Adding Attributes

I want to add alittle background color attribute to the function below, so I can specify the background color of quoted text.

function replaceQuote(strString)
Dim strTemp

strTemp = replace(strString," Quote: ","<font face=""Arial Black"" size=2><i><bgcolor=""#799999""><center>")
replaceQuote = replace(strTemp," ","</center></i></font>")
end function....

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File Attributes

I would like to get some clarification on a file reading issue. I have an ASP that uses FSO to read a set of files read only into memory i.e i create an xml tree and close the files after reading.

However these files belong to another system that may be reading (possibly writing) to them. I want to know whether if my ASP is reading a file and the other thing comes along and reads or tries to write what will happen.

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File Attributes With ASP In HTML

I am using the FilesystemObjects to get a directory and file listing and generating a web page of that listing, but I need to filter out files with the SYSTEM tag, so it wont show files I dont want it to, Below is my full code for the ASP page, I have Commented where I need to change the listing structure Code:

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Readonly Versus Disabled Attributes

what's the differences between readonly and disabled attribute? When I do the post, it couldn't get both values <%= fname %>. any ideas?

<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" readOnly>
<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" disabled>

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Retriving Image Attributes Dynamically

I am writing WYSIWYG editior using javascript and asp.. i need a good solution for image placement, right now i am having one.. but is there is any way to retrive the attributes of the images (height, width) of the image while uploading itself.

I am using Binary read for saving the image. Or is there is any way i can place the images in a better way with out asking our end users to do much work.. Using ASP.

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How To Form A Method To Change HTML TD Attributes When Passed Element ID?

I have a ton of TD attributes that have to be changed based on the
data in the DB. All TD elements are ID and runat=server.

Changing the attributes of a SINGLE TD is simple:

<td id=thisTD runat=server>


Now, say we have 100 TD elements with IDs TD_1 to TD_100

I have not been able to find a way to (essentially) say:

for(int i=0;i<100;i++){

in J-Script, I could do it by Eval() or about eight ways through the
DOM. It seems crazy to me that if I can access the Attributes of a
specific element directly by ID (thisTD.Attributes), I couldn't also
access it by reference.

But I have been able to find NOTHING to indicate how this may be done.
Obviously, my problem is not limited to a single attribute, or else I
would have just typed them all out by now. Trouble is, there is a lot
of logic that must be applied to the data before setting the
attribute. Without being able to iterate or loop by reference, I will
be typing for ages just to change some freaking classes.

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Adding Bcc

I have a form on my asp page that sends data to an emailing script. I am working with other peoples code which is causing a lot of hassle. Is there any way of sending a Bcc address command from the form rather than the emailing script?

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I wanted to know how I should go about doing this. I have this query:

SQLmax="SELECT Max(OrderNumber) AS intTotal FROM Status"

Which gives the Max(OrderNumber).Say in this case it is giving out put as 37.

Now i want the output to be displayed 38,which can be done by adding 1 to Max(OrderNumber).

Should i get this by doing this way?

Response.WRite var

Is this right?

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Adding Second Value

Im using this code to pass a value to a variable:

<a href="Artists.asp?cat=<%=Server.URLEncode( rsuser( "art_Artist" ) )%>">&nbsp;<%=rsuser( "art_Artist" )%></a>

How do I add another value to this link with the variable name catArt so that I can add:

?catArt=<%=Server.URLEncode( rsuser( "art_Artist" ) )%>

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Adding New Row

what do you think is the best way to implement an "add new row to table" functionalilty?
am using asp(obviously )im currently using document.createElement with javascript, but im having a hard time retrieving the also thinking if this is really the best way to do this.or if this would work with all other browsers other than IE...

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Adding Pwd

how to add a password to using this connection string

set conn = server.createobject ("ADODB.connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open SQL, conn

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Adding In Asp 3.0

i have a id1 field which has data like this 002,003,004 and i have to increment it by one when i add a new customer so this is what i do

Set rs1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql1="Select Max(id1) from table2"
rs1.Open sql1, Conn ,2,2


so i get the maxid for example as 003. the next record will be added and it should be 004 and i do it in this way maxid= maxid+1

but when the record is added the id1 field has a value of 4 instead of 004

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Adding Different Fields

Say I have to different recordsets that have the fields:
rsA.Fields.Item("A").Value ,rsB.Fields.Item("B").Value

How would I add those to fields? It may be my inexperience but when I
tried something like

rsA.Fields.Item("A").Value + rsB.Fields.Item("B").Value

didnt work because one of the fields was a empty value. I have about
6 fields i need to add together if a value exists in any of them.


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Adding Data On Its Own!

I want to fix this problem, i dont no how. Bassicly there is blank data appearing in my database, for no apparant reason! Code:

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Adding New User

How can I add a new user on my server using ASP?
User example: myserver/user1

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Adding Pictures

I'm new to ASP and a few querys

I have created my database in Access with the following fields

StockCode (Text Box, Primary Key)
Item (Memo)
Price (currency)
Picture (memo)
OnOffer (Yes/No)

and I know that access table cannot have a picture in it, only a access
form using OLE, but how do I get my asp page to display a picture for
every record? The picture would be a picture of the product with the
Stockcode as the filename - m001110.jpg?

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Adding Form

I have an ASP page with a table that fills with records from a loop. Every
row gets a link to another ASP page with data from the row. The link is
written as <a href=newpage.asp?value1=xx&value2=yy .... and so on.
Now I try to let the user specify a number that should be sent to the other
page. But I do not want to clutter up every row with each an input field,
so I thought instead I would place it above all the data rows. When the user
clicks on the link, I want to include the input field to the querysting. The
problem here is that I cannot figure out how to refer to the name of the
input field.

