Accessing Server Variables From The Client Browser

I want to be able to client process of the ASP page to get the value
populated in Request("rssFeed"), how can I do this because the Request
object is not available to the Client-side.

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Client/Server Side Variables

At the moment I am building a small news board on my companys intranet. There are 2 different offices with 2 different domains. for each office I want to show different news relating to that office.

Is there any way with asp to get the name of the domain that the user is logged onto so I can filter different news for each domain. This will just save the hassle of putting the intranet on 2 different domains.

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Access Variables From Asp Server To Client?

isit possible to access variables (code) from ASP server script to ASP client page?? take for example the code supplied below:

'server script
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim svalue
svalue="access me"

'client code
dim x
x = svalue 'svalue isfrom server script
response.write x

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Accessing ASP.Net Web App With Non-IE Browser

I am part of a group that has developed an ASP.Net web application.
I'm presently trying to test some code I wrote that checks for IE
browser at session start (and issue warning if not IE), but I can't
seem to "get out the starting blocks" with any non-IE browser: I've
tried Netscape 4.8, Netscape 7.0, and Opera 7.5. I've gotten a few
different errors, but most often I get the following when attemting to
access the startup page:

HTTP 401.2 - Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration
Internet Information Services

Anybody know how to get another browser to work? Only my old Netscape
4.8 pops up a login dialogue, but I can't get that to log in

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ADSI Error When Accessing From Non-localhost Browser

I am working on building a tool Using ASP/COM & IIS5.1 for a
non-administrative technical support team to change domain passwords for
users. I have the basic interface built and working from my developement
machine (Windows XP Pro SP 1A) which is hosting the pages for now. The
problem is that when I try to access the site from a browser on a different
pc using my credentials (IIS is running in Windows Authentication), it
appears that the ADSI queries stop working and I get the following errors:

a.. Error Type:
/ASP_TEST.ASP, line 64

which corresponds with a code that queries Active Directory for a particular
OU to return the users within that OU.

I am a newbie to ASP developement so maybe I am missing something really
trivial, like can I even accomplish this task in this manner?

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Display PDF In The Client Browser

I am trying to display a PDF file in a client browser and get garbled characters. Here is my code and please let me know if I am making any mistake. The client machine has Adobe ACrobat (Full version installed) Code:

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Accessing Variables

I'm having some problems getting variables to spit out the info I need.

Do While LoopCounter +1 < Session("TeamPop")
<td><input type="text" name="Reliable<%=TeamMember&LoopCounter%>" maxlenth="40" size="8"> </td>

Now if this executes three times it should generate three input boxes with names Reliable###### where each box is named Reliable with a five digit number after it which is stored in TeamMember1, TeamMember2, and TeamMember3. Unfortunately I just keep getting Reliable1, Reliable2, and Reliable3. Code:

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Accessing ASP Variables

I am retrieving some values from the database using ASP. I need to assign these values to a dynamically populated select menu in an HTML page using Javascript.

How can i access the ASP/VBScript defined variables within my javascript function?

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Problem In Detecting Whether The Cookie Is Enabled/disabled At Client Browser

I am writing an application in ASP which needs to decide at server side while the ASP code is executing whether the cookie is enabled/disabled at the client browser or not.

I do got the code which runs accurately when the IP Address is given of the server. It does not work when I access the web server(local development server) by it's name.

Please note that the code below sometimes does not work even when the IP Address was given to access the web site.

The code snippet is as under:-

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Accessing Seesion Variables

I'm trying to use... the session variable in a subroutine...

like this

<script language="vbscript">
sub add_to()
form2.txtemail.value = session("userid")
end sub

and now the problem is i'am not able to get the output.. but where as when i use it here i get the output

<title>Admin <% Response.Write(Session("userid"))%></title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

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Accessing Values Of Local Variables

I have created a nice funky 500 - 100 error page which gives a nicer error; happily loops through and supplies querysting information, all headers, server variables..etc but it has a limitation. On a normal error page you can always use a response.write then
response.end to look a the value of a local variable.

