ActiveX And Javascript

I can call a method of an ActiveX control via javascript but I also need to go the other way and call a javascript (or vbscript) function from within the ActiveX control.

I'm thinking the control must issue an event and javascript must listen for that event? Am I on the right track? Where can I learn about how to do it?

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VB6 Activex .DLL

Does any one know a way how to use a visual basic 6 written activex .DLL
without registering it with classic .ASP?Reason why my hosting is charging me for registering .DLL.

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ActiveX Or COM

how can I create a simple non-UI dll or component which will be used by MS Access and .ASP apps which I can build with Visual C++ .net? An example or template which would allow me to paste in C code without learning all the C++ details would be perfect.

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What Is ActiveX?

Can somebody explain me wht this ActiveX is all about. I am not a ASP coder, actually i just need to create something however i needs to be ActiveX i have been googling around trying to figure out how to implement this AcitveX in this ASP(not aspx) page. The page is done. kinda just missing the ActiveX.

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ActiveX DLL

I created a ActiveX DLL project that will be with a asp page. I compile the project using Project compatibility instead of Binary Compatibility and import the DLL into Component Services.

Is there any problem that might occur using Project compatibility instead of Binary Compatibility with IIS? Also, what is the difference with the two type of compatibilities?

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Or ActiveX?

what is faster, ASP Code or compiled ActiveX DLL with same functions(queryng data from ms sql server).

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ActiveX Components

which ActiveX Component allows IIS to provide e-mail services

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ActiveX DLL Component

I created a ActiveX DLL component to create a Excel file under my home directory through VB6.0. Then I registered it through "regsvr32" command and a messagebox came out to say that the register was successful. But when I tried to run it in my ASP page under IIS ver5.01 and win XP Pro, it gave me this error:

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/tg.asp, line 2

Here is my full code:
set myExcel=server.createobject("test.test1")
set myExcel=nothing

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Loading An ActiveX DLL

Why would the following code execute in VB6 but hang indefinately when
exectuted in an ASP 3.0 page?

Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")

This line is invoked in the following context:
Dim VLReceive
Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")
Set VLReceive = Nothing

Is it the setup of the virtual directory or something?

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Activex Lifetime?

I have created a small activex dll to do a background task on my web server. I
fire it off with a set myjob = server.createobject(myactivex) and it runs.

I do not do a set myjob = nothing and so it seems to keep working even after
the initiating session is closed with session.abandon.

Question... what will be the lifetime of this object and is there a way to tell
if it is dead and needs to be reset... after the session is abandoned I no
longer have a reference to it (myjob)

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How To Use ActiveX For Client PC Using ASP

I have created one ActiveX DLL in VB that has one public function
("GetClientCPUID") which will return a string of the CPUID. I want to use
this to get the clients CPUID and retuern to webserver. I am new to using
activeX in client side.

In Asp how can I send this ActiveX to client browser? (I will instruct my
users to allow this activeX). Is there a way I will execute this activeX in
clients PC and get the return value and return to the server for my
processing? Please suggest the ways that I can do this.

Also suggest what are the situations that I should know before I proceed. I
think there will might a issue when I upgrade the activeX and the client
those are using the current one may face problem so I think I will need a
way to uninstall the register the new one. Code:

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Use Activex Control

I want to write an activex control. This actiovex comntrol will be a simple drop down and when i select a value from this drop down the value in another drop down will be fill up based on this value with page refreshing.I have no idea how to develop such type of activex control.

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ActiveX Scripting

Does anyone know where I can find any good documentation using ActiveX scripting with asp and vbscript? How is ActiveX scripting different than using ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)?

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Debugging Activex Exe

I have asp page which is using activex exe component can I debug from asp page to the component...I am using visual basic to create my activex component.

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ActiveX Component

Was running my ASP app no problem on a Windows XP Pro SP2 machine with IIS, dragged a copy my app folder and put it on another Windows XP Pro SP2 machine with IIS and I get the below problem:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01AD)
ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
/asp/forms.asp, line 497

I can run old copies of this app folder no problems so what has happened since I dragged a copy from one machine to another?

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Activex Warning

I get the following warning when i receive a mail send from Asp:

""Your current settings prohibit running ActiveX contros on this page. As a result, the page may not display correctly.""

i want to avoid getting this message what can i do for it.

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ActiveX Component IIS

I´m using IIS 5 on Windows XP. When trying to send a mail using 'CDONTS.NewMail', I get this error message : ActiveX component can't create object: 'CDONTS.NewMail' .

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ActiveX On A Web Page

Is it possible to have one instance of an ActiveX control for all pages in a web application (written using ASP)? There are about 20 pages in that application and I would like to have one instance of the control to be shared among all pages without destroying and creating the one while browsing through pages.

