Add New Objects To The Page When User Clicks On A Button

Is there a way to dynamically add drill down lists and input boxes to the HTML page. For example if the user clicks in a button it adds a new line contains one drilldown list + two input text boxes?

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Logical Problem-Counting Clicks On Button

i have made a page which will generate a different data each time the button is clicked. Now i want to count the clicks, when clicks should be 30 it should stop displaying the data. Code:

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Empty Form When User Clicks Back

I want to empty the forms fields when a user clicks on the back button. I wrote some js that will do this, but I can't figure out the right time to execute the script. If I do it on the submit form event, the values entered do not get posted, if I do it on the <body> onLoad event, the form name isn't recognized (the page posts to itsself). I also tried putting the js in a <script> tag inline just after the form, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

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How To Create A URL And When User Clicks It To Open A Excel Workbook

I want to place a Excel workbook on the web server and create a URL
link to it and when the user clicks on it to the URL/vbscript behind
it must launch Excel on the client and open the URL linked Excel
workbook automatically.

Can you please share the code HTMl & VB script snippet that can do

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Page / Product Clicks

I have list of products listed from a search criteria, Now I wanna show the client TOP VIEWED LIST OF PRODUCTS or number of hits for each product. So the page hits using the counter component will give me the hits for the entire which has all the products.

Perhaps I could catch it in the product DETAIL page, how do I list the number of hits for each product. Secondly I have IIS 4.0 make sure you recomend the right component.

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User-defined Objects

How does one create user-defined objects in ASP? Sorta like the response and request objects, where you can do response.write, etc.

I'd like to create my own object called Customer, so I could do Customer.firstName, Customer.lastName, customer.age, etc. I couldn't find any helpful info on this topic on the Internet or in my ASP books.

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Scripting Dictionary And User Defined Objects

ok - this works:
Dim X
X = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

X.add 1, "Hello"

This doesn't....
Dim X
X = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Class Aprivate VEnd Class

Dim B
B = new A

X.add 1, B

Can anyone tell me how to make this work?

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User Back Button

I've created a asp form that the user submits, the information is wriiten to a database and the user is redirected to a thankyou page

The problem is, if the user presses their browsers back button the form the just submitted is still filled and allows them to resubmit the form.

How can I clear the form session once the user clicks the submit button? I've read about this before, but can't seem to find the darn webpage that explains this.

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Problems With Page Objects (it Is Invalid)

I am moving an ASP application from NT to Win2003.

I noticed that the "Page Object" DTC is shown in red.

When I hover my cursor over the object I get the
message "Errors were found in the References property page
of this design-time control".

Can someone recommend a way to troubleshoot this?

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Retrieve Images Stored In OLE Objects To ASP Page

We are storing images into the SQL database with the column type of
"Image" using Access and it is storing all of the images as "OLE
Object". I am trying to spit out the binary data of the Image part of
the OLE Object to an asp .net page so I can view it as a jpeg image.

I have found many tutorials for setting the response.contenttype and
then response.binarywrite the byte[] of binary data, but the problem is
that the binary data isn't just the image, but rather an OLE Object
which is the image plus a bunch of metadata. I need to somehow decode
the OLE Object to extract JUST the jpeg image from it for outputting as
a byte[] array.

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Any Ways To Clear Form Cache Or Prevent User From Pressing The Back Button

Are there ways to let browser forget about the previous submitted form data?

Or prevent user from pressing F5 to submit the same form again

Or prevent user from presising back on the browser?

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Display Aspx Page Or Reporting Services Page In User Control

What I want to be able to do is create a user control that will display an
entire page page within it. Does anyone know how to do this or better yet
have any same code?

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Counting Clicks

What is the best way to count how many times an image has been clicked?
I have an image gallery on a site and want to count how many times each
image has been clicked (clicking pulls up the full size image in a window)
so that I know which are popular and which are not.
I though about wimply adding an extra field to the database which serves up
the image details, and incrementing a number by 1 each time a user clicks it
just before the image is served up. What are the chances of this falling
over if two people were to click the same image at the same time?

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Auditing Visitors And Clicks

so I know I have a book behind me that tells how to collect data from users that visit my site.I want to track my PPC campaigns.

So I know I can gather the users ip address, date time. All campaigns have a "?source=abc" so I know i can collect which campaign the click came from.But aside from that, can I collect stuff like... the users ISP? how long their session lasted? The search phrase used? Operating System? Platform? I'm feeling that my competition is clicking my high dollar compaigns and I wanna stop it.

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Recording CheckBoxes Clicks

I have a page that performs asp paging and displaying name and a checkbox. I want to track how many checkboxes user check throughout whole recordset. Ok Here is the catch. I need to show to a user a count as he performs paging. I tried to use cookies in javascript but i was not successfull.

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On Close, Cancel Back Clicks

I am using asp, and would like to display a pop-up box when a user cancels the window and when he clicks the back button, to remind them to save their changes.

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Drop Down Button In UPDATE Page?

I had successfully created a update page for a registration. But now I went into a problem.

