Add Additioanl Drop Down Boxes On Click

I have an ASP site where users select employee skills from a one drop down box and the level from another drop down box.

However what i iwsh to do is provide an add button where uses can add more drop down boxes onclick. I have tried looking for help on how to do this but dont seem to be able to find any. I'm guessing i would have to use javascript to do?

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Drop Down Boxes

I have a form that will add a device to a database. What I am having a problem with is that I have two drop down boxes. One is a building number and the other one is a room name. Because there are many room names that are the same in many of the buildings and some room names that are not in all of the buildings, I have created a table called buildings and another table called rooms.
I have a drop down menu that displays all the building numbers and what I want to be able to do is when I select the specific building number, another dropdown box appears showing all the room names for that specific building. I also what to be able to keep the information already on the form intact. As an example, a user puts in information on the form such as the machine name, username and then selected a building name, which would then show the rooms in that specific building, maintaining the information of the machine name and username on the form. There are seven items on the form, which the user must include prior to submission of the form.

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Set Drop Down Boxes

I have been looking through the forum trying to find an example but with no luck! I have three drop down boxes for displaying a date i.e. day, month, year. I have an edit page which I want to allow the user to update their details. When the choose to edit their page the date stored in the database is split into the three values i.e. day, month, year.

I want to set the selected property for each of the three drop downs boxes based on the date already stored. My question is "Is this possible?" or do I just have to display the dropdowns with default values selected i.e. 1 Jan 1970.

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Pop Up Text Area After Click Yes From Drop Down List

I want to write a asp script, basically, that has drop down box in the form, if user select Yes, on the same page, a hidden textarea will show up, if user select No,
then nothing happen.

so far, my code is unsuccessful, in addition, I also got syntax error on the response.write line anyone has idea. Code:

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Drop Down Boxes And Sessions

I have a form, all the drop down boxes are populated from fields in tables in a database ive made. This part is working fine. The fields are for IT components and each one has a price in a seperate field.

Im trying to store the price to a session when the user selects. When the page loads and the drop down lists are populated I am loading the price values in also but not displaying them. So far my code for it is this: Code:

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Question On Drop Down Boxes

I am creating a search form on my website. The user will be able to search via zip code, county or state. If the user selects the state option from the drop down box, I would like another dropdown box to appear on the page with all the states listed. I think you have to use javascript but i'm not sure.

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Populating Drop Down Boxes

im looking at populating a drop down box with database values when a user selects a value from another drop down box.I have a drop down list that populates from database values, it is a list of manufactures. When a user selects a manufacture i want it to display all the systems for that manufacture which will be stored in a table. I understand that because asp is server side that once an option is selected the page would have to submit and then load the values in.

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Variables From Drop Down Boxes

I am now on the write track for detecting and acting on a variables value. Could someone please have a look over it and see where it is falling out. The help really would be appreciated.

The reason for vTime = vTimex + VTimex1 etc... is because once I get the first part working I will then continue to add up the value until it reaches four. I believe once I get the first part working I can adapt it for the second part. Code:

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Dependent Drop Down Boxes

I've gotten the dependent drop down boxes to work except, when I fill out the form, and get to where I click the first drop down box and make a selection, the page refreshes and all of the fields turn blank, except for the second drop down box, which displays the correct records based on what was chosen in the first box in the entire form. Also the first drop down box returns to the first record in the list.

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Changing Drop Down Boxes Without Refreshing

I have two drop down boxes that are linked via an ID and a parent_id.

I would like to choose my first option and then have the second drop down box load everything that is under that ID without refreshing the page.

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Multi Drop Down Search Boxes

I am strugling to make a Multi Drop Down Search boxes. The main concept is to be able to make a search following some pre-defined dropdown boxes. I would like to search for a specific event in mathematics (for exampel) from a specific time (between different centurie).

- boex1 has a series of categories (Doctors, mathematicians..)
- BoxA has a range of centuries from 1500 to 2000 (1500- 1600...)
- BoxB has a range of centuries from 1500 to 2000 (1500- 1600...)

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Multiple Dynamic Drop Down Boxes

I have a form with 2 drop down menus. the first is populated via a database query and the second gets populated based on the selection made in the first box. (Category/Sub Category)

I am having a difficult time keeping the initial item selected after the page reloads. I thought that this statement would work: Code:

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Multiple Drop Down Boxes Querying A Database

This is the solution needed to have Multiple Drop Down Boxes querying a Database(s) that will not wash out you other textboxes and objects on the select. Copy the code, change the connection to get you data and fly. Code:

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Multiple Drop Down Boxes Retrieving Data From DB

I have a database with many tables. I have many objects on my form, textboxes, checkboxes etc... I need to populate a second drop down box after selecting the first drop down box with out the user clicking a button, Yes Master I know how to do the JavaScript onchange but every thin I have looked at uses hard coded data in their example. Can you give me a form example using you tutorial DB of multiple DD Boxes.

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Populating Two Independant Drop Down Boxes From One Table

I am trying with very little success to populate two drop down boxes in the same form when i do i get an error saying page cannot be displayed.

They do not need to be linked to each other in any way but they get the data from the same table I am new to ASP so this might be pretty easy to resolve.

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Display Drop Down Options Based On The Selected Item From Another Drop Down

The code that I have has 2 drop down boxes dd1 (visible) and dd2 (hidden). Based on the option selected in dd1, dd2 should be visible and populate options. I think I can have OnChange script but how could I return the value and put it in the SQL query (see variable in red in thecode)? Code:

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On Click

I am trying to push the user to a particular page based on a click of a button.I cant seem to get the syntax correct. This is what I am using right now.