What I would LOVE would be to be able to loop through all the local variables (not
form or querystring, they're sorted) on the previous page and display their values so a developer would see the complete state of the page on the error page without having to use any on error statements. Has anyone achieved this, I can't think of a way at all.

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VBScript (client-side) And ASP Variables

I'm having an issue using a VBScript (client side) and ASP together.

Basically I have this piece of testing code (sampled from my site) where the "Order Total" is obtained from the server. In my code I just declare an "Order Total" server side variable and set it myself. Code:

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Update Database Using Variables Passed Through Browser

I am creatiung a track record website which displays a list of branches and how many people are available at each individual time slot.

I thought the best way to update would be to create a link which passed two variables, the branch and what time slot. This would then be retrieved int he book.asp page which then would knock one of the current count. I came up with the below page: Code:

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How To Use Variables Of An Array In ASP To Client Script In The Same Form ?

I have an array varibles in ASP script and i want to use these

varibles again in client Script (in VBScript) .

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Can't Access Client Side Environment Variables

I am trying to find out how to access %APPDATA% environment variable on the client side of an ASP Intranet application. I need this so that I can perform some cleanup function. So far everything I read points to using Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables("APPDATA"); I can't seem to get this to work. Error message says Environment not defined.

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Accessing Files On Another Server

Development environment: Windows 2003 Server running IIS6 and the same
server running as a domain controller, DNS and DHCP servers.

Production environment: Windows 2000 Server SP4 running IIS5 and not used
to provide domain control or name services.

The two environments are on different networks with no trust relationship
between them. In both environments the web server is set up to disallow
anonymous access and to use integrated Windows authentication. The
application is vanilla ASP (i.e. not .NET) VBScript.

In the development environment, the following code runs flawlessly no
matter whether "myUNCPath" points to a share on the web server or a share
on another server in the same domain.

Set objFilesys = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFileSys.FolderExists(myUNCPath) Then
Set objFolder = objFileSys.CreateFolder(myUNCPath)
End If

However, in the production environment it falls over with a permission
denied error when "myUNCPath" is on another server and further testing
shows that the FolderExists method is returning false even when
"myUNCPath" exists. The network share is configured to give full control
to the Everyone group.

I've found which although
referring to IIS4 suggests that the issue could be the authentication
method (I'm assuming that integrated Windows authentication is close
enough to NT Challenge/Response and so might generate a token that cannot
access network resources). I'm not sure of this is the problem because if
it were then the code shouldn't work in my development environment.

Any ideas on what's going wrong and how to access the network resources
in the production environemt?

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Accessing LDAP Server

I am trying to access a LDAP server with ASP with no sucess. I can do it with ColdFusion but not ASP. All the examples I have seen so far do not use passwords or userid's. My LDAP server requires password and user credentials. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

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Error Accessing SQL Server

I am trying to execute some code from an ASP page which connects to the database.I am getting the error message from SQL Server.The error message is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

The specified schema name "aspSchema" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.Can someone please tell me why I am getting this error and how to solve it?

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Accessing The MS Exchange Server

I have developed a fairly simple CMS for my intranet at work - I would like to have a "Request a photographer form" that e-mails me the posted data by utilizing our intranet exchange server, if possible.

I'm not really looking to code this but I will if I absolutely have to =) Anyone know how to do it or where I can find a simple form script that does? I have found lots that work with sendmail and other types of servers but none for exchange.

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Accessing SQL Server Index

I'm working on creating a search functionality. I have keywords of articles in one column of a SQL server table, and the search terms of the user is hitting that column.

It works but I'm stuck on how to determine relevancy. I know you can create indexes in SQL server, and if it works anything lik Index Server, I was thinking that I could connect via ADO and determine relevancy.

