Accessing The MS Exchange Server

I have developed a fairly simple CMS for my intranet at work - I would like to have a "Request a photographer form" that e-mails me the posted data by utilizing our intranet exchange server, if possible.

I'm not really looking to code this but I will if I absolutely have to =) Anyone know how to do it or where I can find a simple form script that does? I have found lots that work with sendmail and other types of servers but none for exchange.

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Accessing Exchange Via ASP-file

I have an application where I access Exchange server via an ASP-file whit
the following code:

objSession.Logon "", "", False, True, 0, True, "ExchangeServerName" & vbLF &

This works fine for years on one server. I now want to move the application
to a new server I get error code number 424. I use the same Exchange server
and the same mailboxUser but from a different server. Anyone knows what the
error code 424 means?

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Accessing Exchange Data Using ASP

Does any one know how to access Information from a Corporate Network's Exchange Server, such as an Address Book or Address Entriers for a user curerntly logged on, by means of COM (CDO) using ASP (VBScript)

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Sending Email By Using Corporate Exchange Server Instead Of Local Server

I have created a form that sends email thru my local server. What I want to do is send the email thru our corporate Exchange server. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? Please advise. Thanks.

P.S. I’m using Dreamweaver MX2004.

The code that sends email is shown below ....

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Exchange Server 5.5

I require an Asp script that will enable me to get all sizes of mailboxes held on Exchange Server v5.5. What I want to achieve is to list all users with a mailbox over a certain Kb size.

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ASP And Exchange Server

I am an intermediate with ASP and i'm not sure if this is possible but i'll give it a shot. I am creating a Listserv (newsgroup) and I want them able to reply to messages in there email. Right now I have sign up form online which connectes to an access db which stores the emails. The admin uses a web based form to send letters and if the subscribers want to send a message or reply they have to use another web form. How can I use exchange server to eliminate the web based forms?

So basicly I want them to reply in like outlook, but the emails are all in access. So when they reply to the list email (, somewhere in the exchange server the server will read the db and send the message to the subscribed emails.

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Exchange Server, Email Is Never Sent

I'm sending email from a networked computer that uses an exchange server on yet a different computer. With the two different types of code posted below, the email will only send successfully on my computer. When I step into a colleague's office (using the same exchange server), no email is ever sent....

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Outlook Exchange Server

I have a form with a input text box where a user has to enter a work email address.Is there anyway that he or she can click a link which will open Microsoft Outlook and list all the work email addresses, thereby selecting an email address which will be automatically inoutted into the input text box?

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Exchange Server 2000

How would I be able to simply read an MS Exchange Server 2000 mail and transfer it to a SQL Server 2000 database programmatically. I need reference for this an has been unsuccessful in looking for any for the past week already.

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Exchange Server For SMTP

I have no knowledge of Exchange server, and have always used CDO to send emails from ASP in the past. the server in question doesn't have SMTP installed alongside IIS, it has Exchange installed which apparantly does have SMTP capabilities but not like the default ones normally accessbile via IIS.

Has anyone ever used this approach to sending emails? I'm hoping that I dont need a component or anything else, just some changes to my existing email code.

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CDO Mail Failure On Exchange Server

I use the method below to send emails from an asp page that's part of a
web application:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D"
NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" -->
On error Resume Next
Dim cdoConfig, cdoMessage

Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With cdoConfig.Fields
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = ""
.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25
End With
Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With cdoMessage
Set .Configuration = cdoConfig
.From = "Me<>"
.To = "You<>"
.Subject = "Surprise!"
.TextBody = "Helloooo..."

If err.number Then
Response.Write("Houston! We have a problem...")
End If
End With
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

On the production server (Windows 2003 Server) everything works fine
and I don't have a problem sending the mails from the application.
However, I recently upgraded my development box to Windows XP Pro SP2
and the code fails with with the following error:

CDO.Message.1 (0x80040213)
The transport failed to connect to the server.

The from and to email addresses that I'm using are valid and part of my
domain (not a Hotmail or other freemail address).

The SMTP service is up and running on the dev box.

I also tried replacing the mail server name with the IP address of the
mail server, but again it's failing.

We are running Exchange Server for email and if I change the
cdoSendUsingMethod to 3 (for cdoSendUsingExchange) the mail is sent
correctly without errors.

Will I not able to use the cdoSendUsingPort method to send the email if
I'm on Exchange? Am I forced to use cdoSendUsingExchange?