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Return to Entry Form" onClick=href="/LongDistance_Tracking/Longdistance.asp">

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Image On Click

<FORM Action="<%=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>" Method=POST>

<Input Type=Hidden name="CurrentPage" Value="<%=CPage%>" >
<% If CPage 1 Then %>
<Input type=Submit Name="Submit" Value="Previous">
<% End IF%>
<% If CPage <TotPage Then %>
<Input type=Submit Name="Submit" Value="Next">
<% End If %>

this function i want to call when i click an image. i mean i have previous and next image in the page. when i click previous image i want to call this function.

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Click Facility

I'd like to know if it is possible to have a click facility in an email which once pressed forwards the contents of the email to a website
The user who uses this facility is then asked to enter the email address to forward the email. I want to implement such a facility so that I can capture the email address of the one to who the user fowards to

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ASP(Image Click)

Pls look at this code, i want to call this function from an image
click event.

CPage=Cint(Request.Form("CurrentPage"))'get CPage value from form's
CurrentPage field
Select Case Request.Form("Submit")
Case "Previous"'if prev button pressed
CPage = Cint(CPage) - 1'decrease current page
Case "Next"'if next button pressed
CPage = Cint(CPage) + 1'increase page count
End Select

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First Click On Button

I have a web form with a button and a number of text fields with validators. When users on dial up connections use the form and click the button the progress bar in Internet Explorer will slowly works it way over and the page status will say done but nothing ever happens. If the user clicks the button a second time all is well. The page works fine on a high speed connection.

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Click To Download

Can I have this function?When a user click on a link, my ASP page generates a text file call test.txt containing a string of "This ia s test msg.", and then a download dialogue

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On Click Function

I want to display an image but i want it to change when i click on a button i've tryed used something like this:

(the x2 variable cames from a db) ...

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Click Events

This page is going to be a menu system and is dynamic so that the user can add items to their own menu.

I have it working but would like it not to show sub menu until the main item has been clicked by the user?? Code:

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Anti Right Click

what the code would be to stop someone from being able to get the right click menu so they can't view source, print or, save picture, etc etc.

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Hyperlink Click

I've been using PHP for some time now and have noticed the big difference between asp and php. In php i have been using this code

if (!isset($_GET['p'])) { // no page specified -> load content from default.txt
} else { // page specified -> load content from relevant text file
include("./" . $_GET['p'] . ".php");

so for example if i clicked on the hyperlink that had this value "index.php?p=member" it will open (preferrably include) the member.php page onto the index.php page. How would this script be written in ASP?

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Double Click Event

I have a active server page where records are displayed from a query. The
display right now is read only. However, with text box this display can also
be edited. The first column shows category while the second category shows
category total sales.

I would like to double click on category field to get
to another asp page that would show the details of sales for that category
value double clicked.

My question is: If there is any double click event that would allow me to
pass values to open another asp page.

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Click Image, ADO Stream?

I'm looking to have an image (say, icons for a particular document) and when it is clicked on, I would like the "Open/Save/Cancel" dialogue to open up.

I was told using an ADO data stream was the way to go, making the app an unknown so the dialogue opens:

Dim FileName
Dim FullFileName
FileName = "MyWordDocument.doc"
FullFileName = "C:WebfilesMyWordDocument.doc"
Response.ContentType = "application/x-unknown"
Response.Addheader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & chr(34) & FileName & chr(34)
Response.Binarywrite GetBinaryFile(FullFileName)

Function GetBinaryFile(ByVal FileSpec)
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Dim objStream
Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
objStream.LoadFromFile (FileSpec)
GetBinaryFile = objStream.Read()
Set objStream = Nothing
End Function

Is there a better way to do this? Also, I grab the file name from a SQL query which is then populated to a datagrid - the image name/etc is populated dynamically - how is this done in ASP? Is that with an anchor tag?

<asp:TemplateColumn ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"><ItemTemplate><asp:Image ID="thumb" runat="server" /></ItemTemplate></asp:TemplateColumn>

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Tracking Click Through Login

I have built a site where users make a purchase, but in order to make a purchase they need to log in. If they are not logged in they are directed to the login page. This all works fine. Here is the issue.

If they select an item to purchase and are not logged in and they are redirected to the login page, after successful login I want them to be redirected back to the link they selected to get to the login pagin. So if they select a widget to purchase and they log in the system will direct them to that widget.

I know this is done with session variables but I have no idea how to accomplish it. I did notice that this site does the very thing I want to do except I am working in ASP with an Access 2000 database.

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Must Click Twice To Delete Data.

i have a problem, with my delete codes, as when i click on the delete button on my datagrid, i have to click twice before the data will be deleted as show on the datagrid. Code:

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Combo Click Event

how can set the combo so that when i click it, the code


dim cStr
cStr = cboType

rs.Open "Select * from tblProduct Where type='" & cStr & "'",db


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Redirection On Button Click

i want to go to another page on button click is there any method other than form submission

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Click Event Not Caught

I have a UserControl, call it X. I am loading this control into a panel of a page at runtime. However, I only want to load this control the first time it is asked for. After that I will cache it in the Application variable and retrieve it from there when needed.

when I retrieve the object from the Application variable, it doesnt seem to have the same effect. For example, the click event no longer is handled by X (my user control code page).

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