1: In REGISTRATION page (Where they submit their data for the first time), they are able to use Drop down button to choose their answers. In my UPDATE page (Where they can edit their data), I can only create textbox for them to change their data which they originally used Drop down button.

For example: In REGISTRATION page, they can choose Yes/No from Drop Down button. In UPDATE page, they need to type in Yes/No instead from Drop Down button.

How can I create drop down button in the update page with their previous answer selected?

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Opening Another Page On Button Click

I have a form that assigns to 2 variables. Now I want to have a button that if clicked sends a different asp page the 2 variables and runs the page. I think I need the new asp page to open in its own window as I want the original form to stay open in the background and the new form generates an Excel file to download rather than opening in the browser.

Could I get an example, preferably in vbscript, of how to do this please? The only sample code I've found so far uses a hyperlink instead of a button and doesn't pass any arguements to the new page.

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Open Page Using Button In The Iframe

i want to do this. when users click Next button, a new page will appear in the iframe named content. i can open that page but in the new window.Code:

<input name="Next" type="button" id="Next" value="Next" onClick="'software_mohon.asp')">

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Button To Move To The Previous Page

I am trying to put a buuton into my page which will take the user back to the previous page. The reason i am doing this is that the user may come to this page from more than one other page.

I am using this code for the button, which i have seen on many code examples, but when i click on the button, it results in an error as if the existing page is trying to load itself up again.

<td width = "325" align="left">
<input type="submit" name="back" value="Back" onClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">

have also tried using the javascript: history.go(-1) code in the form declaration as the onSubmit attribute, but this just makes the same page load up again.

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Page 2 - Submit Button Not Working (strange)

Anyone have any thoughts regarding the output document?

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Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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Back Button Or Refresh Page OnLoad

how to detect when the user click on the back button to go back to the previous page? Or a way to refresh a ASP page whenever it's loaded?

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ASP - Form Redirect To Same Page - BACK Button Does Not Work ???

I have created 2 asp pages called testa.asp and testb.asp

testa.asp has a link to go to next page testb.asp

testb.asp has a form that ask you for a reference number and post it
to the same page testb.asp

If the reference number is not blank, it will just write out what the
reference number is.

Now my problem....

If you go to testa.asp and click on the link to go to testb.asp you
will see the form. At this point, if you click the back button, it
till take you back to testa.asp ALL FINE SO FAR.

If you go to testb.asp again and see the form, enter a number say 33
and click on search. This will now show you the number you have just
entered. NOW - click on the BACK BUTTON, it will just show you exactly
the same page ! WHY does it not go back to the FORM in order to refill
in a different number. Code:

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Problem In Equal Width Of Button In Front Page

I m using front page. I have used some button and value of all button is different so its width show different. I want to equal width of all buttons. I dont want to use link button.

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How Can I Redirect To A Page When I Click The Window Back Button?

How can I redirect to a page when I click the window back button. I think javascript will do. But I will embed it to my php script.

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Prevent Users From Accessing A Web Page When The Back Button Is Pressed

Is there a way in ASP to prevent users from accessing a web page when the back button is pressed in the browser.

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One User One Page

I have a login page. and more users. Let's call them users A, users B and Users C. Users A can only access page A, users B page B, ... All the pages uses the same DB, but different tables (table A, table B, table C).

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Take User To Different Page

Based on users selection from two drop-down lists I want to take them to a page specific to that combination when they click a button. For example, In the first drop-down, the user selects from a list of colors (red, blue, or green).

In the second drop-down, they choose the type (car, van, truck). When they click a button, I want to take them to page specific to what they selected - say a red truck (redtruck.htm). I am not sure how to combine IF or CASE statements with button action.

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Updating A User Page

I am trying to create a page where a registed user can save a search to their member page. So if they see a cottage they like they can save it to their member page.

This is what i have so far This is what passes username and prop_no over to my userupdate page:

<A HREF="Userupdate.asp?UD=<%=session("username")%>&NO=<%=objRs5("fldProp_NO")%>">Save Cottage </A

The uodate page then looks like this Code:

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Redirect User To Another Web Page

Is it possible to redirect a user to another web page using ASP code located in page body?

I have some ASP code that runs after generating some output to the browser.It checks for a condition that can only be calculated using the values produced in the output, so redirecting the user before the <html> tag isn't possible without running the code RESPONSE.REDIRECT "url" won't work.

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User Add Printers Via Web Page

I have VBS code that will Enumerate all the Printers in the AD and Add the Printer Connection to the client... I'm just not a web developer so I need some example code or hand-holding on the web integration portion.

"" <> wrote in message
> Does anyone know of an ASP page that will query the AD and list all the > printers so the users can "click to add" printer mappings to their[/color] profile?[color=blue]

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Running Asp Page As Particular User

I have this situation where I have one shared folder on particular server
and this folder is shared for just one user to access it. I wrote an asp page
wich should open a file from that shared folder. However because the folder
is shared for just one user I have somehow to run the asp page as this user.

The same way like in ASP.NET application where I can use impersonation in
web.config file. Is this possible?

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