View Replies View Related Sending Email Using Exchange Server

Is there any difference in sending an email through using Exchange Server rather than the normal way?

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Cdonts Using Exchange Server- Configuration

I am having a problem here to send my asp form to my email! I am using CDONTS under w2k and IIS! when i submit the form, all of the message (that suppose to go to my email), went to the queue folder under wwwroot!! nothing appear to my yahoo email also...
that means that my script is working...but only the configuration is need to be adjust here!

the thing is that i dont know how to configure, setup or setting the configuration for Exchange server! since my organization uses exchange server instead of the SMTP!

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Logging In To Exchange Server From ASP Script

Im trying to create an application that when sent an email, retrieves the email, and uses its content to create an MS Outlook/Exchange task request.

I have everything else in place, but when I try to connect to CDO's MAPI interface, I get [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED(80040111)]] error messages.
I've tried numerous examples from books and the internet to no avail.

Could anyone shed some light as to why this is so? I've also exhaustively searched the archives on this site for examples and used some of them but I keep getting the same errors. Code:

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WebDAV Downloading Attachments From Exchange Server

I have the following code, that retrieves the emails from a designated inbox, stores the message and subject content in a SQL database and then deletes them from the exchange server. Now I need to take the attachments for each email and save them on a different server.

I've researched this all day, and I keep finding references stating that I can download the file using, X-MS-ENUMATTS. I'm using it currently to retrieve a list of attached files, however I fail to see how I can download the attachment to my webserver using this.

The red code below is a request to the actual file. So I know the http path to the file, how do I go about saving it to my server? If I can't downlaod it without any user interaction, is there at least a way that I could allow the user to download the file via a link, without them being prompted for a username or password? Code:

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ASP Page - Alerting User That They Have An Email On Our Exchange Server?

Is it possible to create an ASP page that can notify the user that they have an email on our Exchange server? And that will list the number of unread emails they have waiting in their inbox.

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Reading The Global Address List Form Exchange Server

Does anybody know of a good way to get a list of emails from the corporate
exchange server from a corporate website?

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Accessing Files On Another Server

Development environment: Windows 2003 Server running IIS6 and the same
server running as a domain controller, DNS and DHCP servers.

Production environment: Windows 2000 Server SP4 running IIS5 and not used
to provide domain control or name services.

The two environments are on different networks with no trust relationship
between them. In both environments the web server is set up to disallow
anonymous access and to use integrated Windows authentication. The
application is vanilla ASP (i.e. not .NET) VBScript.

In the development environment, the following code runs flawlessly no
matter whether "myUNCPath" points to a share on the web server or a share
on another server in the same domain.

Set objFilesys = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFileSys.FolderExists(myUNCPath) Then
Set objFolder = objFileSys.CreateFolder(myUNCPath)
End If

However, in the production environment it falls over with a permission
denied error when "myUNCPath" is on another server and further testing
shows that the FolderExists method is returning false even when
"myUNCPath" exists. The network share is configured to give full control
to the Everyone group.

I've found which although
referring to IIS4 suggests that the issue could be the authentication
method (I'm assuming that integrated Windows authentication is close
enough to NT Challenge/Response and so might generate a token that cannot
access network resources). I'm not sure of this is the problem because if
it were then the code shouldn't work in my development environment.

Any ideas on what's going wrong and how to access the network resources
in the production environemt?

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Accessing LDAP Server

I am trying to access a LDAP server with ASP with no sucess. I can do it with ColdFusion but not ASP. All the examples I have seen so far do not use passwords or userid's. My LDAP server requires password and user credentials. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

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Error Accessing SQL Server

I am trying to execute some code from an ASP page which connects to the database.I am getting the error message from SQL Server.The error message is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

The specified schema name "aspSchema" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.Can someone please tell me why I am getting this error and how to solve it?

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Accessing SQL Server Index

I'm working on creating a search functionality. I have keywords of articles in one column of a SQL server table, and the search terms of the user is hitting that column.

It works but I'm stuck on how to determine relevancy. I know you can create indexes in SQL server, and if it works anything lik Index Server, I was thinking that I could connect via ADO and determine relevancy.