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Difference Between Environment Variables And Server Variables

can anyone tell me difference between environment variables and server variables.

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Accessing A Web Service From An Active Server Page

I have implemented a Web Service on an IIS 5.0 platform using the ASP listener
I can access the Web Service just fine from a VB 6 App and classic ASP using the SOAP 3.0 toolkit and its "MSSOAP.SoapClient30" object

However, one of the servers that I'd like to call the Web Service from is a shared hosting platform that does not offer the "MSSOAP.SoapClient30" object
It only has the MS XMLDOM. I have located an example of Accessing a Web Service via the MSXML DOM from an Active Server Page where the Web Service is on a .NET platform (

But I need to know how to access a Web Service from an Active Server Page with the MS XMLDOM where the Web Service is implemented using classic ASP.

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Accessing HTTP Script Server Side

My ISP provides some scripts that allow control of the server by using scripts that are accessed via http. I want to be able to access these scripts from an ASP/Jscript application but I don't want the command displayed in the address bar of the browser. Adds a mail alias fred to user@domain.dom . I think that this can be done with fopen in PHP but I don't know how it is done with ASP.

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Accessing Text Or Large Varchar Fields In SQL Server

I have read that there can be a periodic problem when reading large varchar or text fields from SQL server (or memo fields from Access)--they can sometimes come up as empty strings.

What I have been unable to find out is whether this problem is still around in recent versions of MDAC (>= 2.8). Does anyone know whether this problem still occurs--is it still necessary to follow the steps in that aspfaq article?

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Accessing/Passing An Object Variable To A Server.Execute Include

I've been browsing this and a few other related newsgroups trying to get my head around this problem, and so far all the trails seem to go cold, without an acceptable solution being reached. I'm posting here because there seems to be a few MVP's knocking around, and if they dont know, then it's a safe bet nobody does.

I'm beginning to think that what I want to do is simply not possible - but i'll put it out there once more.

Here goes: I'm writing a content managaement system - and i'm making use of dynamic includes via the "read a text file" technique, and then substitiuting values into markers in the template. Code:

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Server And Client

I have my asp pages stored in my server ,but when i try and call the asp pages in the clinet side it does not show a portion of the page,the same thing if i call from the server it shows me.

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Web Server To Client

I need to know if, and how, it is possible to use ASP to download a file automatically from the web server to the client in a given path. Is that possible ? Ideally I want a page with a link that when pressed it will copy a certain file that exists on the web server down to the client.

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Access Web Server MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Returning Status 500 When Accessing Webservice

I am trying to access a webservice to post some values via MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp The OS used is win2003 on both machines.

When I access the local machine (A) which has the same service the call works great. When I access the other machine (B) that is on the same subnet, I get a Status of 500. Code:

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Server/client Probs

oChart.ExportPicture file_path, "gif", 200, 200

Response.Write "<img src='"&file_path&"'>"

if file_path=/smart/chart.gif

how this code can run in client computer as it will search in the local cmputer

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Server.Execute Hangs Browser

I have a content management system with a html editor embedded in a page (uses a text area tag) within the tag I use Server.Execute(pageToExecute), it works for some pages but others it hangs the browser.

If I remove the ServerExecute line the page loads fine. Theres no error messages nothing and the page it is executing is simple html in an asp file. Any reasons why this would happen? Im using Windows Server 2003. All browsers.

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Server Side Browser Sniffer

Is it possible to have a server-side browser sniffer using ASP that will check for a browser (such as IE5 for Mac) and then use the correct include file for the browser?

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Download File From Server To Client In Asp

we have some exist file at server site.we wants to open it from any client by simple browse or click on file. is tre any tool to do this or any script.

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Web Applications Is Client-server Application?

My boss told me web application is NOT client-server application. I argued
with him because browser is the client, and the server code put in server.
Then web application should be a client-server application. My understanding
is that a web application is an application that runs on a browser. But
client-server application is not necessary a web application.

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