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Problem Using ActiveX In ASP

In the ASP code given below, ActiveXUserChartCtrl.UserChartCtrl is an ActiveX control (.ocx) created in VB 6.0. But, upon using that control to display in the following ASP page, I am getting a "type mismatch error" in the line of the method call to ShowGraph(), but all the parameters are matching. The method ShowGraph() in the ActiveX control has the following signature:

Public Function ShowGraph(ByVal numLow As Long, ByVal numHigh As Long, ByVal TodaysOpening As Integer, ByVal PDayClosing As Integer, arrData(), arrBarchart(), ByVal strEquity As String)Code:

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ActiveX Component

In an ASP page, I get the above error which is Error number 429. I have 2 seperate webs.
1 web you must log on. It creates an object by getting DLL just fine. This works great.

The other web is open to the public, no login. The same web page gets the above error message.

How can I have an Public web page to create an object, which is my DLL?

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Activex Control Over The Network

I have one Activex Control which i want to use over the network. In that i am having one module and one user control. For this i prepared the ocx file and made a package. But when i am trying to deploy that file it gives me error no. 80042114

how to use the activex control over the network.

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ActiveX Control Problem

I have a custom ActiveX Control that is working fine with ASP in IIS
5.1 on WinXP.
But the same ASP page is failing in Server.CreateObject of that ActiveX
Control in IIS 6.0 on Win Server 2003. Do i need to change any
configuration on my IIS 6.0

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Calling ActiveX Objects From ASP Not ASP.NET

How do you call ActiveX objects written in C# (.NET iow) from ASP not ASP.NET? Windows CE's webserver does not support ASP.NET only regular ASP.

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Excel ActiveX Component

Im writing a script with the Excel ActiveX Component, ive written it all and just rememred I dont have excel installed on my server, or have the time to uplaod my entire Office ISO onto my server. Is there any way I can steal the excel dll from the cd or the installed version on my computer and install that on my server?

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Calling An Activex Dll From An Asp Page

i was wondering if i call an activex dll that resides within the same domain, but on a different server from IIS.

there is no problem if its registered on local machine, server.createobject(), i read about MTS and was thinking it could be the solution, but it has a few restrictions or should i say warnings about using components developed without regard to MTS and if the component uses other components...and so on, frankly, im scared to use it.

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ActiveX Control Is Not Downloaded

I created a VB6 ActiveX control, created the CAB file using "Package &
Deployment Wizard", sign the CAB file with Verisign, and copy the CAB file
to a website.

I am able to download older CAB files, but recent CAB file that I created I
can not download them. It prompts me to download the control, and I said yes
to download, but it did not get downloaded. I un-register MSVBVM60.DLL and
rename the file, but when downloading the CAB file, it did not prompt me to
download the VBRUN60.CAB. What can I check to see whey the control did not
get downloaded ?

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Detect The ActiveX Control Is Able To Run

Is there anyway to detect the ActiveX control is able to run on the browser or not. After I installed the ActiveX control to my system, user sometimes switch
the secruity setting to "not able to run ActiveX control". So, the ActiveX
control just show on the broswer, but not able to run it.

I want to find a way to detect it. And prompt the user a message telling
that the ActiveX control is not able to run.

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Debugging ActiveX Controls

I have an ASP 3.0 page that contains an ActiveX control that I wrote in VC++ v6.0. Under Visual Interdev I can debug the ASP code just fine. However, when I get to an ASP line that references my ActiveX control the debugger does not go inside my C++ code allowing me to debug the ActiveX control.

If I load the ActiveX control project from VC++ with Internet Explorer as the debug executable I have the same problem. Break points in the ActiveX control's code are not respected. I know I'm compiling in Debug mode,how to get these breakpoints to be respected?

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Resizing Activex Controls

I have a sysmon activex control inside an ASP page. When I resize the window, the activex control does not resize itself to fit the window. Does anyone know how to make the activex control automatically resize to fit the window?

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Calling Activex Dll Files In Asp

We have created an ActiveX dll file in VisualBasic .This file is for extracting the the embedded OLE objects through the Access databvase stored as Loing binary formats.The files include .doc files,.tiff files ,.xls etc.We need a sample code call this activex dll files and the also call the functions ,Procedures in the dll file in the asp Can someone please provide me with the code for the activex dll file.

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Creating ActiveX Objects

When coding ASP pages in JScript, should one use: Code:

var rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")



var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

Is there any benefit in using one method over the other?

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ActiveX Control Unsafe

I have an ActiveX control in my web page that I tried to access using intranet.i have implemented IObjectSafety in the ActiveX control, and when I created the CAB file using VB Pakage and Deployment Wizard, under "Safety Settings" I selected "Yes" for "Safe for Scripting" and "Yes" for "Safe for Initialization". I also have signed the CAB file.

In IE, the option 'Script ActiveX controls marked Safe for Scripting' is already set to 'Enable' (I use Security setting "Medium-Low"). I get a warning message 'An ActiveX control might be unsafe to interact with other parts of the page. Do you want to allow this interaction? Why do I still get the prompt when I go to the web page ?

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Force Activex After Declined

We have a web application that prompts the user to accept an ActiveX control (in this case, a report creation control) and then continues. If the first time the user gets this prompt, they accidentally decline to accept, they have no way to force it to load later. Any suggestions on how we can force this prompts again?

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