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Accessing A Web Service From An Active Server Page

I have implemented a Web Service on an IIS 5.0 platform using the ASP listener
I can access the Web Service just fine from a VB 6 App and classic ASP using the SOAP 3.0 toolkit and its "MSSOAP.SoapClient30" object

However, one of the servers that I'd like to call the Web Service from is a shared hosting platform that does not offer the "MSSOAP.SoapClient30" object
It only has the MS XMLDOM. I have located an example of Accessing a Web Service via the MSXML DOM from an Active Server Page where the Web Service is on a .NET platform (

But I need to know how to access a Web Service from an Active Server Page with the MS XMLDOM where the Web Service is implemented using classic ASP.

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Accessing Server Variables From The Client Browser

I want to be able to client process of the ASP page to get the value
populated in Request("rssFeed"), how can I do this because the Request
object is not available to the Client-side.

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Accessing HTTP Script Server Side

My ISP provides some scripts that allow control of the server by using scripts that are accessed via http. I want to be able to access these scripts from an ASP/Jscript application but I don't want the command displayed in the address bar of the browser. Adds a mail alias fred to user@domain.dom . I think that this can be done with fopen in PHP but I don't know how it is done with ASP.

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Accessing Text Or Large Varchar Fields In SQL Server

I have read that there can be a periodic problem when reading large varchar or text fields from SQL server (or memo fields from Access)--they can sometimes come up as empty strings.

What I have been unable to find out is whether this problem is still around in recent versions of MDAC (>= 2.8). Does anyone know whether this problem still occurs--is it still necessary to follow the steps in that aspfaq article?

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Accessing/Passing An Object Variable To A Server.Execute Include

I've been browsing this and a few other related newsgroups trying to get my head around this problem, and so far all the trails seem to go cold, without an acceptable solution being reached. I'm posting here because there seems to be a few MVP's knocking around, and if they dont know, then it's a safe bet nobody does.

I'm beginning to think that what I want to do is simply not possible - but i'll put it out there once more.

Here goes: I'm writing a content managaement system - and i'm making use of dynamic includes via the "read a text file" technique, and then substitiuting values into markers in the template. Code:

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Access Web Server MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Returning Status 500 When Accessing Webservice

I am trying to access a webservice to post some values via MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp The OS used is win2003 on both machines.

When I access the local machine (A) which has the same service the call works great. When I access the other machine (B) that is on the same subnet, I get a Status of 500. Code:

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Asp Exchange

I have created a simple set of asp pages which do some funky database stuff. One aspect which I would appreciate some help on is Email.I have created these pages for use internally to my work network, mainly admin database entry type stuff. The network has several exchange servers. I would like to send a notification email everytime a function within tthe asp scripts is made (i.e. every time a new set of information is added to a database) to a select few people (which may well change from time to time). Now I thought that I might create a new mailbox on an exchange server and send mail via this, so that if anyone were to reply to the notification mail it would go back to the mailbox. Therefore, using the exchange server mailbox as my pump for shooting off mails all over, I could create an email rule which would forward anything from my asp pages to the relavent people.Couple of questions 1) is this a logical approach 2) if the answer to 1 is yes then what is the best method of shooting off emails from asp scripts to the exchange server?? (would it just be using the SMTP service)

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ASP And MS Exchange

I have written a asp form and i'm trying to figure out how i can connect it to send out an email.

The form is running through the process & isn't showing any errors, but it isn't sending out the email either from the form. I know that our IT guy is running MS Exchange for our email, but I believe that it is on a seperate box as well. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

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CDO Through IIS Or Exchange?

I am trying to configure CDO at my facility and wonder if I should use it
through IIS or our Exchange server? Can anyone point me in the right
direction? We are using Windows 2000 Server with IIS and Windows 2000
Server with Exchange 5.5.

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ASP / Exchange 2003

I am writing a small CRM at the moment and would like one of the features to be that the first page picks up mail from a 'info@' mailbox on a locally hosted exchange 2003 server.

I am finding it a nightmare to track-down either how to do this or find the right info, I think partly because the methods may have changed with server upgrades.

Is there a definative method I should be using and any pointers to documentation etc.

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Link Exchange

i have started software and web Development business. But I dont have an idea about Link Exchange what is this.When i develop website for my client how i use Link Exchange in my Client's Website.

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Query Exchange

I have developed an asp application and I would like to add an e-mailing feature. I have code to send an e-mail but I want to be able to query exchange 2000 or active directory for the users e-mail address. Every users e-mail address is listed in AD and Exchange 2000. I will only have the users username to search with.

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