files that follow the typical INI file pattern with sections within it designated with square brackets? I am looking at needing to read in some of these into the DB and then editing in the DB and writing the files back out again. As an example they would have sections like this:

'Stuff here

'Stuff here

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Inserting Into Table With Foreign Keys (asp)

I'm trying to insert into a table with foreign keys. The statement works in query analyzer but not when I do it in asp to insert the data from a form. Code:

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Remove/Delete Keys From Cookie

I'm using cookies to maintain a shopping cart. I can find plenty of tutorials and articles on deleting a cookie, but only deleteing a single key within a cookie is harder to find...

Surely there is a more efficient way to remove a cart item from my cookie than setting it equal to "", isn't there?

I mean, technically the cookie will still hold the text cartitem1 = "", right? Which takes up unnecessary space...

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Function Keys To Post A Form

I have disabled the function keys (F1-F12). I would like each funtion key to submit a form. I'm not quite sure how to tell each function key to submit (post) for me.

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Insert Problem With Primary And Foreign Keys

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Sybase][ODBC Driver]Integrity constraint violation: no primary key value for foreign key 'MemberCode' in table 'PersonMember'
/admin/Member_New-Sybase.asp, line 39

What i am doing is first i have added a record to my persons table the next step is i need to add this person id to the PersonMember table with a new MemberCode and then finally add more information to a membership table. Code:

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Web Deployment Project, Web.config Section Replacement Is Not Work

While debugging why a web.config section replacement was not happening in the real web application, I tried a simplified case, no replacement is enabled and the connection string is not showing up? Code:

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Web.config File, Default Page Precedence, Shared Hosting

I moved a site from a dedicated server to a shared hosting environment. On my dedicated I could specify the order of precedence for the default / index files. On the shared default.asp takes precedence of index.html and I can not change that.

Support told me to look into using a web.config file to accommodate my needs. What I need to do is have the index.html file show up first, not the default.asp Is the web.config file the route to take?

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Sql Connection In Web.config Error Saying "Provider" Is Not A Valid Keyword

I am now all of a sudden getting an error in this sql connection
string, saying that the Provider keyword is invalid:

<add key="MM_CONNECTION_STRING_isox"
value="Provider=SQLOLEDB;SERVER=xx.xx.xx.xx;UID=xx;PWD=xx x;DATABASE=xxxx;"

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Accessing FTP From ASP

Is it possible to open an FTP connection in ASP? I would like to download a file (short one), and display the contents on the page. Previously I used PHP and it was quite simple there, but I didn't find any information on this for ASP. Any suggestions?

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how do i access the next record in a database using a next button in a form. Assuming that i have accessed the first record and displayed on a page, now a 'next' button should be able to retrieve the next record in the db.

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Accessing A Value

if it was possible using asp to access a textbox value from the parent page in a popup page.The popup page is asp therefore the statement which tries to access the value from the parent page must be asp code (so no javascript functions can be used to access it).

I have tried several attempts at gaining the value such as:

theTxtValue = request("opener.document.system.txtbox1.value")

But none of my combinations seem to work,can anybody clarify if what I am trying to achieve is actually possible?

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ASP Accessing SQL

i m writing some ASP to access a SQL database and it doesn't seem to be connecting right, i was wondering if someone could see if I have gone wrong anywhere in the connection code below and explain what i put in the DSN?

Dim CN
Dim RecordSet
Set CN=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
CN.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; DSN=whats this?; uid=; password=; Initial Catalog=Table"
Set RecordSet = CN.Execute("SELECT * FROM Table where something ='"&VARIABLE&"'")
<%Connection.Close %>

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Accessing Data

At our company we daily need to access data from a website and use this data on other reports which we run daily...

step 1: we go the wesite
step 2: we authorize ourselves by providing username and login
step3: after successful login..the webpage provides us with links
step 4: we select one the links and then this lists the links to the documents (PDF and EXCEL) formats from where we get the data...

Now... is there a way to write a ASP connect to the website, provide user details and access the desired link and then the desired document. And then we need to parse this document for the desired it better to access the data from the PDF or from the EXCEL

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Accessing Raw HTML

I know that when I send a request for an ASP script to the server, IIS gets the script, interprets the ASP and then basically spews out a load of HTML to my browser (over simplified I know). Hence the reason why when I look at the source code in IE all I see is HTML and no ASP.My question is this: Is it possible to get this source code as a string somehow to then further manipulate with ASP in a second page?
Surely there must be a way?

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Accessing Database In ASP

As luck would have it I've landed a client whose site relies on ASP and what I can only assume is an MS Access database. ASP is definitely not the language of my choice but I'm stuck with having to learn the basics for what I'm required to do.
Basically the database is located in the folder /fpdb/ and is called vsproducts.mdb. It was actually installed by the off-the-shelf shopping cart/catalogue script that is being used by the site's owner. I need to be able to access and display on a page some data found in this database. Is this easy? I have next to no knowledge of ASP so please keep things as simple as possible

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Accessing Relationships

Is it possible to access the relationship information from an ASP program? I'd like to be able to traverse the relationship tree of a .mdb file on my server from ASP/javascript code.

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Accessing ATL Web Service From ASP

Could someone have got samples on how to use ATL web services from an ASP page?.

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