
I'm not sure if I should send this in this forum on the VB forum but here it goes. Within my ASP file I have a JS function embedded within a VB subroutine. The VB subroutine calls the function which has 2 arguments -- a text string and an object. The string is passed to the function which returns the object. The object is defined in the function as:

var x= new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DomDocument.4.0");

My question is how should the receiving object variable be declared in the VB subroutine?

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I've made an ASP form page that is executed via a Javascript function. There's a javascript function that builds an XML object with the form values. But in some browers it seems to fail on the line that reads:

var objXML = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");

It's works fine in my IE 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0 browsers. Any ideas why it fails for some users?

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Server.CreateObject() Vs New ActiveXObject()

When you create an object in classic asp code, should you always use
Server.CreateObject("ProgID")? Are there implications with stability (ie
memory leaks) if you create COM objects in other ways in IIS?

We use Javascript for our ASP coding, using a mixture of
Server.CreateObject() and new ActiveXObject(). The web server hangs
occasionally (once every 2-3 months) and we were wondering if this might be
the culprit...

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ActiveXObject Vs WScript.CreateObject

what is the difference between these two jscript statements?

object = new ActiveXObject("myobject.object");


object = WScript.CreateObject("myobject.object");

on my samples they practically does the same. what are the differences (if any). when would you use one over the other?

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ActiveXObject Problem - WScript.Shell On Windows 2003 Server

I have installed MSDE on my local computer - Windows 2000 Professional. I have created a function which runs me a link whose path is placed in the input field. This function looks like this: Code:

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I'm using this code
var file = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");

but in case the file name is of type html i get the file in the same window and i'm 'loosing' my site.i want to have the new opened document in a new window.

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