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Adding Size

I have just finished building my first shopping cart in asp and MS Access. Originally the shopping cart was to be built for products with no size and colour, however as usual the goal posts have moved and I now need to incorporate a size and colour option for each product. Could anyone explain to me how I can go about doing this i.e. adding the different sizes and colours in the admin website and then linking them to a specific product when it is displayed on the products page? I know they both need to be in a dynamic drop down box when displayed on the products page within the shopping cart, but I am just wondering how to read the correct values out from the table depending on which product is being displayed. I have a normal products table at the moment with general fields i.e ID, name, description etc.

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Adding Header

I have a web page hosted by server1. I need to add a link to a web page hosted by server2. This part is simple. However, I also need to give the linked web page the user id for the user that was validated in server1 (it's in a session variable).

At first, I thought the following would work:
Response.AddHeader "MYUSERID", "whatever"
Response.Redirect "http://server2/mywebpageonserver2.asp"

On server2, mywebpageonserver2.asp:

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Adding Up Values

i have a page that enters numbers stored in different values e.g monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday into a database. is it possible in asp to add those values up and store the added up value in a seperate field in the database
total =monday+tuesday+wednesday+thursday+friday
How would i do that in asp.

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Adding Recordset Value

I am using Dreamweaver MX to create ASP and MS SQL Server for database. I got a few fields like Value1 - Value5. So i have create the recordset of the 5 fields and i am extracting the total count of each field. Now i got 5 recordsets showing the total of each field. So is it possible to add the value of the 5 recordset together into one value? And is it possible to use the value of the recordset to do some simple math addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?

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Adding Picture

I need to add a ppicture to my Database.. The table is accessed through ASP Recordset but having troubles trying to insert an individual picture to each record?

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Adding Records

I have a table with 2 fields, name and value

I need to be able to add multiple records quickly, for example I need to add

name value
abc 1
abc 2
abc 3
abc 4
abc 5
abc 6

etc etc, does each record have to be added separately, or is there a way I
can add a chosen number of records, lets say 10, and have the value field
increase by one each time?

sometimes I might have 30+ simple records that need adding quickly, and each
time the first records value will be one, and each record after will
increase by one, is there a way to solve this problem or does each record
have to be added separately?

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ASP Looping Adding

i have a variable in a database that is looping that outputs numbers like:

1. 45
2. 34
3. 94
4. 34

But are all in the same variable:

DoDateTime((rsBoxEdit.Fields.Item("").Value), 3, 2057)

How can i make it so that it loops that variable and adds the numbers up and outputs 1 variable called total or something?

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Adding Records

I have a drop down which has numbers from 1 to 25

When a user selects 3 he will see 3 first name textboxes and 3 last name textboxes

the user fills them out and hits the submit button

three records are added to the table

i have a for loop for adding records

Here is my code:

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Adding All Numbers

regarding adding or getting sum all of the numbers in the database fields
example of the Fields:


My problem is i cant display the exact SUM of all numbers and it goes like this 10.0020.0030.0040.00 and i want the exact sum like this 100.00

heres the example of my script :

inTotalPayment = rsSumNumber("Total_Payment")
Do While Not rsSumNumber.EOF
intSum = intSum + intTotalPayment

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Adding & Subtracting

Basically I want to take the field from the db (1 record) and add it to form input.

I've searched the forums--maybe I'm not using the right terminology, I can't come up with anything.

Do I need to specify that the value from the form is numeric? How?

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Adding Values Together

i am trying to add to values togher but each time i try it dont work.

for example

when i try to add 7 and 3 i get 73 and not i want what is 10

i am using the below code

RS2("bank")=money + pay

The DB code is fine as it is recording and pulling the data of te Database but i cant add them up only togher.

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Adding Commas

4 months into the land of ASP and I still have newb questions.I have a simple string.

centertype = Type1 & Type2 & Type3 & Type4 & Type5

How do I add a comma to seperate this string? Keep in mind that some of the values may be blank.
i.e. Type1 = ""
or Type4 = ""

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Adding To A DB From A Form

I want a user to select ADD from a dropdown menu and then the asp brings up a form allowing the user to add fields into the DB .....

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Adding Record

after i add record from this page, when it link to the next page.. everything is blank, but the record has be added. how can i display the newest record with the old one after i click the add button?

code ...

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Stopped Adding

I have been operating a win 2000 server with IIS5. I had to re-build the server recently. I installed SP4 and the lockdown utility. My asp code works on the website, I can access all data driven sites via the web. But I cannot add to the database from the website. It was fine before the re-build. The code has not been changed neither the connection. I have not installed microsoft acess on the server could this be the problem ?. The database is microsoft access file. I have ensured I have given the same information in the System DSN. The driver is version 4.00.6200.00 I have checked the database properties and it is not set to read only.what could be wrong?

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Adding Alerts

The code below checks a form field for words that are in a database.How do i add the facility of if the words are found then adding an alert when submitted

call connection
dim uninsuredcontents
uninsuredcontents = Request.Form("contents")
Set connDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connDB.ConnectionString = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=*******;DATABASE=*****;UID=****;PASSWORD=** **"
dim pcSQL

temp = split(uninsuredcontents," ")
Dim strCrit
pcSQL = "SELECT PAC_WORD AS word, SERVICEID AS tag FROM tblPackage_Alert_1_Content WHERE (PAC_WORD in ("

for i = o to ubound(temp)
if strCrit = "" then
strCrit = strCrit& "'%" & temp(i) & "%'"
strCrit = strCrit& ", '%" & temp(i) & "%'"
end if

pcSQL = strCrit & ")) AND (SERVICEID = '" & serviceid & "')"

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